1,165 research outputs found


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    En la presente tesis se redacta el diseño de guías de ondas acústicas utilizando cristales fonónicos. Estos cristales se diseñaron utilizando el software Comsol Multiphysics y consistieron en: arreglos periódicos de cilindros de acero (dispersores de sonido) embebidos en una matriz de agua. Esto para que exista un contraste entre las características físicas de los materiales y por lo tanto sea posible observar los fenómenos relacionados con la interferencia de ondas. Para crear las guías de ondas se sustrajeron dispersores de sonido, uno por uno, en posiciones específicas del cristal, lo que genera líneas de defectos a través de las cuales las ondas serán guiadas. Además se eliminaron algunos dispersores del cristal, simultáneamente, para generar las guías de ondas y poder observar que sucedía dentro de las bandas prohibidas. Con esto se logró comprobar que es posible guiar ondas acústicas aún donde se encuentra originalmente la banda prohibida

    Detección de macrófagos infectados con Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis en una vaca en fase clínica IV de la enfermedad de Johne. Reporte de un caso

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    ABSTRACT: Anamnesis: a six-year-old milking Holstein cow (Bos taurus taurus) was diagnosed with stage IV Johne´s Disease (JD). Clinical and Laboratory findings: the cow suffered intermittent diarrhea during 6 months with no response to antibiotic treatment. Consequently, the cow was subjected to euthanasia. Treatment approach: antemortem milk and peripheral blood samples and postmortem colon, mediastinic, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen samples were processed for macrophages isolation. Total DNA was extracted from macrophages and used to diagnose IS900 of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) through real time PCR. The MAP IS900 segment was successfully amplified from cells of all samples, indicating that these cells were MAP-infected macrophages. Conclusion: macrophages of cows suffering from JD can be used for amplification of the MAP IS900 segment.RESUMEN: una vaca Holstein de 6 años de edad (Bos taurus taurus) presentó sintomatología de la fase IV de la enfermedad de Johne. Hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio: la vaca presentó diarrea intermitente durante 6 meses sin respuesta al tratamiento con antibióticos. En consecuencia, la vaca fue sometida a eutanasia. Esquema de tratamiento: muestras de leche y de sangre periférica se tomaron ante-mortem; muestras de la mucosa del intestino, bazo y linfonodos mediastínico y mesentérico, se tomaron post-mortem, todas para aislamiento de macrófagos. El ADN total de los macrófagos fue usado para la amplificación del segmento IS900 de Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) por PCR en tiempo real. Conclusión: los macrófagos de vacas con la enfermedad de Johne pueden ser usados para la amplificación del segmento IS900 de MAP

    Diagnóstico participativo para determinar problemas ambientales en comunidades rurales

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    The objective of this work was to identify the main environmental problems in relation to the use of natural resources and environmental conflicts that are experienced in the municipality of Álamos. Theoretically it is based on the approaches of Carabias (1994), Bocco (2000), Chambers, (1983) and Lombera, (2004). Methodologically, research is supported in participatory rural appraisal. Out of the results, ten workshops were held, a workshop called institutional, which was carried out with officials and representatives of research institutions, higher education, as well as non-governmental organizations; Six community workshops were held with the participation of the general population of each community where the workshop was held; two more workshops, one with farmers and another with foresters and finally a workshop to validate the results. In total there was the participation of 396 people, 209 women, 187 men. Likewise, a map was drawn up where the proposed strategic projects are located and the conflicts that can be generated are identified. It is concluded that the main environmental problems include the scarcity and contamination of water, overexploitation of natural resources, conflicts in the delimitation of boundaries and the cultivation of drugs.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar los principales problemas ambientales en relación al aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales y los conflictos ambientales que se viven en el municipio de Álamos. Teóricamente se sustenta en los planteamientos de Carabias (1994), Bocco (2000), Chambers, (1983) y Lombera, (2004). Metodológicamente la investigación se soporta en la evaluación rural participativa. De los resultados sobresale la realización de diez talleres, un taller llamado institucional, el cual se realizó con funcionarios y representantes de instituciones de investigación, educación superior, así como de organizaciones no gubernamentales; se llevaron a cabo seis talleres comunitarios que se realizaron con la participación de la población en general de cada comunidad donde se realizó el taller; dos talleres más, uno con ganaderos y otro con silvicultores y finalmente un taller de validación de los resultados. En total se tuvo la participación de 396 personas, 209 mujeres, 187 hombres. Asimismo se elaboró un mapa donde se ubican los proyectos estratégicos propuestos y se identifican los conflictos que se pueden generar. Se concluye, que de los principales problemas ambientales destacan la escasez y contaminación del agua, la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales, conflictos en la delimitación de linderos y el cultivo de enervantes

    Antiviral activities of Boletus edulis, Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinus edodes extracts and polysaccharide fractions against Herpes simplex virus type 1

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    Deposited with permissionAntiviral properties of water and methanol extracts from Lentinus edodes, Boletus edulis and Pleurotus ostreatus were evaluated against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Pre-treatment of Vero cells with 75 mg·ml-1 water extracts before virus addition, inhibited 60% of the virus infection and its addition during the virus adsorption period inhibited it up to 80%. Moreover, the mushrooms water extracts were able to significantly inhibit the in vitro virus replication, showing the concentration of a substance required to reduce plaque number in Vero cells by 50% (IC50) values from 26.69 mg·ml-1 to 35.12 mg·ml-1. Methanol extracts exhibited a lower antiviral activity in all cases. In order to identify the type of compounds responsible for the antiviral activity, the low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) fractions were evaluated. The activity was found to correlate with the β-glucans present in the polysaccharide fractions, which showed higher antiviral activity than the complete water extracts except for B. edulis where other compounds (probably chitin-binding lectins) might have contributed to the observed activity.This work was also supported by the ALIBIRD-CM S2009/AGR-1469 regional program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain

    Early epigenetic cancer decisions

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    A cancer dogma states that inactivation of oncogene(s) can cause cancer remission, implying that oncogenes are the Achilles' heel of cancers. This current model of cancer has kept oncogenes firmly in focus as therapeutic targets and is in agreement with the fact that in human cancers all cancerous cells, with independence of the cellular heterogeneity existing within the tumour, carry the same oncogenic genetic lesions. However, recent studies of the interactions between an oncogene and its target cell have shown that oncogenes contribute to cancer development via developmental reprogramming of the epigenome within the target cell. These results provide the first evidence that carcinogenesis can be initiated by epigenetic stem cell reprogramming, and uncover a new role for oncogenes in the origin of cancer. Here we analyse these evidences and discuss how this vision offers new avenues for developing novel anti-cancer interventions.Research in our group is partially supported by FEDER and by MICINN (SAF2012-32810), by NIH grant (R01 CA109335-04A1), by the ARIMMORA project (FP7-ENV-2011, European Union Seventh Framework Program), by Junta de Castilla y Leon (BIO/SA06/13), and by the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung (DJCLS project 13/26). All Spanish funding is co-sponsored by the European Union FEDER program. ISG is an API lab of the EuroSyStem project and a partner within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network DECIDE (Decision-making within cells and differentiation entity therapies) funded by the European Union’s Seventh Programme under grant agreement n° 315902.Peer Reviewe

    A soberania alimentar: O enfoque desde os territórios e as redes agro-alimentares

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    The Millennium Development Goals to reduce raised 400 million people the incidence of hunger by 2015; However, despite the universal recognition of the right to food, the report 2013 FAO's State of Food and Agriculture shows that 868 million people, equivalent to 12.5% of the world population, are subordinated in terms of dietary energy consumption and 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. In the case of Mexico, in maize it imported nearly 11 million tons, and beef import 40% of apparent consumption, although export nearly 2 million calves to the US. In this context, this research is justified by the fact that to date there is no systematic survey of the different strategies that are following the actors in the agro-food networks. In this case the network analysis value of wheat in Sonora, as a form of study of agrifood chains in Mexico is presented, allowing an approach and understanding of the structure and dynamics of this crop under an environment of economy Free market. The importance is observed at state and national levels for wheat, especially because in recent decades the production of durum wheat is aimed at export and in the pig sector as part of balanced meals.Las metas del milenio plantearon reducir a 400 millones de personas la incidencia del hambre en 2015; sin embargo y pese al reconocimiento universal del derecho a la alimentación el informe 2013 de la FAO sobre el estado mundial de la Agricultura y la Alimentación revela que 868 millones de personas, que equivale al 12.5% de la población mundial, están subordinadas en cuanto al consumo de energía alimentaria y 2000 millones de personas sufren carencia de micronutrientes. En el caso de México, la pérdida de la soberanía alimentaria se expresa en el hecho de que actualmente se importa casi 11 millones de toneladas y en carne de res se importa el 40% del consumo aparente, pese a que se exporta casi 2 millones de becerros a EUA. En este contexto, la presente investigación se justifica por el hecho de que no existe hasta la fecha un reconocimiento sistemático de las diferentes estrategias que están siguiendo los actores que participan en las redes agroalimentarias. En este caso se presenta el análisis de la red de valor del trigo en Sonora, como una modalidad del estudio de las cadenas agroalimentarias en México, lo que permite un acercamiento y comprensión de la estructura y dinámica de este cultivo, bajo un entorno de economía de libre mercado. Se observa la importancia a nivel estatal y nacional del trigo, especialmente porque durante las últimas décadas la producción de trigos cristalinos se orienta a la exportación y al sector de la porcicultura como parte de alimentos balanceados.As metas do milénio plantearam reduzir a 400 milhões de pessoas a incidência do homem em 2015. Não obstante a essa situação e face ao reconhecimento universal do direito à alimentação, o relatório 2013 da FAO, sobre o estado mundial da Agricultura e a Alimentação, revela que 868 milhões de pessoas, que equivale à 12.5% da população mundial, estão subordinadas ao consumo de energia alimentar e 2000 milhões de pessoas sofrem carência de micronutrientes. No caso do México, a perda da soberania alimentar expressa-se no facto de que, actualmente, se importa quase 11 milhões de toneladas e, relativamente à carne bovina, a importação assenta-se ao nível de 40% do consumo aparente, uma vez que a realidade aponta para quase dois milhões de bezerros exportados pelos EUA. Neste contexto, a presente investigação justifica-se por o facto de não existir, até à data, um reconhecimento sistemático das diferentes estratégias, apresentadas pelos actores que participam nas redes agro-alimentares. Neste caso, apresenta-se uma análise da rede de valor do trigo em Sonora, como uma modalidade do estudo das cadeias agro-alimentares, no México, o que permite uma aproximação e compreensão da estrutura dinâmica deste cultivo, sob um entorno de economia de livre mercado. Observa-se, deste modo, a importância a nível estatal e nacional do trigo, especialmente, porque, durante as últimas décadas, a produção de trigos cristalinos está relacionada com a exportação e com o sector da porcicultura, como parte de alimentos balanceados

    Efficient evaluation of molecular electrostatic potential in large systems

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    An algorithm for the efficient computation of molecular electrostatic potential is reported. It is based on the partition/expansion of density into (pseudo) atomic fragments with the method of Deformed Atoms in Molecules, which allows to compute the potential as a sum of atomic contributions. These contributions are expressed as a series of irregular spherical harmonics times effective multipole moments and inverse multipole moments, including short-range terms. The problem is split into two steps. The first one consists of the partition/expansion of density accompanied by the computation of multipole moments, and its cost depends on the size of the basis set used in the computation of electron density within the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals framework. The second one is the actual computation of the electrostatic potential from the quantities calculated in the first step, and its cost depends on the number of computation points. For a precision in the electrostatic potential of six decimal figures, the algorithm leads to a dramatic reduction of the computation time with respect to the calculation from electron density matrix and integrals involving basis set function

    Serially improved GTOs for molecular applications (SIGMA): Basis sets from H to Ne

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    A new approach for generating Gaussian basis sets is reported and tested for atoms from H to Ne. The basis sets thus calculated, named SIGMA basis sets, range from DZ to QZ sizes and have the same composition per shell as Dunning basis sets but with different treatment of the contractions. The standard SIGMA basis sets and their augmented versions have proven to be very suitable for providing good results in atomic and molecular calculations. The performance of the new basis sets is analyzed in terms of total, correlation, and atomization energies, equilibrium distances, and vibrational frequencies in several molecules, and the results are compared at several computational levels with those obtained with the corresponding Dunning and other basis set

    Yarrow supercritical extract exerts antitumoral properties by targeting lipid metabolism in pancreatic cancer

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Metabolic reprogramming is considered a hallmark of cancer. Currently, the altered lipid metabolism in cancer is a topic of interest due to the prominent role of lipids regulating the progression of various types of tumors. Lipids and lipid-derived molecules have been shown to activate growth regulatory pathways and to promote malignancy in pancreatic cancer. In a previous work, we have described the antitumoral properties of Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium) CO 2 supercritical extract (Yarrow SFE) in pancreatic cancer. Herein, we aim to investigate the underlaying molecular mechanisms by which Yarrow SFE induces cytotoxicity in pancreatic cancer cells. Yarrow SFE downregulates SREBF1 and downstream molecular targets of this transcription factor, such as fatty acid synthase (FASN) and stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD). Importantly, we demonstrate the in vivo effect of Yarrow SFE diminishing the tumor growth in a xenograft mouse model of pancreatic cancer. Our data suggest that Yarrow SFE can be proposed as a complementary adjuvant or nutritional supplement in pancreatic cancer therapyThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (MINECO, Plan Nacional I+D+i AGL2013-48943-C2 and AGL2016-76736-C3), Gobierno regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/ABI-2728, ALIBIRD-CM) and EU Structural Funds. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscri