11,897 research outputs found

    A Value-Driven Framework for Software Architecture

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    Software that is not aligned with the business values of the organization for which it was developed does not entirely fulfill its raison d’etre. Business values represent what is important in a company, or organization, and should influence the overall software system behavior, contributing to the overall success of the organization. However, approaches to derive a software architecture considering the business values exchanged between an organization and its market players are lacking. Our quest is to address this problem and investigate how to derive value-centered architectural models systematically. We used the Technology Research method to address this PhD research question. This methodological approach proposes three steps: problem analysis, innovation, and validation. The problem analysis was performed using systematic studies of the literature to obtain full coverage on the main themes of this work, particularly, business value modeling, software architecture methods, and software architecture derivation methods. Next, the innovation step was accomplished by creating a framework for the derivation of a software reference architecture model considering an organization’s business values. The resulting framework is composed of three core modules: Business Value Modeling, Agile Reference Architecture Modeling, and Goal-Driven SOA Architecture Modeling. While the Business value modeling module focuses on building a stakeholder-centric business specification, the Agile Reference Architecture Modeling and the Goal-Driven SOA Architecture Modeling modules concentrate on generating a software reference architecture aligned with the business value specification. Finally, the validation part of our framework is achieved through proof-of-concept prototypes for three new domain specific languages, case studies, and quasi-experiments, including a family of controlled experiments. The findings from our research show that the complexity and lack of rigor in the existing approaches to represent business values can be addressed by an early requirements specification method that represents the value exchanges of a business. Also, by using sophisticated model-driven engineering techniques (e.g., metamodels, model transformations, and model transformation languages), it was possible to obtain source generators to derive a software architecture model based on early requirements value models, while assuring traceability throughout the architectural derivation process. In conclusion, despite using sophisticated techniques, the derivation process of a software reference architecture is helped by simple to use methods supported by black box transformations and guidelines that facilitate the activities for the less experienced software architects. The experimental validation process used confirmed that our framework is feasible and perceived as easy to use and useful, also indicating that the participants of the experiments intend to use it in the future

    Aproveitamento de torta de oliveira para produção de Nanofibras de celulose através de hidrólise enzimática:

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    No presente estudo avaliou-se o potencial de produção de nanofibras de celulose pelo aproveitamento da torta de oliveira, esse resíduo foi caracterizado físico-quimicamente, desengordurado, pré-tratado e submetido à hidrólise com enzimas hemicelulolíticas. O nanomaterial obtido pela ação das enzimas hemicelulolíticas foi analisado pelas técnicas de FTIR-ATR, DRX, TGA e DTG e aplicado como aditivo na produção de filmes biodegradáveis de amido de milho e glicerol pela técnica de casting, sendo caracterizados quanto à espessura, propriedades mecânicas, composição, opacidade, permeabilidade ao vapor de água e solubilidade. As análises tiveram a finalidade de avaliar o efeito do nanomaterial na matriz do filme e que alterações essa adição promove nas características dos filmes. A concentração de nanofibras de 5% (m/v) apresentou efeito positivo nas propriedades mecânicas, propriedades térmicas e solubilidade visto que proporcionou aumento da temperatura de degradação térmica de 210ºC para 222ºC e aumento da tensão máxima na ruptura de 3,79 para 6,21 MPa. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que um dos aproveitamentos viáveis para a torta de oliveira é a conversão do material lignocelulósico em nanofibras que podem ser empregadas como material de reforço em compósitos biodegradáveis.In the present study, the potential for producing cellulose nanofibers using olive pomace (OP) was evaluated. This residue was physical-chemically characterized, pre-treated and subjected to hydrolysis with hemicellulolytic enzymes. The nanomaterial obtained by the action of hemicellulolytic enzymes was analyzed by the techniques of FTIR-ATR, DRX, TGA and DTG and applied as an additive in the production of biodegradable films of corn starch and glycerol by the casting technique, being characterized in thickness, mechanical properties, chemical composition, opacity, water vapor permeability and solubility. The analyzes were intended to evaluate the effect of the nanomaterial on the film matrix and what changes this change promotes in the characteristics of the films. The concentration of nanofibers of 5% (m/v) had a positive effect on the mechanical properties, thermal properties and solubility since there was an increase in the temperature of thermal degradation from 210ºC to 222ºC and an increase in the maximum stress at rupture from 3.79 to 6, 21 MPa. The results obtained in this study indicate that one of the viable uses for olive pomace is the conversion of lignocellulosic material into nanofibers that can be used as reinforcement material in biodegradable composites


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar como está estruturado o processo de EaD para os cursos de curta duração do Departamento de Ciências da Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, tomando como base os aspectos essenciais apontados pelos autores citados e pelo Ministério da Educação. A metodologia utilizada para a análise é definida como descritiva, onde foi feita uma revisão literária sobre o tema e, para a análise do estudo de caso, foi realizada uma entrevista com a coordenadora de Desenvolvimento de Recursos Didáticos do LabGestão e outra com os três supervisores da tutoria. Através desta análise, foi possível observar os pontos positivos e negativos da estrutura e do processo dos cursos estudados. De uma forma geral, o processo de EaD do CAD/UFSC está compatível com as recomendações do MEC, mas poderia ficar ainda melhor com atualização de equipamentos, investimento em capacitações, aumento do espaço físico da tutoria, aumento da capacidade da rede, e na melhor comunicação entre os sistemas AVEA e de avaliação

    Information-Entropic for Travelling Solitons in Lorentz and CPT Breaking Systems

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    In this work we group three research topics apparently disconnected, namely solitons, Lorentz symmetry breaking and entropy. Following a recent work [Phys. Lett. B 713 (2012) 304], we show that it is possible to construct in the context of travelling wave solutions a configurational entropy measure in functional space, from the field configurations. Thus, we investigate the existence and properties of travelling solitons in Lorentz and CPT breaking scenarios for a class of models with two interacting scalar fields. Here, we obtain a complete set of exact solutions for the model studied which display both double and single-kink configurations. In fact, such models are very important in applications that include Bloch branes, Skyrmions, Yang-Mills, Q-balls, oscillons and various superstring-motivated theories. We find that the so-called Configurational Entropy (CE) for travelling solitons, which we name as travelling Configurational Entropy (TCE), shows that the best value of parameter responsible to break the Lorentz symmetry is one where the energy density is distributed equally around the origin. In this way, the information-theoretical measure of travelling solitons in Lorentz symmetry violation scenarios opens a new window to probe situations where the parameters responsible for breaking the symmetries are random. In this case, the TCE selects the best value

    D-Oscillons in the Standard Model-Extension

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    In this work we investigate the consequences of the Lorentz symmetry violation on extremely long-living, time-dependent, and spatially localized field configurations, named oscillons. This is accomplished in (D+1D+1) dimensions for two interacting scalar field theories in the so-called Standard Model-Extension context. We show that DD-dimensional scalar field lumps can present a typical size RminRKKR_{\min }\ll R_{KK}, where RKKR_{KK} is the associated length scale of extra dimensions in Kaluza-Klein theories. Here, the size RminR_{\min } is shown to strongly depend on the terms that control the Lorentz violation of the theory. This implies either contraction or dilation of the average radius RminR_{\min}, and a new rule for its composition, likewise. Moreover, we show that the spatial dimensions for existence of oscillating lumps have an upper limit, opening new possibilities to probe the existence of a DD -dimensional oscillons at TeV energy scale. Moreover, in a cosmological scenario with Lorentz symmetry breaking, we argue that in the early Universe with an extremely high energy density and a strong Lorentz violation, the typical size RminR_{\min } was highly dilated. With the expansion and subsequent cooling of the Universe, we propose that it passed through a phase transition towards a Lorentz symmetry, wherein RminR_{\min } tends to be compact.Comment: 8 pages, final version to appear in PR

    The silicon stable isotope distribution along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES GA-01) of the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The stable isotope composition of dissolved silicon in seawater (δ30SiDSi) was examined at 10 stations along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES GA-01), spanning the North Atlantic Ocean (40–60∘ N) and Labrador Sea. Variations in δ30SiDSi below 500 m were closely tied to the distribution of water masses. Higher δ30SiDSi values are associated with intermediate and deep water masses of northern Atlantic or Arctic Ocean origin, whilst lower δ30SiDSi values are associated with DSi-rich waters sourced ultimately from the Southern Ocean. Correspondingly, the lowest δ30SiDSi values were observed in the deep and abyssal eastern North Atlantic, where dense southern-sourced waters dominate. The extent to which the spreading of water masses influences the δ30SiDSi distribution is marked clearly by Labrador Sea Water (LSW), whose high δ30SiDSi signature is visible not only within its region of formation within the Labrador and Irminger seas, but also throughout the mid-depth western and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Both δ30SiDSi and hydrographic parameters document the circulation of LSW into the eastern North Atlantic, where it overlies southern-sourced Lower Deep Water. The GEOVIDE δ30SiDSi distribution thus provides a clear view of the direct interaction between subpolar/polar water masses of northern and southern origin, and allow examination of the extent to which these far-field signals influence the local δ30SiDSi distribution

    Revisões integrativas na assistência da Enfermagem Obstétrica e Ginecológica em tempos pandêmicos: desafios e possibilidades

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    In the unpredictability of life, in the beginning of 2020, we faced a virus that plagued the world population. In times of pandemic, teachers and researchers were restricted from their professional life, generating the need for reinventions in order to maintain the commitment and produce quality research and education.Na imprevisibilidade da vida, nos deparamos, no início de 2020, com um vírus que assolou a população mundial. Em tempos de pandemia, professores e pesquisadores foram cerceados de seu convívio profissional, gerando a necessidade de reinvenções de modo a manter o compromisso e produzir pesquisa e educação de qualidade