152 research outputs found

    Problématiques de santé chez les travailleurs saisonniers et pistes de réflexion pour une meilleure prise en charge (enquête en stations de sports d hiver de Tarentaise)

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    Objectifs : L'objectif de notre étude était d'évaluer les conditions de vie des travailleurs saisonniers en Tarentaise, leurs principaux problèmes de santé et de détecter d'éventuels freins à leur prise en charge afin de préconiser des perspectives d'évolution. Méthodologie : Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive réalisée lors de la saison d'hiver 2011-2012 dans 9 stations de ski de Tarentaise à l'aide d'un questionnaire anonyme. Étaient inclus dans l'étude tous travailleurs saisonniers. Résultats : Quatre cent deux saisonniers ont été inclus. La population était jeune, relativement qualifiée, majoritairement célibataire et sans enfant, migrante. Les saisonniers étaient majoritairement satisfaits de leur logement, 53% vivaient en colocation. La consommation de produits psychoactifs était importante, 74.5% consommaient du vin, 71.5% de la bière, 66% des alcools forts, 34.5% des produits illicites et 61% du tabac. Parmi les participants, 27.6% déclaraient avoir eu une conduite sexuelle à risque pendant la saison. Les principaux problèmes de santé étaient infectieux et psychologique. Les saisonniers avaient peu de suivi médical. Un frein à la consultation était retrouvé chez 31% des participants. Seulement 40% disaient avoir eu une visite médicale d'embauche. Les journées de prévention type journées santé étaient connues par 56% des participants. Conclusion : Il s'agit d'une population jeune présentant de nombreuses conduites à risque et ayant peu de suivi médical. De ce fait les journées de prévention et les visites médicales d'embauche sont importantes.Objectives: The aim of our study was to evaluate the living conditions and major health problems of seasonal workers in the Tarentaise. ldentify potential obstacles to support and suggest advances in care. Methodology: We used a descriptive study conducted during the 2011-2012 winter season in nine ski resorts of Tarentaise using an anonymous questionnaire. Participants included seasonal workers. Results: Four hundred and two participants took part in the study. The population was young, relatively skilled, mostly single, without children and migrant. The participants are mostly satisfied with housing arrangements and living with a roommate in 53% of cases. The consumption of psychoactive substances is high, 74.5% drink wine, 71.5% drink beer, 66% drink spirits, 34.5% use illicit substances and 61% smoke tobacco. Among the respondents 27.6% reported engaging in at-risk sexual behaviour during the season. The main health problems were infectious and psychological conditions. 59% of participants had a regular general practitioner and 31% had an obstacle to the consultation. Only 40% said they underwent a work health check. 56% of participants were aware of community "Health Days". Conclusion: Results indicate that seasonal workers and persons affected by seasonality in the Tarentaise are young, engage in many risk behaviors and lack medical follow-up. Thus prevention days such as "Health Days" and initial work health checks are particularly important.GRENOBLE1-BU Médecine pharm. (385162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Investigating the host specificity of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli by sequencing gyrase subunit A

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    Abstract This research evaluated the association between socio demographic characteristics and housing satisfaction of Iranian immigrant’s homeowners in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Data was collected from 325 participants through self-administered questionnaire.  Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed  monthly income of first income earner, total earned income earner, price of residential unit, number of bed room, time owners have been in Malaysia,  had positive significant relationship with housing satisfaction of Iranian immigrants homeowners  in  the study region. Nevertheless, there was no significant association between age, number of bath room, number of dining room, number of living room, length of residence in current house, monthly income of second income earner, number of income earner, number of children, and size of household and housing satisfaction of the immigrant owners’ households. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that housing satisfaction differed between level of education, level of income, and level of price of residential unit. Independent t-test shown that there was significant difference between gender and housing satisfaction of the participants. These associations indicate that those who are females, higher income, higher education, higher residential unit with more room are more satisfied. It is recommended planners and policy makers should prominence on development of housing conditions of immigrant’s households to increase their housing satisfaction. Keywords:background characteristic, housing satisfaction, housing, immigrant’s homeowner’s household

    Combination of MALDI-TOf mass spectrometry and machine learning for rapid antimicrobial resistance screening: the CASE of Campylobacter spp

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    While MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) is widely considered as the reference method for the rapid and inexpensive identification of microorganisms in routine laboratories, less attention has been addressed to its ability for detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Recently, some studies assessed its potential application together with machine learning for the detection of AMR in clinical pathogens. The scope of this study was to investigate MALDI-TOF MS protein mass spectra combined with a prediction approach as an AMR screening tool for relevant foodborne pathogens, such as Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni. A One-Health panel of 224 C. jejuni and 116 C. coli strains was phenotypically tested for seven antimicrobial resistances, i.e., ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, and ampicillin, independently, and were submitted, after an on- and off-plate protein extraction, to MALDI Biotyper analysis, which yielded one average spectra per isolate and type of extraction. Overall, high performance was observed for classifiers detecting susceptible as well as ciprofloxacin- and tetracycline-resistant isolates. A maximum sensitivity and a precision of 92.3 and 81.2%, respectively, were reached. No significant prediction performance differences were observed between on- and off-plate types of protein extractions. Finally, three putative AMR biomarkers for fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides were identified during the current study. Combination of MALDI-TOF MS and machine learning could be an efficient and inexpensive tool to swiftly screen certain AMR in foodborne pathogens, which may enable a rapid initiation of a precise, targeted antibiotic treatment

    Combination of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Machine Learning for Rapid Antimicrobial Resistance Screening: The Case of Campylobacter spp.

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    While MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) is widely considered as the reference method for the rapid and inexpensive identification of microorganisms in routine laboratories, less attention has been addressed to its ability for detection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Recently, some studies assessed its potential application together with machine learning for the detection of AMR in clinical pathogens. The scope of this study was to investigate MALDI-TOF MS protein mass spectra combined with a prediction approach as an AMR screening tool for relevant foodborne pathogens, such as Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni. A One-Health panel of 224 C. jejuni and 116 C. coli strains was phenotypically tested for seven antimicrobial resistances, i.e., ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, gentamycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, and ampicillin, independently, and were submitted, after an on- and off-plate protein extraction, to MALDI Biotyper analysis, which yielded one average spectra per isolate and type of extraction. Overall, high performance was observed for classifiers detecting susceptible as well as ciprofloxacin- and tetracycline-resistant isolates. A maximum sensitivity and a precision of 92.3 and 81.2%, respectively, were reached. No significant prediction performance differences were observed between on and off-plate types of protein extractions. Finally, three putative AMR biomarkers for fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, and aminoglycosides were identified during the current study. Combination of MALDI-TOF MS and machine learning could be an efficient and inexpensive tool to swiftly screen certain AMR in foodborne pathogens, which may enable a rapid initiation of a precise, targeted antibiotic treatment

    Investigation of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for Assessing the Molecular Diversity of Campylobacter jejuni and Comparison with MLST and cgMLST: A Luxembourg One-Health Study

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    There is a need for active molecular surveillance of human and veterinary Campylobacter infections. However, sequencing of all isolates is associated with high costs and a considerable workload. Thus, there is a need for a straightforward complementary tool to prioritize isolates to sequence. In this study, we proposed to investigate the ability of MALDI-TOF MS to pre-screen C. jejuni genetic diversity in comparison to MLST and cgMLST. A panel of 126 isolates, with 10 clonal complexes (CC), 21 sequence types (ST) and 42 different complex types (CT) determined by the SeqSphere+ cgMLST, were analysed by a MALDI Biotyper, resulting into one average spectra per isolate. Concordance and discriminating ability were evaluated based on protein profiles and different cut-offs. A random forest algorithm was trained to predict STs. With a 94% similarity cut-off, an AWC of 1.000, 0.933 and 0.851 was obtained for MLSTCC, MLSTST and cgMLST profile, respectively. The random forest classifier showed a sensitivity and specificity up to 97.5% to predict four different STs. Protein profiles allowed to predict C. jejuni CCs, STs and CTs at 100%, 93% and 85%, respectively. Machine learning and MALDI-TOF MS could be a fast and inexpensive complementary tool to give an early signal of recurrent C. jejuni on a routine basis

    Metaphenotypes associated with recurrent genomic lineages of Campylobacter jejuni responsible for human infections in Luxembourg

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of foodborne illnesses worldwide. Although considered fragile, this microaerophilic bacterium is able to survive in various challenging environments, which subsequently constitutes multiple sources of transmission for human infection. To test the assumption of acquiring specific features for adaption and survivals we established a workflow of phenotypic tests related to the survival and the persistence of recurrent and sporadic strains. A representative collection of 83 strains isolated over 13 years from human, mammal, poultry, and environmental sources in Luxembourg, representing different spreading patterns (endemic, epidemic, and sporadic), was screened for survival to oxidative stresses, for acclimating to aerobic conditions (AC), and for persistence on abiotic surfaces. Using the cgMLST Oxford typing scheme for WGS data, the collection was classified into genomic lineages corresponding to host-generalist strains (lineages A and D, CC ST-21), host-specific strains (lineages B, CC ST-257 and lineage C, CC ST-464) and sporadic strains. We established that when a strain survives concentrations beyond 0.25 mM superoxide stress, it is six times more likely to survive hyperoxide stress and that a highly adherent strain is 14 times more likely to develop a biofilm. Surprisingly, more than half of the strains could acclimate to AC but this capacity does not explain the difference between recurrent genomic lineages and sporadic strains and the survival to oxidative stresses, while recurrent strains have a significantly higher adhesion/biofilm formation capacity than sporadic ones. From this work, the genomic lineages with more stable genomes could be characterized by a specific combination of phenotypes, called metaphenotypes. From the functional genomic analyses, the presence of a potentially functional T6SS in the strains of lineage D might explain the propensity of these strains to be strong biofilm producers. Our findings support the hypothesis that phenotypical abilities contribute to the spatio-temporal adaptation and survival of stable genomic lineages. It suggests a selection of better-adapted and persistent strains in challenging stress environments, which could explain the prevalence of these lineages in human infections

    Selection and characterization of a candidate therapeutic bacteriophage that lyses the Escherichia coli O104:H4 strain from the 2011 outbreak in Germany

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    In 2011, a novel strain of O104:H4 Escherichia coli caused a serious outbreak of foodborne hemolytic uremic syndrome and bloody diarrhea in Germany. Antibiotics were of questionable use and 54 deaths occurred. Candidate therapeutic bacteriophages that efficiently lyse the E. coli O104:H4 outbreak strain could be selected rather easily from a phage bank or isolated from the environment. It is argued that phage therapy should be more considered as a potential armament against the growing threat of (resistant) bacterial infection

    Investigating Major Recurring Campylobacter jejuni Lineages in Luxembourg Using Four Core or Whole Genome Sequencing Typing Schemes

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    Campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis, which has motivated the monitoring of genetic profiles circulating in Luxembourg since 13 years. From our integrated surveillance using a genotyping strategy based on an extended MLST scheme including gyrA and porA markers, an unexpected endemic pattern was discovered in the temporal distribution of genotypes. We aimed to test the hypothesis of stable lineages occurrence by implementing whole genome sequencing (WGS) associated with comprehensive and internationally validated schemes. This pilot study assessed four WGS-based typing schemes to classify a panel of 108 strains previously identified as recurrent or sporadic profiles using this in-house typing system. The strain collection included four common lineages in human infection (N = 67) initially identified from recurrent combination of ST-gyrA-porA alleles also detected in non-human samples: veterinary (N = 19), food (N = 20), and environmental (N = 2) sources. An additional set of 19 strains belonging to sporadic profiles completed the tested panel. All the strains were processed by WGS by using Illumina technologies and by applying stringent criteria for filtering sequencing data; we ensure robustness in our genomic comparison. Four typing schemes were applied to classify the strains: (i) the cgMLST SeqSphere+ scheme of 637 loci, (ii) the cgMLST Oxford scheme of 1,343 loci, (iii) the cgMLST INNUENDO scheme of 678 loci, and (iv) the wgMLST INNUENDO scheme of 2,795 loci. A high concordance between the typing schemes was determined by comparing the calculated adjusted Wallace coefficients. After quality control and analyses with these four typing schemes, 60 strains were confirmed as members of the four recurrent lineages regardless of the method used (N = 32, 12, 7, and 9, respectively). Our results indicate that, regardless of the typing scheme used, epidemic or endemic signals were detected as reflected by lineage B (ST2254-gyrA9-porA1) in 2014 or lineage A (ST19-gyrA8-porA7), respectively. These findings support the clonal expansion of stable genomes in Campylobacter population exhibiting a multi-host profile and accounting for the majority of clinical strains isolated over a decade. Such recurring genotypes suggest persistence in reservoirs, sources or environment, emphasising the need to investigate their survival strategy in greater depth

    Metagenomics-based proficiency test of smoked salmon spiked with a mock community

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    An inter-laboratory proficiency test was organized to assess the ability of participants to perform shotgun metagenomic sequencing of cold smoked salmon, experimentally spiked with a mock community composed of six bacteria, one parasite, one yeast, one DNA, and two RNA viruses. Each participant applied its in-house wet-lab workflow(s) to obtain the metagenomic dataset(s), which were then collected and analyzed using MG-RAST. A total of 27 datasets were analyzed. Sample pre-processing, DNA extraction protocol, library preparation kit, and sequencing platform, influenced the abundance of specific microorganisms of the mock community. Our results highlight that despite differences in wet-lab protocols, the reads corresponding to the mock community members spiked in the cold smoked salmon, were both detected and quantified in terms of relative abundance, in the metagenomic datasets, proving the suitability of shotgun metagenomic sequencing as a genomic tool to detect microorganisms belonging to different domains in the same food matrix. The implementation of standardized wet-lab protocols would highly facilitate the comparability of shotgun metagenomic sequencing dataset across laboratories and sectors. Moreover, there is a need for clearly defining a sequencing reads threshold, to consider pathogens as detected or undetected in a food sample
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