370 research outputs found

    Resposta imune a doenças infecciosas

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    The interaction between pathogens and immune system occurs in a dynamic way with sophisticate mechanisms of evasion and immune control of infection, respectively. Therefore, it is a sine qua non condition to understand the complexity of this relationship in order to developed new strategies for infection control. Although the immune system has specialized mechanisms to control infection, different conditions involved in the interaction between immune system and pathogens can or cannot determine the development of disease. Interestingly, a protective immune response against one kind of parasite may not be protective against another. So, each pathogen presents a specific way of interaction with the immune system. The development of research in this area has contributed with a better comprehension of the immune system and pathogen relationship and opened perspective in improving the treatment with the development of new drugs and/or vaccines.A interação do sistema imune com os agentes infecciosos ocorre de uma maneira dinâmica, com mecanismos de controle da infecção e de escape sofisticados. A compreensão dessa complexidade é condição sine qua non para que se estabeleça uma ação total no controle dessas infecções. Embora a resposta imune desenvolvida para controle das diferentes infecções apresente certas particularidades, em geral, apresentam também mecanismos comuns. A priori os mecanismos podem ser redundantes, no entanto existe uma gama de sutilezas entre a interação hospedeiro-parasita que define o estabelecimento ou não de doença. Por outro lado, não se pode deixar de alertar que melhores condições de saneamento básico diminuiriam a incidência de inúmeras doenças. A classificação de uma resposta imune protetora tem que ser avaliada sempre em relação ao tipo de agente agressor, pois um mecanismo protetor conta um vírus pode não ser essencial contra uma bactéria extracelular. De qualquer forma, o avanço na pesquisa com diferentes patógenos tem contribuído para uma melhor compreensão da resposta imune decorrente da interação entre o hospedeiro e parasita o que pode resultar no desenvolvimento de novas drogas e vacinas

    B cells Can Modulate the CD8 Memory T Cell after DNA Vaccination Against Experimental Tuberculosis

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Although B cells are important as antigen presenting cells (APC) during the immune response, their role in DNA vaccination models is unknown.\ud \ud \ud \ud Methods\ud \ud In this study in vitro and in vivo experiments were performed to evaluate the ability of B cells to protect mice against Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud \ud In vitro and in vivo studies showed that B cells efficiently present antigens after naked plasmid pcDNA3 encoding M. leprae 65-kDa heat shock protein (pcDNA3-Hsp65) internalization and protect B knock-out (BKO) mice against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. pcDNA3-Hsp65-transfected B cells adoptively transferred into BKO mice rescued the memory phenotypes and reduced the number of CFU compared to wild-type mice.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud \ud These data not only suggest that B cells play an important role in the induction of CD8 T cells but also that they improve bacterial clearance in DNA vaccine model.We are thankful to Ana Paula Masson and Izaíra T Brandão for providing the DNA vaccine and recombinant protein. This study was supported by a FAPESP fellowship (05/030873) to LPA.We are thankful to Ana Paula Masson and Izaíra T Brandão for providing the DNA vaccine and recombinant protein. This study was supported by a FAPESP fellowship (05/03087-3) to LPA

    Characterization of Systemic Disease Development and Paw Inflammation in a Susceptible Mouse Model of Mayaro Virus Infection and Validation Using X-ray Synchrotron Microtomography

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    Mayaro virus (MAYV) is an emerging arthropod-borne virus endemic in Latin America and the causative agent of arthritogenic febrile disease. Mayaro fever is poorly understood; thus, we established an in vivo model of infection in susceptible type-I interferon receptor-deficient mice (IFNAR−/−) to characterize the disease. MAYV inoculations in the hind paws of IFNAR−/− mice result in visible paw inflammation, evolve into a disseminated infection and involve the activation of immune responses and inflammation. The histological analysis of inflamed paws indicated edema at the dermis and between muscle fibers and ligaments. Paw edema affected multiple tissues and was associated with MAYV replication, the local production of CXCL1 and the recruitment of granulocytes and mononuclear leukocytes to muscle. We developed a semi-automated X-ray microtomography method to visualize both soft tissue and bone, allowing for the quantification of MAYV-induced paw edema in 3D with a voxel size of 69 µm3. The results confirmed early edema onset and spreading through multiple tissues in inoculated paws. In conclusion, we detailed features of MAYV-induced systemic disease and the manifestation of paw edema in a mouse model extensively used to study infection with alphaviruses. The participation of lymphocytes and neutrophils and expression of CXCL1 are key features in both systemic and local manifestations of MAYV disease


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    Motor development is not part of the diagnostic criteria for people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, but it must be considered in the assessment and intervention process of ASD children. Objectives: To carry out translation and transcultural adaptation to Portuguese / Brazil version of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) for the 7-10 year age group and test the version translated into children with ASD. Method: The study was applied to 41 boys with ASD and correlated with Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices test (CPM). Results and Discussion: It was observed that the correlations with the standard scores between the domains assessed by MABC-2 and the CPM results showed to be median for MD (r = 0.454, p = 0.012) and B (r = 0.324, p = 0.081) and small for A&C (r = 0.170, p = 0.368). By the traffic light system, 83% of those evaluated were classified in the red zone, with significant motor deficits. Conclusion: Correlation tests showed that the degree of intelligence seems to influence motor performance. The relevance of studies and assessments about motor area for ASD children is considered, minimizing the factors that may interfere with the motor tasks performance

    High sensitivity measurements of the CMB power spectrum with the extended Very Small Array

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    We present deep Ka-band (ν33\nu \approx 33 GHz) observations of the CMB made with the extended Very Small Array (VSA). This configuration produces a naturally weighted synthesized FWHM beamwidth of 11\sim 11 arcmin which covers an \ell-range of 300 to 1500. On these scales, foreground extragalactic sources can be a major source of contamination to the CMB anisotropy. This problem has been alleviated by identifying sources at 15 GHz with the Ryle Telescope and then monitoring these sources at 33 GHz using a single baseline interferometer co-located with the VSA. Sources with flux densities \gtsim 20 mJy at 33 GHz are subtracted from the data. In addition, we calculate a statistical correction for the small residual contribution from weaker sources that are below the detection limit of the survey. The CMB power spectrum corrected for Galactic foregrounds and extragalactic point sources is presented. A total \ell-range of 150-1500 is achieved by combining the complete extended array data with earlier VSA data in a compact configuration. Our resolution of Δ60\Delta \ell \approx 60 allows the first 3 acoustic peaks to be clearly delineated. The is achieved by using mosaiced observations in 7 regions covering a total area of 82 sq. degrees. There is good agreement with WMAP data up to =700\ell=700 where WMAP data run out of resolution. For higher \ell-values out to =1500\ell = 1500, the agreement in power spectrum amplitudes with other experiments is also very good despite differences in frequency and observing technique.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted in MNRAS (minor revisions

    Fascin promotes migration and invasion and is a prognostic marker for oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) prognosis is related to clinical stage and histological grade. However, this stratification needs to be refined. We conducted a comparative proteome study in microdissected samples from normal oral mucosa and OSCC to identify biomarkers for malignancy. Fascin and plectin were identified as differently expressed and both are implicated in several malignancies, but the clinical impacts of aberrant fascin and plectin expression in OSCCs remains largely unknown. Immunohistochemistry and real-time quantitative PCR were carried out in ex vivo OSCC samples and cell lines. A loss-of-function strategy using shRNA targeting fascin was employed to investigate in vitro and in vivo the fascin role on oral tumorigenesis. Transfections of microRNA mimics were performed to determine whether the fascin overexpression is regulated by miR-138 and miR-145. We found that fascin and plectin are frequently upregulated in OSCC samples and cell lines, but only fascin overexpression is an independent unfavorable prognostic indicator of disease-specific survival. In combination with advanced T stage, high fascin level is also an independent factor of disease-free survival. Knockdown of fascin in OSCC cells promoted cell adhesion and inhibited migration, invasion and EMT, and forced expression of miR-138 in OSCC cells significantly decreased the expression of fascin. In addition, fascin downregulation leads to reduced filopodia formation and decrease on paxillin expression. The subcutaneous xenograft model showed that tumors formed in the presence of low levels of fascin were significantly smaller compared to those formed with high fascin levels. Collectively, our findings suggest that fascin expression correlates with disease progression and may serve as a prognostic marker and therapeutic target for patients with OSCC.Peer reviewe

    GQ-16, a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR ) ligand, promotes insulin sensitization without weight gain

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    ABSTRACTBackground: PPAR agonists improve insulin sensitivity but also evoke weight gain. Results: GQ-16 is a PPAR partial agonist that blocks receptor phosphorylation by Cdk5 and improves insulin sensitivity in diabetic mice in the absence of weight gain. Conclusion: The unique binding mode of GQ-16 appears to be responsible for the compound’s advantageous pharmacological profile. Significance: Similar compounds could have promise as anti-diabetic therapeutics

    PPAR alpha L162V underlies variation in serum triglycerides and subcutaneous fat volume in young males

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    Background: Of the five sub-phenotypes defining metabolic syndrome, all are known to have strong genetic components ( typically 50 - 80% of population variation). Studies defining genetic predispositions have typically focused on older populations with metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. We hypothesized that the study of younger populations would mitigate many confounding variables, and allow us to better define genetic predisposition loci for metabolic syndrome. Methods: We studied 610 young adult volunteers ( average age 24 yrs) for metabolic syndrome markers, and volumetric MRI of upper arm muscle, bone, and fat pre- and post-unilateral resistance training. Results: We found the PPARa L162V polymorphism to be a strong determinant of serum triglyceride levels in young White males, where carriers of the V allele showed 78% increase in triglycerides relative to L homozygotes ( LL = 116 +/- 11 mg/ dL, LV = 208 +/- 30 mg/ dL; p = 0.004). Men with the V allele showed lower HDL ( LL = 42 +/- 1 mg/ dL, LV = 34 +/- 2 mg/ dL; p = 0.001), but women did not. Subcutaneous fat volume was higher in males carrying the V allele, however, exercise training increased fat volume of the untrained arm in V carriers, while LL genotypes significantly decreased in fat volume ( LL = - 1,707 +/- 21 mm(3), LV = 17,617 +/- 58 mm(3); p = 0.002), indicating a systemic effect of the V allele on adiposity after unilateral training. Our study suggests that the primary effect of PPARa L162V is on serum triglycerides, with downstream effects on adiposity and response to training. Conclusion: Our results on association of PPARa and triglycerides in males showed a much larger effect of the V allele than previously reported in older and less healthy populations. Specifically, we showed the V allele to increase triglycerides by 78% ( p = 0.004), and this single polymorphism accounted for 3.8% of all variation in serum triglycerides in males ( p = 0.0037)

    Contamination and oxidative stress biomarkers in estuarine fish following a mine tailing disaster

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    Background The Rio Doce estuary, in Brazil, was impacted by the deposition of iron mine tailings, caused by the collapse of a dam in 2015. Based on published baseline datasets, the estuary has been experiencing chronic trace metal contamination effects since 2017, with potential bioaccumulation in fishes and human health risks. As metal and metalloid concentrations in aquatic ecosystems pose severe threats to the aquatic biota, we hypothesized that the trace metals in estuarine sediments nearly two years after the disaster would lead to bioaccumulation in demersal fishes and result in the biosynthesis of metal-responsive proteins. Methods We measured As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Se and Zn concentrations in sediment samples in August 2017 and compared to published baseline levels. Also, trace metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se and Zn) and protein (metallothionein and reduced glutathione) concentrations were quantified in the liver and muscle tissues of five fish species (Cathorops spixii, Genidens genidens, Eugerres brasilianus, Diapterus rhombeus and Mugil sp.) from the estuary, commonly used as food sources by local populations. Results Our results revealed high trace metal concentrations in estuarine sediments, when compared to published baseline values for the same estuary. The demersal fish species C. spixii and G. genidens had the highest concentrations of As, Cr, Mn, Hg, and Se in both, hepatic and muscle, tissues. Trace metal bioaccumulation in fish was correlated with the biosynthesis of metallothionein and reduced glutathione in both, liver and muscle, tissues, suggesting active physiological responses to contamination sources. The trace metal concentrations determined in fish tissues were also present in the estuarine sediments at the time of this study. Some elements had concentrations above the maximum permissible limits for human consumption in fish muscles (e.g., As, Cr, Mn, Se and Zn), suggesting potential human health risks that require further studies. Our study supports the high biogeochemical mobility of toxic elements between sediments and the bottom-dwelling biota in estuarine ecosystems