782 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Hydro-Oceanography in the Coastal Waters of Kura-Kura Beach, Bengkayang Regency

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    The waters of Kura-Kura Beach have quite a lot of human activities, one of which is tourism. The study aims to observe Hydro-Oceanographic parameters such as tidal conditions, ocean currents, and waves. The study uses field observation data and simulation results. The data is calculated to find Formzhal number based on the amplitude of tidal harmonic constants. The Flow analysis to determine the pattern and velocity of the current. The height and period of the wave to analyze characteristics of the wave. The results show that the tide in Kura-Kura Beach waters is a daily mix of a double with the highest tide at MSL and a minimum tide of 0.43 below MSL. While the current velocity obtained from the yield model has a range of (0.003 - 0.11) m/s, and the measurement results are between (0.005 - 0.14) m/s. The simulation results show that the current moves from land to sea at low tide, and it moves from sea to land at toward the tide. For the height of the ocean waves that are formed in a period of 10 years (2009 - 2019) ranges from (0.09 - 154) m and the wave period (1.86 - 5.73) seconds. Based on the calculation results, the largest wave energy occurs in the second intermediate period, namely 184.21 Joules/m with height and wave periods of 1.21 m and 4.39 seconds. In contrast, the smallest wave energy occurs in the first intermediate period with minimum wave height and period 0.18 m and 3.08 seconds. In general, based on the simulation of the current velocity model, the forecasting of wave height and wave energy in Kura-Kura Beach waters is still relatively small. So, it can be concluded that the location is still categorized as safe for coastal tourism and other activities

    Sacred Springs: Perceptions of Religion and Water in Village Communities of Uttarakhand

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    This study explores the rural area of Pauri Garhwal in Uttarakhand to gain an understanding of the relationship between traditional societies and their natural environment – including perceptions of water in the community, the aspect of religious rituals involving such resources, and the impact that these factors have on the overall health of the community. Originally, the water body of interest was the Ganga, with the complex layers of spirituality surrounding her waters. However, upon visitation to the community, it was discovered that natural springs held a much greater importance to the individual and collective lives in the area. Through personal interviews, observations, and case studies, it became apparent that springs have a larger significant value in the lives of people in the villages – in ways that are functional, spiritual, ritualistic, as well as a combination of these factors. The water from the Ganga is still important in the lives of individuals in aspects of religious rituals and for purification purposes but in Pauri Garhwal, springs are both more accessible and integrated into the lives of the community. The findings of this study include that water in the Uttarakhand region is perceived as a manifestation of god, and natural springs are pure and unpolluted as the water comes untouched from the earth. It is necessary in the village communities that the water be worshipped – in its designation as the only water that can be used for drinking and cooking, its vital role in Hindu religious celebrations and recognition of deities, as well as in important lifecycle events. It was also found that individuals have observed changes in the quality of these natural sources and the relationship the community has with them, touching on issues such as migration, resource conservation, and shifting priorities

    Wisdom of the Crowd Vs Reviews of the Experts: A Case Study Regarding Predicting Movie Box-Office Results

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    Teadlased on aastakümneid tegelenud filmide kassatulu ennustamisega, sest iga aasta linastub suur hulk teoseid, mille tulemused üllatavad nende rahastajaid kas heal või halval viisil, sõltuvalt esialgsetest prognoosidest. Eelnevad uurimustööd on avaldanud vastakaid tulemusi filmikriitikute arvustuste kasutamise kohta filmide kassatulu ennustamiseks. Niisamuti on kaasatud sotsiaalmeedia ühe võimaliku andmeallikana filmide müügiedu prognoosimiseks. Käesolevas töös uuritakse, milline neist kahest erinäolisest allikast on kasulikum ennustamaks parema täpsusega filmide kasumlikkust. Uuritavateks andmeteks oleme kogunud viimase kolme aasta jooksul linastunud Hollywoodi ja Bollywoodi filmid, mis on erineva geograafilise asukoha ning kultuurilise taustaga. Kollektiivse tarkuse näitena uurime sotsiaalvõrgustiku Twitteri andmeid ning võrdleme neid filmikriitikute arvustustega Hollywoodi ning Bollywoodi filmiportaalidest Metacritic ja SahiNahi. Kaasame mitmeid erinevaid tunnuseid ning rakendame erinevaid masinõppe algoritme ennustusmudelite ehitamiseks. Meie vaatluste tulemused näitavad, et võrreldes filmikriitikute eksperthinnangutega pole kollektiivsete teadmiste abil võimalik filmide kassatulu paremini ennustada ega vastupidi.Predicting movie sales figures has been a topic of interest for research for decades since every year there are dozens of movies which surprise investors either in a good or bad way depending on how well the film performs at the box-office compared to the initial expectations. There have been past studies reporting mixed results on using movie critics reviews as one of the sources of information for predicting the movie box-office outcomes. Similarly using social media as a predictor of movie success has been a popular research topic. In this thesis, we perform a case study to evaluate out of two – the (wisdom of the) crowd or the movie critics reviews, which one can predict the outcome of the movies more accurately. We analyze the Hollywood and Bollywood movies from the last three years, which belong to two different geo as well as cultural locations. We used Twitter for collecting the wisdom of the crowd and used movie critics review scores from movie review aggregator sites Metacritic and SahiNahi for Hollywood and Bollywood movies respectively. To perform our evaluation, we extracted various features and used them to build prediction models using different machine learning algorithms. After measuring the performance of prediction models using features from both Twitter and movie critic reviews, we did not find conclusive evidence to declare a clear-cut winner

    Watch Your Language! A Foundational Course Exploring Language of Gender and Sexuality

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    How do language and word choice influence the way people think about gender and sexuality? This question is addressed through a syllabus for an entry level college course, which includes suggested readings and activities along with explanations and advice for instructors. This course provides a foundation for understanding the power of language and the impact that the vocabulary used to describe people in relation to their gender and sexuality has. The purpose of the course is to offer an interactive guide for students to consider the many different ways that words may be used or misused, understood or misunderstood. This will demonstrate the complex impact of language in shaping how people think and act. The creation of a course is critical because of its ability to teach people in creative and memorable ways that allow them to develop awareness and skills that they can use in their personal and professional lives. Beyond a basic understanding of critical language to address a person or identity, the course creatively explores everyday language and its implications through practical application and activities for students. When we become more aware of language, we can better understand and communicate with others. Awareness of everyday language will help promote greater inclusivity toward the LGBTQIA2S+ community. This, in turn, encourages empathy, open-mindedness, and respect for others

    The Experience of Being Thrown Back in Encounters for Adults who were Physically Abused as Children by a Parent or Caregiver: An Empirical-Phenomenological Investigation

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    This study examined the lived meanings of the experience of being thrown back to, or reliving, the past in encounters with a stranger for adults who were physically abused as children. Flyers were posted in public locations seeking adults who had been physically abused as children. Six participants, four females and two males, volunteered to participate in the study. Five participants submitted a written description of an encounter in which a stranger looked at her/him and she/he was reminded of being physically abused as a child. One additional participant responded via an interview. Follow-up interviews were conducted by asking open-ended questions that served to clarify and to deepen the written description. One participant was eliminated when it became clear that she did not meet the criteria for this study. The written descriptions and interview data were integrated to create master texts. From the master texts, an empirical-phenomenological method was utilized to analyze the data. Results included Individual Narrative accounts as well as a Summary of Participant Accounts that together offer powerful life-world descriptions of the experience of adults\u27 being thrown back to physical child abuse experiences in an encounter. The results reveal that being thrown back to a physically abusive past in an encounter tends to unfold within the realm of everydayness, and reveals the past often with surprise and sometimes with shock, but always with a sense of familiarity. This re-experiencing was vivid. The look, with variations, was a significant finding in the study. All participants took care of themselves in some way while being thrown back to physical child abuse experiences. Most tried to make sense of being thrown back to a vivid past, while some continued to try to understand the physical child abuse they endured. This study offers adults who were physically abused as children a meaningful explication of the experience of being thrown back to physical child abuse. Mental health professionals are provided with a greater understanding of the life world of adult survivors of physical child abuse, as well as with a suggestion for group or individual psychotherapy. Suggestions for future research are offered

    19th Century Sea Shanties: from the Capstan to the Classroom

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    Sea shanties were much more than simple folk songs of the sea. They were an integral tool in wooden ship operations in the 19th century. They include universal themes that connect us with the past telling us tales of love, adventure, far away destinations, and of trials and tribulations. The tunes are rollicking, the refrains memorable, and are to be sung with ultimate abandon. When brought into the classroom, teachers can introduce musical concepts, enrich lessons, and encourage student participation through the rousing singing of sea shanties. In this study the historical evolution and function of sea shanties are explored. The information gathered is condensed into concrete and easily accessible information for teachers. This information includes historical accounts, musical elements and nuances, performance traditions, and suggested sea shanties for use in the classroom. Furthermore, the suggested repertoire includes complete Kodaly analysis and recommendations for lesson applicatio

    19th Century Sea Shanties: from the Capstan to the Classroom

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    Sea shanties were much more than simple folk songs of the sea. They were an integral tool in wooden ship operations in the 19th century. They include universal themes that connect us with the past telling us tales of love, adventure, far away destinations, and of trials and tribulations. The tunes are rollicking, the refrains memorable, and are to be sung with ultimate abandon. When brought into the classroom, teachers can introduce musical concepts, enrich lessons, and encourage student participation through the rousing singing of sea shanties. In this study the historical evolution and function of sea shanties are explored. The information gathered is condensed into concrete and easily accessible information for teachers. This information includes historical accounts, musical elements and nuances, performance traditions, and suggested sea shanties for use in the classroom. Furthermore, the suggested repertoire includes complete Kodaly analysis and recommendations for lesson applicatio

    19th Century Sea Shanties: from the Capstan to the Classroom

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    Sea shanties were much more than simple folk songs of the sea. They were an integral tool in wooden ship operations in the 19th century. They include universal themes that connect us with the past telling us tales of love, adventure, far away destinations, and of trials and tribulations. The tunes are rollicking, the refrains memorable, and are to be sung with ultimate abandon. When brought into the classroom, teachers can introduce musical concepts, enrich lessons, and encourage student participation through the rousing singing of sea shanties. In this study the historical evolution and function of sea shanties are explored. The information gathered is condensed into concrete and easily accessible information for teachers. This information includes historical accounts, musical elements and nuances, performance traditions, and suggested sea shanties for use in the classroom. Furthermore, the suggested repertoire includes complete Kodaly analysis and recommendations for lesson applicatio


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    Andhita Risko Faristiana. K8409006. PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEAKTIFAN DAN HASIL BELAJAR SOSIOLOGI SISWA KELAS XI IPS 2 SMA NEGERI 7 SURAKARTA TAHUN PELAJARAN 2012/2013. Skripsi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. April 2013. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah perbaikan pembelajaran sosiologi sebagai upaya peningkatan keaktifan belajar sosiologi pada siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 melalui penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together dan perbaikan pembelajaran sosiologi untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar sosiologi pada siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 melalui penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Heads Together. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus tindakan. Siklus pertama dan kedua membahas pokok bahasan kelompok sosial. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dari hasil observasi selama kegiatan pembelajaran sosiologi berlangsung dengan menggunakan lembar observasi keaktifan belajar siswa, catatan lapangan, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dari lembar observasi keaktifan belajar siswa dianalisis dengan menghitung dari keseluruhan aspek yang diamati. Data yang diperoleh dari tes dianalisis dengan menghitung nilai rata-rata dan persentase hasil ketuntasan siswa kelas XI IPS 2 setiap siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan dan hasil belajar sosiologi siswa setelah dilakukan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT pada materi kelompok sosial mengalami peningkatan. Hasil ini terlihat dari rata-rata aspek keaktifan belajar dan evaluasi hasil belajar sosiologi siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta yang mengalami peningkatan. Keaktifan belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan, dari 48,37% menjadi 62,98%. Dengan demikian keaktifan belajar siswa kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta yang mulanya tergolong sedang, setelah tindakan menjadi tinggi. Hasil belajar siswa meningkat, dari rata-rata kelas sebesar 73,96 menjadi 82,56 dan hasil ketuntasan belajar, dari 50% menjadi 84,37% siswa mencapai batas tuntas