386 research outputs found

    Entire solutions of singular elliptic inequalities on complete manifolds

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    We present some qualitative properties for solutions of singular quasilinear elliptic differential inequalities on complete Riemannian manifolds, such as the validity of the weak maximum principle at infinity, and non-existence results

    Spectral convergence in tapping and physiological fluctuations: coupling and independence of 1/f noise in the central and autonomic nervous systems.

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    When humans perform a response task or timing task repeatedly, fluctuations in measures of timing from one action to the next exhibit long-range correlations known as 1/f noise. The origins of 1/f noise in timing have been debated for over 20 years, with one common explanation serving as a default: humans are composed of physiological processes throughout the brain and body that operate over a wide range of timescales, and these processes combine to be expressed as a general source of 1/f noise. To test this explanation, the present study investigated the coupling vs. independence of 1/f noise in timing deviations, key-press durations, pupil dilations, and heartbeat intervals while tapping to an audiovisual metronome. All four dependent measures exhibited clear 1/f noise, regardless of whether tapping was synchronized or syncopated. 1/f spectra for timing deviations were found to match those for key-press durations on an individual basis, and 1/f spectra for pupil dilations matched those in heartbeat intervals. Results indicate a complex, multiscale relationship among 1/f noises arising from common sources, such as those arising from timing functions vs. those arising from autonomic nervous system (ANS) functions. Results also provide further evidence against the default hypothesis that 1/f noise in human timing is just the additive combination of processes throughout the brain and body. Our findings are better accommodated by theories of complexity matching that begin to formalize multiscale coordination as a foundation of human behavior

    A finiteness theorem for the space of Lp harmonic sections

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    In this paper we give a unified and improved treatment to finite dimensionality results for subspaces of Lp harmonic sections of Riemannian or Hermitian vector bundles over complete manifolds. The geometric conditions on the manifold are subsumed by the assumption that the Morse index of a related Schro \u308dinger operator is finite. Applications of the finiteness theorem to concrete geometric situations are also presented

    Some non-linear function theoretic properties of Riemannian manifolds

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    We study the appropriate versions of parabolicity stochastic completeness and related Liouville properties for a general class of operators which include the pp-Laplace operator, and the non linear singular operators in non-diagonal form considered by J. Serrin and collaborators

    Full atomistic model of prion structure and conversion

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    Prions are unusual protein assemblies that propagate their conformationally-encoded information in absence of nucleic acids. The first prion identified, the scrapie isoform (PrPSc) of the cellular prion protein (PrPC), caused epidemic and epizootic episodes [1]. Most aggregates of other misfolding-prone proteins are amyloids, often arranged in a Parallel-In-Register- β-Sheet (PIRIBS) [2] or β-solenoid conformations [3]. Similar folding models have also been proposed for PrPSc, although none of these have been confirmed experimentally. Recent cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and X-ray fiber-diffraction studies provided evidence that PrPSc is structured as a 4-rung β-solenoid (4RβS) [4, 5]. Here, we combined different experimental data and computational techniques to build the first physically-plausible, atomic resolution model of mouse PrPSc, based on the 4RβS architecture. The stability of this new PrPSc model, as assessed by Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, was found to be comparable to that of the prion forming domain of Het-s, a naturally-occurring β-solenoid. Importantly, the 4RβS arrangement allowed the first simulation of the sequence of events underlying PrPC conversion into PrPSc. This study provides the most updated, experimentally- driven and physically-coherent model of PrPSc, together with an unprecedented reconstruction of the mechanism underlying the self-catalytic propagation of prions.JRR was funded by grants BFU2017-86692-P and BFU2013-48436-C2-1-P from the Spanish Ministries of Economy and Competitiveness, and Education and Science, respectively, both partially including FEDER funds from the European Union. This work was also supported by a grant from Fondazione Telethon (Italy, TCP14009). GS is a recipient of a fellowship from Fondazione Telethon. EB is an Assistant Telethon Scientist at the Dulbecco Telethon Institute. HW acknowledges support through grant 201600029 from the Alberta Prion Research Institute. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Genomics of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST16 producing NDM-1, CTX-M-15, and OXA-232

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    OBJECTIVES: Genomic characterization of the internationally spread sequence type (ST) 16 carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. METHODS: The complete genomes of three carbapenem producing ST16 K. pneumoniae from Italian patients were analysed by single-nucleotide polymorphism-based phylogeny, core genome multilocus sequence typing, resistance, plasmid, and virulence content and compared with ten genomes of ST16 strains isolated in other countries. Plasmids carrying blaNDM-1 or blaOXA-232 carbapenemase genes were assembled and sequences were analysed. RESULTS: The internationally spread ST16 K. pneumoniae clone showed variability in terms of distribution of NDM-1 and OXA-232 type carbapenemases. In some ST16 strains, up to six plasmids can be simultaneously present in the same cell, including ColE-like plasmids carrying blaOXA-232 and IncF plasmids carrying blaNDM-1. The differences observed in plasmid, resistance, and virulence content and core genome suggested that there is not a unique, highly conserved ST16 clone, but instead different variants of this lineage circulate worldwide. CONCLUSIONS: The ST16 K. pneumoniae clone has spread worldwide and may become a high-risk clone
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