26 research outputs found

    Timber House

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    Práce řeší novostavbu samostatně stojícího rodinného domu. Jedná se o částečně podsklepenou dřevostavbu, s jedním nadzemním podlažím a plochou zatravněnou střechou. Nosnou část stěn tvoří sloupová sendvičová konstrukce. Opláštění objektu je řešeno dřevěnou provětrávanou fasádou. Dům je navržen pro čtyř člennou rodinu, s jedním obyvatelem s omezenou schopností pohybu. Obytné místnosti jsou orientovány převážně na jižní stranu směrem do zahrady, která je přístupná přes přilehlou terasu. Dům je umístěn v obci Vřesina, katastrální území Hlučín. Objekt je osazen na parcele 778/55. Seminární práce je zpracována na téma „Vegetační fasády“, tvoří samostatnou přílohu bakalářské práce.The aim of this bachelor’s work is design of new building of separate detached house. It is a timber house with a basement on the part of the ground plan, one ground floor and a flat sodded roof. The supporting part of walls creates column sandwich structure. The sheating is designed as a ventilated timber facade. The house is suitable for four-member family, with one person with limited mobility. The house is situated in Vřesina, site n. 778/55, cadastral unit Hlučín. The subject of seminar paper is “Vegetative facades”, and it is a separate supplement of bachelor’s thesis.

    The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Heatwaves exert disproportionately strong and sometimes irreversible impacts on forest ecosystems. These impacts remain poorly understood at the tree and species level and across large spatial scales. Here, we investigate the effects of the record-breaking 2018 European heatwave on tree growth and tree water status using a collection of high-temporal resolution dendrometer data from 21 species across 53 sites. Relative to the two preceding years, annual stem growth was not consistently reduced by the 2018 heatwave but stems experienced twice the temporary shrinkage due to depletion of water reserves. Conifer species were less capable of rehydrating overnight than broadleaves across gradients of soil and atmospheric drought, suggesting less resilience toward transient stress. In particular, Norway spruce and Scots pine experienced extensive stem dehydration. Our high-resolution dendrometer network was suitable to disentangle the effects of a severe heatwave on tree growth and desiccation at large-spatial scales in situ, and provided insights on which species may be more vulnerable to climate extremes.Peer reviewe

    Strategie rozvoje společnosti VINOK s.r.o.

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    The bachelor thesis describes the strategic analysis of VINOK s.r.o. company using analysis methods of internal and external factors. Selected key factors are used for creating strategic proposals, one of the proposals is described in detail

    Yacht Club Hlucin

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    Práce řeší novostavbu samostatně stojícího objektu Yacht clubu. Objekt je umístěn na parcele č. 1303/3 katastrálního území Kozmice na břehu hlučínského jezera v rekreačním areálu. Stavba se nachází na hranici záplavové zóny a tato skutečnost byla také zapracována do projektu. Objekt tvoří tři funkční celky a to ubytovací zařízení – hotel, stravovací zařízení – restauraci a prostor převážně určených ke konferencím a workshopům. Kapacitně je objekt určen pro ubytování třiceti čtyř osob, stravování pro čtyřicet dva osob a konferenční prostory jsou určeny pro maximálně čtyřicet osob. Jedná se o čtyřpodlažní budovu s plochou zatravněnou střechou. Vzhledem k základovým poměrům je objekt založen na pilotách. Nosná část stěn je z části tvořena dřevěnými CLT panely a z části železobetonovými stěnami zvyšující tuhost stavby. Objekt je z části opláštěn dřevěněnými deskami tvořícími provětrávanou fasádu a z části omítnut.The aim of this study is the design of Yacht club. The building is situated on a building estate No. 1303/3 of the Kozmice land registry in the recreational premises at the lakefront of „Hlučínské jezero“. It is placed next to the flooding line which is also considered in the project. The building is divided into three operational parts – the hotel, the catering establishments (restaurant) and the area primarily destined for holding conferences and workshops. The hotel is designed to accommodate thirty-two people, the capacity of restaurant is forty-two and conferential area is suitable for forty people at the most. Yacht club is designed as four-storey building with a flat grassed-covered roof. With regard to the foundation conditions, the building is found on piles. The structural part of walls is partly from CLT panels and partly from reinforced concrete which increase the stiffness of the building. The external cladding of the hotel consists of wooden blocks creating ventilated facade, while the rest of the building is rendered.

    Zirconia-based and Chiral Stationary Phases in Pharmaceutical Analysis

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    Disertační práce Summary High performance liquid chromatography achieved during its existence enormous boom. Modern, PC controlled and user-friendly chromatographic devices allow performing a number of tens analyses on one apparatus daily. There is possible to analyse wide spectrum of compounds from non-polar to polar and from low molecular to high molecular analytes. Appropriate choice of chromatographic column, mobile phase and detection technique makes the analysis of complicated mixtures possible and allow obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information. HPLC is due to these characteristics utilized not only in the field of pharmacy but also in other areas e.g. biology, medicine, industry, environment monitoring and quality control of various products. Separation column is the most important part of the chromatographic system. The availability of stable, high performance chromatographic phases is the essential requirement for the development of a rugged and reproducible method. Nowadays, most HPLC separations have been done in the reversed-phase mode on the silica-based columns. This phenomenon is due to many positive properties of silica - mechanical strength, well mastered manufacture of silica particles, easy modification of silica surface, compatibility with water rich mobile phases etc. The..

    Typologie venkovského prostoru Česka =A Typology of Rural Space in Czechia according to its Potential for Development

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    The objective of this article is the regional differentiation of rural space in Czechia, which is defined as the territory of rural municipalities of up to 3,000 inhabitants. The ultimate determination of particular types of rural space is realized at the level of authorized municipal authorities. Current socioeconomic characteristics of rural municipalities in Czechia are compiled and used for analysis. These characteristics were selected on the basis of their potential to represent important socioeconomic phenomena, processes and factors that are typical for the Czech countryside and that influence the development of rural municipalities. Four statistically significant components are identified through the statistical analysis of the indicated data at the level of authorized municipal authorities, namely: size, growth, human potential and housing. Different combinations of these components enable us to define eight main types of rural space, in terms of potential for development. This provides evidence to confirm our affirmation that rural space in Czechia is not homogenous. The results of the statistical analyses conducted also show that the basic differentiation of the Czech countryside is determined by the geographical location of particular areas16118