2,826 research outputs found

    Evaluación de viabilidad de un proyecto para la creación de espacios que proporcionen descanso a estudiantes universitarios

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia la viabilidad de un proyecto para la creación de espacios que proporcionen descanso a estudiantes universitarios, dicho estudio se lleva a cabo mediante la elaboración y análisis de diferentes etapas: En primer lugar se fijan los objetivos y proyecciones de la idea de negocio en pro de medir y cuantificar los resultados obtenidos; secuencialmente se plantea la problemática actual que se pretende satisfacer con la materialización del proyecto. Es trascendental para el trabajo soportar y justificar la idea principal del proyecto a través de exposiciones y fundamentos científicos que aseveren la importancia e influencia del descanso en el bienestar físico y mental del estudiante, dichos planteamientos se presentan detalladamente en el siguiente paso del trabajo denominado marco teórico. Posteriormente se analizan las implicaciones legales que trae consigo el proyecto, y de ésta manera se da cumplimiento a uno de los objetivos específicos del mismo. La elaboración del direccionamiento estratégico compuesto por misión, visión, objetivos y políticas de la empresa a constituir, como también el análisis DOFA donde se puntualizan debilidades, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas de la misma, componen la nueva etapa del trabajo y brindan un norte y una dirección vital para continuar con el desarrollo de éste. Subsiguientemente se presenta el estudio de mercados, implementado con el fin de determinar la aceptación y percepción de la población objetivo ante la idea de negocio planteada, como también a través de este estudio se analiza detalladamente la oferta y la demanda, además de las estrategias que surgen como consecuencia de éste para dar aprovechamiento a las oportunidades de mejora encontradas. Posteriormente se expone el estudio técnico, mediante el cual se determina la ubicación geográfica específica del sitio en el cual se desarrollará el proyecto, la cual debe atender cuidadosamente a unas necesidades explícitas puntualmente en pro de velar por la seguridad y comodidad de los clientes. Finalmente se presenta el estudio financiero que determina la viabilidad económica del proyecto, el cual analiza detalladamente los ingresos y gastos involucrados en el desarrollo del mismo, como también presenta el cálculo de la inversión necesaria para dar inicio a éste, y la proyección de ventas e ingresos en pro de conocer el retorno de la inversión.This paper studies a project’s feasibility for the creation of spaces that provides rest to college students. The study is carried out through the development and analysis of different stages: First of all, the objectives and projections of this business idea have to be fixed in order to measure and quantify the results; sequentially, it is presented the subject under study which is needed to be satisfied with project’s realization. It is very important for this work, support and justify the project’s main idea through exhibitions and scientific basis for asserting the importance and influence of the relaxation in the physical and mental wellness of the student; these approaches are presented in detail in the next step of this work called theoretical framework. Afterwards, the legal implication that entails the project are discussed, and thus it is compiled one of the specific objectives. The development of the strategic direction composed by mission, vision, objectives and policies of the company, as well as the SWOT analysis, where it is pointed out the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats and they composed the new stage of the work and provide an important guide to continue with this project. Subsequent, the market research is presented, implemented in order to determine the acceptance and perception of the target population at the business idea presented similarly, it is analyzed in detail the offer and demand, as well as the strategies that arise to give exploitation to the improvement opportunities found. After that, it is exposed the technical study, whereby the specific geographic location of the project’s development is determined, which must carefully attend to some explicit requirements in order to ensure the safety and comfort of customers. Finally, the financial study that determines the economic feasibility of the project is presented. This study deeply analyzes the income and expense involved in the development, as well as presents the calcule of the investment needed to start the project and sales forecast and income in order to know the return on investment

    Caracterización del auto concepto de niños y niñas con fracaso y éxito escolar del grado tercero del colegio Fe y Alegría Patio Bonito

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    Estudio cualitativo de tipo descriptivo que tiene como objetivo caracterizar el autoconcepto de dos niños y dos niñas, buscando de igual manera identificar diferencias y semejanzas entre aquellos con fracaso escolar y éxito escolar. Para lograr esto, se retoma la metodología de Estudio de Casos, la cual permite tener una comprensión más profunda del autoconcepto en los dos niños y las dos niñas, quienes cursan grado tercero en el Centro Educativo Fe y Alegría Patio Bonito. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron para tal fin fueron, el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto de Piers-Harris, La manera como me siento acerca de mí mismo , entrevistas estructuradas aplicadas a profesores, entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas a los niños y niñas y la observación participante dentro y fuera del aula. La información obtenida se analizó a la luz de cinco categorías construidas previamente con base en el cuestionario de Piers Harris, las cuales se enriquecieron con los datos de la realidad y con el marco teórico. Los resultados permitieron caracterizar el autoconcepto de cada uno de los casos y realizar un estudio comparativo entre los niño/as con fracaso y los niño/as con éxito escolar.The qualitative descriptive study whose objective characterizes the self-concept of two boys and two girls, trying also to identify differences and similarities between them with those who fail in school and those who succeed in school. To accomplish this, it goes back to the case study method, which allows for a more profound comprehension of self-concept in the two boys and the two girls, who are in the third grade at El Centro Educativo Fe and Alegría Patio Bonito. The instruments that were used to come to such a conclusion were, the questionnaire of self-concept by Piers-Harris, The way I feel about myself , structured interviews applied to professors, semi-structured interviews carried out by the girls and boys and the participant observation inside and outside of the classroom. The information obtained was analyzed in light of five categories constructed previously that are based on the questionnaire by Piers Harris, in which they were enriched with the actual data and the theoretical framework. The results permitted us to characterize the self-concept of each one of the cases and perform a comparative study between the boys and girls who fail in school and those who succeed in school.Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Determinants of tourism destination competitiveness in the countries most visited by international tourists: Proposal of a synthetic index

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    Tourism destination competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that is widely studied in the academic literature, but multiple factors make its measurement a difficult task. In this article, we design a synthetic index to rank the 80 countries that attract the majority of international tourists by level of tourism competitiveness. In order to do this, we use all of the simple variables included in the 2017 Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index, proposing a new methodology for the construction of this synthetic index, which it solves the problems of aggregation of variables expressed in different measures, arbitrary weighting and duplicity of information; issues that remain unresolved by the TTCI. Likewise, we analyse the most influential dimensions in tourism competitiveness. Air transport infrastructures, cultural resources and ICT readiness are the key dimensions that explain the main disparities.Funding Agency Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness State Research Agency (SRA) European Union (EU) ECO2017-86822-Rinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El libro de las miserias preciosas. Notas de campo en el Alto Paraná

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    Mastrangelo, Andrea. San Martín, UNSAM EDITA, 2015, libro electrónic

    Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workflows in Cancer Research: The Relevance of Choosing the Right Steps

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    The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of proteome changes that condition cancer development can be achieved with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS). LC-MSbased proteomics strategies are carried out according to predesigned workflows that comprise several steps such as sample selection, sample processing including labeling, MS acquisition methods, statistical treatment, and bioinformatics to understand the biological meaning of the findings and set predictive classifiers. As the choice of best options might not be straightforward, we herein review and assess past and current proteomics approaches for the discovery of new cancer biomarkers. Moreover, we review major bioinformatics tools for interpreting and visualizing proteomics results and suggest the most popular machine learning techniques for the selection of predictive biomarkers. Finally, we consider the approximation of proteomics strategies for clinical diagnosis and prognosis by discussing current barriers and proposals to circumvent them.Research Council of Norway INFRASTRUKTUR-program (project number: 295910

    Effective Educational Practices and Students' Well-being: The Mediating Role of Students' Self-efficacy

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    Effective educational practices aim to promote students’ academic achievement; however, they also have an impact on students’ well-being which is a growing topic of interest in educational research. In a sample of 2242 students (5th to 10th grades) nested in 104 classrooms from Spanish schools, we have tested the mediating role of students’ self-efficacy on the relationship between effective educational practices and both students’ well-being and academic performance. Analyses were run at student and class levels, by performing a multilevel mediation structural equation model with cross-sectional data. Results supported a partial mediation model at the individual level, in which effective educational practices had a direct and indirect effect on students’ well-being, and indirect effect on academic performance in math and language through self-efficacy. At the group level, results support a full mediation model of the effect of effective educational practices in class well-being and in class math performance (but not in language), mediated by the group mean of self-efficacy. These findings suggest the importance of educational practices in increasing self-efficacy beliefs on their students, as a source to increase students’ well-being and academic performance

    An approach to employees’ job performance through work environmental variables and leadership behaviours

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    This study examines how the combined effects of work environmental factors and leadership behaviours lead to the presence (or absence) of industrial employees job performance by applying fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). A sample composed of supervisor-subordinate dyads was used to test the propositions of this study. The results show that the most important variables are transformational leadership and social support. Employee empowerment and task significance seem to play a secondary role in leading to employee job performance. These findings support the need for managers to use positive leadership to manage human resources. This paper contributes to the advancement of the knowledge of employee job performance through the identification of the combinations of conditions that can lead to the presence or absence of this important organizational outcome. Directions for future studies are commented on at the end of the paperS

    As Forças armadas mexicanas na segurança pública: trajetórias dependentes e conflitos de poder

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    During the administration of Felipe Calderón (2006–2012), the Armed Forces were usedto combat organized crime in Mexico. Since then, the Mexican government has sought to changethe military doctrine and legislation to include the concept of internal security in order to legalizethe participation of the Army and Navy in public security. However, after the creation of the NationalGendarmerie within the Federal Police during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012–2018),the Army decided to strengthen the Military Police as the body in charge of internal security operations.Path dependence on the use of Armed Forces for public security purposes is being maintainedby the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador with the creation of the National Guard.This paper seeks to find the institutional and political causes that are behind the strengthening of theArmed Forces and the military doctrine shift towards public security in Mexico. Some of the questionsto be answered are: Which are the organizational reasons behind these changes in the Mexican Army?Are there institutional incentives in the Mexican Armed Forces that are pushing for these changes? Isthere a regional agenda, supported by the United States, which encourages these changes? Which arethe medium- and long-term consequences of these changes for the Mexican Army?Durante el gobierno de Felipe Calderón (2006–2012), las Fuerzas Armadas se utilizaron paracombatir el crimen organizado en México. Desde entonces, el gobierno mexicano ha tratado de modificar la doctrina y la legislación militar para incluir el concepto de seguridad interna con el objetivo de legalizar la participación del Ejército y la Armada en la seguridad pública. No obstante, tras la creación de la Gendarmería Nacional dentro de la Policía Federal durante la administración de Enrique Peña Nieto (2012–2018), el Ejército decidió fortalecer a la Policía Militar como el organismo encargado de las operaciones de seguridad interna. El gobierno del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador mantiene las trayectorias dependientes del uso de las Fuerzas Armadas para fines de seguridad pública con la creación de la Guardia Nacional. Este trabajo busca encontrar las causas institucionales y políticas que están detrás del fortalecimiento de las Fuerzas  rmadas y el cambio de doctrina militar hacia la seguridad pública en México. Algunos de los interrogantes por responder son: ¿cuáles son las razones organizacionales para estos cambios en el ejército mexicano? ¿Existen incentivos institucionales en las Fuerzas Armadas mexicanas que presionan para que se hagan estos cambios? ¿Existe una agenda regional, con el respaldo de los Estados Unidos, que aliente estos cambios? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias a mediano y largo plazo de estos cambios para el ejército mexicano?Durante o governo de Felipe Calderón (2006-2012), as Forças Armadas foram utilizadas paracombater o crime organizado no México. Desde então, o governo mexicano tenta alterar a doutrina e alegislação militar para incluir o conceito de “segurança interna”, a fim de legalizar a participação do Exército e da Armada na segurança pública. Contudo, após a criação da Gendarmaria Nacional, dentro da Polícia Federal durante a administração de Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), o Exército decidiu fortalecer a Polícia Militar como o organismo encarregado pelas operações de segurança interna. O governo do presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador mantém as trajetórias que dependem do uso das Forças Armadas para fins de segurança pública com a criação da Guarda Nacional. Este trabalho pretende encontrar as causas institucionais e políticas que estão por trás do fortalecimento das Forças Armadas e da mudança da doutrina militar na segurança pública no México. A partir disso, são levantadas algumas questões: quais são as razões organizacionais para essas mudanças no exército mexicano? Há incentivos institucionais nas Forças Armadas mexicanas que pressionam para que essas mudanças sejam feitas? Há uma agenda regional, com o apoio dos Estados Unidos, que incentive essas mudanças? Quais são as consequências em médio e longo prazo dessas mudanças para o exército  mexicano