6,566 research outputs found

    Orthodontic intrusive movement to reduce infrabony defects in periodontal pacients

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    The adult tends to be an excellent orthodontic patient, because he/she is motivated and cooperative. Nevertheless, many adult patientspresent periodontal problems. Intrusive movement is usually necessary against an area with infrabony defects, and in order for treatmentto be successful, it is necessary for all related aspects to be well understood. The aim of this study was to discuss the feasibility and efficacy of orthodontic intrusion as a means of reducing infrabony defects caused by periodontal disease. The methodology used was reviewed in the literature, from which articles were selected using the MEDLINE, LILACS and BBO databases. After periodontal treatment and maintenance with suitable bacterial plaque control has been performed, orthodontic treatment with intrusive tooth movement can be performed in case of pathological tooth migration and extrusion. The segmented arch technique is the most indicated for intruding teeth with infrabony defects because it is capable of developing light and continuous forces. Furthermore, although studies did not confirm, they suggested that orthodontic intrusion could lead to the formation of new periodontal support tissue. With a multidisciplinary approach, it is possible to successfully perform intrusion movements in teeth that present infrabony defects, provided that periodontal inflammation has been treated and the patient presents an excellent level of plaque control. Among the benefits of this approach are: better appearance, better access to dental hygiene, restitution of incisal occlusion and reduction in non axial load

    Asymmetric microbial reduction of ketones: absolute configuration of trans-4-ethyl-1-(1S-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanol

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    A set of five fungal species, Botrytis cinerea, Trichoderma viride and Eutypa lata, and the endophytic fungi Colletotrichum crassipes and Xylaria sp., was used in screening for microbial biocatalysts to detect monooxygenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities (for the stereoselective reduction of carbonyl compounds). 4-Ethylcyclohexanone and acetophenone were biotransformed by the fungal set. The main reaction pathways involved reduction and hydroxylations at several positions including tertiary carbons. B. cinerea was very effective in the bioreduction of both substrates leading to the chiral alcohol (S)-1- phenylethanol in up to 90% enantiomeric excess, and the cis–trans ratio for 4-ethylcyclohexanol was 0:100. trans-4-Ethyl-1-(1S-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanol, obtained from biotransformation by means of an acyloin-type reaction, is reported here for the first time. The absolute configurations of the compounds trans-4-ethyl-1-(1S-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanol and 4-(1S- and 4-(1R-hydroxyethyl)cyclohexanone were determined by NMR analysis of the corresponding Mosher’s esters

    Percepción de los enfermeros sobre la evaluación del aprendizaje en los programas de capacitación de un hospital de Sao Paulo

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    Este estudo foi realizado com os enfermeiros de um hospital universitário da cidade de São Paulo, objetivando conhecer sua percepção sobre o processo de valiação da aprendizagem nos treinamentos desenvolvidos junto a eles. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se um instrumento contendo a questão norteadora: Qual a sua percepção sobre a avaliação da aprendizagem nos programas de treinamento? Os discursos foram analisados, segundo o referencial de Bardin, na modalidade análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram as posições dos enfermeiros em três categorias distintas: 1) dificuldades percebidas no processo de avaliação da aprendizagem em que a disponibilidade de tempo, sentimentos negativos quanto à avaliação e despreocupação com os resultados dos treinamentos são os desafios a serem trabalhados no dia-a-dia; 2) metodologia desenvolvida no processo de avaliação da aprendizagem devendo considerar diferentes ritmos de aprendizado, sua experiência e história de vida e conhecimentos anteriores e 3) a avaliação do processo ensino-aprendizagem como um indicador preciso das ações passadas e controle da qualidade do ensino adotado no treinamento.This study was carried out with nurses of a university hospital in São Paulo. It was aimed at understanding their perception regarding the learning evaluation process in the training sessions they attended. In order to collect data, the authors used an instrument with the guiding question: What's your perception of the learning evaluation process in training programs? The discourses were analyzed according to Bardin's referential in the content analysis modality. The results showed opinions in three categories: 1) the difficulties noticed in the evaluation process, in which time availability, negative feelings towards the evaluation and little concern for training results are challenges nurses have to overcome daily; 2) the methodology used in the evaluation process, which should consider the different learning styles, and the experience, life history and previous knowledge of the professionals being trained; and 3) the teaching-learning evaluation process as an accurate indicator of past actions and a quality control of the teaching methods adopted in the training sessions.Este estudio fue realizado con los enfermeros de un hospital universitario de la ciudad de Sao Paulo, teniendo como objetivo conocer su percepción sobre el proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje en la capacitación desarrollada con ellos. Para la recolección de los datos se utilizó un instrumento que contenía la pregunta norteadora: Cuál es su percepción sobre la evaluación del aprendizaje en los programas de capacitación? Los discursos fueron analizados, según el referencial de Bardin, en la modalidad análisis de contenido. Los resultados mostraron las posiciones de los enfermeros en tres categorías distintas: 1) dificultades percibidas en el proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje en el que la disponibilidad de tiempo, sentimientos negativos en cuanto a la evaluación y despreocupación con los resultados de las capacitaciones son los retos a ser trabajados en el dia a dia; 2) metodología desarrollada en el proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje debiendo considerar diferentes ritmos de aprendizaje, su experiencia e historia de vida y conocimientos anteriores y 3) la evaluación del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje como un indicador preciso de las acciones pasadas y control de la calidad de la enseñanza adoptada en la capacitación

    Neogastropod phylogenetic relationships based on entire mitochondrial genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Neogastropoda is a highly diversified group of predatory marine snails (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). Traditionally, its monophyly has been widely accepted based on several morphological synapomorphies mostly related with the digestive system. However, recent molecular phylogenetic studies challenged the monophyly of Neogastropoda due to the inclusion of representatives of other caenogastropod lineages (e.g. Littorinimorpha) within the group. Neogastropoda has been classified into up to six superfamilies including Buccinoidea, Muricoidea, Olivoidea, Pseudolivoidea, Conoidea, and Cancellarioidea. Phylogenetic relationships among neogastropod superfamilies remain unresolved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of seven Neogastropoda (<it>Bolinus brandaris</it>, <it>Cancellaria cancellata</it>, <it>Conus borgesi</it>, <it>Cymbium olla</it>, <it>Fusiturris similis</it>, <it>Nassarius reticulatus</it>, and <it>Terebra dimidiata</it>) and of the tonnoidean <it>Cymatium parthenopeum </it>(Littorinimorpha), a putative sister group to Neogastropoda, were sequenced. In addition, the partial sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the calyptraeoidean <it>Calyptraea chinensis </it>(Littorinimorpha) was also determined. All sequenced neogastropod mt genomes shared a highly conserved gene order with only two instances of <it>tRNA </it>gene translocation. Phylogenetic relationships of Neogastropoda were inferred based on the 13 mt protein coding genes (both at the amino acid and nucleotide level) of all available caenogastropod mitochondrial genomes. Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenetic analyses failed to recover the monophyly of Neogastropoda due to the inclusion of the tonnoidean <it>Cymatium parthenopeum </it>within the group. At the superfamily level, all phylogenetic analyses questioned the taxonomic validity of Muricoidea, whereas the monophyly of Conoidea was supported by most phylogenetic analyses, albeit weakly. All analyzed families were recovered as monophyletic except Turridae due to the inclusion of Terebridae. Further phylogenetic analyses based on either a four mt gene data set including two additional Littorinimorpha or combining mt and nuclear sequence data also rejected the monophyly of Neogastropoda but rendered rather unresolved topologies. The phylogenetic performance of each mt gene was evaluated under ML. The total number of resolved internal branches of the reference (whole-mt genome) topology was not recovered in any of the individual gene phylogenetic analysis. The <it>cox2 </it>gene recovered the highest number of congruent internal branches with the reference topology, whereas the combined <it>tRNA </it>genes, <it>cox1</it>, and <it>atp8 </it>showed the lowest phylogenetic performance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Phylogenetic analyses based on complete mt genome data resolved a higher number of internal branches of the caenogastropod tree than individual mt genes. All performed phylogenetic analyses agreed in rejecting the monophyly of the Neogastropoda due to the inclusion of Littorinimorpha lineages within the group. This result challenges morphological evidence, and prompts for further re-evaluation of neogastropod morphological synapomorphies. The important increase in number of analyzed positions with respect to previous studies was not enough to achieve conclusive results regarding phylogenetic relationships within Neogastropoda. In this regard, sequencing of complete mtDNAs from all closely related caenogastropod lineages is needed. Nevertheless, the rapid radiation at the origin of Neogastropoda may not allow full resolution of this phylogeny based only on mt data, and in parallel more nuclear sequence data will also need to be incorporated into the phylogenetic analyses.</p

    Compostagem doméstica: alternativa de aproveitamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos.

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    Diante da crescente geração de resíduos residenciais urbanos, a compostagem doméstica surge como uma alternativa para o tratamento da fração orgânica desse material na fonte. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a viabilidade da compostagem doméstica de resíduos sólidos orgânicos domiciliares coletados seletivamente em residências localizadas no município de Uberlândia-MG. Para o processo de compostagem, empregou-se uma composteira, com capacidade para 200 L, mantida em área coberta na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, em Uberlândia, MG. O período de compostagemfoi de novembro de 2007 a março de 2008, num total de 120 dias. O composto orgânico formado apresentou teores de carbono orgânico, nitrogênio total e umidade, relação C/N e pH dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação, para composto orgânico comercializável. Concluiu-se que a compostagem doméstica se mostrou viável para a ciclagem de resíduos sólidos orgânicos domiciliares, tendo originado um composto com boas características físicas e químicas, com potencial para uso agrícola, como condicionador de solos e/ou como substrato para plantas

    Cooperación al desarrollo: desarrollo rural, sostenibilidad y género : (Reflexiones a partir del proyecto de cooperación transnacional 'Ecosolidaridad entre territorios')

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    Al hablar de cooperación al desarrollo, en una primera aproximación aparece la representación de la "ayuda", del trasvase de recursos humanos y/o económicos, y de tecnología, de los países desarrollados a los países empobrecidos. Queramos o no, seamos conscientes de ello o no, los proyectos de cooperación entre países del norte y del sur están, a menudo, marcados por una relación de desequilibrio económico y de colonización cultural, en la que los países ricos del norte exportan un ideal de desarrollo economicista, que responde a las demandas del modelo económico neoliberal. Todos estos términos tendrían que matizarse, conceptualizarse y contextualizarse, histórica, política e ideológicamente; pero nos valen, en un principio, para retratar una imagen habitual de la cooperación al desarrollo y situarnos frente a un proyecto de cooperación que, con una perspectiva muy distinta, se está llevando a cabo, desde el año 2006, entre grupos de desarrollo rural de España y Brasil, con la participación de la Universidad de Valladolid.In a approximation to cooperation for development, appears in the first place a representation of "help", of the transfer of human and / or economic resources, and of technology, from the develop countries to the impoverished ones. Wanted or not, conscious or not, the cooperation projects between "North" and "South" countries are, often, marked by a relation of economic imbalance and of cultural colonization, in which the rich countries export an economical ideal of development that fits with the demands of the economic neoliberal model. All these terms would need to be qualified, conceptualized and contextualized, historically, politically and ideologically, but they serve as an initial portrait for the common image of the cooperation for the development. On contrast, a project of cooperation, with a very different perspective, is carried out, from the year 2006, between Brazilian and Spanish groups for rural development, with the participation of the University of Valladolid

    Applying ontologies to educational resources retrieval driven by cultural aspects

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    This work presents the architecture used in the ongoing e-learning EduCa Project. The approach is based in a strong use of ontologies for the retrieval, management and clustered of electronic educational resources according to user's cultural aspects. Cultural aspects are preferences and ways of behavior determined by the person's culture. In this project, the cultural aspects are just the features that distinguish between the preferences of users from different regions.Facultad de Informátic

    Development and validation of UV spectrophotometric method for orbifloxacin assay and dissolution studies

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    New, simple and cost effective UV-spectrophotometric method was developed for the estimation of orbifloxacin in pharmaceutical formulation. Orbifloxacin was estimated at 290 nm in 0.5 M hydrochloric acid. Linearity range was found to be 1.0-6.0 μg mL-1. The method was tested and validated for various parameters according to main guidelines. The proposed method was successfully applied for the determination of orbifloxacin in tablets. The results demonstrated that the procedure is accurate, precise and reproducible, while being simple, economical and less time consuming. It can be suitably applied for the estimation of orbifloxacin in routine quality control and dissolution studies.Um método espectrofotométrico novo, simples e de baixo custo foi desenvolvido para a determinação de orbifloxacino em formulação farmacêutica. O orbifloxacino foi determinado em 290 nm utilizando ácido clorídrico 0,5 M como solvente. O intervalo de linearidade usado foi de 1,0 a 6,0 μg mL-1. O método foi testado e validado em vários parâmetros de acordo com os principais guias. O método proposto foi aplicado com sucesso para a determinação de orbifloxacino em comprimidos. Os resultados demonstraram que este procedimento é exato, preciso e reprodutível, ao mesmo tempo em que é simples, barato e de mais rápida execução e pode ser adequadamente aplicado para a determinação de orbifloxacino na rotina do controle de qualidade e em estudos de dissolução de comprimidos contendo este fármaco

    Designing Genes that Encode Proteins for Biomedical Applications

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    DNA is a crucial component of all known life. It encodes in genes the structure of the proteins necessary to perform many of the functions in a cell. Proteins are biological polymers consisting of a chain of amino acids. The specific sequence of the amino acids determines the structure and therefore function of the protein. The sequence of the amino acids of a protein is coded in DNA via triplets of the nucleotide bases known as codons, which each can represent only one amino acid. However, an amino acid can be represented by more than one codon, so there are many combinations of DNA that can code for any given protein. The efficiency of expressing a protein from a gene can be affected by the DNA sequence, so to optimize protein production, we want an optimal sequence of DNA. Particularly, we would like to be able to design ab initio, optimized genes that code for protein-based materials for biological applications. We are working to develop a computer program to generate DNA code from an amino acid sequence. The ultimate goal is to optimize the sequence by using codons in an efficient way and removing unwanted patterns in the gene.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2016/1047/thumbnail.jp