162 research outputs found

    L’influence allemande sur la pensée protestante en France

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    Théâtre et théologie pratique

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    Troeltsch, Schweitzer, Tillich ou les voies d’un christianisme désabsolutisé

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    CORT, John C., Christian Socialism. An Informal History

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    Complicações das patologias e terapêuticas em medicina dentária envolvendo prognóstico vital

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizEmbora as complicações vitais da medicina dentária sejam um evento raro, o médico-dentista deverá saber como proceder ao ser confrontado com as mesmas ao longo do seu percurso profissional. Como profissional de saúde, deve ser capaz de lidar com este tipo de incidente. Isto requer conhecimentos e competências e habilidades que o praticante deve adquirir. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer referência às diversas situações patológicas e dos seus cuidados. A má gestão desses eventos pode rapidamente ter consequências graves. O médico-dentista representa, como cuidador, um elo essencial na cadeia de cuidados, desde o seu diagnóstico até ao atendimento hospitalar

    REYMOND (Bernard), Le Protestantisme et les images. Pour en finir avec quelques clichés

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    Le sous-titre de l’ouvrage « Pour en finir avec quelques clichés » en précise l’ambition. Il ne s’agit pas de présenter, après la grande étude de Jérôme Cottin (Le regard et la Parole, Labor et Fides, 1994) un nouvel essai de théologie sur le sujet mais de proposer une mise au point accessible sur un thème dont on ne retient volontiers que l’aspect polémique. En une synthèse qui va des prises de position des réformateurs jusqu’aux usages les plus contemporains de l’image, l’auteur précise un ..

    A novel TMPRSS3 missense mutation in a DFNB8/10 family prevents proteolytic activation of the protein

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    Pathogenic mutations in TMPRSS3, which encodes a transmembrane serine protease, cause non-syndromic deafness DFNB8/10. Missense mutations map in the low density-lipoprotein receptor A (LDLRA), scavenger-receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR), and protease domains of the protein, indicating that all domains are important for its function. TMPRSS3 undergoes proteolytic cleavage and activates the ENaC sodium channel in a Xenopus oocyte model system. To assess the importance of this gene in non-syndromic childhood or congenital deafness in Turkey, we screened for mutations affected members of 25 unrelated Turkish families. The three families with the highest LOD score for linkage to chromosome 21q22.3 were shown to harbor P404L, R216L, or Q398X mutations, suggesting that mutations in TMPRSS3 are a considerable contributor to non-syndromic deafness in the Turkish population. The mutant TMPRSS3 harboring the novel R216L missense mutation within the predicted cleavage site of the protein fails to undergo proteolytic cleavage and is unable to activate ENaC, thus providing evidence that pre-cleavage of TMPRSS3 is mandatory for normal functio

    The transmembrane serine protease (TMPRSS3) mutated in deafness DFNB8/10 activates the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in vitro

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    TMPRSS3 encodes a transmembrane serine protease that contains both LDLRA and SRCR domains and is mutated in non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness (DFNB8/10). To study its function, we cloned the mouse ortholog which maps to Mmu17, which is structurally similar to the human gene and encodes a polypeptide with 88% identity to the human protein. RT-PCR and RNA in situ hybridization on rat and mouse cochlea revealed that Tmprss3 is expressed in the spiral ganglion, the cells supporting the organ of Corti and the stria vascularis. RT-PCR on mouse tissues showed expression in the thymus, stomach, testis and E19 embryos. Transient expression of wild-type or tagged TMPRSS3 protein showed a primary localization in the endoplasmic reticulum. The epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC), which is expressed in many sodium-reabsorbing tissues including the inner ear and is regulated by membrane-bound channel activating serine proteases (CAPs), is a potential substrate of TMPRSS3. In the Xenopus oocyte expression system, proteolytic processing of TMPRSS3 was associated with increased ENaC mediated currents. In contrast, 6 TMPRSS3 mutants (D103G, R109W, C194F, W251C, P404L, C407R) causing deafness and a mutant in the catalytic triad of TMPRSS3 (S401A), failed to undergo proteolytic cleavage and activate ENaC. These data indicate that important signaling pathways in the inner ear are controlled by proteolytic cleavage and suggest: (i) the existence of an auto-catalytic processing by which TMPRSS3 would become active, and (ii) that ENaC could be a substrate of TMPRSS3 in the inner ea

    Vers une méthode de conception HYGRO-thermique des BATiments performants : démarche du projet HYGRO-BAT

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    Cet article présente la démarche mise en oeuvre dans le projet collaboratif ANR Hygrobat, qui vise à donner des outils pour quantifier de manière fiable l'impact des transferts de masse sur les transferts de chaleur dans les parois de bâtiments comprenant des matériaux fortement hygroscopiques. Les matériaux sélectionnés dans ce projets (fibre de bois, bois massif, OSB) ont été soigneusement caractérisés. Leurs propriétés hygrothermiques ont été mesurées en laboratoire, puis ils ont été mis en oeuvre dans des parois, soumises à des conditions aux limites de variées. L'originalité de l'étude réside dans : (i) la démarche "pas à pas" de complexité croissante, partant des caractérisations d'un seul matériau en conditions stationnaires, jusqu'aux mesures sur une paroi multicouche en climat réel ; (ii) les vérifications croisées de mesures expérimentales, qui sont effectuées dans deux des laboratoires partenaires du projet, parfois sur des dispositifs différents ; (iii) association des benchmarks expérimentaux et numérique

    A recipe for scavenging in vertebrates - the natural history of a behaviour

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    AK was funded by the Irish Research Council GOIP/2015/81, KH was funding by Science Foundation Ireland. T.G. acknowledges support from European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement number 311092 awarded to Martin D. Brazeau.Despite its prevalence, the importance of scavenging to carnivores is difficult to ascertain in modern day forms and impossible to study directly in extinct species. Yet, there are certain intrinsic and environmental features of a species that push it towards a scavenging lifestyle. These can be thought of as some of the principal parameters in optimal foraging theory namely, encounter rate and handling time. We use these components to highlight the morphologies and environments that would have been conducive to scavenging over geological time by focusing on the dominant vertebrate groups of the land, sea and air. The result is a synthesis on the natural history of scavenging. The features that make up our qualitative scale of scavenging can be applied to any given species and allow us to judge the likely importance of this foraging behaviour.PostprintPeer reviewe
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