766 research outputs found

    X-Shooter observations of low-mass stars in the Eta Chamaeleontis association

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    The nearby Eta Chamaeleontis association is a collection of 4-10 Myr old stars with a disk fraction of 35-45%. In this study, the broad wavelength coverage of VLT/X-Shooter is used to measure the stellar and mass accretion properties of 15 low mass stars in the Eta Chamaeleontis association. For each star, the observed spectrum is fitted with a non-accreting stellar template and an accretion spectrum obtained from assuming a plane-parallel hydrogen slab. Five of the eight stars with an IR disk excess show excess UV emission, indicating ongoing accretion. The accretion rates measured here are similar to those obtained from previous measurements of excess UV emission, but tend to be higher than past measurements from H-alpha modeling. The mass accretion rates are consistent with those of other young star forming regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Spiel, Sprache und die intrinsische Natur von Welt und Wirkung

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    Eine Wissenschaft ist ein funktionales System gegenseitig abhängiger Größen, das intrinsischer Träger bedarf. Für basale Größen bedarf es absolut intrinsischer Träger. Das lässt sich etwa am Schachspiel erläutern. Eine hierarchisch aufgebaute Welt mit kausal interagierenden Dingen, wie sie Gregg Rosenberg konzipiert, braucht ein komplexes Trägergeflecht. Es entspricht dem Aufbau einer Sprache. Im Vergleich mit einem hylemorphistischen Weltbild wird eine Trägerontologie genauer entfaltet

    The effect of auditory stimuli on visual time-to-contact perception

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    Previous research has demonstrated that auditory and visual stimuli have individual effects on the accuracy of a person’s estimation of time-to-contact (TTC), the time at which two objects collide. Prior findings also suggest that there is cross-modal interference between vision and audition; however, this phenomenon has never been studied in a TTC situation. (Driver & Spence, 1998; Ichikawa & Masskura, 2006; Roseboom, Kawabe, & Nishida, 2013) In this study we attempted to fill in this research gap by examining the effect of auditory speed cues over visual speed cues in a two-dimensional TTC scenario, and by determining if an object’s temporal presence influences accurate perception of TTC by using occlusion. Our results indicate that in the presence of auditory and visual speed disparity, participants rely more heavily on auditory cues, but when auditory and visual speeds are equivalent, or when there is no audition present, participants rely more on visual cues

    Solving the stellar 62Ni problem with AMS

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    An accurate knowledge of the neutron capture cross sections of 62,63Ni is crucial since both isotopes take key positions which affect the whole reaction flow in the weak s process up to A=90. No experimental value for the 63Ni(n,gamma) cross section exists so far, and until recently the experimental values for 62Ni(n,gamma) at stellar temperatures (kT=30 keV) ranged between 12 and 37 mb. This latter discrepancy could now be solved by two activations with following AMS using the GAMS setup at the Munich tandem accelerator which are also in perfect agreement with a recent time-of-flight measurement. The resulting (preliminary) Maxwellian cross section at kT=30 keV was determined to be 30keV = 23.4 +/- 4.6 mb. Additionally, we have measured the 64Ni(gamma,n)63Ni cross section close to threshold. Photoactivations at 13.5 MeV, 11.4 MeV and 10.3 MeV were carried out with the ELBE accelerator at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. A first AMS measurement of the sample activated at 13.5 MeV revealed a cross section smaller by more than a factor of 2 compared to NON-SMOKER predictions.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry in Rome, Sept. 14-19, 2008; to be published in Nucl. Instr. Meth.

    Detection of leaf structures in close-range hyperspectral images using morphological fusion

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    Close-range hyperspectral images are a promising source of information in plant biology, in particular, for in vivo study of physiological changes. In this study, we investigate how data fusion can improve the detection of leaf elements by combining pixel reflectance and morphological information. The detection of image regions associated to the leaf structures is the first step toward quantitative analysis on the physical effects that genetic manipulation, disease infections, and environmental conditions have in plants. We tested our fusion approach on Musa acuminata (banana) leaf images and compared its discriminant capability to similar techniques used in remote sensing. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our fusion approach, with significant improvements over some conventional methods

    Peruvian-oriental culinary business plan proposal

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    The world is constantly changing and with it, the lifestyles of consumers. As these changes take place, new lifestyles are born causing business models to adapt and innovate. In this new context, there are consumers that highly care about their health, the quality product they consume, future consequences of their diet and have high expectations of their preferable food companies. Wok & Well was born from this new lifestyle and customer mindset, providing a culinary service aimed to keep a healthier life without leaving out customer?s tastes and customs. Wok & Well offers Peruvian-Oriental fusion food in wok and emphasizes on providing more beneficial and high quality options, as well as giving our customers 100% free will on what to eat and how to eat it from a pool of healthy ingredients followed by 4 simple steps

    Vibrio cholerae Flagellar Synthesis and Virulence

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    La difícil autonomía de José Luis Cebrián como director del Diario ABC, 1975-1977

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    La breve dirección de José Luis Cebrián en ABC (febrero 1975-octubre 1977) coincidió con el final del tardofranquismo, los comienzos de la transición y una incipiente crisis en el diario. Tras su controvertida designación, fue relegado a funciones meramente periodísticas mientras el control ideológico-político del diario continuó en las manos de Torcuato Luca de Tena. El supuesto fracaso de Cebrián, hombre más bien apolítico, se debió en buena medida a razones empresariales y políticas externas a él dado que ABC adoptó una orientación confusa y extremadamente conservadora, como se refleja en unas normas entregadas al director que se publican por vez primera.The short period of José Luis Cebrián as editor of ABC (February 1975-October 1977) coincided with the end of Franco’s dictatorship, the beginnings of the transition to democracy, and an incipient crisis in the newspaper. After his controversial appointment, he was entrusted to run the newsroom while the ideological and political control continued in the hands of the former editor Torcuato Luca de Tena. The alleged failure of a rather apolitical man like Cebrián was greatly due to business and political reasons external to him because ABC adopted extremely conservative positions, as an until now unpublished document delivered to the editor proves

    Factores asociados a la automedicación ante problemas dentales de pacientes que asisten a consulta odontológica en Establecimientos de Salud La Esperanza

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    Determinar los factores asociados a la automedicación ante problemas dentales de pacientes que asisten a consulta odontológica en Establecimientos de Salud La Esperanza. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue observacional, de corte transversal. Se evaluaron a 213 adultos de 2 Centros de Salud de La Esperanza - Trujillo en los meses de abril y mayo 2023, mediante un cuestionario con 12 preguntas, previamente validado por medio de la prueba estadística Coeficiente V de Aiken con un valor de 1 y por medio de una prueba piloto se evaluó la confiabilidad mediante el coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach con un valor de 0.8118896. Resultados: Se encontró que el 72.8 % de los pacientes que asisten a consulta odontológica en Establecimientos de Salud La Esperanza se habían automedicado, a su vez se halló que los factores asociados fueron la edad y el grado de instrucción. El grupo etario de 18 a 39 años fue el grupo con mayor porcentaje de automedicación representando el 79.3%, también se halló que los pacientes con estudios técnicos fue el grupo con mayor porcentaje que se había automedicado con el 90.9 %. Según el sexo se obtuvo que las mujeres que se habian automedicado representaron el 74.5% y en el caso de los hombres representaron el 67.3%. Conclusiones: Hubo un elevado porcentaje de automedicación en los adultos que acudieron a consulta odontológica, siendo los factores asociados el grado de instrucción y la edad.Determine the factors associated with self-medication in the face of dental problems of patients who attend dental consultations at La Esperanza Health Establishments. Materials and Methods: The study was observational, cross-sectional. 213 adults from 2 Health Centers in La Esperanza - Trujillo were evaluated in the months of April and May 2023, using a questionnaire with 12 questions, previously validated using the Aiken V Coefficient statistical test with a value of 1 and by Through a pilot test, reliability was evaluated with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient with a value of 0.8118896. Results: It was found that 72.8% of the patients attending dental consultation at La Esperanza Health Establishments had self-medicated, in turn it was found that the associated factors were age and level of education. The age group from 18 to 39 years was the group with the highest percentage of self-medication, representing 79.3%, it was also found that patients with technical studies were the group with the highest percentage that had self-medicated with 90.9%. According to sex, it was found that women who had self-medicated represented 74.5% and in the case of men they represented 67.3%. Conclusions: There was a high percentage of self-medication in adults who attended dental consultation, the associated factors being the level of education and age.Tesi