437 research outputs found

    The Chandra X-ray Survey of Planetary Nebulae (ChanPlaNS): Probing Binarity, Magnetic Fields, and Wind Collisions

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    We present an overview of the initial results from the Chandra Planetary Nebula Survey (ChanPlaNS), the first systematic (volume-limited) Chandra X-ray Observatory survey of planetary nebulae (PNe) in the solar neighborhood. The first phase of ChanPlaNS targeted 21 mostly high-excitation PNe within ~1.5 kpc of Earth, yielding 4 detections of diffuse X-ray emission and 9 detections of X-ray-luminous point sources at the central stars (CSPNe) of these objects. Combining these results with those obtained from Chandra archival data for all (14) other PNe within ~1.5 kpc that have been observed to date, we find an overall X-ray detection rate of ~70%. Roughly 50% of the PNe observed by Chandra harbor X-ray-luminous CSPNe, while soft, diffuse X-ray emission tracing shocks formed by energetic wind collisions is detected in ~30%; five objects display both diffuse and point-like emission components. The presence of X-ray sources appears correlated with PN density structure, in that molecule-poor, elliptical nebulae are more likely to display X-ray emission (either point-like or diffuse) than molecule-rich, bipolar or Ring-like nebulae. All but one of the X-ray point sources detected at CSPNe display X-ray spectra that are harder than expected from hot (~100 kK) central star photospheres, possibly indicating a high frequency of binary companions to CSPNe. Other potential explanations include self-shocking winds or PN mass fallback. Most PNe detected as diffuse X-ray sources are elliptical nebulae that display a nested shell/halo structure and bright ansae; the diffuse X-ray emission regions are confined within inner, sharp-rimmed shells. All sample PNe that display diffuse X-ray emission have inner shell dynamical ages <~5x10^3 yr, placing firm constraints on the timescale for strong shocks due to wind interactions in PNe.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures; submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    A Gap with a Deficit of Large Grains in the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya

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    We report ∼3 au resolution imaging observations of the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya at 145 and 233 GHz with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. Our observations revealed two deep gaps (∼25%-50%) at 22 and 37 au and shallower gaps (a few percent) at 6, 28, and 44 au, as recently reported by Andrews et al. The central hole with a radius of ∼3 au was also marginally resolved. The most remarkable finding is that the spectral index α(R) between bands 4 and 6 peaks at the 22 au gap. The derived power-law index of the dust opacity β(R) is ∼1.7 at the 22 au gap and decreases toward the disk center to ∼0. The most prominent gap at 22 au could be caused by the gravitational interaction between the disk and an unseen planet with a mass of ≲1.5 M Neptune, although other origins may be possible. The planet-induced gap is supported by the fact that β(R) is enhanced at the 22 au gap, indicating a deficit of ∼millimeter-sized grains within the gap due to dust filtration by a planet

    A Spitzer IRS Survey of NGC 1333: Insights into disk evolution from a very young cluster

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    We report on the {\lambda} = 5-36{\mu}m Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph spectra of 79 young stellar objects in the very young nearby cluster NGC 1333. NGC 1333's youth enables the study of early protoplanetary disk properties, such as the degree of settling as well as the formation of gaps and clearings. We construct spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using our IRS data as well as published photometry and classify our sample into SED classes. Using "extinction-free" spectral indices, we determine whether the disk, envelope, or photosphere dominates the spectrum. We analyze the dereddened spectra of objects which show disk dominated emission using spectral indices and properties of silicate features in order to study the vertical and radial structure of protoplanetary disks in NGC 1333. At least nine objects in our sample of NGC 1333 show signs of large (several AU) radial gaps or clearings in their inner disk. Disks with radial gaps in NGC 1333 show more-nearly pristine silicate dust than their radially continuous counterparts. We compare properties of disks in NGC 1333 to those in three other well studied regions, Taurus-Auriga, Ophiuchus and Chamaeleon I, and find no difference in their degree of sedimentation and dust processing.Comment: 67 pages, 20 figures, accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    ALMA Observations of a Gap and a Ring in the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya

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    We report the first detection of a gap and a ring in 336 GHz dust continuum emission from the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya, using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). The gap and ring are located at around 25 and 41 au from the central star, respectively, and are associated with the CO snow line at ∼30 au. The gap has a radial width of less than 15 au and a mass deficit of more than 23%, taking into account that the observations are limited to an angular resolution of ∼15 au. In addition, the 13CO and C18O J=3-2 lines show a decrement in CO line emission throughout the disk, down to ∼10 au, indicating a freeze-out of gas-phase CO onto grain surfaces and possible subsequent surface reactions to form larger molecules. The observed gap could be caused by gravitational interaction between the disk gas and a planet with a mass less than super-Neptune (2{M}{{Neptune}}), or could be the result of the destruction of large dust aggregates due to the sintering of CO ice

    Being there: a preliminary study examining the role of presence in Internet Gaming Disorder

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    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been introduced as an emerging mental health condition requiring further study. Associations between IGD and gaming presence (i.e., absorption in the virtual environment) have been implied. The aim of the present study was twofold: (a) to evaluate the extent to which presence contributes to IGD severity and, (b) to examine longitudinal differences in IGD according to the initial level of presence experienced. The participants comprising 125 emerging adults aged 18 to 29 years completed either: (i) three face-to-face assessments (one month apart, over three months) or (ii) a cross-sectional, online assessment. IGD was assessed with the nine-item IGD Scale Short Form and presence was assessed using the Presence Questionnaire. Regression and latent growth modelling analyses were conducted. Findings demonstrated that the level of gaming presence related to IGD severity but not to linear change in severity over a three-month period. The study shows that emergent adults who play internet games may be at a high risk of IGD given a more salient sense of being present within the gaming environment. Clinical implications considering prevention and intervention initiatives are discussed

    Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET

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    Effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W target of JET ITER-Like Wall was studied with multi-scale calculations. Plasma input parameters were taken from ELMy H-mode plasma experiment. The energetic intra-ELM fuel particles get implanted and create near-surface defects up to depths of few tens of nm, which act as the main fuel trapping sites during ELMs. Clustering of implantation-induced vacancies were found to take place. The incoming flux of inter-ELM plasma particles increases the different filling levels of trapped fuel in defects. The temperature increase of the W target during the pulse increases the fuel detrapping rate. The inter-ELM fuel particle flux refills the partially emptied trapping sites and fills new sites. This leads to a competing effect on the retention and release rates of the implanted particles. At high temperatures the main retention appeared in larger vacancy clusters due to increased clustering rate

    Langmuir probe electronics upgrade on the tokamak a configuration variable

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    A detailed description of the Langmuir probe electronics upgrade for TCV (Tokamak a Configuration Variable) is presented. The number of amplifiers and corresponding electronics has been increased from 48 to 120 in order to simultaneously connect all of the 114 Langmuir probes currently mounted in the TCV divertor and main-wall tiles. Another set of 108 amplifiers is ready to be installed in order to connect 80 new probes, built in the frame of the TCV divertor upgrade. Technical details of the amplifier circuitry are discussed as well as improvements over the first generation of amplifiers developed at SPC (formerly CRPP) in 1993/1994 and over the second generation developed in 2012/2013. While the new amplifiers have been operated successfully for over a year, it was found that their silicon power transistors can be damaged during some off-normal plasma events. Possible solutions are discussed. (C) 2019 Author(s)

    Modelling of tungsten erosion and deposition in the divertor of JET-ILW in comparison to experimental findings

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    The erosion, transport and deposition of tungsten in the outer divertor of JET-ILW has been studied for an HMode discharge with low frequency ELMs. For this specific case with an inter-ELM electron temperature at the strike point of about 20 eV, tungsten sputtering between ELMs is almost exclusively due to beryllium impurity and self-sputtering. However, during ELMs tungsten sputtering due to deuterium becomes important and even dominates. The amount of simulated local deposition of tungsten relative to the amount of sputtered tungsten in between ELMs is very high and reaches values of 99% for an electron density of 5E13 cm3^{-3} at the strike point and electron temperatures between 10 and 30 eV. Smaller deposition values are simulated with reduced electron density. The direction of the B-field significantly influences the local deposition and leads to a reduction if the E×B drift directs towards the scrape-off-layer. Also, the thermal force can reduce the tungsten deposition, however, an ion temperature gradient of about 0.1 eV/mm or larger is needed for a significant effect. The tungsten deposition simulated during ELMs reaches values of about 98% assuming ELM parameters according to free-streaming model. The measured WI emission profiles in between and within ELMs have been reproduced by the simulation. The contribution to the overall net tungsten erosion during ELMs is about 5 times larger than the one in between ELMs for the studied case. However, this is due to the rather low electron temperature in between ELMs, which leads to deuterium impact energies below the sputtering threshold for tungsten