Online Journal System-Kumpulan Jurnal STKIP Singkawang ((Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Singkawang)
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    1675 research outputs found

    Students' Thinking Process in Solving Geometry Problems based on Harel Theory on Malay Traditional House Design

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    The thinking process is a cognitive development that occurs in the minds of students by involving new knowledge and problems that occur related to geometry concepts to solve problems or find solutions to the problems presented. This study aims to study and describe comprehensively the thinking process of students in solving geometry problems based on Harel theory in the design of Malay traditional houses. This research method is qualitative research with a case study design. Furthermore, the data collection used is observation, tests and interviews. Then for data analysis carried out is reflective analysis with data trustworthiness using the triangulation method. Thefindings in the research  of students' thinking processes in solving geometry in the design of Malay traditional houses are the core category / central phenomenon built or constructed by three themes which include mental act, ways of thinking and ways of understanding. Ageometric spec on the design components of West Kalimantan Malay traditional houses includes rectangles, triangles, squares, parallelograms, semicircles,  isosceles triangles, right triangles, rhombuses, and trapeziums. The findings in this study need to be implemented in mathematics learning design, which relates to students' experiences in everyday life that touch the realm of local cultural arts so that students become more understanding of the geometry concepts explained so that they can dig deeper into mental acts,  ways of thinking and ways of understanding in  order to foster various student thought processes in  Solve mathematics problem


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    Media digital merupakan alat yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mempermudah proses bagian integral dari bidang pendidikan. Media sangat berguna untuk menggambarkan subjek agar lebih jelas, lebih pendek, dan lebih menyenangkan. Karena ketersediaan dan kebutuhan smartphone di perguruan tinggi, penggunaan panduan praktikum geografi tanah berbasis media digital dipilih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan ahli materi pada panduan praktikum geografi tanah berbasis media digital, 2) Untuk mengetahui kelayakan ahli media panduan praktikum geografi tanah berbasis media digital, 3) untuk mengetahui respon penggunaan panduan praktikum geografi tanah berbasis media digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development approach (R & D) dengan menggunakan model 4-D (Four-D Models) yang terdiri dari empat tahap (Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Keseluruhan rata-rata penilaian aspek materi oleh para ahli materi diperoleh nilai 82,4 Hasil penilaian tersebut masuk dalam rentang nilai 81,25< skor ≤100% dengan kategori sangat layak, 2) keseluruhan rata-rata penilaian oleh ahli media diperoleh nilai 86,6, hasil penilaian tersebut masuk dalam rentang nilai 81,25< skor ≤100% dengan kategori sangat layak. 3) respon penggunaan panduan praktikum geografi tanah berbasis media digital menghasilkan perhitungan sebesar 80,2 dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil demikian dapat membantu kegiatan pembelajaran namun terdapat kendala kondisi perangkat dan jaringan yang harus dikembangkan lagi

    Permasalahan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan Upaya dalam Menghadapi Era Society 5.0 pada Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendefinisikan permasalahan pendidikan yang muncul ketika pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dan langkah-langkah yang diambil untuk menghadapi tantangan era Society 5.0. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk membahas tantangan yang dihadapi guru sekolah dasar di era Society 5.0, pentingnya pengajaran bahasa Indonesia, dan menyusun rencana pendidikan bahasa Indonesia untuk mengatasi kesulitan pengajaran di era Society 5.0. Tantangan pengajaran bahasa Indonesia di setiap tingkat kelas berbeda-beda, dan persyaratannya pun berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu, mencari solusi terhadap tantangan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia perlu dilakukan penyesuaian pendekatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan setiap jenjang pendidikan. Temuannya menunjukkan bahwa rencana pengajaran harus didasarkan pada seperangkat prinsip yang mencakup perancangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran atau modul pengajaran, pembuatan media dan sumber pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang efektif, dan penyusunan strategi proses evaluasi pengajaran bahasa Indonesia. Untuk merencanakan pengajaran bahasa Indonesia dan mempersiapkan peserta didik  menghadapi era Society 5.0, perlu bagi guru untuk memasukkan berbagai model, strategi, dan teknik pembelajaran sebagai solusi pembelajaran yang inovatif untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang optimal

    Application of Vanname Shrimp Pond Cultivation Technology Intensive System and Good Fish Farming Method (CBIB) Standards in Majannang Village

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    PT. Bosowa Isuma which has problems with suboptimal shrimp pond productivity (traditional aquaculture system), water quality monitoring is still manual, manual feeding, and does not understand the standards of Good Fish Farming Methods (CBIB). The goal of kedaireka 2022 is to improve pond governance that is more systematic, productive, environmentally friendly and sustainable and implement the Good Fish Farming Method (CBIB) standard. The implementation method with the application of intensive cultivation system technology and CBIB standards is planted with shrimp covering an area of 5,000 m2 owned by PT. Bosowa Isuma. Vanname shrimp farming in a controlled environment so as to provide food guarantees from cultivation by paying attention to sanitation, shrimp and fish feed and chemicals and biological materials. The executors of the activities are lecturers, technicians of PT. Bosowa Isuma and 7 students of the MBKM. The result of the activity is the application of Vanname shrimp farming technology Intensive System using mill technology, automatic feeder feed and IoT-based monitoring applications is an engineering of sustainable appropriate technology capable of solving the problems of farmers in Majannang Village, especially PT. Bosowa Isuma. Supporting factors in carrying out activities are the availability of land for Vanname Shrimp cultivation and the high work ethic of the cultivator community in carrying out cultivation as well as economic encouragement in running a shrimp farming business to meet family needs, while the inhibiting factor of activities is still the lack of assistance and training in shrimp farming in improving human resources in Majjanang Villag


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    Penelitian ini dialakukan karena teridentifikasinya beberapa permasalahan lingkungan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 39 Sungai Raya, yaitu permasalahan siswa-peduli lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji seberapa baik kurikulum sekolah tersebut dalam membantu siswa SD Negeri 39 Sungai Raya dalam melek huruf terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Sampel di SD Negeri 39 Sungai Raya berjumlah 12 guru dan 120 peserta didik dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini hanyalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Lembar tes, angket, dan dokumentasi digunakan dalam teknik dan instrumen pengumpulan data. Menggunakan statistik deskriptif, metodologi analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat melek huruf penduduk desa di SD Negeri 39 Sungai Raya 76% lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nasional, sedangkan skor sikap 78% lebih tinggi dan skor perilaku 77% lebih tinggi


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    Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan Eksplorasi Mekanisme Bapidara Sebagai Etnomedisin Masyarakat Gang Cendrawasih, Kelurahan Kelayan Dalam, Kota Banjarmasin. Bapidara merupakan salah satu teknik pengobatan tradisional yang berasal dari Masyarakat Banjar Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, sedangkan nama penyakitnya adalah kapidaraan. Bapidara mulanya berasal dari tradisi pengobatan masyarakat Dayak Meratus, namun tradisi ini sudah mendapat pengaruh agama islam. Kapidaraan adalah sejenis penyakit yang tidak dapat dideteksi oleh dokter namun memiliki obat dengan cara bapidara. Bahan yang digunakan dalam pengobatan Kapidaraan adalah tumbuhan herbal yang tumbuh di Kalimantan. Biasanya dioleskan pada bagian ubun-ubun, telapak tangan, daerah ulu hati dan telapak kaki yang diiringi dengan pembacaan ayat-ayat Al-Quran, agar makhluk gaib tidak lagi mengganggu pasien. Adapun metode penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif yang dijabarkan secara deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dari observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik snowball sampling. Adapun teknik analisis data meliputi pengumpulan data yang sesuai dengan penelitian, kemudian data yang diperoleh di reduksi dan dikategorikan lagi data tersebut, setelah itu data disajikan dan diperoleh langkah terakhir dari Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan dalam menghadapi fenomena ini Masyarakat Gang Cendrawasih juga menggunakan pikirannya lebih rasional. Akan tetapi Masyarakat Gang Cendrawasih yang secara rentang budaya sangat jauh dengan praktik animisme dan dinamisme serta segala sesuatu yang bersifat irrasional, sehingga Masyarakat Gang Cendrawasih kurang mempercayai praktik ini, praktik bapidara tetap harus kita jaga dan lestarikan bersama karena merupakan salah satu warisan budaya lokal Kalimantan agar anak, cucu juga menggetahui pengobatan tradisional bapidara yang terkandung nilai-nilai sosial, budaya, agama.

    Farmer Group Training in Utilizing Bokashi for Cultivating Vegetable Crops

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    Suboptimal land use by farmers for crop cultivation activities faces obstacles including less fertile soil conditions, low soil pH and iron poisoning. To overcome this problem, efforts are needed to increase farmers' knowledge and skills, especially in the use of organic fertilizers, one of which is bokashi. The aim of this PKM activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of partners in using bokashi for plant cultivation. To achieve this goal, the method used in implementing this PKM activity is: 1). Counseling is carried out face to face with partner groups. Extension material regarding organic fertilizer, making and applying bokashi, cultivating leaf lettuce, and farmer group management; 2). Demonstration/practice of bokashi application on growing media 3). Mentoring, mentoring activities are carried out through visits to partner locations to see the results of bokashi practices that have been carried out, and holding discussions with partners. The problem with the production aspect in this farmer group is: the use of bokashi for cultivating vegetable crops is still not optimal. The solution offered to overcome production aspect problems is to transfer knowledge and technology for the use/application of bokashi for the cultivation of vegetable crops through the use of agricultural waste and available livestock materials to be used as substitutes/substitutes for inorganic fertilizers. Through the PKM activities that have been carried out, it can be seen that there has been an increase in participants' knowledge about bokashi from the initial condition of 36.63% to 94%

    Workshop on Making Coconut Milk Ice Cream as a Business Opportunity for PKK Women in Sungai Itik Village

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    Ice cream is a kind of frozen dish that has a sweet, cold and mellow taste. The raw material for making ice cream generally uses milk, but the use of milk fat from cow's milk in making ice cream can be replaced with vegetable fat derived from plants such as coconut. The purpose of this workshop activity is to provide new knowledge or innovation for the development of processed food sourced from the natural potential of Sungai Itik Village which can be used as a business opportunity by PKK women. The method of implementing this workshop activity was carried out in three stages, namely the first stage of field survey and preparation of activity plans. The second stage of socialization is conveying the designs that have been made to the village. The third stage is the implementation of activities based on the activity plan that has been prepared. The results obtained from the workshop activities of PKK women gained new knowledge about making coconut milk ice cream and were able to sell the products that had been produced


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    This research aims to conduct a needs analysis of website learning resources for material on the distribution of megaliths in local history courses in South Sumatra. Technological advances have a significant impact on life that cannot be avoided, because science and technology has many benefits that make human work easier quickly and practically. Science and technology has a big influence in various fields, one of which is education. Education really needs new innovations in the form of technology created to improve the quality and quality of students. At this stage the researcher collected data related to learning resources on megalithic distribution websites in the local history course. The research method chosen in this research is research and development (R&D). The subjects in this research were 234 History Education students. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Researchers distributed questionnaires to students via Google Forms. The data analysis technique used by researchers is interactive data analysis technique. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that 50.4% of students stated the importance of learning local history, 51.7% needed local history learning resources, 64.5% liked audiovisual media, 66.2% had internet access, 99.1% needed websites and 50. 9% need a video feature on the website. Therefore, to help improve the quality of learning, website learning resources are an alternative


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    Background research is based on the importance of the ability to think creatively participants in ppy-study, so it is done. Research is aimed at seeing an increased creative thinking ability in the use of e-book based canva for zero-one class x-1 man 1 muaro jambi. The study USES research and development using the ADDIE model research methods with canva based e-book learning media performed inside the classroom using the smartphone of each protege. Research conducted at man 1 muaro jambi. Research deduced the development of cana-based media learn-based e-book learning met valid, practical, and effective criteria. Valid criteria are validated by experts in materials, media, and language. Results of material validation with an 88% percentage, media validation with a 95% percentage, and language validation with a 70% percentage. Angket practically an educator with a 100% value and protege figure at an 89%. Effective criteria are seen the learner's observation sheets and the test results learn. The results of a 94% learner's observation sheet and the results of the learning results taken were obtained and the scores of each learner increased from the previous test scores. The entire protege also scored above a moderate minimum


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