1,594 research outputs found


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    O uso das tecnologias (informática) na alfabetização dos alunos de 1º e 2º ano do ensino fundamental

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    A presente monografia apresenta algumas reflexões a respeito do uso do computador no processo de Alfabetização e Letramento de alunos dos dois primeiros Anos do Ensino Fundamental. Parte-se da afirmação de que a realidade educacional mudou, ou seja, os alunos que recebemos nas escolas possuem uma bagagem diferente, que necessita ser considerada. As crianças, hoje em dia, convivem com a realidade informatizada que é básica e comum em suas vidas e, por causa disso, a escola não pode ignorar esse fato. Nesse trabalho, questiona-se o uso dessa tecnologia, se ela contribui para os processos de alfabetização e letramento e como o profissional da educação utiliza esse meio. Para isso foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso, com observação e entrevistas de quatro professores em uma escola da rede municipal de ensino do município de Dois Irmãos. A análise foi desenvolvida a partir dos dados coletados com os conceitos abordados por reconhecidos autores, como: Veen e Vrakking, Teberosky e Colomer, Soares, Kleiman, entre outros.This monograph presents some reflections on the use of computers in students’ Literacy Process and its social practices in the first two years of Elementary School. The assertion made is that the educational reality has changed, that is, today’s students come from a different background, which needs to be taken into account. As nowadays information technology is basic and usual in children’s lives, it can not be ignored by schools. The present study raises questions on the use of this technology, whether it contributes to the literacy processes and its social practices and how the education practitioner makes use of this tool. To this purpose, a case study was developed, by means of observation and interviews with four teachers in a school belonging to the municipal education network in Dois Irmãos, RS. The analysis has been carried out from the collected data according to the concepts addressed by well-known authors, such as: Veen & Vrakking, Teberosky & Colomer, Soares, Kleiman, among others

    Covid-19 Severity Scale For Claims Data Research

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    OBJECTIVE: to create and validate a methodology to assign a severity level to an episode of COVID-19 for retrospective analysis in claims data. DATA SOURCE: Secondary data obtained by license agreement from Optum provided claims records nationally for 19,761,754 persons, of which, 692,094 persons had COVID-19 in 2020. STUDY DESIGN: The World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Progression Scale was used as a model to identify endpoints as measures of episode severity within claims data. Endpoints used included symptoms, respiratory status, progression to levels of treatment and mortality. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: The strategy for identification of cases relied upon the February 2020 guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A total of 709,846 persons (3.6%) met the criteria for one of the nine severity levels based on diagnosis codes with 692,094 having confirmatory diagnoses. The rates for each level varied considerably by age groups, with the older age groups reaching higher severity levels at a higher rate. Mean and median costs increased as severity level increased. Statistical validation of the severity scales revealed that the rates for each level varied considerably by age group, with the older ages reaching higher severity levels (p \u3c 0.001). Other demographic factors such as race and ethnicity, geographic region, and comorbidity count had statistically significant associations with severity level of COVID-19. CONCLUSION: A standardized severity scale for use with claims data will allow researchers to evaluate episodes so that analyses can be conducted on the processes of intervention, effectiveness, efficiencies, costs and outcomes related to COVID-19

    A presença da não neutralidade da ciência-tecnologia em literatura sobre a educação básica

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    From the mid-twentieth century onwards, a portion of the population began to observe scientific-technological development with a more critical view, resulting in the Science-Technology-Society Movement that, over the years, gained strength and entered on education. The teaching based on this approach aims, among other aspects, the education of a critical citizen capable of acting positively in the society in which is inserted. Thus, from themes related to the student's experiences, it is intended to be able to perceive aspects related to the development of Science-Technology, as well as its non-neutrality, to demystify several mistaken views about them. Thus, we investigate how they attend and what referrals are given to educational practices from the perspective Science-Technology-Society in the discussion of non-neutrality of Science-Technology and values present in scientific-technological development. The corpus of analysis was composed by works published in the annals of the editions of; the National Meeting of Chemistry Teaching, National Meeting of Biology Teaching, and Research Meeting in Physics Teaching, this corpus was submitted to discursive textual analysis, aiming to identify and characterize the approach given to the non-neutrality dimension of Science-Technology. We summarize the results in 1) Misconceptions about scientific-technological development and the Science-Technology-Society approach; 2) Non-neutrality of Science-Technology, overcoming myths; 3) Social participation, critical-reflexive posture presented after the implementation of the practices. We signal that by working with the Science-Technology-Society approach we are promoting the expansion of the concepts of non-neutrality of Science-Technology, as well as, promoting the education of responsible and qualified subjects to intervene positively in the environment in which they are inserted in the society.Desde mediados del siglo XX en adelante, una parte de la población comenzó a observar el desarrollo científico-tecnológico con un ojo más crítico, lo que resultó en el Movimiento Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad que, con los años, ganó fuerza y ​​entró en la educación. La enseñanza basada en este enfoque tiene como objetivo, entre otros aspectos, la formación de un ciudadano crítico capaz de actuar positivamente en la sociedad en la que se inserta. Por lo tanto, a partir de temas relacionados con las experiencias del alumno, se pretende que pueda percibir aspectos relacionados con el desarrollo de la Ciencia-Tecnología, así como su no neutralidad, para desmitificar varios puntos de vista erróneos sobre ellos. Por lo tanto, investigamos que referencias aparecen en el desarrollo de las prácticas educativas desde la perspectiva Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad, en la discusión de la no neutralidad de la Ciencia-Tecnología. El corpus de análisis fue compuesto por trabajos publicados en las memorias de las ediciones del; Encuentro Nacional de Enseñanza de la Química, Encuentro Nacional de Enseñanza de la Biología y Encuentro de Investigación en Enseñanza de la Física, este corpus fue sometido a un análisis textual discursivo, con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar el enfoque dado a la dimensión de no neutralidad de Ciencia-Tecnología. Resumimos los resultados en: 1) Conceptos erróneos sobre el desarrollo científico-tecnológico y el enfoque de Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad; 2) No neutralidad de Ciencia-Tecnología, superando mitos; 3) Participación social, postura crítico-reflexiva presentada después de la implementación de las prácticas. Señalamos que al trabajar con el enfoque de Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad estamos promoviendo la expansión de los conceptos de no neutralidad de Ciencia-Tecnología, así como promoviendo la formación de sujetos responsables y calificados para intervenir positivamente en el entorno en el que se insertan en la sociedad.A partir de meados do século XX, uma parcela da população passou a observar o desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico com um olhar mais crítico, surgindo o Movimento Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade que, ao passar dos anos, ganha força e adentra a educação. O ensino baseado nesse enfoque visa, entre outros aspectos, a formação de um cidadão crítico capaz de atuar positivamente na sociedade em que está inserido. Assim, a partir de temáticas relacionadas as vivências do estudante pretende-se que o mesmo seja capaz de perceber aspectos ligados ao desenvolvimento da Ciência-Tecnologia, bem como, sua não neutralidade, a fim de desmistificar diversas visões inadequadas referentes às mesmas. Dessa forma, investigamos como comparecem e quais encaminhamentos são dados às práticas educativas de perspectiva Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade na discussão da não neutralidade da Ciência-Tecnologia. O corpus de análise foi composto por trabalhos publicadas nos anais das edições dos; Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Química, Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Biologia e Encontro de Pesquisa em Ensino de Física, esse corpus foi submetido a análise textual discursiva, objetivando identificar e caracterizar a abordagem dada à dimensão da não neutralidade da Ciência-Tecnologia. Sintetizamos os resultados em: 1) Visões inadequadas sobre o desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e a abordagem Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade; 2) Não neutralidade da Ciência-Tecnologia, superação dos mitos; 3) Participação social, postura crítico-reflexiva apresentadas após a implementação das práticas. Sinalizamos que ao trabalharmos com o enfoque Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade estamos promovendo ampliação das concepções de não neutralidade da Ciência-Tecnologia, assim como, promovendo a formação de sujeitos responsáveis e habilitados em intervir positivamente no meio em que estão inseridos na sociedade

    incidence Rate of Psychiatric Disorders in 2020: the Pivotal Role Played By Sars-Cov-2 infection

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    IMPORTANCE: The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly impacted mental health outcomes. While the frequency of anxiety and depressive symptoms has increased in the whole population, the relationship between COVID-19 and new psychiatric diagnoses remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: to compare the population incidence rate of emergence of de novo psychiatric disorders in 2020 compared to the previous years, and to compare the incidence rate of new psychiatric disorder diagnoses between people with vs without COVID-19. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This study utilized administrative claims data from the Clinformatics® Data Mart database, licensed from Optum®. The study is a cross-sectional analysis that compared the incidence rate of new psychiatric disorders in 2020 vs. 2018 and 2019 in the entire insured population database. Subsequently, the incidence of new psychiatric disorders in people with vs. without COVID-19 during 2020 was analyzed. EXPOSURE: The exposures included diagnosis and severity of COVID-19 infection. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The dependent variables of interest were the incidence rates of new psychiatric disorders, specifically schizophrenia spectrum disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. RESULTS: The population studied included 10,463,672 US adults (mean age 52.83, 52% female) who were unique people for the year of 2020. Incidence of newly diagnosed psychiatric disorders per 1,000 individuals in the 2020 whole population were 28.81 (CI: 28.71, 28.92) for anxiety disorders, 1.04 (CI: 1.02, 1.06) for schizophrenia disorders, 0.42 (CI: 0.41, 0.43) for OCD and 28.85 (CI: 28.75, 28.95) for mood disorders. These rates were not significantly higher than 2018 or 2019. When comparing incidence rates between COVID-19 vs. non-COVID-19 populations in 2020, the rates were significantly higher in the COVID-19 population: 46.89 (CI: 46.24, 47.53) for anxiety, 49.31 (CI: 48.66, 49.97) for mood disorders, 0.57 (CI: 0.50, 0.65) for OCD, and 3.52 (CI: 3.34, 3.70) for schizophrenia. COVID-19 severity was significantly associated with new diagnoses of schizophrenia, anxiety and mood disorders in multivariate analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to 2018 and 2019, in 2020 there was no increased incidence of new psychiatric disorders in the general population based on insurance claims data. Importantly, people with COVID-19 were more likely to be diagnosed with a new psychiatric disorder, most notably disorders with psychosis, indicating a potential association between COVID-19 and mental/brain health

    Antigen glycosylation regulates efficacy of CAR T cells targeting CD19

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    While chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells targeting CD19 can cure a subset of patients with B cell malignancies, most patients treated will not achieve durable remission. Identification of the mechanisms leading to failure is essential to broadening the efficacy of this promising platform. Several studies have demonstrated that disruption of CD19 genes and transcripts can lead to disease relapse after initial response; however, few other tumor-intrinsic drivers of CAR T cell failure have been reported. Here we identify expression of the Golgi-resident intramembrane protease Signal peptide peptidase-like 3 (SPPL3) in malignant B cells as a potent regulator of resistance to CAR therapy. Loss of SPPL3 results in hyperglycosylation of CD19, an alteration that directly inhibits CAR T cell effector function and suppresses anti-tumor cytotoxicity. Alternatively, over-expression of SPPL3 drives loss of CD19 protein, also enabling resistance. In this pre-clinical model these findings identify post-translational modification of CD19 as a mechanism of antigen escape from CAR T cell therapy

    New horizons in geriatric medicine education and training: the need for pan-European education and training standards

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    The ageing population ought to be celebrated as evidence for the efficacy of modern medicine, but the challenge that this demographic shift presents for 21st century healthcare systems, with increasing numbers of people living with multi-morbidity and frailty, cannot be ignored. There is therefore a need to ensure that all healthcare professionals grasp the basic principles of care of older people. In this paper, we make a case for the development of pan-European education and training standards for the field of geriatric medicine. Firstly, the challenges which face the implementation and delivery of geriatric medicine in a systematic way across Europe are described – these include, but are not limited to; variance in geriatric medicine practice across Europe, insecurity of the specialty in some countries and significant heterogeneity in geriatric medicine training programs across Europe. The opportunities for geriatric medicine are then presented and we consider how engendering core geriatric medicine competencies amongst nongeriatricians has potential to bridge existing gaps in service provision across Europe. Finally, we consider how work can proceed to teach sufficient numbers of doctors and health professionals in the core knowledge, skills and attitudes required to do this. To safeguard the future of the specialty across Europe, we contend that there is a need to strive towards harmonisation of post-graduate geriatric medicine training across Europe, through the establishment of pan-European education and training standards in the specialty

    AChBP-targeted α-conotoxin correlates distinct binding orientations with nAChR subtype selectivity

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    Neuronal nAChRs are a diverse family of pentameric ion channels with wide distribution throughout cells of the nervous and immune systems. However, the role of specific subtypes in normal and pathological states remains poorly understood due to the lack of selective probes. Here, we used a binding assay based on acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP), a homolog of the nicotinic acetylcholine ligand-binding domain, to discover a novel α-conotoxin (α-TxIA) in the venom of Conus textile. α-TxIA bound with high affinity to AChBPs from different species and selectively targeted the α3β2 nAChR subtype. A co-crystal structure of Ac-AChBP with the enhanced potency analog TxIA(A10L), revealed a 20° backbone tilt compared to other AChBP–conotoxin complexes. This reorientation was coordinated by a key salt bridge formed between Arg5 (TxIA) and Asp195 (Ac-AChBP). Mutagenesis studies, biochemical assays and electrophysiological recordings directly correlated the interactions observed in the co-crystal structure to binding affinity at AChBP and different nAChR subtypes. Together, these results establish a new pharmacophore for the design of novel subtype-selective ligands with therapeutic potential in nAChR-related diseases

    Status of Exosphaeroma amplicauda (Stimpson, 1857), E-aphrodita (Boone, 1923) and description of three new species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) from the north-eastern Pacific

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    Exosphaeroma amplicauda (Stimpson, 1857) from the west coast of North America is reviewed and redescribed and revealed to be a group of closely related species. A neotype is designated and the species redescribed based on the neotype and topotypic specimens. Exosphaeroma amplicauda is known only from the coast of California, at Marin, Sonoma and San Mateo Counties. E. aphrodita (Boone, 1923), type locality La Jolla, California and previously considered nomen dubium is taken out of synonymy and re-validated. A further three species: E. paydenae sp. n., E. russellhansoni sp. n., and E. pentcheffi sp. n. are described herein. Sphaeroma octonctum Richardson, 1899 is placed into junior synonymy with Exosphaeroma amplicauda. A key to the Pacific West Coast Exosphaeroma is provided