64 research outputs found

    Estudo in situ da actividade fotossintética do microfitobento

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    Mestrado em Ciências das Zonas CosteirasO presente estudo teve por objectivos o estudo in situ da actividade fotossintética e a caracterização do estado de fotoaclimatação do microfitobentos estuarino, utilizando fluorometria de pulso modulado (PAM). Foram realizadas duas campanhas de amostragem ao longo de dois ciclos semi-lunares de maré (Julho e Novembro de 2004), no Canal de Ílhavo da Ria de Aveiro. Durante os períodos de baixa-mar diurnos foram medidos parâmetros de fluorescência: o rendimento quântico efectivo do PSII (DF/F’ m), a fluorescência mínima (Fo), e a eficiência máxima do fotossistema II (Fv/Fm), e parâmetros físicos: a salinidade (S), a temperatura (T), e a irradiância (E), em amostras intactas de sedimento. O estado de fotoaclimatação das comunidades de microfitobentos foi caracterizado pela medição da resposta à luz da taxa de transporte de electrões (ETR) e do amortecimento nãofotoquímico (NPQ, indicador da capacidade de fotoprotecção), pela construção curvas de ETR vs. E e NPQ vs. E, em suspensões de microalgas. Todos os parâmetros medidos in situ apresentaram uma elevada variabilidade horária, caracterizada por decréscimos muito acentuados nos valores de DF/Fm ’ e Fv/Fm, sob irradiâncias superiores a 500 μmol m-2s-1. Em condições laboratoriais constantes, verificou-se também uma elevada variabilidade horária nos parâmetros obtidos a partir das curvas de luz. Em Julho, foram observados os valores mais elevados da taxa máxima de transporte de electrões (ETRm) e do parâmetro de saturação luminosa (Ek,), e valores mais baixos de NPQ no escuro (NPQ(0)) e de NPQ máximo (NPQ(1700)). Os resultados sugerem que em condições naturais o historial luminoso recente tem um papel crucial na resposta fotossintética às variações de intensidade luminosa pelo microfitobentos estuarino. Por outro lado, indicam uma variação sazonal no estado de fotoaclimatação das microalgas e na capacidade de desenvolvimento de mecanismos de fotoprotecção. A variação sazonal na resposta à luz foi acompanhada por uma substancial mudança na composição taxonómica das amostras de microfitobentos, o que foi interpretado como resultado de alterações na resposta fotoprotectora associada à aclimatação a condições de Inverno.The aim of this study was the in situ study of the photosynthetic activity and the characterisation of the photoacclimation response of estuarine microphytobenthos, using pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry (PAM). Sampling was carried out in two spring-neap tidal cycles (July and November, 2004) in the Canal de Ílhavo, Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. During low tide, fluorescence parameters: the effective quantum yield of the PSII (DF/F’ m), the minimum fluorescence (Fo) and the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), and physical parameters: salinity (S), temperature (T), and irradiance (E), were measured in intact microphytobenthos assemblages. The photoacclimation status of the microphytobenthos assemblages was characterised by measuring the light response of the electron transport rate (ETR) and the nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ, photoprotective capacity) by constructing ETR vs. E and NPQ vs. E curves, in suspensions of microalgae. A high hourly variability was found for all parameters measured in situ, characterised by significant decreases in DF/Fm ’ and Fv/Fm values under irradiances above 500 μmol m-2s-1. Also in laboratory constant conditions it was found a large hourly variability in all light curve parameters. Higher values of maximum rate of electron transport (ETRm) and saturation parameter (Ek), and lower values of NPQ in the dark (NPQ(0)) and maximum NPQ (NPQ(1700)) were found in the summer sampling period. These results suggest that recent light history of microphytobenthos, in natural conditions, plays a role in the photosynthetic response to variation in ambient irradiance. On the other hand, a seasonal change was observed regarding the photoacclimation status of the microalgae and the development of photoprotective mechanisms. This seasonal variation in the light response was found to be associated to substantial changes in the taxonomic composition of microphytobenthos assemblages, and was interpreted as a resulting from changes in the potential photoprotective associated to thermal acclimation to winter conditions

    Photosynthetic metabolism in microphytobenthos : modulation by temperature and dissolved inorganic carbon

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    Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecofisiologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2017Main primary producers of estuarine systems include benthic microalgae, predominantly diatoms, and cyanobacteria that colonize subtidal and intertidal zones, commonly referred to as microphytobenthos (MPB). MPB communities account for about 50% of the primary productivity of estuarine systems (e.g. MacIntyre et al., 1996; Barranguet et al., 1998; Underwood and Kromkamp, 1999; Serôdio and Catarino, 2000). This is highly relevant considering that estuarine systems are among the most productive ecosystems in the biosphere (Constanza et al., 1997). Despite the extreme variability of environmental parameters (irradiance, temperature and salinity) that characterizes the estuarine habitat, these communities are able to display high photosynthetic rates. It is common to distinguish two types of MPB communities: epipelic communities (typical of muddy sediments) composed of motile species and epipsammic communities (typical of sandy sediments) composed largely by non-motile species attached to sand grains. Contrary to epipsammic, epipelic diatoms exhibit circadian and circatidal migratory rhythms (Palmer and Round, 1967; Palmer, 1973; Admiraal et al., 1982; Serôdio and Catarino, 2000). Being MPB critical for the function of estuarine and coastal ecosystems, understanding the impact of climate change on its structure and productivity is mandatory. In particular, the increase of temperature and inorganic carbon availability can markedly affect photosynthesis, diversity and productivity of estuarine MPB communities. However, studies of the impact of climate changes on MPB are still scarce, and in particular the effects of the interaction between increased temperature and inorganic carbon availability are, to a large extent, still unknown. Thus, in this project we studied the effects of temperature and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) availability in two MPB communities of the Tagus estuary, in central Portugal, applying new methods of remote sensing, namely laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and modulated imaging fluorescence (Imaging-PAM). The LIF methodology (chapter 2) was used to trace migratory rhythms of benthic epipelic microalgae typical of mud sediments. Indeed, it was confirmed that, during the diurnal low tide these microalgae migrate to the surface of sediment to drive photosynthesis and then migrate in depth before the arrival of the tide. Furthermore, epipelic diatoms show photophobic migration when exposed to high light levels, a process known as behavioral photoprotection. This technique proved to be adequate to the study of MPB communities, both for the determination of surface biomass and the study of migratory rhythms. The possibility of using LIF for middle-range remote sensing under natural light conditions opens good perspectives for its use in environmental monitoring of estuarine systems. In the last decades, conventional pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence (PAM) has been increasingly applied to estuarine MPB communities (Serôdio et al., 1997; Kromkamp et al., 1998; Paterson et al., 1998; Serôdio et al., 2001; Honeywill et al., 2002; Perkins et al., 2002; Serôdio, 2003; Stephens et al., 2003; Forster and Kromkamp, 2004; Murphy et al., 2004; Serôdio, 2004; Forster and Jesus, 2005; Murphy et al., 2005). Lower resolution imaging systems allow the mapping of fluorescence parameters over large areas, making it a unique technique to study the spatial heterogeneity of the photosynthetic activity across an autotrophic surface (Scholes and Rolfe, 1996; Hill et al., 2004. This can be particularly relevant in the study of MPB biofilms, characterized by a “patchy,” heterogeneous distribution and can provide useful information about the spatial distribution of biomass and productivity in sediments. Yet, important hardware differences exist between conventional and imaging systems and therefore a comparative study of the results obtained with these technologies in MPB was required (chapter 3). In fact, we observed significant differences between the results obtained with conventional and imaging systems, especially in what refers to the analysis of rapid fluorescence curves as a function of irradiance (RLCs, Rapid Light Curves). Lower values of α (initial slope of the rETR vs. E curve), ETRmax (maximum relative ETR), Ek (light saturation parameter) and Fv/Fm (maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II of dark-adapted samples) were obtained using the Imaging- PAM system. The discrepancy between instruments was dependent on sample type, being more pronounced in mud than in sandy MPB sediments. The differences may be largely explained by the interplay between the different depth-integration of the fluorescence signal, dependent on the thickness of the photosynthetic layer, and the different attenuation coefficients of the light sources used by the two types of instrument. It is therefore important to take into account the specificity of each fluorescence system when interpreting and comparing chlorophyll fluorescence data of MPB communities, taking full advantage of the application of imaging fluorescence to the MPB communities, in particular in what refers to its unique ability to study the spatial heterogeneity of their photosynthetic activity. The in-depth understanding of the primary production processes of MPB is a prerequisite to assess the impacts of climate change on estuarine systems. Among the global change variables, increased temperature and atmospheric CO2 (and concomitantly dissolved inorganic carbon, DIC) are expected to have the most significant impact over the primary productivity in estuaries. Therefore, we studied their effect, as well as their interaction, on the photosynthesis of MPB biofilms. The short-term effect of increasing temperature in the photosynthetic activity of two communities of MPB (Alcochete and Trancão) was studied (chapter 4). The Trancão MPB community had higher photosynthetic electron transport capacity (higher ETRmax) being photoacclimated at higher irradiance (higher EK) and had lower energy conversion efficiency at limiting irradiance (lower α) .The differences in the species composition and size class may explain the results obtained for the two sites, since smaller cells are generally more metabolically active. However, for the both MPB communities photosynthetic capacity increased with temperature up to 35 °C and decreased with extreme temperature of 42 °C. Photosynthetic efficiencies at low irradiance (α) were not affected by the temperature in the 15-35 °C range, and decreased at 42 °C. These MPB estuarine communities were able to increase the photosynthetic capacity under exposure to short-term high temperatures sediments, similar to happens during the summer midday in the diurnal low tides. We also studied the effect of dissolved inorganic carbon availability (DIC) in photosynthesis, on the two intertidal MPB communities, taking as reference the model diatom species Phaeodactylum tricornutum, using fluorescence imaging (on intact MPB communities) and polarographic oxygen measurement (in cell suspensions) (chapter 5). The parameters of DIC acquisition kinetics (Vmax and Km (DIC)) estimated for MPB communities were higher ((Km (DIC) = 0.31 mM; Vmax = 7.78 nmol min-1 μg (Chl a)-1), than those obtained for Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Km (DIC) = 0.23 mM; Vmax = 4.64 nmol min-1 μg (Chl a)-1), showing that these communities have species with low affinity for DIC and high photosynthetic capacity. The net photosynthesis of MPB suspensions reached saturation at DIC concentrations of 1-1.5 mM, 17 lower than those found in the sediment top 5 mm interstitial water, suggesting that the photosynthesis of these communities is not limited by DIC availability. However, when NaHCO3 was added to intact MPB samples, an increase in the maximum photosynthetic electron transport rate (ETRmax) was observed. These results suggest that the local depletion of DIC in the photic layer of the sediment, where the microalgae accumulate during diurnal low tide, limits the photosynthetic activity of MPB, providing the first experimental evidence of DIC limitation of the productivity of intertidal MPB communities. The interactive effects of temperature and DIC in biomass, species composition and photosynthetic performance of MPB was studied using a microcosm ELSS ('experimental life support system') with tide regime (chapter 6). The longer term effect of increased temperature (24 ° C) had a negative effect on MPB biomass and photosynthetic performance under both simulated DIC conditions (pH = 7.4 and pH = 8.0). Furthermore, at elevated temperatures there was a change in the relative abundance of the major species of diatoms and an increase of cyanobacteria. The long term effect of increasing DIC ( pH = 7.4) under low temperature (18 °C) had a positive effect on biomass MPB, possibly due to decreased local depletion of dissolved inorganic carbon. No significant effects were found on the relative abundance of the major groups of microalgae. Our results suggest that the interactive effects of increased temperature and DIC availability of estuarine MPB communities can have a negative impact on the structure, diversity and productivity of these communities, eventually affecting the entire estuarine ecosystems. Therefore, a deepen understanding of the potential impacts of climate change in these complex ecosystems is required

    Kids à descoberta

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    1.º Congresso Internacional de Educação, Psicologia e Neurociências: Sinapses, Educar no Século XXI. Vila Franca do Campo: 30 de março e 1 de abril.A Orientação Vocacional é um processo abrangente que incide numa busca sobre conhecimento acerca de si próprio, tendo em conta caraterísticas pessoais, familiares e sociais e promovendo o encontro com as afinidades do próprio sujeito, além de informações relacionadas com o mundo laboral. Logo, a orientação vocacional insere-se numa abordagem psicopedagógica de busca de identificação pessoal e profissional (Levenfus, 1997). A literatura aponta alguns estudos que refletem a relevância da orientação vocacional na infância, sublinhando o papel da fantasia e da imaginação (Super, 1980). Algumas evidências Denissen, Zarrett e Ecles (2007) - crianças que têm acompanhamento vocacional tendem a desenvolver consciência das suas competências e interesses, isto é, desenvolvem o autoconhecimento, prosseguindo por áreas que valorizem as suas capacidades. Pinquart, Juang’s e Silbereisen’s (2003) – a orientação vocacional em períodos precoces do desenvolvimento favorece o aparecimento de crenças de autoeficácia. Sabe-se que um dos fatores facilitadores do sucesso escolar é o sentido de eficácia. Um psicólogo de referência no domínio da autoeficácia, Albert Bandura (2004), afirma que as pessoas ao acreditarem que através das suas ações podem produzir resultados desejados e evitar resultados indesejados, têm incentivo para agir ou para ser resilientes quando enfrentam dificuldades. É neste enquadramento da psicologia que se concebe um projeto, Kids à Descoberta, que passa por uma aposta nos princípios da orientação vocacional na infância, desafiando, desde cedo, a clarificação dos autoconceitos com vista à facilitação de escolhas adequadas e com sentido para o próprio e, por isso, potenciadoras do sucesso escolar. Nessas atividades, as crianças serão desafiadas a desempenhar diferentes papéis, sob a premissa “EU SOU…

    Preliminary assays towards melanoma cells using phototherapy with gold-based nanomaterials

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    UIDB/00645/2020 UID/DTP/04138/2019 PTDC/MED-QUI/31721/2017 SFRH/BD/148044/2019Cancer like melanoma is a complex disease, for which standard therapies have significant adverse side effects that in most cases are ineffective and highly unspecific. Thus, a new paradigm has come with the need of achieving alternative (less invasive) and effective therapies. In this work, biocompatible gold nanoparticles (GNPs) coated with hyaluronic acid and oleic acid were prepared and characterized in terms of size, morphology and cytotoxicity in the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and two cell lines, the keratinocytes (healthy skin cells, HaCat) and the melanoma cells (B16F10). Results showed that these GNPs absorb within the near-infrared region (750–1400 nm), in the optical therapeutic window (from 650 to 1300 nm), in contrast to other commercial gold nanoparticles, which enables light to penetrate into deep skin layers. A laser emitting in this region was applied and its effect also analyzed. The coated GNPs showed a spherical morphology with a mean size of 297 nm without cytotoxic effects towards yeast and tested cell lines. Nevertheless, after laser irradiation, a reduction of 20% in B16F10 cell line viability was observed. In summary, this work appears to be a promising strategy for the treatment of non-metastatic melanoma or other superficial tumors.publishersversionpublishe

    Analysis of the Cochrane review: antiplatelet agents for preventing pre-eclampsia and its complications: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019;10:CD004659

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    Copyright © Ordem dos Médicos 2021. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.Pre-eclampsia is associated with deficient intravascular production of prostacyclin, a vasodilator, and excessive production of thromboxane, a vasoconstrictor and stimulant of platelet aggregation. These observations led to the hypotheses that antiplatelet agents, low-dose aspirin in particular, might prevent or delay development of pre-eclampsia. This Cochrane review aimed to assess the effectiveness and safety of antiplatelet agents, such as aspirin and dipyridamole, when given to women at risk of developing preeclampsia. A systematic review of literature was carried out by searching the following databases up to September 2019: Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth’s Trials Register, ClinicalTrials.gov, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), and reference lists of retrieved studies. Seventy-seven trials were included, including 40 249 women at risk of developing pre-eclampsia. About 80% of these women were evaluated in nine of the 77 trials included, with eight of these nine trials providing individual data. Interventions were administration of an antiplatelet agent, and comparisons were either placebo or no antiplatelet. The present review provides high-quality evidence that administering low-dose aspirin (50 - 150 mg) to pregnant women led to small-to-moderate benefits, including reductions in the risk of pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, small-for-gestational age fetus, and fetal or neonatal death. Overall, administering antiplatelet agents to 1000 women led to 20 fewer pregnancies with serious adverse outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preliminary Assays towards Melanoma Cells Using Phototherapy with Gold-Based Nanomaterials

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    Supplementary Materials - The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/10/8/1536/s1, Video S1: Thermal activation of HAOA-coated GNPs.Cancer like melanoma is a complex disease, for which standard therapies have significant adverse side effects that in most cases are ineffective and highly unspecific. Thus, a new paradigm has come with the need of achieving alternative (less invasive) and effective therapies. In this work, biocompatible gold nanoparticles (GNPs) coated with hyaluronic acid and oleic acid were prepared and characterized in terms of size, morphology and cytotoxicity in the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and two cell lines, the keratinocytes (healthy skin cells, HaCat) and the melanoma cells (B16F10). Results showed that these GNPs absorb within the near-infrared region (750–1400 nm), in the optical therapeutic window (from 650 to 1300 nm), in contrast to other commercial gold nanoparticles, which enables light to penetrate into deep skin layers. A laser emitting in this region was applied and its effect also analyzed. The coated GNPs showed a spherical morphology with a mean size of 297 nm without cytotoxic effects towards yeast and tested cell lines. Nevertheless, after laser irradiation, a reduction of 20% in B16F10 cell line viability was observed. In summary, this work appears to be a promising strategy for the treatment of non-metastatic melanoma or other superficial tumors.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the projects: UIDB/00645/2020, UID/DTP/04138/2019, PTDC/MED-QUI/31721/2017 as well as by the PhD fellowship SFRH/BD/148044/2019 (J.L.).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Green spaces are not all the same for the provision of air purification and climate regulationservices: the case of urban parks

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    The growing human population concentrated in urban areas lead to the increase of road traffic and artificial areas, consequently enhancing air pollution and urban heat island effects, among others. These environmental changes affect citizen's health, causing a high number of premature deaths, with considerable social and economic costs. Nature-based solutions are essential to ameliorate those impacts in urban areas. While the mere presence of urban green spaces is pointed as an overarching solution, the relative importance of specific vegetation structure, composition and management to improve the ecosystem services of air purification and climate regulation are overlooked. This avoids the establishment of optimized planning and management procedures for urban green spaces with high spatial resolution and detail. Our aim was to understand the relative contribution of vegetation structure, composition and management for the provision of ecosystem services of air purification and climate regulation in urban green spaces, in particular the case of urban parks. This work was done in a large urban park with different types of vegetation surrounded by urban areas. As indicators of microclimatic effects and of air pollution levels we selected different metrics: lichen diversity and pollutants accumulation in lichens. Among lichen diversity, functional traits related to nutrient and water requirements were used as surrogates of the capacity of vegetation to filter air pollution and to regulate climate, and provide air purification and climate regulation ecosystem services, respectively. This was also obtained with very high spatial resolution which allows detailed spatial planning for optimization of ecosystem services. We found that vegetation type characterized by a more complex structure (trees, shrubs and herbaceous layers) and by the absence of management (pruning, irrigation and fertilization) had a higher capacity to provide the ecosystems services of air purification and climate regulation. By contrast, lawns, which have a less complex structure and are highly managed, were associated to a lower capacity to provide these services. Tree plantations showed an intermediate effect between the other two types of vegetation. Thus, vegetation structure, composition and management are important to optimize green spaces capacity to purify air and regulate climate. Taking this into account green spaces can be managed at high spatial resolutions to optimize these ecosystem services in urban areas and contribute to improve human well-beinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predictive model of the psychological well-being of nursing students during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Introduction: Lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic radically changed nursing education. Along with social isolation, the transition to distance education affected the well-being of students in several countries, particularly Portugal and Spain. Objectives: To identify which variables are predictors of psychological well-being for Portuguese and Spanish nursing students during mandatory lockdowns. Methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study involving a sample of 1075 students (944 women, mean age 22.46 + /−4.95 years). Data were collected from an online questionnaire which applied the following scales: Perceived Stress Scale (α =.820); Brief COPE-14 Subscales (α =.430 < 0.930); Well-being Manifestations Measure Scale (α =.940); Herth Hope Index (α =.850). A multiple regression model was created to predict the psychological well-being of nursing students. Results: The following predictor variables were identified in the model of the psychological well-being of students during the COVID-19 pandemic: perceived stress (β =.405; p ≤.001); hope (β =.404; p ≤.001); and the mechanisms of active coping (β =.405; p ≤.001), planning (β =.097; p ≤.001), and positive reinterpretation (β =.053; p =.12). These five variables predicted 62.0% of the nursing students’ psychological well-being (R2 =.620; F = 350.82; p ≤.001). Conclusion: Promoting students’ mental health is essential, especially in periods of great adversity, such as a pandemic. Our results lead the way for the design and validation of an intervention program that addresses the five variables identified as predictors of students’ psychological well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Imigração em Portugal: contributo dos polimorfismos genéticos para a investigação de parentesco entre supostos familiares

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    Poster apresentado no 17 Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, 22 a 24 Novembro 2018, Coimbra, PortugalA solicitação de investigações de parentesco inseridas em processos de imigração, nomeadamente os relacionados com indivíduos que pretendem obter títulos de residência em Portugal, têm vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos no Serviço de Genética e Biologia Forenses da Delegação do Sul (SGBF S) O problema levanta se quando existe um familiar que já reside em Portugal, o qual pretende que outros familiares venham a residir também em Portugal e são apresentados documentos cuja veracidade é posta em causa Neste trabalho, apresentamos um caso em que o Ministério Público pretende confirmar a relação de parentesco biológico existente entre um determinado indivíduo e os seus três filhos registrais do sexo masculino,sendo que apenas dois deles são filhos da mesma mulherN/

    The miR-17-92 cluster counteracts quiescence and chemoresistance in a distinct subpopulation of pancreatic cancer stem cells

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    Objective Cancer stem cells (CSCs) represent the root of many solid cancers including pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, are highly chemoresistant and represent the cellular source for disease relapse. However the mechanisms involved in these processes still need to be fully elucidated. Understanding the mechanisms implicated in chemoresistance and metastasis of pancreatic cancer is critical to improving patient outcomes. Design Micro-RNA (miRNA) expression analyses were performed to identify functionally defining epigenetic signatures in pancreatic CSC-enriched sphere-derived cells and gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic CSCs. Results We found the miR-17-92 cluster to be downregulated in chemoresistant CSCs versus non-CSCs and demonstrate its crucial relevance for CSC biology. In particular, overexpression of miR-17-92 reduced CSC self-renewal capacity, in vivo tumourigenicity and chemoresistance by targeting multiple NODAL/ACTIVIN/TGF-beta 1 signalling cascade members as well as directly inhibiting the downstream targets p21, p57 and TBX3. Overexpression of miR-17-92 translated into increased CSC proliferation and their eventual exhaustion via downregulation of p21 and p57. Finally, the translational impact of our findings could be confirmed in preclinical models for pancreatic cancer. Conclusions Our findings therefore identify the miR-17-92 cluster as a functionally determining family of miRNAs in CSCs, and highlight the putative potential of developing modulators of this cluster to overcome drug resistance in pancreatic CSCs.CH: ERC Advanced Investigator Grant (Pa-CSC 233460), European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No 256974 (EPC-TM-NET) and No 602783 (CAM-PaC), the Subdireccion General de Evaluacion y Fomento de la Investigacion, Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (PS09/02129 \& PI12/02643), and the Programa Nacional de Internacionalizacion de la I+D, Subprogramma: FCCI 2009 (PLE2009-0105; Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain). MC: La Caixa Predoctoral Fellowship.S