2,928 research outputs found

    Plasmonic coupling in closed-packed ordered gallium nanoparticles

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    Plasmonic gallium (Ga) nanoparticles (NPs) are well known to exhibit good performance in numerous applications such as surface enhanced fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy or biosensing. However, to reach the optimal optical performance, the strength of the localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) must be enhanced particularly by suitable narrowing the NP size distribution among other factors. With this purpose, our last work demonstrated the production of hexagonal ordered arrays of Ga NPs by using templates of aluminium (Al) shallow pit arrays, whose LSPRs were observed in the VIS region. The quantitative analysis of the optical properties by spectroscopic ellipsometry confirmed an outstanding improvement of the LSPR intensity and full width at half maximum (FWHM) due to the imposed ordering. Here, by engineering the template dimensions, and therefore by tuning Ga NPs size, we expand the LSPRs of the Ga NPs to cover a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum from the UV to the IR regions. More interestingly, the factors that cause this optical performance improvement are studied with the universal plasmon ruler equation, supported with discrete dipole approximation simulations. The results allow us to conclude that the plasmonic coupling between NPs originated in the ordered systems is the main cause for the optimized optical responseThe research is supported by the MINECO (CTQ2014-53334-C2-2-R, CTQ2017-84309-C2-2-R and MAT201676824-C3-1-R) and Comunidad de Madrid (P2018/NMT4349 and S2018/NMT-4321 NANOMAGCOST) projects. ARC acknowledges Ramón y Cajal program (under contract number RYC-2015-18047

    Zinc nitride thin films: Basic properties and applications

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    A. Redondo-Cubero, M. Gómez-Castaño, C. García Núñez, M. Domínguez, L. Vázquez, J. L. Pau , "Zinc nitride thin films: basic properties and applications", Oxide-based Materials and Devices VIII, Proc. SPIE 10105, 101051B (24 February 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2253044. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibitedProceedings of VIII Oxide-based Materials and Devices Conference (San Francisco, California, United States)Zinc nitride films can be deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering using a Zn target at substrate temperatures lower than 250°C. This low deposition temperature makes the material compatible with flexible substrates. The asgrown layers present a black color, polycrystalline structures, large conductivities, and large visible light absorption. Different studies have reported about the severe oxidation of the layers in ambient conditions. Different compositional, structural and optical characterization techniques have shown that the films turn into ZnO polycrystalline layers, showing visible transparency and semi-insulating properties after total transformation. The oxidation rate is fairly constant as a function of time and depends on environmental parameters such as relative humidity or temperature. Taking advantage of those properties, potential applications of zinc nitride films in environmental sensing have been studied in the recent years. This work reviews the state-of-the-art of the zinc nitride technology and the development of several devices such as humidity indicators, thin film (photo)transistors and sweat monitoring sensors.This research is supported by the MINECO (CTQ2014-53334-C2-2-R) and Comunidad de Madrid (NANOAVANSENS ref. S2013/MIT-3029). ARC acknowledges Ramón y Cajal program (under contract number RYC-2015-18047

    SEOM Clinical Guidelines For Endometrial Cancer (2017)

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynecological cancer in developed countries. Most patients are diagnosed at an early stage with a low risk of relapse. However, there is a group of patients with a high risk of relapse and poor prognosis. Despite the recent publication of randomized trials, the adjuvant treatment of high-risk EC is still to be defined and there are many open questions about the best approach and the right timing. Unfortunately, the survival of metastatic or recurrent EC is short, due to the poor results of chemotherapy and the lack of a second line of treatment. Advances in the knowledge of the molecular abnormalities in EC have permitted the development of promising targeted therapies

    Variación de 13C en el ambiente de Madrid (atmósfera, aguas superficiales y aguas subterráneas)

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    Stable isotopes of carbon are studied in atmosphere, freshwater (rivers) and groundwater of the region of Madrid. Sampling and analytical techniques are adapted for the isotopic study of carbon in the environment. The atmosphere samples show δ13C values from -13.92 to -15.67 ‰, closely related to the polution level of air. The water from wells, to the Tertiary detritic aquifer, with δ13C among -13.92 and -15.67 ‰. The dissolution of carbonatic rocks and the biologic activity could be the origin of the wide variations δ13C from -7.07 to -11.85 %0) found in the waters from rivers Jarama, Guadalix and Guadarrama.Se analizan el 13C de la atmósfera, ríos y pozos del área de Madrid, al objeto de evaluar su distribución y origen, mediante adaptación y desarrollo de técnicas de muestreo y análisis. Las muestras atmosféricas presentan valores de δ13C situados entre -9,81 y -14,64 ‰, que se corresponden gradualmente con los puntos de menor a mayor grado de polución por aportes principalmente de C02 procedente de la quema de combustibles fósiles. Las aguas de los pozos analizados, pertenecientes al acuífero terciario del detrítico, muestran un estrecho margen de variación, entre δ13C -13,92 y -15,67 ‰, relacionado con los procesos geoquímicos naturales. Las aguas de los ríos Jarama, Guadalix y Guadarrama, presentan una amplia variación en su composición isotópica (δ13C entre -7,07 y -11,85 ‰) debido a la disolución de carbonatos a su paso por las formaciones de calizas del Mesozoico y, en menor medida, a los aportes de efluentes contaminados

    Biorefinery of biomass of agro-Industrial banana waste to obtain high-value biopolymers

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    On a worldwide scale, food demand is increasing as a consequence of global population growth. This makes companies push their food supply chains’ limits with a consequent increase in generation of large amounts of untreated waste that are considered of no value to them. Biorefinery technologies offer a suitable alternative for obtaining high-value products by using unconventional raw materials, such as agro-industrial waste. Currently, most biorefineries aim to take advantage of specific residues (by either chemical, biotechnological, or physical treatments) provided by agro-industry in order to develop high-value products for either in-house use or for sale purposes. This article reviews the currently explored possibilities to apply biorefinery-known processes to banana agro-industrial waste in order to generate high-value products out of this residual biomass source. Firstly, the Central and Latin American context regarding biomass and banana residues is presented, followed by advantages of using banana residues as raw materials for the production of distinct biofuels, nanocellulose fibers, different bioplastics, and other high-value products Lastly, additional uses of banana biomass residues are presented, including energy generation and water treatmen

    IFE Plant Technology Overview and contribution to HiPER proposal

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    HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here

    ¿Se asocia el consumo de refrescos azucarados con la composición corporal? Estudio transversal en adolescentes españoles

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    Objectives: Published data about the association between the consumption of sweetened soft-drinks (SSD) and obesity in childhood are controversial and still inconsistent. In addition, data are lacking in the Spanish population. The purpose of this study was therefore, to explore the cross-sectional association between body composition- related parameters and SSD consumption in Spanish adolescents. Subjects and methods: A representative sample of 1,523 adolescents (768 boys and 755 girls), with complete dietary data as well as anthropometric measurements, were included in this study. Weight, height, waist circumferences, and 6 skinfolds were measured, and BMI and percentage body fat were calculated. From a 24h dietary recall the subjects were grouped in 3 groups according to their SSD consumption: 1) Non-consumers (0 g of SSD consumption); 2) Moderate consumption (< 336 g/day of SSD, equivalent to the average SSD portion size); and 3) High consumption (> 336 g/day of SSD). Results: 67% males and 75% females did not consume any SSD the day before the dietary recall interview. Males consumed more SSD than females. Regarding the association between SSD consumption and measures of obesity, no difference was observed between the three groups of SSD consumption in any of the anthropometric measurement, BMI or body fat. Conclusion: As no association was present between SSD consumption and obesity in our cross-sectional study we suggest that dietary patterns and habits as well as lifestyle factors such as physical activity should be present when examining cross-sectional or longitudinal relationships with obesity. Multidisciplinary intervention studies are crucial when trying to develop solutions against the increasing obesity epidemic.Objetivos: Los datos publicados sobre la asociación entre el consumo de refrescos azucarados (SSD) y la obesidad en la infancia son controvertidos y todavía inconsistentes. Además, estos datos son muy escasos en la población española. Por ello, el propósito de este estudio ha sido estudiar la asociación entre los parámetros relacionados con la composición corporal y el consumo de SSD en adolescentes españoles. Sujetos y métodos: Se ha realizado el estudio en una muestra de 1.523 adolescentes (768 chicos y 755 chicas) que tenían cumplimentados los datos dietéticos y los parámetros antropométricos (peso, altura, circunferencias de cintura, y 6 pliegues). Se calculó el IMC y el porcentaje de grasa corporal. La dieta ha sido calculada a partir de un recordatorio de 24h. Los sujetos fueron divididos en grupos dependiendo de la cantidad de SSD que consumían: 1) No consumidores (0 g de consumo SSD); 2) Consumo moderado (< 336 g/día de SSD, equivalente a una bebida al día de SSD); y 3) Consumo alto (> 336 g/día de SSD). Resultados: El 67% de los varones y el 75% de las mujeres indican no consumir este tipo de bebidas el día anterior a la encuesta. Los varones en general consumieron más SSD que las mujeres. En cuanto a la asociación entre consumo SSD y medidas antropométricas y de composición corporal, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tres grupos de estudio en los parámetros antropométricos, IMC o grasa corporal. Conclusión: Dado que no se ha encontrado en este estudio ninguna asociación entre el consumo de SSD y la obesidad, sugerimos que los patrones y hábitos dietarios así como los factores del estilo de vida, y la actividad física, deberían tenerse en cuenta al examinar las relaciones transversales o longitudinales con la obesidad, y que los estudios de intervención multidisciplinar son cruciales cuando se trata de desarrollar soluciones contra el incremento de una epidemia como la obesidad.The AVENA study was supported by Spanish Ministry of Health (00/0015) and by grants from the Spanish Higher Sports Council (05/UPB32/01, 09/UPB31/03 and 13/UPB20/04), the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP2003-2128 and AP2004-2745), Coca-Cola, Panrico SA, Madaus SA and Procter & Gamble SA

    Values and Intercultural Experiences Through Picture Books

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    The authors searched for picture books that are useful for intercultural education and for discovering students’ perceptions about the values and intercultural experiences conveyed through the books. To do so, the authors selected two books by following established criteria and analyzed students’ responses through semistructured interviews. The data were obtained after reading the books aloud to 30 fifth-grade students in a school located in the south of Spain and reflecting on the books’ contents. As a main conclusion, the authors found that students’ answers revealed the presence of some positive values, such as helpfulness, friendship, and empathy, through questions about the experiences of characters in the books. Thus, prejudices were dismantled and positive intercultural experiences in school were fostered

    Structural Determinants of the Dictyostatin Chemotype for Tubulin Binding Affinity and Antitumor Activity Against Taxane- and Epothilone-Resistant Cancer Cells

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    A combined biochemical, structural, and cell biology characterization of dictyostatin is described, which enables an improved understanding of the structural determinants responsible for the high-affinity binding of this anticancer agent to the taxane site in microtubules (MTs). The study reveals that this macrolide is highly optimized for MT binding and that only a few of the structural modifications featured in a library of synthetic analogues resulted in small gains in binding affinity. The high efficiency of the dictyostatin chemotype in overcoming various kinds of clinically relevant resistance mechanisms highlights its potential for therapeutic development for the treatment of drug-resistant tumors. A structural explanation is advanced to account for the synergy observed between dictyostatin and taxanes on the basis of their differential effects on the MT lattice. The X-ray crystal structure of a tubulin−dictyostatin complex and additional molecular modeling have allowed the rationalization of the structure−activity relationships for a set of synthetic dictyostatin analogues, including the highly active hybrid 12 with discodermolide. Altogether, the work reported here is anticipated to facilitate the improved design and synthesis of more efficacious dictyostatin analogues and hybrids with other MT-stabilizing agents.We thank Peter T. Northcote for peloruside A, W.-S. Fang for Flutax-2, K. H. Altmann for epothilone D, Dr. Paraskevi Giannakakou (Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York) for the 1A9, PTX10, PTX22, and A8 cell lines, and Prof. Richard Ludueñ a (University of Texas) for the HeLa βIII-transfected cells. We thank Matadero INCOVA (Segovia) for the calf brains for tubulin purification. This work was supported in part by grants BIO2013-42984-R (J.F.D.) and SAF2012-39760-C02-02 (F.G.) from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, grant S2010/ ́ BMD-2457 BIPEDD2 from Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid ́ (F.G. and J.F.D.), and the Swiss National Science Foundation grants 310030B_138659 and 31003A_166608 (M.O.S.). The authors acknowledge networking contribution by the COST Action CM1407 “Challenging organic syntheses inspired by naturefrom natural products chemistry to drug discovery” and the COST action CM1470. I.P. thanks the EPSRC and AstraZeneca for funding, Dr. John Leonard (AstraZeneca) for useful discussions, Dr. Stuart Mickel (Novartis) for the provision of chemicals, and the EPSRC UK National Mass Spectrometry Facility at Swansea University for mass spectra