2,048 research outputs found

    Além da hipótese de desigualdade de renda e influência na saúde humana: uma exploração global

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether the relationship between income inequality and human health is mediated through social capital, and whether political regime determines differences in income inequality and social capital among countries. METHODS: Path analysis of cross sectional ecological data from 110 countries. Life expectancy at birth was the outcome variable, and income inequality (measured by the Gini coefficient), social capital (measured by the Corruption Perceptions Index or generalized trust), and political regime (measured by the Index of Freedom) were the predictor variables. Corruption Perceptions Index (an indirect indicator of social capital) was used to include more developing countries in the analysis. The correlation between Gini coefficient and predictor variables was calculated using Spearman's coefficients. The path analysis was designed to assess the effect of income inequality, social capital proxies and political regime on life expectancy. RESULTS: The path coefficients suggest that income inequality has a greater direct effect on life expectancy at birth than through social capital. Political regime acts on life expectancy at birth through income inequality. CONCLUSIONS: Income inequality and social capital have direct effects on life expectancy at birth. The "class/welfare regime model" can be useful for understanding social and health inequalities between countries, whereas the "income inequality hypothesis" which is only a partial approach is especially useful for analyzing differences within countries.OBJETIVO: Analizar si la relación entre la desigualdad la renta y la salud humana está determinada por el capital social, y si el régimen político determina la distribución de desigualdad de renta en los países. MÉTODOS: Estudio ecológico de trayectorias utilizando datos transversales de 110 países. La esperanza de vida al nacer fue la variable resultado, y la desigualdad en la renta (medida con el coeficiente de Gini), el capital social (medido por el Índice de Percepción de Corrupción o la confianza generalizada) y el régimen político (medido por el Indice de Libertad), las variables independientes. El Indice de Percepción de Corrupción (un indicador indirecto del capital social) fue usado para incluir más países en desarrollo en el análisis. Fueron calculados los coeficientes de correlación de Spearman entre el índice de Gini con las demás variables independientes. El análisis de trayectoria fue realizado para evaluar el efecto de la desigualdad de renta, de los proxys de capital social y del régimen político en la esperanza de vida. RESULTADOS: Los coeficientes de trayectoria sugieren que la desigualdad en la renta tiene un mayor impacto directo sobre la esperanza de vida al nacer que a través del capital social. El régimen político actúa sobre la esperanza de vida al nacer a través de la desigualdad en el ingreso. CONCLUSIONES: La desigualdad en la renta y el capital social tienen efectos directos sobre la esperanza de vida al nacer. El modelo de régimen de "clase/bienestar" puede ser útil para entender las desigualdades sociales y de salud entre países, mientras que la "hipótesis de desigualdad en la renta" es solo una aproximación parcial útil para analizar diferencias dentro de cada país.OBJETIVO: Analisar se a relação entre a desigualdade de renda e a saúde humana é mediada pelo capital social, assim como a influência do regime político na distribuição de renda nos países. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico de trajetórias utilizando dados transversais de 110 países. A variável de desfecho foi a esperança de vida ao nascer; as variáveis independentes foram: desigualdade de renda (medida pelo índice de Gini), capital social (medido pelo índice de percepção de corrupção ou confiança generalizada) e regime político (medido pelo Índice de Liberdade). O Índice de Percepção de Corrupção (um indicador indireto do capital social) foi usado para incluir mais países em desenvolvimento na análise. Foram calculados os coeficientes de correlação de Spearman entre o índice de Gini com as demais variáveis independentes. A análise de trajetória foi realizada para avaliar o efeito da desigualdade de renda, dos proxys de social capital e do regime político na expectativa de vida. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de trajetória sugerem que a desigualdade de renda tem maior impacto direto sobre a esperança de vida ao nascer do que por meio do capital social. O regime político atua sobre a esperança de vida ao nascer por meio da desigualdade de renda. CONCLUSÕES: A desigualdade de renda e o capital social têm efeitos diretos sobre a esperança de vida ao nascer. O modelo de regime de "classe/bem-estar" pode ser útil para entender as desigualdades sociais e de saúde entre países, enquanto a hipótese de desigualdade de renda se limita a uma aproximação parcial útil para analisar diferenças dentro dos países

    Using 222Rn to identify and quantify groundwater inflows to the Mundo River (SE Spain)

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    Groundwater discharge to the Mundo River (SE, Spain) has been investigated from 2011 to 2013 by means of 222Rn activities in river water and groundwater. Starting nearby the river source, some 50km of river channel have been studied. The Mundo River is located in the water stressed region of the Segura River Basin. Identifying and quantifying groundwater discharge to rivers is essential for the Hydrological Plan of the Segura Basin Authority. Four main areas of groundwater discharge to the river have been identified by means of 222Rn. Moreover, groundwater fluxes have been quantified using radon activities and, when possible, have been validated with chloride mass balances. The uncertainty range (±2σ) of all water balances has also been assessed. Groundwater discharge (QGW) values estimated by radon mass balances (RMB) and chloride mass balances (CMB) were similar in the river tracts and/or dates in which surface inputs from tributaries were null or negligible. This adds confidence to the QGW values estimated by RMB in the reaches were CMB could not be performed due to the existence of ungauged surface inputs, as is the case of the upper basin of the Mundo River, as well as to the applicability of the method to similar situations. Quantification of groundwater discharge allowed identifying Ayna zone as the main gaining reach of the studied area, with up to 29,553±8667m3day-1 in year 2011. Overall, the total QGW estimated by means of RMB for the studied area was 8-16% of the total river flow. The results are coherent with the meteorological conditions of the study period (average rainfall around 450mm/y) and also with the undisturbed situation of the aquifers discharging to the Mundo River in the considered area.Fil: Ortega Ormaechea, Lucia. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena; España. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Rectorado. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras-Sede Azul. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comision de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras-Sede Azul; ArgentinaFil: Manzano, M.. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena; EspañaFil: Custodio, E.. Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Hornero, J.. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España; EspañaFil: Rodríguez Arévalo, J.. Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas; Españ

    Refractive index changes in amorphous SiO2 (silica) by swift ion irradiation

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    The refractive index changes induced by swift ion-beam irradiation in silica have been measured either by spectroscopic ellipsometry or through the effective indices of the optical modes propagating through the irradiated structure. The optical response has been analyzed by considering an effective homogeneous medium to simulate the nanostructured irradiated system consisting of cylindrical tracks, associated to the ion impacts, embedded into a virgin material. The role of both, irradiation fluence and stopping power, has been investigated. Above a certain electronic stopping power threshold (∼2.5 keV/nm), every ion impact creates an axial region around the trajectory with a fixed refractive index (around n = 1.475) corresponding to a certain structural phase that is independent of stopping power. The results have been compared with previous data measured by means of infrared spectroscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering; possible mechanisms and theoretical models are discussed

    Kinetics of color center formation in silica irradiated with swift heavy ions: Thresholding and formation efficiency

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    We have determined the cross-section σ for color center generation under single Br ion impacts on amorphous SiO2. The evolution of the cross-sections, σ(E) and σ(Se), show an initial flat stage that we associate to atomic collision mechanisms. Above a certain threshold value (Se > 2 keV/nm), roughly coinciding with that reported for the onset of macroscopic disorder (compaction), σ shows a marked increase due to electronic processes. In this regime, a energetic cost of around 7.5 keV is necessary to create a non bridging oxygen hole center-E′ (NBOHC/E′) pair, whatever the input energy. The data appear consistent with a non-radiative decay of self-trapped excitons

    Environmental impact assessment of Pinaceae airborne pollen and green infrastructure using BIM

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    Urban air quality is a parameter that plays a major role in human health at the local scale. Consequently, in urban planning, the behavior and potential risk of allergenicity for some pollen grains coming from ornamental trees and green spaces surrounding newly built buildings, should be considered. This paper aims to study how pollen exposure, influenced by weather parameters, can be assessed and integrated in the designing and building of constructions as other component of air quality assessment beforehand, by using BIM. Based on a comparative aerobiological study at the height over a building (sampled by two traps at ground and at 16 m), a 3D local dynamic parametric scenario was modelled using BIM, and hourly average Pinaceae pollen concentrations (due to the closeness of pine trees to the samplers). From continuous recording (2009–2011) influenced by height and the influence of wind direction and speed was analysed. Additionally, a map of pine trees geolocated around the studied building was produced and the hourly average Pinaceae pollen concentrations were represented by Revit. BIM together with aerobiology can be a novel and useful tool for the construction of buildings considering airborne biological particles. This represents a first step towards the integration of some unusual environmental parameters in urban planning. Pollen grains modelling as an environmental health criterion for the construction of new buildings will allow technicians to avoid possible future isolation points in the design of building envelopes, and high pollen exposure rates could be avoided, creating ‘allergy-free’ buildings

    Irrigation control by mimicry

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    In this paper, an automatic control is designed to mimic the irrigation commands of the farmer. It is aimed to avoid manual operation over vast fields. In addition, the structure required for its deployment is analysed in detail, both off-field and of-field. A cloud computing environment has been built, which monitorizes variables of the farm while computing the control actions to be fed to solenoid valves. The proposal has been deployed in a bell pepper field in Paraguay. The results show its effectiveness in remotely and automatically following the references applied

    Comparative study of ion beam-irradiation effects on silica and α-quartz: evidences for excitonic mechanisms

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    Introduction - SiO 2 •Simple composition and structure; Crystalline and amorphous phases •Adequate for atomistic simulations •Abundant in nature. Relevant for many technologies -Irradiation with swift heavy ions: •They provide EXTREME physical conditions •Very high excitation densities similar to high power lasers •Very high local temperatures •By playing with high energy and heavy mass (SHI) : •One can go from low electronic excitations (collisions regime) to high electronic excitations (electronic regim

    Detection and quantification of classic and emerging viruses by skimmed-milk flocculation and PCR in river water from two geographical areas

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    Molecular techniques and virus concentration methods have shown that previously unknown viruses are shed by humans and animals, and may be transmitted by sewage-contaminated water. In the present study, river water from urban areas in Barcelona, Spain and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were analyzed to evaluate the dissemination of human viruses, while simultaneously optimizing and validating a low-cost concentration method for virus quantification in fresh water. The following three viral groups were analyzed. (i) Recently described viruses: klassevirus (KV), asfarvirus-like virus (ASFLV), and the polyomaviruses Merkel cell, KI and WU (MCPyV/KIPyV/WUPyV). (ii) Gastroenteritis agents: noroviruses (NoV) and rotaviruses (RV). (iii) Human fecal viral indicators in water: human adenoviruses (HAdV) and JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV). Virus detection was based on nested and quantitative PCR assays. Nested PCR assays were developed for KV and ASFLV. The method applied for virus concentration in water samples was a one-step procedure based on a skimmed milk flocculation procedure described previously for seawater. Using spiked river water samples, inter- and intra-laboratory assays showed a viral recovery rate of about 50% for HAdV, JCPyV, NoV and RV with a coefficient of variation ≤ 50%. HAdV and JCPyV were detected in 100% of the river samples from Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, NoV GGII was detected in 100% and MCPyV in 50% of the samples from Barcelona, whereas none of the other viruses analyzed were detected. NoV GGII was detected in 33%, KV in 33%, ASFLV in 17% and MCPyV in 50% of the samples from Rio de Janeiro, whereas KIPyV and WUPyV were not detected. RV were only tested for in Rio de Janeiro and resulted positive in 67% of the samples. The procedure applied here to river water represents a useful, straightforward and cost-effective method that could be applied in routine water quality testing.  The results of the assays expand our understanding of the global distribution of the viral pathogens studied here and their persistence in the environment. Fil: Calgua, B.. Universidad de Barcelona; España;Fil: Fumian, T.. Ministerio de Salud de Brasil. Fundacion Oswaldo Cruz; Brasil;Fil: Rusinol, M.. Universidad de Barcelona; España;Fil: Rodríguez Manzano, J.. Universidad de Barcelona; España;Fil: Mbayed, Viviana Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Microbiología, Inmunología y Biotecnología. Cátedra de Virología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Bofill Mas, S.. Universidad de Barcelona; España;Fil: Miagostovich, M.. Ministerio de Salud de Brasil. Fundacion Oswaldo Cruz; Brasil;Fil: Girones, R.. Universidad de Barcelona; España

    Evaluación de tres dosis de potasio en la producción de lechuga (Lactuca sativa L. var. Crispa) bajo el sistema hidropónico recirculante NTF bajo invernadero

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    Three doses of potassium were evaluated in the production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Crispa), under the recirculable NFT hydroponic system in the greenhouse of the Department of Horticulture of the ESPOCH. A completely randomized block design was used with three treatments and three replications. The doses evaluated were: low dose (LD) with 224,33 ppm, medium dose (MD) with 470,00 ppm, and high dose (HD) with 716,67 ppm. Evaluated parameters were: potassium content in leaves and root, fresh weights of the aerial part and root, yield per net plot and hectare. The economic analysis was carried out according to the relation benefit/cost. The best results for most of the parameters evaluated were obtained with the low dose (LD), obtaining fresh weights of the aerial part and root of 193,01 and 36,65 g respectively. It has a yield per net plot of 2,04 kilograms and per hectare of 15338,75 kilograms, and the highest cost benefit with 4,63 dollars equivalent to 362,75%. On the other hand, the highest content of potassium in leaves and root up to 40 days after transplant (DAT) was obtained with the medium dose (MD) with 5,13 and 6,00% of total potassium, respectively. In all treatments, maintaining turgor in the plants throughout the cycle is very important. From the agronomic and economic point of view, the use a nutritive solution containing 224,33 ppm of potassium was recommended

    Ionoluminescence induced by swift heavy ions in silica and quartz: a comparative analysis

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    Ionoluminescence (IL) of the two SiO2 phases, amorphous silica and crystalline quartz, has been comparatively investigated in this work, in order to learn about the structural defects generated by means of ion irradiation and the role of crystalline order on the damage processes. Irradiations have been performed with Cl at 10 MeV and Br at 15 MeV, corresponding to the electronic stopping regime (i.e., where the electronic stopping power Se is dominant) and well above the amorphization threshold. The light-emission kinetics for the two main emission bands, located at 1.9 eV (652 nm) and 2.7 eV (459 nm), has been measured under the same ion irradiation conditions as a function of fluence for both, silica and quartz. The role of electronic stopping power has been also investigated and discussed within current views for electronic damage. Our experiments provide a rich phenomenological background that should help to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for light emission and defect creation