3,303 research outputs found

    Measurement of (α,n) reaction cross sections of erbium isotopes for testing astrophysical rate predictions

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    Date of Acceptance: 30/01/2015The γ-process in core-collapse and/or type Ia supernova explosions is thought to explain the origin of the majority of the so-called p nuclei (the 35 proton-rich isotopes between Se and Hg). Reaction rates for γ-process reaction network studies have to be predicted using Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations. Recent investigations have shown problems in the prediction of α-widths at astrophysical energies which are an essential input for the statistical model. It has an impact on the reliability of abundance predictions in the upper mass range of the p nuclei. With the measurement of the 164,166Er(α,n)167,169Yb reaction cross sections at energies close to the astrophysically relevant energy range we tested the recently suggested low energy modification of the α+nucleus optical potential in a mass region where γ-process calculations exhibit an underproduction of the p nuclei. Using the same optical potential for the α-width which was derived from combined 162Er(α,n) and 162Er(α,γ) measurement makes it plausible that a low-energy modification of the optical α+nucleus potential is needed.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Parity-Dependence in the Nuclear Level Density

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    Astrophysical reaction rates are sensitive to the parity distribution at low excitation energies. We combine a formula for the energy-dependent parity distribution with a microscopic-macroscopic nuclear level density. This approach describes well the transition from low excitation energies, where a single parity dominates, to high excitations where the two densities are equal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; contribution to Nuclei In The Cosmos VIII, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Low-lying dipole response in the Relativistic Quasiparticle Time Blocking Approximation and its influence on neutron capture cross sections

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    We have computed dipole strength distributions for nickel and tin isotopes within the Relativistic Quasiparticle Time Blocking approximation (RQTBA). These calculations provide a good description of data, including the neutron-rich tin isotopes 130,132^{130,132}Sn. The resulting dipole strengths have been implemented in Hauser-Feshbach calculations of astrophysical neutron capture rates relevant for r-process nucleosynthesis studies. The RQTBA calculations show the presence of enhanced dipole strength at energies around the neutron threshold for neutron rich nuclei. The computed neutron capture rates are sensitive to the fine structure of the low lying dipole strength, which emphasizes the importance of a reliable knowledge of this excitation mode.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    Neutron-induced astrophysical reaction rates for translead nuclei

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    Neutron-induced reaction rates, including fission, are calculated in the temperature range 1.d8 <T (K) < 1.d10 within the framework of the statistical model for targets with atomic number 83 < Z < 119 (from Po to Uuo) from the neutron to the proton drip-line. Four sets of rates have been calculated, utilizing - where possible - consistent nuclear data for neutron separation energies and fission barriers from Thomas-Fermi (TF), Extended Thomas-Fermi plus Strutinsky Integral (ETFSI), Finite-Range Droplet Model (FRDM) and Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov (HFB) predictions. Tables of calculated values as well as analytic seven parameter fits in the standard REACLIB format are supplied. We also discuss the sensitivity of the rates to the input, aiming at a better understanding of the uncertainties introduced by the nuclear input.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables in paper, 2 in Annex and online tables example

    Solving the stellar 62Ni problem with AMS

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    An accurate knowledge of the neutron capture cross sections of 62,63Ni is crucial since both isotopes take key positions which affect the whole reaction flow in the weak s process up to A=90. No experimental value for the 63Ni(n,gamma) cross section exists so far, and until recently the experimental values for 62Ni(n,gamma) at stellar temperatures (kT=30 keV) ranged between 12 and 37 mb. This latter discrepancy could now be solved by two activations with following AMS using the GAMS setup at the Munich tandem accelerator which are also in perfect agreement with a recent time-of-flight measurement. The resulting (preliminary) Maxwellian cross section at kT=30 keV was determined to be 30keV = 23.4 +/- 4.6 mb. Additionally, we have measured the 64Ni(gamma,n)63Ni cross section close to threshold. Photoactivations at 13.5 MeV, 11.4 MeV and 10.3 MeV were carried out with the ELBE accelerator at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. A first AMS measurement of the sample activated at 13.5 MeV revealed a cross section smaller by more than a factor of 2 compared to NON-SMOKER predictions.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in Rome, Sept. 14-19, 2008; to be published in Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    The Path to Improved Reaction Rates for Astrophysics

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    This review focuses on nuclear reactions in astrophysics and, more specifically, on reactions with light ions (nucleons and alpha particles) proceeding via the strong interaction. It is intended to present the basic definitions essential for studies in nuclear astrophysics, to point out the differences between nuclear reactions taking place in stars and in a terrestrial laboratory, and to illustrate some of the challenges to be faced in theoretical and experimental studies of those reactions. The discussion revolves around the relevant quantities for astrophysics, which are the astrophysical reaction rates. The sensitivity of the reaction rates to the uncertainties in the prediction of various nuclear properties is explored and some guidelines for experimentalists are also provided.Comment: 100 pages, 33 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys. E (scheduled for February 2011 issue); the formatting here differs in that it includes a table of contents and numbered paragraphs; v2: updated references; v3: typos fixed; v4: final typo fix, content similar to published version

    Cross-section measurement of the Ba 130 (p,Îł) La 131 reaction for Îł -process nucleosynthesis

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    Background: Deviations between experimental data of charged-particle-induced reactions and calculations within the statistical model are frequently found. An extended data base is needed to address the uncertainties regarding the nuclear-physics input parameters in order to understand the nucleosynthesis of the neutron-deficient p nuclei. Purpose: A measurement of total cross-section values of the Ba130(p,Îł)La131 reaction at low proton energies allows a stringent test of statistical model predictions with different proton+nucleus optical model potentials. Since no experimental data are available for proton-capture reactions in this mass region around A ≈130, this measurement can be an important input to test the global applicability of proton+nucleus optical model potentials. Method: The total reaction cross-section values were measured by means of the activation method. After the irradiation with protons, the reaction yield was determined by use of Îł-ray spectroscopy using two clover-type high-purity germanium detectors. In total, cross-section values for eight different proton energies could be determined in the energy range between 3.6 MeV ≀Ep≀ 5.0 MeV, thus, inside the astrophysically relevant energy region. Results: The measured cross-section values were compared to Hauser-Feshbach calculations using the statistical model codes TALYS and SMARAGD with different proton+nucleus optical model potentials. With the semimicroscopic JLM proton+nucleus optical model potential used in the SMARAGD code, the absolute cross-section values are reproduced well, but the energy dependence is too steep at the lowest energies. The best description is given by a TALYS calculation using the semimicroscopic Bauge proton+nucleus optical model potential using a constant renormalization factor. Conclusions: The statistical model calculation using the Bauge semimicroscopic proton+nucleus optical model potential deviates by a constant factor of 2.1 from the experimental data. Using this model, an experimentally supported stellar reaction rate for proton capture on the p nucleus Ba130 was calculated. At astrophysical temperatures, an increase in the stellar reaction rate of 68% compared to rates obtained from the widely used NON-SMOKER code is found. This measurement extends the scarce experimental data base for charged-particle-induced reactions, which can be helpful to derive a more globally applicable proton+nucleus optical model potential.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
