373 research outputs found

    Experiencias de un profesor de geología en Kamchatka

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    El proyecto telecán : la teleeducación en las islas Canarias

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    A raíz de la celebración en 1977 del Seminario sobre Educación a Distancia y Medios de Telecomunicación se puso en marcha en Canarias un proyecto de teleeducación que, con el nombre de TELECAN, se fijó como objetivo la enseñanza de idiomas, en forma convencional. El proyecto TELECAN abarcó el archipiélago canario y estaba potencialmente dirigido a todos sus habitantes. No obstante, en el análisis de la población se vio que un programa de estas características respondía directamente a las necesidades de tres colectivos: la población laboral y el profesorado y los alumnos de E.G.B. La inscripción no tuvo limitaciones de ningún tipo, ni económicas -el curso era gratuito- ni personales o sociales y ni tan siquiera curriculares. Cualquier persona era susceptible de recibir las enseñanzas del idioma por ella escogido. Se utilizaron de forma masiva la prensa y la radio. En la primera se publicaron las lecciones que posteriormente eran emitidas por diferentes emisoras. Los cursos se apoyaron en tres momentos fundamentales; el de la recepción audiovisual en el propio hogar, la orientación permanente por medio de la consulta telefónica y la evaluación a distancia. Una vez finalizado el curso y para lograr la certificación de nivel alcanzado el alumno hubo de superar una evaluación presencial. El proyecto TELECAN impartió enseñanzas de alemán, inglés y francés utilizando cursos de reconocido prestigio y eficacia. Todo el proyecto estuvo encaminado al logro de un correcto manejo del idioma, tanto en las facetas de comprensión, como en las de expresión oral y escrita. La duración de TELECAN fue de un año académico respetando el calendario escolar. La evaluación del proyecto, pese a estar todavía en proceso de elaboración, promete ser satisfactoria, máxime cuando no se evidenciaron reacciones de oposición al proyecto y el número de inscripciones fue significativamente elevado.El proyecto Hilo Cultural en Canarias pretende utilizar el Hilo Musical en los centros de EGB para evaluar las posibilidades educativas de este medio, tanto en la enseñanza de idiomas como en el área de ciencias sociales y la educación musical. Los colectivos destinatarios de este proyecto son el alumnado de idioma extranjero y el profesorado de EGB, así como los padres. Esto último convierte al Centro Docente en auténtico animador sociocultural dentro del marco de la Educación Permanente.On the occasion of the celebration of the Seminar on Distance Education and Telecommunication Means in 1977, a project of teleeducation was launched in the Canary Islands called TELECAN; as objetive, being the teaching of languages in non-conventional form was established. The TELECAN project cover the Canarian Archipelago and was potentially directed to all its inhabitants. However, in the analysis of the population, it was manifested that a program with these characteristics catered directly the needs of three groups: workers, professors and the elementary school students (EGB). The registration did not have limitations of any type; neither economic -the courses were free of chargenor personal or social and not even curriculars. Every person was susceptible to receive the language instruction chosen by himself. The press and the radio were employed in a massive form. At first, the lessons were published and afterwards were broadcasted by different radio stations. The courses were based on three basic moments: the moment of the audio-visual reception in the homes: the permanent orientation by means of a consultation by telephone and the evaluation at distance. Once the course is over, and to evaluate and certify the level attained, the student has to pass a presential evaluation. The TELECAN Project gave classes of German, French and English utilizing courses of recognized prestige and efflciency. The whole project was patterned to enable a correct expression of the language, be it in comprehension as well as oral and written expression. The TELECAN had a duration of one academic year respecting the school calendar. The evaluation of the project although it is still in the elaboration process, promises to be of maximum satisfaction; there were no opposing reactions manifested with respect to the project and the number of registrations were significantly high. The Hilo Cultural Project in the Canary Islands intend to make use of the "Hilo Musical" in the elementary schools to evaluate the educational possibilities of this means such as in the field of social sciences and musical education. The collective receptors of this project are the students of foreign languages and the elementary teachers as well as parents. This last transform the Teaching Center into an authentic socio-cultural animator within the frame of permanent education

    El castillo de San Fernando de Figueras

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    Modeling of Free Surface Flows with Elastic Bodies Interactions

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    In this paper, a series of new fluid and structure interactions test cases with strong free surface effects are presented and computations of such flows with the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) (Idelsohn, Oiiate, Del Pin and Calvo, 2006) are documented. The structures object of study are elastic cantilever bars clamped inside sloshing tanks subjected ro roll motion. The possibilities of PFEM for the coupled simulation of moderately violent free surface flows interacting with elastic bodies are investigated. The problem can be described as the coupling of a sloshing flow with an easily deformable elastic body. A series of experiments designed and executed specifically for these tests are also described. The experiments comprise cases with different liquid height and liquids of different viscosity. The aim is to identify canonical benchmark problems in FSI (Fluid and Structure Interactions), including free surfaces, for future comparisons between different numerical approaches

    Cadmium sulfite hexahydrate revisited

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    The present structural revision of the title compound, tetra­cadmium tetra­sulfite hexa­hydrate, [Cd4(SO3)4(H2O)5]·H2O, is a low-temperature upgrade (T = 100 K and R = 0.017) of the original room-temperature structure reported by Kiers & Vos [Cryst. Struct. Commun. (1978). 7, 399–403; T = 293 K and R = 0.080). The compound is a three-dimensional polymer with four independent cadmium centres, four sulfite anions and six water mol­ecules, five of them coordinated to two cadmium centres and the remaining one an unbound solvent mol­ecule which completes the asymmetric unit. There are two types of cadmium environment: CdO8 (through four chelating sulfite ligands) and CdO6 (by way of six monocoordinated ligands). The former groups form planar arrays [parallel to (001) and separated by half a unit cell translation along c], made up of chains running along [110] and [10], respectively. These chains are, in turn, inter­connected both in an intra­planar as well as in an inter­planar fashion by the latter CdO6 polyhedra into a tight three-dimensional framework. There is, in addition, an extensive network of hydrogen bonds, in which all 12 water H atoms act as donors and eight O atoms from all four sulfite groups and two water mol­ecules act as acceptors

    Efficient Autonomous Navigation for Planetary Rovers with Limited Resources

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    Rovers operating on Mars are in need of more and more autonomous features to ful ll their challenging mission requirements. However, the inherent constraints of space systems make the implementation of complex algorithms an expensive and difficult task. In this paper we propose a control architecture for autonomous navigation. Efficient implementations of autonomous features are built on top of the current ExoMars navigation method, enhancing the safety and traversing capabilities of the rover. These features allow the rover to detect and avoid hazards and perform long traverses by following a roughly safe path planned by operators on ground. The control architecture implementing the proposed navigation mode has been tested during a field test campaign on a planetary analogue terrain. The experiments evaluated the proposed approach, autonomously completing two long traverses while avoiding hazards. The approach only relies on the optical Localization Cameras stereobench, a sensor that is found in all rovers launched so far, and potentially allows for computationally inexpensive long-range autonomous navigation in terrains of medium difficulty

    Size Effect and Other Effects on Mode I Fracture Toughness Using Two Testing Methods

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Mode I fracture toughness (KIC) is an intrinsic material property that quantifies its resistance to tensile fracture propagation. The International Society for Rock Mechanics has endorsed four methods to determine the KIC of rock, namely, the short rod, chevron bend, cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc, and semi-circular bend (SCB) methods. In this study, we compare the results of the SCB technique with those of the recently proposed pseudo-compact tension (pCT) test, which has proven to be convenient for the assessment of KIC in both fragile and ductile rocks. We select the SCB as a benchmark method due to its popularity, simplicity, and straightforward testing configuration. We discuss the results of 146 tests performed with different lithologies (Arcera, Pinacas and Corvio sandstones, and Blanco Mera granite), different sample sizes (100, 50 and 38 mm diameter), and a range of notch lengths. We also assess test repeatability and intercomparability of the results obtained using the two techniques. Compared with the SCB test, the pCT test allows for improved control of the specimen behaviour after the peak load, which provides a greater wealth of fracture mechanics information. pCT specimens yield results with higher repeatability than SCB samples. Although we observe that KIC tends to decrease with an increase in the notch length ratio, this effect appears to be non-significant based on statistical assessments. Accordingly, the corresponding mean KIC values are comparable for medium- and large specimens. The influence of specimen size is more pronounced in the SCB tests, while the pCT tests show less dependence for harder lithologies. Therefore, to set up minimum specimen requirements for fracture toughness testing, in addition to geometrical constraints, some key lithology-dependent properties (strength, mineralogy, grain size, etc.) should also be considered. Further methodological considerations related to test execution are also discussed.This work was funded by Repsol S.A. and supported by the Xunta de Galicia, the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and the MINECO/AEI/FEDER EU project BIA2017-87066-R. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG

    Renovación de los contenidos de la educación: planes y programas de estudio

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    Pedro Rosselló, desde la atalaya de la Oficina lntemacional de Educación de la que era Subdirector, describía así la primera de las corrientes en alza de entre las que definían el panorama educativo contemporáneo: "Estamos en la era de las reformas escolares". Movimiento que no parece anunciar su detención, antes bien se prevé que irá aumentando en profundidad y extensión. Y entre estas reformas, por supuesto, y casi siempre en primer lugar, figura la de los contenidos de la enseñanza. Deseable o no, hay que contar con este dato y con esta previsión. El problema consiste no en discutir el hecho, ni siquiera en frenarlo, sino en intentar aprovecharse de su onda expansiva y convertir el cambio en un instrumento técnico de perfectiva renovación


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    Para prever los rumbos de la educación en el siglo XXI, recurrimos a dos metodologías prospectivas: extrapolación de las tendencias actuales y los ideales que demandamos se cumplan en el futuro. El progreso tecnológico y la mundialización son tendencias al alza. El derecho universal a la educación y la igualdad de oportunidades son reclamados por todos. Un mundo en cambio acelerado exige la educación permanente. Para responder esa demanda acrecida de educación para todos a lo largo de toda la vida, se abren nuevas posibilidades, gracias al sistema multimedia de enseñanza a distancia, que goza de un desarrollo espectacular en todos los niveles y modalidades de la formación. Sin renunciara los momentos de tutoría presencial, y al tradicionalmaterial impreso, se aprovechan las virtualidades formativas del teléfono, la radio, el vídeo, la televisión, la videoconferencia, y, de un modo especial, el computador. Este permite archivar y recuperar rápidamente una cantidad enorme de material educativo, pero sobre todo facilita el aprendizajepersonal interactivo, individualizado y, a la vez, universal, rompiendo las barreras tempoespaciales y sociológicas de la enseñanza presencial.ABSTRACTThere are two principal methods in the prospective: to project into the future the present tendencies and to stablish the ideals to build the future. The technological progress and the globalization are the two growing tendencies. All people ask for universal right of education and the equality of opportunities. The changing world demand permanent education. The multimedia system of education at distance in all levéis of educational system allows to serve efficiently lifelong education for all people. Education at distance use printed materials, tutors, telephone, radio, televisión, but specially the computer that make easy to fue and recuparate very quickly a big quantity of didactic materials and facilítate personnal interactive leaming. At the same time teaching at distance brakes barriers of space, time and sociological that put limits to the traditional teaching