263 research outputs found

    Epsilon Indi B: a new benchmark T dwarf

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    We have identified a new early T dwarf only 3.6pc from the Sun, as a common proper motion companion (separation 1459AU) to the K5V star Epsilon Indi (HD209100). As such, Epsilon Indi B is one of the highest proper motion sources outside the solar system (~4.7 arcsec/yr), part of one of the twenty nearest stellar systems, and the nearest brown dwarf to the Sun. Optical photometry obtained from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey was combined with approximate infrared photometry from the 2MASS Quicklook survey data release, yielding colours for the source typical of early T dwarfs. Follow up infrared spectroscopy using the ESO NTT and SOFI confirmed its spectral type to be T2.5+/-0.5. With Ks=11.2, Epsilon Indi B is 1.7 magnitudes brighter than any previously known T dwarf and 4 magnitudes brighter than the typical object in its class, making it highly amenable to detailed study. Also, as a companion to a bright nearby star, it has a precisely known distance (3.626pc) and relatively well-known age (0.8-2Gyr), allowing us to estimate its luminosity as logL/Lsun=-4.67, its effective temperature as 1260K, and its mass as ~40-60Mjup. Epsilon Indi B represents an important addition to the census of the Solar neighbourhood and, equally importantly, a new benchmark object in our understanding of substellar objects.Comment: Accepted by A&A (Letters); 5 pages, 3 figure

    Discovery of New Milky Way Star Cluster Candidates in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog II. Physical Properties of the Star Cluster CC01

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    Three new obscured Milky Way clusters were detected as surface density peaks in the 2MASS point source catalog during our on-going search for hidden globular clusters and massive Arches-like star clusters. One more cluster was discovered serendipitously during a visual inspection of the candidates. The first deep J, H, and Ks imaging of the cluster [IBP2002] CC01 is presented. We estimated a cluster age of ~1-3 Myr, distance modulus of (m-M)0=12.56+-0.08 mag (D=3.5 Kpc), and extinction of AV~7.7 mag. We also derived the initial mass function slope for the cluster: Gamma=-2.23+-0.16. The integration over the initial mass function yielded a total cluster mass M_{total}<=1800+-200Msol. CC01 appears to be a regular, not very massive star cluster, whose formation has probably been induced by the shock front from the nearby HII region Sh2-228.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted in A&

    Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way: III. 139 new open clusters at high Galactic latitudes

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    Context. An earlier analysis of the Milky Way Star Cluster (MWSC) catalogue revealed an apparent lack of old (t Ăą?€ 1 Gyr) open clusters in the solar neighbourhood (d Ăą?„ 1 kpc). Aims. To fill this gap we undertook a search for hitherto unknown star clusters, assuming that the missing old clusters reside at high Galactic latitudes | b | > 20°. Methods. We were looking for stellar density enhancements using a star count algorithm on the 2MASS point source catalogue. To increase the contrast between potential clusters and the field, we applied filters in colour-magnitude space according to typical colour-magnitude diagrams of nearby old open clusters. The subsequent comparison with lists of known objects allowed us to select thus far unknown cluster candidates. For verification they were processed with the standard pipeline used within the MWSC survey for computing cluster membership probabilities and for determining structural, kinematic, and astrophysical parameters. Results. In total we discovered 782 density enhancements, 524 of which were classified as real objects. Among them 139 are new open clusters with ages 8.3 < log (t [yr]) < 9.7, distances d< 3 kpc, and distances from the Galactic plane 0.3 <Z< 1 kpc. This new sample has increased the total number of known high latitude open clusters by about 150%. Nevertheless, we still observe a lack of older nearby clusters up to 1 kpc from the Sun. This volume is expected to still contain about 60 unknown clusters that probably escaped our detection algorithm, which fails to detect sparse overdensities with large angular size

    Spectroscopic characterization of 78 DENIS ultracool dwarf candidates in the solar neighborhood and the Upper Sco OB association

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    Aims: Low-resolution optical spectroscopic observations for 78 very low-mass star and brown dwarf candidates that have been photometrically selected using the DENIS survey point source catalogue. Methods: Spectral types are derived for them using measurements of the PC3 index. They range from M6 to L4. H_alpha emission and NaI subordinate doublet (818.3 nm and 819.9 nm) equivalent widths are measured in the spectra. Spectroscopic indices of TiO, VO, CrH and FeH molecular features are also reported. Results: A rule-of-thumb criterion to select young very low-mass objects using the NaI doublet equivalent width is given. It is used to confirm seven new members of the Upper Sco OB association and two new members of the R Cr-A star-forming region. Four of our field objects are also classified as very young, but are not members of any known nearby young association. The frequency of lower-gravity young objects in our field ultracool sample is 8.5%. Our results provide the first spectroscopic classification for 38 ultracool dwarfs in the solar vicinity with spectrophotometric distances in the range 17 pc to 65 pc (3 of them are new L dwarfs within 20 pc).Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, Accepted by A&

    A dwarf galaxy remnant in Canis Major: the fossil of an in-plane accretion onto the Milky Way

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    We present an analysis of the asymmetries in the population of Galactic M-giant stars present in the 2MASS All Sky catalogue. Several large-scale asymmetries are detected, the most significant of which is a strong elliptical-shaped stellar over-density, close to the Galactic plane at (l=240, b=-8), in the constellation of Canis Major. A small grouping of globular clusters (NGC 1851, NGC 1904, NGC 2298, and NGC 2808), coincident in position and radial velocity, surround this structure, as do a number of open clusters. The population of M-giant stars in this over-density is similar in number to that in the core of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. We argue that this object is the likely dwarf galaxy progenitor of the ring-like structure that has recently been found at the edge of the Galactic disk. A numerical study of the tidal disruption of an accreted dwarf galaxy is presented. The simulated debris fits well the extant position, distance and velocity information on the ``Galactic Ring'', as well as that of the M-giant over-densities, suggesting that all these structures are the consequence of a single accretion event. The disrupted dwarf galaxy stream orbits close to the Galactic Plane, with a pericentre at approximately the Solar circle, an orbital eccentricity similar to that of stars in the Galactic thick disk, as well as a vertical scale height similar to that of the thick disk. This finding strongly suggests that the Canis Major dwarf galaxy is a building block of the Galactic thick disk, that the thick disk is continually growing, even up to the present time, and that thick disk globular clusters were accreted onto the Milky Way from dwarf galaxies in co-planar orbits.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures (2 in colour), accepted for publication in MNRA

    The SDSS-III APOGEE Radial Velocity Survey of M dwarfs I: Description of Survey and Science Goals

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    We are carrying out a large ancillary program with the SDSS-III, using the fiber-fed multi-object NIR APOGEE spectrograph, to obtain high-resolution H-band spectra of more than 1200 M dwarfs. These observations are used to measure spectroscopic rotational velocities, radial velocities, physical stellar parameters, and variability of the target stars. Here, we describe the target selection for this survey and results from the first year of scientific observations based on spectra that is publicly available in the SDSS-III DR10 data release. As part of this paper we present RVs and vsini of over 200 M dwarfs, with a vsini precision of ~2 km/s and a measurement floor at vsini = 4 km/s. This survey significantly increases the number of M dwarfs studied for vsini and RV variability (at ~100-200 m/s), and will advance the target selection for planned RV and photometric searches for low mass exoplanets around M dwarfs, such as HPF, CARMENES, and TESS. Multiple epochs of radial velocity observations enable us to identify short period binaries, and AO imaging of a subset of stars enables the detection of possible stellar companions at larger separations. The high-resolution H-band APOGEE spectra provide the opportunity to measure physical stellar parameters such as effective temperatures and metallicities for many of these stars. At the culmination of this survey, we will have obtained multi-epoch spectra and RVs for over 1400 stars spanning spectral types of M0-L0, providing the largest set of NIR M dwarf spectra at high resolution, and more than doubling the number of known spectroscopic vsini values for M dwarfs. Furthermore, by modeling telluric lines to correct for small instrumental radial velocity shifts, we hope to achieve a relative velocity precision floor of 50 m/s for bright M dwarfs. We present preliminary results of this telluric modeling technique in this paper.Comment: Submitted to Astronomical Journa

    Near-infrared and optical observations of galactic warps: A common, unexplained feature of most discs

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    Context: Warps occurring in galactic discs have been studied extensively in HI and in the optical, but rarely in the near-infrared (NIR) bands that trace the older stellar populations. Aims: We provide NIR data of nearby edge-on galaxies, combined with optical observations, for direct comparison of the properties of galactic warps as a function of wavelength, and calculate warp curves for each galaxy and obtain the characteristic warp parameters. We discuss these properties as possible constraints to the different mechanisms that have been proposed for the development and persistence of galactic warps. Methods: We observed 20 galaxies that were selected from a statistically complete diameter-limited subsample of edge-on disc galaxies. We used the Cerro Tololo Infrared Imager (CIRIM) at the CTIO 1.5m Ritchey-Chretien telescope to acquire the NIR data. We used the 1.54m Danish and 0.92m Dutch telescopes at the European Southern Observatory's La Silla site for our optical observations. Results: Our results show that 13 of our 20 sample galaxies are warped, with the warp more pronounced in the optical than at NIR wavelengths. In the remaining seven galaxies, no warp is apparent within the limitations of our automated detection method. The transition between the unperturbed inner disc and the outer, warped region is rather abrupt. S0 galaxies exhibit very small or no warps. The magnetic model remains one of a number of interesting formation scenarios.Comment: 16 page

    Four quasars above redshift 6 discovered by the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey

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    The Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey (CFHQS) is an optical survey designed to locate quasars during the epoch of reionization. In this paper we present the discovery of the first four CFHQS quasars at redshift greater than 6, including the most distant known quasar, CFHQS J2329-0301 at z=6.43. We describe the observational method used to identify the quasars and present optical, infrared, and millimeter photometry and optical and near-infrared spectroscopy. We investigate the dust properties of these quasars finding an unusual dust extinction curve for one quasar and a high far-infrared luminosity due to dust emission for another. The mean millimeter continuum flux for CFHQS quasars is substantially lower than that for SDSS quasars at the same redshift, likely due to a correlation with quasar UV luminosity. For two quasars with sufficiently high signal-to-noise optical spectra, we use the spectra to investigate the ionization state of hydrogen at z>5. For CFHQS J1509-1749 at z=6.12, we find significant evolution (beyond a simple extrapolation of lower redshift data) in the Gunn-Peterson optical depth at z>5.4. The line-of-sight to this quasar has one of the highest known optical depths at z~5.8. An analysis of the sizes of the highly-ionized near-zones in the spectra of two quasars at z=6.12 and z=6.43 suggest the IGM surrounding these quasars was substantially ionized before these quasars turned on. Together, these observations point towards an extended reionization process, but we caution that cosmic variance is still a major limitation in z>6 quasar observations.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, AJ, in press, minor changes to previous versio

    Near-infrared spectroscopic characterisation of Gaia ultra-cool dwarf candidates

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Context. The local census of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs is crucial to improving our understanding of the stellar-substellar transition and their formation history. These objects, known as ultra-cool dwarfs (UCDs), are essential targets for searches of potentially habitable planets. However, their detection poses a challenge because of their low luminosity. The Gaia survey has identified numerous new UCD candidates thanks to its large survey and precise astrometry. Aims. We aim to characterise 60 UCD candidates detected by Gaia in the solar neighbourhood with a spectroscopic follow-up to confirm that they are UCDs, as well as to identify peculiarities. Methods. We acquired the near-infrared (NIR) spectra of 60 objects using the SOFI spectrograph between 0.93 and 2.5 ”m (R~ 600). We identified their spectral types using a template-matching method. Their binarity is studied using astrometry and spectral features. Results. We confirm that 60 objects in the sample have ultra-cool dwarf spectral types close to those expected from astrometry. Their NIR spectra reveal that seven objects could host an unresolved coolest companion and seven UCDs share the same proper motions as other stars. The characterisation of these UCDs is part of a coordinated effort to improve our understanding of the Solar neighbourhood.Peer reviewe
