383 research outputs found

    Koronapandemian vaikutus kodin kokemiseen ja kodin elÀmiseen -esimerkkejÀ Suomesta ja EtelÀ-Euroopasta

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    TiivistelmÀ. Kun COVID-19 julistettiin kevÀÀllÀ 2020 maailmanlaajuiseksi pandemiaksi, muuttui elÀmÀmme kertaheitolla. Valtiot ryhtyivÀt erinÀisiin rajoitustoimiin, joiden taksoituksena oli pyrkiÀ estÀmÀÀn taudin laajempi leviÀminen sekÀ suojella kansakuntaa sairastumiselta. Rajoitustoimet nojautuivat globaalilla tasolla ajatukseen kodista turvallisimpana mahdollisena paikkana koronavirustaudin leviÀmisen ehkÀisemiseksi. Yhteiskunnan taholta kodista rakentui strateginen paikka, jossa ihminen saattoi olla turvassa. Koronapandemian myötÀ kodista tuli entistÀ keskeisempi osa elÀmÀÀmme, kun monet arjen ja vapaa-ajan toiminnot siirtyivÀt kodista kÀsin hoidettaviksi ja/ tai liikkumista kodin ulkopuolella rajoitettiin. Kodista tuli paikka, jossa niin työn ja vapaa-ajan, yksityisen ja julkisen kuin ihanteiden ja konfliktien tilat kohtasivat. TÀmÀn tutkielman tarkoituksena on löytÀÀ tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla vastaus siihen, miten koronapandemia on vaikuttanut ihmisten kokemuksiin kodista ja kodin elÀmiseen. Tutkielma keskittyy koronapandemian ensimmÀiseen aaltoon, eli kevÀÀseen 2020. LÀhestyn kodin kokemista ja kodin elÀmistÀ ymmÀrtÀmÀllÀ kodin maantieteellisestÀ nÀkökulmasta moniulotteiseksi ja monisyiseksi paikaksi, joka muotoutuu jatkuvan vuorovaikutuksen kautta tilaan. YhdistÀmÀllÀ tilan, paikan, ja kodin kÀsitteet laajemmin tutkimuskentÀllÀ aiheesta kÀytyyn keskusteluun pyrin valaisemaan pandemia-aikana kotiin kohdistuneita mahdollisia spatiaalisia, kulttuurillisia ja ajallisia muutoksia. Suomesta ja EtelÀ-Euroopasta antamieni konkreettisten esimerkkien tavoitteena on valaista maiden vÀlisiÀ eroja ja yhtÀlÀisyyksiÀ kodin kokemisessa ja kodin elÀmisessÀ pandemia-ajassa. Tutkielmani perusteella voidaan sanoa, ettÀ kodin muuttuminen usean toiminnan keskukseksi on haastanut kodin kokemista ja sen elÀmistÀ niin fyysisellÀ, sosiaalisessa kuin mentaalisella tasolla ja lisÀnnyt tasapainottelu eri voimien vÀlillÀ. Kotia on koettu ja eletty globaalilla tasolla niin positiivisten kuin negatiivisten tunteiden kautta. LisÀksi korona-aika on korostanut kodin ja yhteiskunnan vÀlistÀ vuorovaikutteista suhdetta, kun koti muotoiltiin lÀnsimaisten koti-ihanteen ja -ideaalin avulla yhteiskunnalliseksi strategiaksi koronavirusta vastaan. Toisaalta pandemia-aika on tuonut myös entistÀ vahvemmin esiin kodin negatiivisia puolia, kuten epÀtasa-arvoa ja turvattomuutta. Pandemia-aika on myös kirkastanut kodin jatkuvaa ja alati muuttuvaa luonnetta, kun rajoitustoimien myötÀ kotia on pitÀnyt niin fyysisellÀ kuin henkisellÀ tasolla muokata tilanteeseen sopivaksi

    Evaluation of Novel Imidazotetrazine Analogues Designed to Overcome Temozolomide Resistance and Glioblastoma Regrowth

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    The cellular responses to two new temozolomide (TMZ) analogues, DP68 and DP86, acting against glioblastoma multi- forme (GBM) cell lines and primary culture models are reported. Dose–response analysis of cultured GBM cells revealed that DP68 is more potent than DP86 and TMZ and that DP68 was effective even in cell lines resistant to TMZ. On the basis of a serial neurosphere assay, DP68 inhibits repop- ulation of these cultures at low concentrations. The efficacy of these compounds was independent of MGMT and MMR func- tions. DP68-induced interstrand DNA cross-links were dem- onstrated with H2O2-treated cells. Furthermore, DP68 induced a distinct cell–cycle arrest with accumulation of cells in S phase that is not observed for TMZ. Consistent with this biologic response, DP68 induces a strong DNA damage response, including phosphorylation of ATM, Chk1 and Chk2 kinases, KAP1, and histone variant H2AX. Suppression of FANCD2 expression or ATR expression/kinase activity enhanced anti- glioblastoma effects of DP68. Initial pharmacokinetic analysis revealed rapid elimination of these drugs from serum. Collec- tively, these data demonstrate that DP68 is a novel and potent antiglioblastoma compound that circumvents TMZ resistance, likely as a result of its independence from MGMT and mismatch repair and its capacity to cross-link strands of DN

    Impact of pollen on throughfall biochemistry in European temperate and boreal forests

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    Pollen is known to affect forest throughfall biochemistry, but underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We used generalized additive mixed modelling to study the relationship between long-term series of measured throughfall fluxes in spring (April–June) at forest plots and corresponding airborne pollen concentrations (Seasonal Pollen Integral, SPIn) from nearby aerobiological monitoring stations. The forest plots were part of the intensive long term monitoring (Level II) network of the UNECE International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) with dominant tree genera Fagus, Quercus, Pinus and Picea, and were distributed all across Europe. We also conducted a 7-day laboratory dissolution experiment with bud scales and flower stalks of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), pollen of beech, common oak (Quercus robur L.), silver birch (Betula pendula L.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. laricio (Poiret) Maire), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and sterilized pollen of silver birch in a nitrate (NO3--N) solution (11.3 mg N L-1). Throughfall fluxes of potassium (K+), ammonium (NH4+-N), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) showed a positive relationship with SPIn whereas NO3--N fluxes showed a negative relationship with SPIn. In years with massive seed production of beech and oak SPIn and throughfall fluxes of K+ and DOC were higher, but fluxes of NO3--N were lower. The experiment broadly confirmed the findings based on field data. Within two hours, pollen released large quantities of K+, phosphate, DOC and DON, and lesser amounts of sulphate, sodium and calcium. After 24-48 hours, NO3--N started to disappear, predominantly in the treatments with broadleaved pollen, while concentrations of nitrite and NH4+-N increased. At the end of the experiment, the inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was reduced, presumably because it was lost as gaseous nitric oxide (NO). There was no difference for sterilized pollen, indicating that the involvement of microbial activity was limited in above N transformations. Our results show that pollen dispersal might be an overlooked factor in forest nutrient cycling and might induce complex canopy N transformations, although the net-impact on N throughfall fluxes is rather lo

    Early environmental factors and somatic comorbidity in schizophrenia and nonschizophrenic psychoses: A 50-year follow-up of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

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    Background. We studied the cumulative incidence of physical illnesses, and the effect of early environmental factors (EEFs) on somatic comorbidity in schizophrenia, in nonschizophrenic psychosis and among nonpsychotic controls from birth up to the age of 50 years. Methods. The sample included 10,933 members of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, of whom, 227 had schizophrenia and 205 had nonschizophrenic psychosis. Diagnoses concerning physical illnesses were based on nationwide registers followed up to the end of 2016 and classified into 13 illness categories. Maternal education and age, family type at birth and paternal socioeconomic status were studied as EEFs of somatic illnesses. Results. When adjusted by gender and education, individuals and especially women with nonschizophrenic psychosis had higher risk of morbidity in almost all somatic illness categories compared to controls, and in some categories, compared to individuals with schizophrenia. The statistically significant adjusted hazard ratios varied from 1.27 to 2.42 in nonschizophrenic psychosis. Regarding EEFs, single-parent family as the family type at birth was a risk factor for a higher somatic score among men with schizophrenia and women with nonschizophrenic psychosis. Maternal age over 35 years was associated with lower somatic score among women with nonschizophrenic psychosis. Conclusions. Persons with nonschizophrenic psychoses have higher incidence of somatic diseases compared to people with schizophrenia and nonpsychotic controls, and this should be noted in clinical work. EEFs have mostly weak association with somatic comorbidity in our study

    Childhood socioeconomic position and objectively measured physical capability levels in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p><b>Background:</b> Grip strength, walking speed, chair rising and standing balance time are objective measures of physical capability that characterise current health and predict survival in older populations. Socioeconomic position (SEP) in childhood may influence the peak level of physical capability achieved in early adulthood, thereby affecting levels in later adulthood. We have undertaken a systematic review with meta-analyses to test the hypothesis that adverse childhood SEP is associated with lower levels of objectively measured physical capability in adulthood.</p> <p><b>Methods and Findings:</b> Relevant studies published by May 2010 were identified through literature searches using EMBASE and MEDLINE. Unpublished results were obtained from study investigators. Results were provided by all study investigators in a standard format and pooled using random-effects meta-analyses. 19 studies were included in the review. Total sample sizes in meta-analyses ranged from N = 17,215 for chair rise time to N = 1,061,855 for grip strength. Although heterogeneity was detected, there was consistent evidence in age adjusted models that lower childhood SEP was associated with modest reductions in physical capability levels in adulthood: comparing the lowest with the highest childhood SEP there was a reduction in grip strength of 0.13 standard deviations (95% CI: 0.06, 0.21), a reduction in mean walking speed of 0.07 m/s (0.05, 0.10), an increase in mean chair rise time of 6% (4%, 8%) and an odds ratio of an inability to balance for 5s of 1.26 (1.02, 1.55). Adjustment for the potential mediating factors, adult SEP and body size attenuated associations greatly. However, despite this attenuation, for walking speed and chair rise time, there was still evidence of moderate associations.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Policies targeting socioeconomic inequalities in childhood may have additional benefits in promoting the maintenance of independence in later life.</p&gt

    Leaping and dancing with digitality : Exploring human-smartphone-entanglements in classrooms

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    This chapter explores digitality as part of young people’s everyday lives in the Arctic. It is based on two ethnographic studies situated in the political context of the “digital leap”, the governmental and curricular emphasis on digitality in education in Finland. With the more formal “digital leap”, informal engagements and attachments with digitality intertwine, in which students’ own smartphones play an increasingly significant role. The analyses use the notion of entanglement (Barad) to examine how primary school and upper secondary school students emerge in their situated and specific encounters with smartphones in school. The starting points of things, bodies, affect, time and space open up insights to connectivity between young people’s digital activities and global economic networks as well as to the multidirectionality between humans and technologies: while the students access their digital devices, the digitalities also access their users. We suggest that this wilder form of “digital leap” requires reconsidering materiality, affect, and instability of space and time.Peer reviewe

    First circumpolar assessment of Arctic freshwater phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity : Spatial patterns and environmental factors

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    Arctic freshwaters are facing multiple environmental pressures, including rapid climate change and increasing land-use activities. Freshwater plankton assemblages are expected to reflect the effects of these stressors through shifts in species distributions and changes to biodiversity. These changes may occur rapidly due to the short generation times and high dispersal capabilities of both phyto- and zooplankton. Spatial patterns and contemporary trends in plankton diversity throughout the circumpolar region were assessed using data from more than 300 lakes in the U.S.A. (Alaska), Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The main objectives of this study were: (1) to assess spatial patterns of plankton diversity focusing on pelagic communities; (2) to assess dominant component of beta diversity (turnover or nestedness); (3) to identify which environmental factors best explain diversity; and (4) to provide recommendations for future monitoring and assessment of freshwater plankton communities across the Arctic region. Phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton diversity varied substantially across the Arctic and was positively related to summer air temperature. However, for zooplankton, the positive correlation between summer temperature and species numbers decreased with increasing latitude. Taxonomic richness was lower in the high Arctic compared to the sub- and low Arctic for zooplankton but this pattern was less clear for phytoplankton. Fennoscandia and inland regions of Russia represented hotspots for, respectively, phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity, whereas isolated regions had lower taxonomic richness. Ecoregions with high alpha diversity generally also had high beta diversity, and turnover was the most important component of beta diversity in all ecoregions. For both phytoplankton and zooplankton, climatic variables were the most important environmental factors influencing diversity patterns, consistent with previous studies that examined shorter temperature gradients. However, barriers to dispersal may have also played a role in limiting diversity on islands. A better understanding of how diversity patterns are determined by colonisation history, environmental variables, and biotic interactions requires more monitoring data with locations dispersed evenly across the circumpolar Arctic. Furthermore, the importance of turnover in regional diversity patterns indicates that more extensive sampling is required to fully characterise the species pool of Arctic lakes.Peer reviewe

    Forest tree growth is linked to mycorrhizal fungal composition and function across Europe

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    Most trees form symbioses with ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) which influence access to growth-limiting soil resources. Mesocosm experiments repeatedly show that EMF species differentially affect plant development, yet whether these effects ripple up to influence the growth of entire forests remains unknown. Here we tested the effects of EMF composition and functional genes relative to variation in well-known drivers of tree growth by combining paired molecular EMF surveys with high-resolution forest inventory data across 15 European countries. We show that EMF composition was linked to a three-fold difference in tree growth rate even when controlling for the primary abiotic drivers of tree growth. Fast tree growth was associated with EMF communities harboring high inorganic but low organic nitrogen acquisition gene proportions and EMF which form contact versus medium-distance fringe exploration types. These findings suggest that EMF composition is a strong bio-indicator of underlying drivers of tree growth and/or that variation of forest EMF communities causes differences in tree growth. While it may be too early to assign causality or directionality, our study is one of the first to link fine-scale variation within a key component of the forest microbiome to ecosystem functioning at a continental scale
