273 research outputs found

    Análisis y evolución de un espacio urbano significativo. La plaza de Séneca de Alicante

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    En los procesos de formación y construcción de la ciudad, los espacios públicos y, en concreto, los vacíos urbanos, tienen una especial significación. Son lugares donde se desarrollan actividades lúdicas y sociales que se han configurado a lo largo del tiempo y tienen una especial relevancia en la arquitectura y la propia historia urbana. La plaza de Séneca de Alicante es un espacio arquitectónico, ubicado en una situación relevante en la ciudad y de una dimensión considerable en relación con la trama urbana en la que se implanta. Ha sufrido una importante evolución a lo largo del tiempo, tanto espacial como a nivel de uso. El objeto del trabajo es realizar un análisis detallado de ese espacio urbano, tanto histórico como arquitectónico, partiendo del estudio de las fuentes bibliográficas y documentales, sobre todo gráficas, hasta llegar a la configuración que tiene en la actualidad

    Two-weighted inequalities for the fractional integral associated to the Schrödinger operator

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    In this article we prove that the fractional integral operator associated to the Schrödinger second order differential operator L-α/2=(-Δ + V)-α/2maps with continuity weak Lebesgue space Lp,∞(v) into weighted Campanato-Hölder type spaces BMOβL(w), thus improving regularity under appropriate conditions on the pair of weights (v,w) and the parameters p, α and β. We also prove the continuous mapping from BMOβL(v) to BMOγL(w) for adequate pair of weights. Our results improve those known for the same weight in both sides of the inequality and they also enlarge the families of weights known for the classical fractional integral associated to the Laplacian operator L = -Δ.Fil: Crescimbeni, Raquel Liliana. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Hartzstein, Silvia Inés. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Salinas, Oscar Mario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral; Argentin

    Niveles de estrés laboral, ansiedad y depresión de los médicos frente al Covid19 en un establecimiento de salud Tumbes, Perú 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo: Determinar la relación entre estrés laboral, ansiedad y depresión de los médicos frente a la Covid19 Tumbes 2021. Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo; no experimental, con diseño transversal correlacional, la muestra estuvo formada por 40 médicos del sistema de salud Tumbes. La técnica fue la encuesta y como instrumento, los cuestionarios de estrés laboral, ansiedad y depresión. Los resultados obtenidos describen que el nivel de estrés laboral de los médicos frente al Covid19 en un establecimiento de salud de la Región Tumbes es bajo 42.50% (17); medio 55.00% (22) y alto en solo el 2.50% (1), además el 85% (34) de los médicos no presenta ansiedad frente al Covid19, y solo el 15% (6) presenta un nivel de ansiedad menor. De otro lado el 80% (32) de los médicos presenta depresión baja frente al Covid19, solo el 20% (8) presenta depresión media. El estudio describe que existe relación estadística significativa (p valor) entre las variables: estrés laboral vs ansiedad = 0.050 y estrés laboral vs depresión =0.018 para un intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC 95%

    Distinctive Features of PipX, a Unique Signaling Protein of Cyanobacteria

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    PipX is a unique cyanobacterial protein identified by its ability to bind to PII and NtcA, two key regulators involved in the integration of signals of the nitrogen/carbon and energy status, with a tremendous impact on nitrogen assimilation and gene expression in cyanobacteria. PipX provides a mechanistic link between PII, the most widely distributed signaling protein, and NtcA, a global transcriptional regulator of cyanobacteria. PII, required for cell survival unless PipX is inactivated or down-regulated, functions by protein–protein interactions with transcriptional regulators, transporters, and enzymes. In addition, PipX appears to be involved in a wider signaling network, supported by the following observations: (i) PII–PipX complexes interact with PlmA, an as yet poorly characterized transcriptional regulator also restricted to cyanobacteria; (ii) the pipX gene is functionally connected with pipY, a gene encoding a universally conserved pyridoxal phosphate binding protein (PLPBP) involved in vitamin B6 and amino acid homeostasis, whose loss-of-function mutations cause B6-dependent epilepsy in humans, and (iii) pipX is part of a relatively robust, six-node synteny network that includes pipY and four additional genes that might also be functionally connected with pipX. In this overview, we propose that the study of the protein–protein interaction and synteny networks involving PipX would contribute to understanding the peculiarities and idiosyncrasy of signaling pathways that are conserved in cyanobacteria.Generalitat Valenciana: PROMETEO/2017/129; Universidad de Alicante: VIGROB-126/19; UAUSTI18 and FPUUA59 fellowship to J.I.L

    Detection of Sarcasm and Nastiness: New Resources for Spanish Language

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    The main goal of this work is to provide the cognitive computing community with valuable resources to analyze and simulate the intentionality and/or emotions embedded in the language employed in social media. Specifically, it is focused on the Spanish language and online dialogues, leading to the creation of SOFOCO (Spanish Online Forums Corpus). It is the first Spanish corpus consisting of dialogic debates extracted from social media and it is annotated by means of crowdsourcing in order to carry out automatic analysis of subjective language forms, like sarcasm or nastiness. Furthermore, the annotators were also asked about the context need when taking a decision. In this way, the users’ intentions and their behavior inside social networks can be better understood and more accurate text analysis is possible. An analysis of the annotation results is carried out and the reliability of the annotations is also explored. Additionally, sarcasm and nastiness detection results (around 0.76 F-Measure in both cases) are also reported. The obtained results show the presented corpus as a valuable resource that might be used in very diverse future work.This study was partially funded by the Spanish Government (TIN2014-54288-C4-4-R and TIN2017-85854-C4-3-R) by the European Unions’s H2020 program under grant 769872 and by the National Science Foundation of USA (NSF CISE R1 #1202668

    Análisis de los conocimientos y opiniones de profesores sobre la reforma integral educativa de la educación básica

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    En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura en torno al liderazgo transformacional, la cultura organizacional y el cambio educativo. A partir de ella, se hace una reflexión sobre la vinculación que existe entre los tres elementos y la potencial interdependencia que ostentan en el contexto escolar. Para ello, en la primera sección, se sintetizan las teorías clásicas que contribuyeron a la construcción del concepto del liderazgo transformacional y el proceso que se siguió para la consolidación del mismo, a través de lo cual se enfatizan los elementos fundamentales de este tipo de líder y sus diferencias con el transaccional. En la segunda sección, se analiza el rol del líder transformacional en el contexto organizacional en un ambiente de cambio educativo; en ella, se destaca el papel que desempeña el líder transformacional en las instituciones educativas y se vincula con la cultura organizacional como un elemento contextual que eventualmente es interdependiente con este tipo de liderazgo. Finalmente se hace una reflexión sobre el estado del arte de la vinculación entre los tres constructos presentados y se proponen líneas potenciales de investigación que pueden contribuir al mayor conocimiento sobre la complejidad de la relación entre ello

    Cross-talk and regulatory interactions between the essential response regulator RpaB and cyanobacterial circadian clock output

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    The response regulator RpaB (regulator of phycobilisome associated B), part of an essential two-component system conserved in cyanobacteria that responds to multiple environmental signals, has recently been implicated in the control of cell dimensions and of circadian rhythms of gene expression in the model cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942. However, little is known of the molecular mechanisms that underlie RpaB functions. In this study we show that the regulation of phenotypes by RpaB is intimately connected with the activity of RpaA (regulator of phycobilisome associated A), the master regulator of circadian transcription patterns. RpaB affects RpaA activity both through control of gene expression, a function requiring an intact effector domain, and via altering RpaA phosphorylation, a function mediated through the N-terminal receiver domain of RpaB. Thus, both phosphorylation cross-talk and coregulation of target genes play a role in the genetic interactions between the RpaA and RpaB pathways. In addition, RpaB∼P levels appear critical for survival under light:dark cycles, conditions in which RpaB phosphorylation is environmentally driven independent of the circadian clock. We propose that the complex regulatory interactions between the essential and environmentally sensitive NblS-RpaB system and the SasA-RpaA clock output system integrate relevant extra- and intracellular signals to the circadian clock.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity Grant BFU2012-33364 (to A.C.); Generalitat Valenciana Grants ACOMP/2014/144 (to A.C.) and GV/2014/073 (to J.E.); National Institutes of Health Grant R01GM062419 (to S.S.G.); and European Molecular Biology Organization postdoctoral Fellowship ASTF 74–2013 (to J.E.)

    Relationship between Consumer Motivation and the Gastronomic Experience of Olive Oil Tourism in Spain

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    The rise of new tourist typologies as a result of the change in the motivations of tourists and the increasingly active awareness of the environment are making these new tourist activities more sustainable. The development of typologies such as oleotourism or, more globally, gastronomic tourism is formed as an engine of socio-economic development wherever it is inserted, being even more important and decisive if it develops in rural areas. This study is based on a model of structural equations based on minimum partial squares. A sample size of 414 surveys was used, all of which were collected in the oil mills and museums of the towns of Baena, Cabra, Luque and Montilla, all of which belong to the province of Córdoba, Spain. This study develops a model based on motivations and gastronomic experience resulting from the development of oleotourism in the rural areas of the province of Córdoba (Spain). Among the most noteworthy results it is worth highlighting the positive influence of motivations on the gastronomic experience of tourists. In addition, the predictive relevance of the model is demonstrated