148 research outputs found

    Dispersal Dynamics of the Bivalve Gemma Gemma in a Patchy Environment

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the dispersal dynamics of the ovoviviparous bivalve Gemma gemma (hereafter referred to as Gemma) in an environment disturbed by the pit-digging activities of horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus. Gemma broods its young and has no planktonic larval stage, so all dispersal is the result of juvenile and adult movement. Animal movement was measured using natural crab pits, hand-dug simulated crab pits, and cylindrical bottom traps in the intertidal zone at Tom\u27s Cove, Virginia, USA. This study demonstrated that horseshoe crabs create localized patches with reduced densities of Gemma, that all sizes and ages of Gemma quickly disperse into these low density patches, and that the mechanism of dispersal is passive bedload and suspended load transport. Freshly excavated natural pits had significantly lower Gemma densities than did undisturbed background sediment, but there were no significant differences in total density of other species, number of species, and species diversity (H\u27). Equitability (J\u27) was greater in pits than in controls because of the reduced abundance of Gemma, the numerically dominant species. Newly dug simulated crab pits also had significantly lower Gemma densities than controls and returned to control levels by the next day. Density recovery trajectories for individually marked pits showed consistent responses in summer and fall, but not in winter when low Gemma abundance resulted in greater variability among pits. Significant positive correlations between the volume of sediment and the number of Gemma collected per bottom trap support the hypothesis that Gemma dispersal is a passive transport phenomenon. Assuming no active, density-dependent movement, the product of the Gemma density frequency distribution in undisturbed background sediment and the frequency distribution of sediment volume collected per trap created a predicted Gemma frequency distribution in traps that matched the actual distribution. Absolute dispersal rates and relative dispersal rates (absolute dispersal rate divided by background density in undisturbed sediment) into pits and traps were greater in summer than winter. Dispersal rate results suggest that increased horseshoe crab disturbance in summer may cause an increase in Gemma transport. Because Gemma individuals are dispersed by hydrodynamic action, it was expected that small, young individuals would be most easily transported in the bedload. There was, however, little evidence that movement into pits and traps was size- or age-selective. Most recent benthic dispersal research has focused on the large-scale movement and settlement patterns of invertebrate larvae. The results from this study illustrate that dispersal of bottom-dwelling juveniles and adults plays an important role in regulating the local distribution and abundance of Gemma. Previous workers have shown that young Gemma live in dense aggregations and that growth and fecundity are reduced at such high densities, leading to population crashes. This study demonstrated a mechanism by which Gemma disperses into low-density patches where intraspecific competition may be mitigated, possibly resulting in enhanced individual reproductive success and population fitness

    The Role of Adult Fiddler Crab Environmental Acoustic Cues and Chemical Cues in Stimulating Molting of Field-Caught Megalopae

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    In mid-Atlantic estuaries, three fiddler crab species, Uca pugilator, Uca pugnax and Uca minax co-occur, with their adults occupying different habitat types distinguished by salinity and sediment size. Some evidence exists that selective settlement is responsible for this separation but the mechanism is largely unknown. We tested the hypothesis that field-caught megalopae would accelerate metamorphosis in the presence of adult species-specific environmental acoustic cues and conspecific chemical cues. We placed megalopae in seawater with and without adult chemical cues, exposed them to one of three sound treatments for 8 days, and recorded the time each megalopa took to metamorphose. In the absence of adult chemical cues, very few megalopae molted regardless of sound treatment. Molting in the presence of habitat sound and chemical cues varied by species. Many U. pugilator molted in all sound and odor combinations, including no odor/sound. U. pugnax was stimulated to molt by chemical cues from either U. pugilator or U. pugnax, but molting was similar across sound treatments. Our results do not support the hypothesis that sound stimulates molting by fiddler crab megalopae, but support the role of chemical odors from adults as molting cues

    A neuroanatomical construct for the amnesic effects of propofol,”

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    Background: This study was designed to identify neuroanatomical locations of propofol's effects on episodic memory by producing minimal and maximal memory impairment during conscious sedation. Drug-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were located in comparison with rCBF increases during a simple word memory task. Methods: Regional cerebral blood flow changes were assessed in 11 healthy volunteers using H 2 15 O positron emission tomography (PET) and statistical parametric mapping (SPM99) at 600 and 1,000 ng/ml propofol target concentrations. Study groups were based on final recognition scores of auditory words memorized during PET scanning. rCBF changes during propofol administration were compared with those during the word memory task at baseline. Results: Nonoverlapping memory effects were evident: low (n ‫؍‬ 4; propofol concentration 523 ؎ 138 ng/ml; 44 ؎ 13% decrement from baseline memory) and high (n ‫؍‬ 7; 829 ؎ 246 ng/ml; 87 ؎ 6% decrement from baseline) groups differed in rCBF reductions primarily in right-sided prefrontal and parietal regions, close to areas activated in the baseline memory task, particularly R dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area 46; x, y, z ‫؍‬ 51, 38, 22). The medial temporal lobe region exhibited relative rCBF increases. Conclusions: As amnesia becomes maximal, rCBF reductions induced by propofol occur in brain regions identified with working memory processes. In contrast, medial temporal lobe structures were resistant to the global CBF decrease associated with propofol sedation. The authors postulate that the episodic memory effect of propofol is produced by interference wit

    Complex-valued wavelet lifting and applications

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    Signals with irregular sampling structures arise naturally in many fields. In applications such as spectral decomposition and nonparametric regression, classical methods often assume a regular sampling pattern, thus cannot be applied without prior data processing. This work proposes new complex-valued analysis techniques based on the wavelet lifting scheme that removes ‘one coefficient at a time’. Our proposed lifting transform can be applied directly to irregularly sampled data and is able to adapt to the signal(s)’ characteristics. As our new lifting scheme produces complex-valued wavelet coefficients, it provides an alternative to the Fourier transform for irregular designs, allowing phase or directional information to be represented. We discuss applications in bivariate time series analysis, where the complex-valued lifting construction allows for coherence and phase quantification. We also demonstrate the potential of this flexible methodology over real-valued analysis in the nonparametric regression context

    Predicting Worst-Case Execution Time Trends in Long-Lived Real-Time Systems

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    In some long-lived real-time systems, it is not uncommon to see that the execution times of some tasks may exhibit trends. For hard and firm real-time systems, it is important to ensure these trends will not jeopardize the system. In this paper, we first introduce the notion of dynamic worst-case execution time (dWCET), which forms a new perspective that could help a system to predict potential timing failures and optimize resource allocations. We then have a comprehensive review of trend prediction methods. In the evaluation, we make a comparative study of dWCET trend prediction. Four prediction methods, combined with three data selection processes, are applied in an evaluation framework. The result shows the importance of applying data preprocessing and suggests that non-parametric estimators perform better than parametric methods

    Evaluation of the inter-annual variability of stratospheric chemical composition in chemistry-climate models using ground-based multi species time series

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    The variability of stratospheric chemical composition occurs on a broad spectrum of timescales, ranging from day to decades. A large part of the variability appears to be driven by external forcings such as volcanic aerosols, solar activity, halogen loading, levels of greenhouse gases (GHG), and modes of climate variability (quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)). We estimate the contributions of different external forcings to the interannual variability of stratospheric chemical composition and evaluate how well 3-D chemistry-climate models (CCMs) can reproduce the observed response-forcing relationships. We carry out multivariate regression analyses on long time series of observed and simulated time series of several traces gases in order to estimate the contributions of individual forcings and unforced variability to their internannual variability. The observations are typically decadal time series of ground-based data from the international Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) and the CCM simulations are taken from the CCMVal-2 REF-B1 simulations database. The chemical species considered are column O3, HCl, NO2, and N2O. We check the consistency between observations and model simulations in terms of the forced and internal components of the total interannual variability (externally forced variability and internal variability) and identify the driving factors in the interannual variations of stratospheric chemical composition over NDACC measurement sites. Overall, there is a reasonably good agreement between regression results from models and observations regarding the externally forced interannual variability. A much larger fraction of the observed and modelled interannual variability is explained by external forcings in the tropics than in the extratropics, notably in polar regions. CCMs are able to reproduce the amplitudes of responses in chemical composition to specific external forcings. However, CCMs tend to underestimate very substantially the internal variability and hence the total interannual variability for almost all species considered. This lack of internal variability in CCMs might partly originate from the surface forcing of these CCMs by analysed SSTs. The results illustrate the potential of NDACC ground-based observations for evaluating CCMs