86 research outputs found

    Architecture in virtual game worlds

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    Abstract. Developments in digital technology and information networks have changed our perception of distance, scale, and location. Interconnected devices, such as computers and smartphones, allow us to communicate and access media anywhere, anytime. Physical and virtual have become inseparable, which has also changed the way space is experienced. A person can be physically present and at the same time immersed in the digital world. Digital spaces have become an integral part of everyday life and virtual games are one of their most popular manifestations. Essentially, virtual games are a form of interactive media where interaction occurs in a representational space. Virtual worlds seem infinite as they are not bound by any real-world limitations. However, games are created for a very precise purpose, namely play, and game environments are meant to support that purpose. The purpose of the thesis is to discuss the similarities and differences between architecture and virtual game worlds. Like stage props and film sets, game worlds draw on the built environment, but they serve a different function than real buildings. Unlike theater and cinema, however, games give the audience the freedom to explore and wander in a fictional space. While the spatiality of virtual games is most evident in the three-dimensional environments they represent, it also encompasses the social structures of the player communities and the physical spaces in which the games are played. In the end, both buildings and virtual worlds can be thought of as spatial structures that organize and shape human activity

    Nordiska aspekter i lÀroböcker avsedda för grundskolans B1-svenska

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    Syftet med denna studie har varit att redogöra för nordiska aspekter i grundskolans lÀromaterial för B-svenska och jÀmföra tvÄ bokserier med varandra samt analysera dem i ljuset av Grunderna för lÀroplanen för den grundlÀggande utbildningen 2014. Metoden i studien Àr en kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys: materialet beskrivs med hjÀlp av en kategorisering som har formats utifrÄn materialets behov. Dessutom görs en friare analys. Analysen utgÄr ifrÄn teoretiska utgÄngspunkter om kulturens (Kaikkonen 1994, Pyykkö 2004) och lÀrobokens roll (Hentunen 2004, Luukka m.fl. 2008) i skolundervisning. Resultaten visar att nordiska teman fördelas i lÀroböckerna enligt ett traditionellt (Ilkka-Salonen 1996) mönster. Bokseriernas första böcker behandlar mest temana Svenskfinland och Sverige medan seriernas sista böcker, avsedda för Ärskurs 9, behandlar tema Norden. Det nordiska kommer mest fram i kontexter som böckernas personer och hÀndelser har placerats i, men Àven explicit, oftast som faktatexter eller uppgifter. BÄda bokserierna behandlar nordiska kulturfenomen mÄngsidigt. I jÀmförelsen mellan de tvÄ undersökta bokserierna framkom bÄde likheter och skillnader. De mÀrkbaraste likheterna Àr att nordiska aspekter kommer fram mera implicit Àn explicit och att tema Norden behandlas mest i boken för Ärskurs 9. Skillnader fanns bl.a. i lÀrobokskapitlens struktur: Megafon var nÄgot mera konsekvent i att behandla samma temaland genom hela kapitlet Àn HallonbÄt. En ytterligare skillnad var att HallonbÄt behandlade tema sprÄk i Norden nÄgot mera Àn Megafon. BÄda bokserierna tar hÀnsyn till GLGU 2014, men pÄ delvis olika sÀtt eftersom lÀroboksförfattarna har en frihet i att förverkliga lÀroplansgrunderna. Med hjÀlp av resultaten kan lÀrare och andra intresserade konkret se pÄ vilket sÀtt lÀroplanens mÄl har förverkligats i lÀroböckerna och kan dÀrmed fÄ stöd i val av lÀroboksserie. Dessutom kan det utifrÄn analysen framstÀllas ett tydligt utvecklingsomrÄde i lÀroböckerna. BÄda bokserierna redogör nÀmligen relativt lite för relationer mellan nordiska grannsprÄk. Det förblir ofta lÀrarens uppgift och riskerar att förbli oklar för eleven. Jag ser den nordiska sprÄkgemenskapen som en faktor som kan öka motivationen hos eleverna och föreslÄr dÀrmed att det borde förklaras och betonas mera i lÀromedel i svenska. Detta kan faststÀllas som studiens viktigaste pedagogiska implikation

    Acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery

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    Acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication in cardiac surgery. It occurs in up to 40 % of procedures according to the latest consensus definition of AKI. It has been associated independently with increased mortality, morbidity, and hospital costs. Even a small increase in serum creatinine is associated with mortality, and in severe AKI requiring renal replacement therapy mortality has increased over 50 %. Serum creatinine remains the benchmark of kidney function, even its lack of sensitivity and late increase in acute kidney injury. A novel biomarker of kidney function, cystatin C, has been claimed to be less affected than creatinine by patients age, sex, and muscle mass. We studied cystatin C in elderly cardiac surgery patients and in heart transplant patients to find out if cystatin C can detect AKI earlier than creatinine after surgery. There was no significant difference between these markers, and these results are in accordance with majority of other studies of cystatin C in cardiac surgery patients. Creatinine is still the primary marker of kidney function in AKI. The pathophysiology of AKI in cardiac surgery is multifactorial and injury to kidneys can occur during pre-, intra-, and postoperative period. The main risk factors are other comorbidities of the patient, especially preoperative chronic kidney failure, and hypoperfusion of the kidneys during perioperative period. The possible causes of hypoperfusion are hypotension, cardiac low output syndrome, and the use of the cardiopulmonary bypass. N-acetylcysteine is a drug, which has antioxidant and vasodilatory properties. We conducted a randomized, double blind study to find out if it can protect kidneys in cardiac surgery patients with preoperative renal dysfunction. N-acetylcysteine was administered intravenously during intra- and postoperative period, but had no effect on postoperative renal function. Meta-analyses on this subject published after our study has come to same conclusions. A novel inotrope, levosimendan, was studied in 60 coronary bypass grafting patients with left ventricle dysfunction to discover its effect on the kidneys. In this randomized, double blind study there was no significant difference in creatinine or cystatin C concentrations between the patients in the control or levosimendan groups, but there was a tendency towards preserved renal function in the levosimendan group. Larger randomized trials are needed to prove the renoprotective effects of levosimendan in cardiac surgery. There are no drugs that have proved to prevent AKI in cardiac surgery at the present time. The methods to prevent AKI are to avoid interventions known to be harmful to the kidneys and to optimize hemodynamics and hydration. A better understanding of the pathology of human acute kidney injury may produce more protective strategies in the future.Akuutti munuaisten vajaatoiminta sydÀnleikkauksen yhteydessÀ Akuutti munuaisvaurio on merkittÀvÀ komplikaatio avosydÀnleikkauksen yhteydessÀ. KansainvÀlisessÀ potilasaineistossa se esiintyy noin 40 %:lla kaikista leikatuista potilaista. Jo pienenkin munuaisvaurion ilmaantuminen lisÀÀ potilaiden kuolleisuutta, sairaalahoitoaikaa ja kokonaiskustannuksia. Jos potilaalle joudutaan aloittamaan munuaisten korvaushoito eli dialyysi, nousee kuolleisuus yli 50 %:n. Akuutti munaisten vajaatoiminta mÀÀritellÀÀn ÀkillisenÀ plasman kreatiniinin nousuna 1,5 kertaa tai enemmÀn yli lÀhtötason. Kreatiniinin ongelma on sen huono herkkyys munuaisvauriolle, munuaisten toiminnasta on menetetty jo lÀhes 50 % ennen kuin kreatiniinin pitoisuus plasmassa nousee merkittÀvÀsti. Toinen munuaisten toimintaa mittaava laboratoriokoe on seerumin kystatiini C. Vertasimme potilaiden kreatiniinia ja kystatiini C:tÀ heti sydÀnleikkauksen jÀlkeen, sekÀ yli 70-vuotiailla sydÀnleikkauspotilailla, ettÀ sydÀnsiirtopotilailla. Kystatiini C kÀyttÀytyi hyvin samalla tavalla kuin kreatiniini. Sen avulla ei pystytty tunnistamaan munuaisvaurion saaneita potilaita aikaisemmin, tai lukumÀÀrÀisesti enemmÀn, kuin kreatiniinin avulla. Myös kansainvÀlisissÀ tutkimuksissa on todettu, ettei kystatiini C paranna akuutin munuaisvaurion diagnosointia verrattuna kreatiniiniin. Syyt akuutin munuaisvaurion syntyyn ovat moninaiset. Potilaan muut sairaudet, munuaisten toiminta ennen leikkausta, leikkauksenaikaiset verenkierron vaihtelut, sydÀnkeuhkokoneen kÀyttö leikkauksen yhteydessÀ ja runsas verituotteiden anto ovat yleisimpiÀ vaaratekijöitÀ. Tutkimuksissa munuaisvaurion syntymistÀ on yritetty estÀÀ monilla eri lÀÀkkeillÀ, joilla on pyritty vaikuttamaan verenkiertoon tai solussa tapahtuviin hapen vÀhyydestÀ johtuviin reaktioihin. TyössÀmme annoimme kroonista munuaisten vajaatoimintaa sairastaville potilaille N-asetyylikysteiiniÀ leikkauksen aikana. N-asetyylikysteiinillÀ on todettu olevan munuaisia suojaava vaikutus vahingollisia happiradikaaleja ja tulehdusvÀlittÀjÀaineita vastaan elÀinkokeissa, mutta tutkimuksessamme emme todenneet lÀÀkkeellÀ olevan vaikutusta sydÀnleikkauspotilaiden munuaisten toimintaan. Tutkimme myös levosimendaanin, sydÀmen toimintaa parantavan lÀÀkkeen vaikutusta samalla periaatteella. Emme saaneet merkittÀvÀÀ eroa munuaisten toiminnassa lumelÀÀkettÀ tai levosimendaania saaneiden potilaiden vÀlillÀ, mutta levosimendaani ryhmÀssÀ oli jonkin verran vÀhemmÀn munuaisvauriota saaneita potilaita. SydÀnleikkauksessa on useita mekanismeja, jotka voivat johtaa munuaisvaurioon, ja niiden tunnistaminen ja hoito on vaativaa. Munuaisten patofysiologian tutkimus on edistynyt viimevuosina, ja sen syvempi ymmÀrtÀminen avannee uusia tutkimusasetelmia tulevaisuudessa

    Gastroskopian koepalalöydösten kliininen merkitys

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    Gastroskopian yhteydessÀ otetaan yleensÀ koepaloja. YleislÀÀkÀrin tulee tuntea premalignit, seurantaa vaativat histologiset löydökset. Dysplasialöydös tai sen epÀily vaatii yleensÀ seurantaa tai jatkotoimenpiteitÀ. Barrettin ruokatorvi ja atrofinen gastriitti voivat olla premaligneja tiloja. LÀnsimaissa ei kuitenkaan ole saatu vakuuttavaa nÀyttöÀ niiden seurannan hyödyllisyydestÀ

    Quality standards in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a position statement of the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (AUGIS)

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    Prevention of acute kidney injury and protection of renal function in the intensive care unit

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    Acute renal failure on the intensive care unit is associated with significant mortality and morbidity. To determine recommendations for the prevention of acute kidney injury (AKI), focusing on the role of potential preventative maneuvers including volume expansion, diuretics, use of inotropes, vasopressors/vasodilators, hormonal interventions, nutrition, and extracorporeal techniques. A systematic search of the literature was performed for studies using these potential protective agents in adult patients at risk for acute renal failure/kidney injury between 1966 and 2009. The following clinical conditions were considered: major surgery, critical illness, sepsis, shock, and use of potentially nephrotoxic drugs and radiocontrast media. Where possible the following endpoints were extracted: creatinine clearance, glomerular filtration rate, increase in serum creatinine, urine output, and markers of tubular injury. Clinical endpoints included the need for renal replacement therapy, length of stay, and mortality. Studies are graded according to the international Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) group system Several measures are recommended, though none carries grade 1A. We recommend prompt resuscitation of the circulation with special attention to providing adequate hydration whilst avoiding high-molecular-weight hydroxy-ethyl starch (HES) preparations, maintaining adequate blood pressure using vasopressors in vasodilatory shock. We suggest using vasopressors in vasodilatory hypotension, specific vasodilators under strict hemodynamic control, sodium bicarbonate for emergency procedures administering contrast media, and periprocedural hemofiltration in severe chronic renal insufficiency undergoing coronary intervention

    Pk-yrityksen kansainvÀlistyminen : Taide esineitÀ liikelahjoina Japaniin ja EtelÀ-Koreaan

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön taustalla oli Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun ESR-rahoitteinen projekti “Teollisen palveluliiketoiminnan koulutustarpeen selvittĂ€minen Lohjan ja Tammisaaren seutukunnissa ja nĂ€iden alueiden pk-yritysten osaamisperustan kehittĂ€minen”. OpinnĂ€ytetyö sijoittui hankkeen toimenpidekokonaisuuteen ”Teemakoulutus ja kehityshankkeet yritysryppÀÀlle”, pk-yrityksen kansainvĂ€listymiseen liittyvĂ€nĂ€ tutkimus- ja kehittĂ€mishankkeena. Tutkimus- ja kehittĂ€mishankkeen tarkoituksena oli tuottaa kohdeyritys Nanna Bayerille uutta tietoa Japanissa ja EtelĂ€-Koreassa toimivien suomalaisten yritysten liikelahjapolitiikasta ja liikelahjojen hankintaan liittyvistĂ€ kĂ€ytĂ€nteistĂ€. LisĂ€ksi selvitettiin onko yrityksillĂ€ kiinnostusta hankkia rÀÀtĂ€löityjĂ€ tuotteita liikelahjoiksi. KerĂ€tyn tiedon tavoitteena oli luoda riittĂ€vĂ€ pohja liikelahjojen myynnin kĂ€ynnistĂ€miselle kohdemaissa toimiviin suomalaisiin yrityksiin. Hanke toteutettiin Laurean LbD-oppimismallin prosessivaiheiden mukaisesti. EnsimmĂ€isenĂ€ perehdyttiin kohdeilmiöön toimeksiantajayrityksen toiminnan ja keramiikkatuotteiden nĂ€kökulmasta. TĂ€mĂ€n jĂ€lkeen tutustuttiin aihealueeseen lĂ€hdemateriaalin kautta. Tietojen pohjalta rakennettiin teoreettiset viitekehykset pk-yrityksen kansainvĂ€listymisestĂ€ sekĂ€ liikelahjakulttuurista. Toiminnallinen osuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena e-lomakkeen muodossa Japanissa ja EtelĂ€-Koreassa toimiville suomalaisille yrityksille. Kyselyn tulokset loivat toimeksiantajayritykselle tietopohjaa kansainvĂ€listymisprosessin sekĂ€ tuotteiden myynnin kĂ€ynnistĂ€miselle. Tulokset antoivat myös tietoa liikelahjojen hankintaan, ominaisuuksiin ja varastointiin liittyvistĂ€ asioista. LisĂ€ksi toimeksiantaja sai vastauksen siihen, olivatko yritykset kiinnostuneita rÀÀtĂ€löidyistĂ€ liikelahjoista. TĂ€rkeimpinĂ€ jatkotoimenpiteinĂ€ toimeksiantajalle esitettiin yhteydenottamista kyselyyn vastanneisiin yrityksiin, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet rÀÀtĂ€löidyistĂ€ tuotteista. LisĂ€ksi ehdotettiin pohtimaan vastausten antaman tiedon pohjalta sopivia tarjousehdotuksia ja toimitustapoja yrityskohtaisesti. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksina yrittĂ€jĂ€lle annettiin kyselyn suorittaminen suuremmalle yritysjoukolle, mahdollisesti myös muissa Aasian toimiville yrityksille. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voisi olla uusi kysely, jossa kysyttĂ€isiin tarkempaa tietoa rÀÀtĂ€löidyistĂ€ liikelahjoista ja tavoista miten yritykset haluaisivat yhteistyön kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ toimivan heidĂ€n ja pk-yrityksen vĂ€lillĂ€.Internationalization of a small and medium‐sized enterprise: Works of art as business gifts to Japan and South Korea On the background of this thesis was a European Social Fund financed project of Laurea University of Applied Sciences. The project was called “Detection of educational demand for industrial service business in the district of Lohja and Tammisaari and development of know-how base of the small and medium-sized enterprises in this particular area”. Thesis was placed on the project’s unit called “Theme education and development projects for a conglomerate” as a research and development plan for small and medium-sized enterprises that are going global. The purpose of this research and development project was to produce new information for the target company Nanna Bayer about how Finnish companies that operate in Japan and South Korea acquire their business gifts. In addition, it was to be defined if these companies had an interest to acquire tailor-made products for business gifts. Aim of the collected information was to create a sufficient base to start selling business gifts for these Finnish companies that operate in Japan and South Korea. Thesis was carried out by following the process steps of Laurea’s LbD model. At first one familiarized oneself with the target phenomenon from the target company’s and ceramic products’ point of view. After that field was studied from source materials. Based on this information, theoretical subtexts were build about internationalization of a small and medium-sized enterprises and business gift culture. Operational part of this thesis was a qualitative inquiry that was sent as an e-form to the Finnish companies that operate in Japan and South Korea. Results of the inquiry created basic information for the target company so it could start its internationalization process and product sales. Results also gave information about how business gifts are purchased, what kind of features they should have and how business gifts are stored. Target company also received information about the Finnish companies’ interest in purchasing tailor-made business gifts. The most important further action which was presented for the target company was that it should get in contact with those companies that were interested in purchasing tailor-made business gifts. Also it was suggested that the entrepreneur could think suitable offers and methods of delivery according to the answers that the companies gave. The follow-up research suggestion for the target company was to carry out the same inquiry for a bigger group of companies, and possibly, for companies that operate in other Asian countries. Also there could be carried out a completely new inquiry that would define more specifically companies’ opinions about tailor-made business gifts and that would also give information about how the companies wish that the co-operation should work between them and the entrepreneur
