103 research outputs found

    EFEKTIVITAS PENGGUNAAN MULTIMEDIA FLASH DALAM PEMBELAJARAN POLA KALIMAT BAHASA JEPANG DASAR : Eksperimen Kuasi terhadap Siswa Kelas X Lintas Minat 2 Bahasa Jepang SMAN 20 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang di Indonesia kini mengalami beberapa perubahan yaitu adalah berubahnya kurikulum dari KTSP ke kurikulum 2013. Kurikulum 2013 yang digunakan saat ini menuntut siswa untuk tidak hanya menerima pembelajaran dari guru saja namun siswa juga harus belajar secara mandiri. Untuk memenuhi tuntutan kurikulum diperlukan media pembelajaran yang menunjang. Salah satu yang dapat menunjang adalah pembelajaran menggunakan multimedia berbasis flash. Pembelajaran menggunakan multimedia ini perlu diterapkan pada pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang dengan materi yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa, Menurut hasil angket materi yang dianggap sulit yaitu salah satunya adalah pembelajaran pola kalimat dasar, maka akan sangat bagus apabila diterapkan multimedia pada pembelajaran pola kalimat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil belajar pola kalimat dasar Bahasa Jepang sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan multimedia flash. Selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui respon, tanggapan terhadap multimedia pembelajaran berbasis flash pada pembelajaran pola kalimat dasar Bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen kuasi, dimana hanya mengambil satu kelas saja sebagai objek penelitian. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 20 orang yang diambil dari populasi siswa kelas X lintas Minat Bahasa Jepang SMAN 20 Bandung tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah berupa tes tertulis dan non tes berupa angket. Berdasarkan analisis data, nilai t hitung sebesar 14,21. Dan t tabel dengan taraf signifikansi 5% adalah 2,09 dan t-tabel dengan taraf signifikansi 1 % adalah 2,86. Dengan demikian dapat diketahui bahwa hasil t hitung lebih besar dibandingkan t tabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% (14,21>2,09). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dengan dilakukannya pembelajaran pola kalimat Bahasa Jepang dasar menggunakan Multimedia berbasis Flash. Selain itu pula didapatkan dari hasil analisis angket bahwa responden memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap Multimedia pembelajaran berbasis flash dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar pada materi pola kalimat Bahasa Jepang dasar. ; Nowdays, The Japanese language learning in Indonesia has changed which is showed by the change of curriculum from KTSP to 2013 curriculum. 2013 curriculum that used demands the students which are not only receiving learning from the teachers, but they also have to stand alone in learning. In order to meet the demand of curriculum,, it needs a supporting learning media. One of the supporting learning media is using Flash Multimedia. The learning which used in this multimedia needs to be applied in Japanese learning that consists of difficult materials for students. The result shows that the one of difficult materials is the sentence pattern learning basic. Therefore, the multimedia is a good way to be applied in this learning. This research aims to investigate the result of the sentence pattern basic of Japanese language learning before and after by using Flash Multimedia. Besides that, this research also aims to analyze the respond and impression to the Flash Multimedia learning in sentence pattern learning of Japanese language. The method used in this research is Quasi Experiment where only takes a class as the object of research. This research takes samples as much as 20 people from the population of class X lintas minat Bahasa Jepang SMAN 20 Bandung tahun ajaran 2015/2016 students. The instrument used is written and non-written test in the form of quetionnaire. According to data analysis, the grade t-quatinfication is as much as 14,21. Then, the t-table with the signification level 5% is 2,09 and t-table with the signification level 1 % is 2,86. From the data, the result shows that t-quantification is much more then t-table in the signification level of 5% (14.21>2,09). In other word, it can be conclude that there is a significant influence by applying sentence pattern of Japanese language basic learning by using Flash Multimedia Basic. Furthermore the data shows that the responden give the positive respon the the learning by using flash Multimedia Basic. In order to increase learning output to the sentece pattern of Japanese language basic material

    Free Radicals and Biomarkers Related to the Diagnosis of Cardiorenal Syndrome

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    The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Working Group has postulated the cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) as an interaction between the kidneys and the cardiovascular system in which therapy to relieve congestive heart failure (HF) symptoms is limited by the further worsening renal function. CRS is classified from type I to V, taking into account the progression of the symptoms in terms of mechanisms, clinical conditions, and biomarkers. Experimental and clinical studies have shown the kidney as both a trigger and a target to sympathetic nervous system (SNS) overactivity. Renal damage and ischemia, activation of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS), and dysfunction of nitric oxide (NO) system are associated with kidney adrenergic activation. Indeed, the imbalances of RAAS and/or SNS share an important common process in CRS: the activation and production of free radicals, especially reactive oxygen species (ROS). The present chapter addresses connections of the free radicals as potential biomarkers as the imbalances in the RAAS and the SNS are developed. Understanding the involvement of free radicals in CRS may bring knowledge to design studies in order to develop accurate pharmacological interventions


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran Hands on Activity terhadap kemampuan komunikasi tertulis siswa kelas V SDN 34 Cakranegara pada materi pecahan.  Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dan desain ini adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SD 34 Cakranegara. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah kesuluruhan populasi yang dipilih secara purposive random sampling. Berdasarkan hasil tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis diperoleh rata-rata nilai pretest sebesar 49, 36 dan nilai posttest diperoleh rata-rata nilai 65, 62. Hasil Uji t diperoleh  (dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 dengan df 23) yaitu 3,872 > 2,056 maka  ditolak, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Hands on Activity  terhadap kemampuan komunikasi tertulis siswa pada materi pecahan di kelas V SDN 34 Cakranegara. 

    Signaling Pathways of Cardiac Remodeling Related to Angiotensin II

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    Heart failure affects more than 23 million people worldwide, and its prognosis remains poor. Hypertension is one of the most prominent human health problem and places individuals at a higher risk for heart failure. Several factors interplay the development of hypertension contributing for decompensated heart hypertrophy. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been shown to be the foremost regulator of blood pressure. Many evidences have pointed out the importance of RAS and its key mediator, angiotensin II (Ang II), on signaling pathways involved in cardiac remodeling. The Ang II-induced hypertrophic effects seem to be related to increased reactive oxygen species (ROS). Under oxidative stress conditions, as those observed in hypertension and heart failure, the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) is activated. Ang II is connected with TNF-α and TGF-β by ROS-NF-κB-MMP mechanisms, which are involved in heart failure. The rationale of the present chapter is structured on the progression of heart failure related to Ang II, TNF-α and TGF-β by common signaling pathways. Pharmacotherapeutics approaches to the heart failure abound, but the mortality rates remain high. This chapter will also describe molecular mechanisms involved in heart failure highlighting that TGF-β and/or TNF-α inhibitors could contribute to treatment to this serious clinical condition

    Impacto da atenção primária desenvolvida por uma cooperativa de saúde privada em um município do estado de Minas Gerais/Brasil.

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    Os processos de transição demográfica, epidemiológica e nutricional no Brasil resultaram em mudanças do perfil de morbidade e de mortalidade da população, com diminuição progressiva das mortes por doenças infecto-contagiosas e elevação das mortes por doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis (DCNT). Desta forma, o modelo de Atenção Primária, se apresenta como ferramenta importante para promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças. Neste sentido, este modelo visa estimular a promoção da autonomia no exercício de comportamentos saudáveis. Este estudo, teve como objetivo identificar o programa de Medicina Preventiva da maior operadora de planos de saúde no Brasil como estratégia estimuladora de mudanças no estilo de vida de clientes empresariais, sob a ótica da autonomia. Tratou-se de estudo observacional de caráter retrospectivo, direcionado aos colaboradores assistidos pela cooperativa de planos de saúde privada aos clientes empresariais em um Município do Estado de Minas Gerais/Brasil. O procedimento de coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de dadosdo prontuário de 401 colaboradores que estavam em acompanhamento nas empresas, entre fevereiro a outubro de 2015. Foram analisadas as variáveis: perfil sociodemográfico, hábitos de vida, história familiar e dados antropométricos, antes e após acompanhamento e intervenção por parte da equipe da Medicina Preventiva para classificação de risco à saúde quanto às doenças DCNT e mudança de estilo de vida. A maior parte, 208 colaboradores eram do sexo feminino (51,87%). Antes da intervenção, 213 (53,12%) colaboradores foram classificados em médio risco e 188 (46,88%) em alto risco e nenhum em baixo risco, porém após intervenção, 194 (48,38%) colaboradores foram classificados em médio risco, 190 (47,38%) em alto risco e, 17 (4,24%)em baixo risco. Em relação aos níveis pressóricos, 107 (26,8%) dos colaboradores apresentaram, antes da intervenção pressão arterial 140/90 mmHg; e após a intervenção, 13 (15,9%) diminuíram a pressão arterial com mudança no estilo de vida e 38 (35,5%) dos colaboradores atingiram as metas com o uso corretode medicamentos. No que se refere ao tabagismo, 41 (10,2%) eram fumantes ativos e 12 (29,3%) abandonaram o tabagismo após a intervenção. 243 (60,6%) colaboradores eram sedentários, destes, 106 (43,6%) iniciaram atividade física através de estímulos e orientações individualizadas. Dos 401 colaboradores analisados, 305 (76,1%) eram portadores de sobrepeso ou obesidade; após a intervenção 140 (45,9%) reduziram o peso consideravelmente. Os resultados demonstraram a importância da abordagem multiprofissional nos moldes da promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças após colaboradores empresariais, pois os indivíduos desenvolvem habilidades favoráveis à saúde após suas decisões, contribuindo para autonomia na busca por saúde e melhor qualidade de vida.81 p.Saúde1º Prêmio ANS: concurso de monografia sobre saúde suplementarTema 2 - Regulação Assistencial na Saúde Suplementar - 3º Luga

    Developing an international concept-based curriculum for pharmacology education: The promise of core concepts and concept inventories

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    \ua9 2023 The Authors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Pharmacological Society.Over recent years, studies have shown that science and health profession graduates demonstrate gaps in their fundamental pharmacology knowledge and ability to apply pharmacology concepts in practice. This article reviews the current challenges faced by pharmacology educators, including the exponential growth in discipline knowledge and competition for curricular time. We then argue that pharmacology education should focus on essential concepts that enable students to develop beyond ‘know’ towards ‘know how to’. A concept-based approach will help educators prioritize and benchmark their pharmacology curriculum, facilitate integration of pharmacology with other disciplines in the curriculum, create alignment between universities and improve application of pharmacology knowledge to professional contexts such as safe prescribing practices. To achieve this, core concepts first need to be identified and unpacked, and methods for teaching and assessment using concept inventories developed. The International Society for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Education Section (IUPHAR-Ed) Core Concepts of Pharmacology (CCP) initiative involves over 300 educators from the global pharmacology community. CCP has identified and defined the core concepts of pharmacology, together with key underpinning sub-concepts. To realize these benefits, pharmacology educators must develop methods to teach and assess core concepts. Work to develop concept inventories is ongoing, including identifying student misconceptions of the core concepts and creating a bank of multiple-choice questions to assess student understanding. Future work aims to develop and validate materials and methods to help educators embed core concepts within curricula. Potential strategies that educators can use to overcome factors that inhibit adoption of core concepts are presented

    Self-medication in academics from medical school

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    Objective: Evaluate the self-medication by students of University of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP)in 2008. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study conducted throughout 2008 in with 200 medicinestudents, who answered a self-administered questionnaire containing multiple choice questions regarding self-medication and consumption of medicines. Statistical analysis was employed to test Pearsoncorrelation. The confidence interval considered was of 95%. The study was approved by UNAERP EthicsCommittee. Results: There were 58.5% of female participants. The age average was 21.5 years old. Theprevalence of self-medication was 92.0%. The prevalence among students from different stages of thecourse was not significantly different: 86.6%, 90.0%, 93.3%, 94.4% and 97.1%, among the students from,respectively, the 1st to 4th year and from the internship. Purchasing controlled drugs without presentinga prescription occurred between 6.5% of the students and 69.5% reported having already oriented otherpeople to take drugs. The drugs most commonly consumed in the form of self-medication were analgesics and antipyretics (90.2%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (85.3%), cold and flu medicines in general(75.5%), nasal decongestants (69.0%) and antibiotics (47.2%). Conclusions: The self-medication amongMedical students analyzed was greater when compared with both national and international researches.Self-medication among medical students is an important problem and requires intervention, especiallythe academic educational facilities.Objetivo: Avaliar a automedicação em estudantes do curso de Medicina da Universidade de RibeirãoPreto (UNAERP) no ano de 2008. Métodos: Estudo transversal quantitativo, realizado no ano de 2008,no qual 200 alunos do curso de Medicina da UNAERP responderam a um questionário autoaplicado,contendo questões de múltipla escolha sobre a prática da automedicação, no intuito de conheceraspectos do consumo de medicamentos. Para análise estatística foi empregado o teste de correlaçãode Pearson. Considerou-se como base o intervalo de confiança de 95%. O estudo foi aprovado peloComitê de Ética da UNAERP. Resultados: Observaram-se 58,5% de participantes do sexo feminino. Amédia de idade foi de 21,5 anos. A prevalência da automedicação foi de 92,0%. As prevalências entre osalunos das diferentes etapas do curso não foram significativamente diferentes: 86,6%, 90,0%, 93,3%,94,4% e 97,1%, respectivamente, entre os alunos do 1º ao 4º ano e internato. A aquisição de medicamentos controlados, sem apresentação da prescrição, ocorreu entre 6,5% dos alunos e 69,5% responderam já terem indicado medicamentos para outras pessoas. Os medicamentos mais consumidos naforma de automedicação foram analgésicos e antitérmicos (90,2%); anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais(85,3%); antigripais em geral (75,5%); descongestionantes nasais (69,0%) e antibióticos (47,2%). Conclusões: A taxa da prática de automedicação entre os estudantes de Medicina analisados foi superior àobservada em pesquisas nacionais ou internacionais. A automedicação entre os estudantes de medicina é um problema importante que necessita de intervenção, sobretudo das estruturas educacionaisacadêmica

    A novel vasoactive proline-rich oligopeptide from the skin secretion of the frog Brachycephalus ephippium.

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    Proline-rich oligopeptides (PROs) are a large family which comprises the bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs). They inhibit the activity of the angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) and have a typical pyroglutamyl (Pyr)/proline-rich structure at the N- and C-terminus, respectively. Furthermore, PROs decrease blood pressure in animals. In the present study, the isolation and biological characterization of a novel vasoactive BPP isolated from the skin secretion of the frog Brachycephalus ephippium is described. This new PRO, termed BPP-Brachy, has the primary structure WPPPKVSP and the amidated form termed BPPBrachyNH2 inhibits efficiently ACE in rat serum. In silico molecular modeling and docking studies suggest that BPP-BrachyNH2 is capable of forming a hydrogen bond network as well as multiple van der Waals interactions with the rat ACE, which blocks the access of the substrate to the C-domain active site. Moreover, in rat thoracic aorta BPP-BrachyNH2 induces potent endothelium-dependent vasodilatation with similar magnitude as captopril. In DAF-FM DA-loaded aortic cross sections examined by confocal microscopy, BPP-BrachyNH2 was found to increase the release of nitric oxide (NO). Moreover, BPP-BrachyNH2 was devoid of toxicity in endothelial and smooth muscle cell cultures. In conclusion, the peptide BPP-BrachyNH2 has a novel sequence being the first BPP isolated from the skin secretion of the Brachycephalidae family. This opens for exploring amphibians as a source of new biomolecules. The BPP-BrachyNH2 is devoid of cytotoxicity and elicits endothelium-dependent vasodilatation mediated by NO. These findings open for the possibility of potential application of these peptides in the treatment of endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases

    Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy: the SICE (Societ\ue0 Italiana di Chirurgia Endoscopica e Nuove Tecnologie) network prospective trial on 1225 cases comparing intra corporeal versus extra corporeal ileo-colic side-to-side anastomosis

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    Background: While laparoscopic approach for right hemicolectomy (LRH) is considered appropriate for the surgical treatment of both malignant and benign diseases of right colon, there is still debate about how to perform the ileo-colic anastomosis. The ColonDxItalianGroup (CoDIG) was designed as a cohort, observational, prospective, multi-center national study with the aims of evaluating the surgeons\u2019 attitude regarding the intracorporeal (ICA) or extra-corporeal (ECA) anastomotic technique and the related surgical outcomes. Methods: One hundred and twenty-five Surgical Units experienced in colorectal and advanced laparoscopic surgery were invited and 85 of them joined the study. Each center was asked not to change its surgical habits. Data about demographic characteristics, surgical technique and postoperative outcomes were collected through the official SICE website database. One thousand two hundred and twenty-five patients were enrolled between March 2018 and September 2018. Results: ICA was performed in 70.4% of cases, ECA in 29.6%. Isoperistaltic anastomosis was completed in 85.6%, stapled in 87.9%. Hand-sewn enterotomy closure was adopted in 86%. Postoperative complications were reported in 35.4% for ICA and 50.7% for ECA; no significant difference was found according to patients\u2019 characteristics and technologies used. Median hospital stay was significantly shorter for ICA (7.3 vs. 9 POD). Postoperative pain in patients not prescribed opioids was significantly lower in ICA group. Conclusions: In our survey, a side-to-side isoperistaltic stapled ICA with hand-sewn enterotomy closure is the most frequently adopted technique to perform ileo-colic anastomosis after any indications for elective LRH. According to literature, our study confirmed better short-term outcomes for ICA, with reduction of hospital stay and postoperative pain. Trial registration: Clinical trial (Identifier: NCT03934151)

    Appendectomy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: a multicenter ambispective cohort study by the Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery and new technologies (the CRAC study)

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    Major surgical societies advised using non-operative management of appendicitis and suggested against laparoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hypothesis is that a significant reduction in the number of emergent appendectomies was observed during the pandemic, restricted to complex cases. The study aimed to analyse emergent surgical appendectomies during pandemic on a national basis and compare it to the same period of the previous year. This is a multicentre, retrospective, observational study investigating the outcomes of patients undergoing emergent appendectomy in March-April 2019 vs March-April 2020. The primary outcome was the number of appendectomies performed, classified according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) score. Secondary outcomes were the type of surgical technique employed (laparoscopic vs open) and the complication rates. One thousand five hundred forty one patients with acute appendicitis underwent surgery during the two study periods. 1337 (86.8%) patients met the inclusion criteria: 546 (40.8%) patients underwent surgery for acute appendicitis in 2020 and 791 (59.2%) in 2019. According to AAST, patients with complicated appendicitis operated in 2019 were 30.3% vs 39.9% in 2020 (p = 0.001). We observed an increase in the number of post-operative complications in 2020 (15.9%) compared to 2019 (9.6%) (p < 0.001). The following determinants increased the likelihood of complication occurrence: undergoing surgery during 2020 (+ 67%), the increase of a unit in the AAST score (+ 26%), surgery performed > 24 h after admission (+ 58%), open surgery (+ 112%) and conversion to open surgery (+ 166%). In Italian hospitals, in March and April 2020, the number of appendectomies has drastically dropped. During the first pandemic wave, patients undergoing surgery were more frequently affected by more severe appendicitis than the previous year's timeframe and experienced a higher number of complications. Trial registration number and date: Research Registry ID 5789, May 7th, 202