22 research outputs found


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    Uma série de desafios surgem diuturnamente para a vigilância sanitária, como recentemente, a pandemia COVID-19 pelo SARS-CoV-2. O enfrentamento destes desafios, além da execução das atividades rotineiras intrínsecas à vigilância sanitária, requer a implementação de ferramentas de gestão, que facilitem o planejamento, a execução e a avaliação, de forma a favorecer o ganho na eficiência e na eficácia, favorecendo a transformação dos processos executados pela vigilância, que tem como objetivo a promoção e proteção da saúde dos cidadãos e da sociedade. Nesse contexto, este número temático da revista Vigilância Sanitária em Debate: Sociedade, Ciência & Tecnologia (Visa em Debate) é inédito na produção do conhecimento e incentiva a institucionalização das práticas avaliativas no Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (SNVS): da proposta teórico-metodológica à vivência prática, trazendo uma série de experiências e resultados de trabalhos desenvolvidos no campo da avaliação. &nbsp

    COVID-19 no Estado do Ceará: Comportamentos e crenças na chegada da pandemia

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    This study aimed to evaluate the behavioral aspects and beliefs of the population of Ceará in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online questionnaire was conducted on sociodemographic aspects and opinions related to the pandemic. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated, the association between variables was performed with Chi-square, and the level of significance was 5%. The final sample had 2,259 participants, and an association was observed between females and perceiving themselves with a high risk of infection (p=0.044) and males with non-performance of voluntary quarantine (p<0.001). People aged 80 years and over were partially quarantined due to the flow of people at home (p <0.001). Participants with elementary school education had a lower risk of infection than participants with a higher level of education (p <0.001). This group includes people who did voluntary quarantine the least (p<0.001). Participants living in the inland region of the state had less direct contact with someone tested positive for the Coronavirus (p=0.031) and are less reclusive (p<0.001). We can conclude that the approach to the COVID-19 pandemic varies by social aspects, such as gender, age, education, and place of residence, as well as the belief system of the population of the State of Ceará.  O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os aspectos comportamentais e as crenças da população cearense frente a pandemia de COVID-19. Foi realizado um questionário onlinesobre aspectos sociodemográficos e opiniões relacionados a pandemia. Foram calculadas frequências absoluta e relativa, a associação entre variáveis foi realizada comQui-quadrado eo nível de significância foi de 5%. A amostra final contou com 2.259 participantes e foi observada associação entre o gênero feminino com um alto risco de contaminação (p=0,044) e o gênero masculino com a não realização voluntária da quarentena (p<0,001). Pessoas com 80 anos ou mais realizaram quarentena parcialmente devido ao fluxo de pessoas em casa (p<0,001).Os participantes com o ensino fundamental consideraram que estão em um nível de risco menos alto que os participantes com grau de escolaridade mais elevado (p<0,001). Neste grupo estão as pessoas que menos fizeram quarentena voluntária (p<0,001). Os participantes que moram no interior do Estado, tiveram menos contato direto com alguém testado positivamente para o coronavírus (p=0,031) e estão menos reclusos (p<0,001).É possível concluir que a abordagem frente a pandemia de COVID-19 varia de acordo com aspectos sociais, como gênero, idade, escolaridade e local de residência, assim como o sistema de crenças da população do Estado do Ceará

    Do commercial whitening dentifrices increase enamel erosive tooth wear?

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    Objective: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of commercial whitening dentifrices on erosive tooth wear (ETW) of bovine enamel samples, in comparison with commercial regular dentifrices. Methodology: Sixty bovine crowns were embedded in acrylic resin, polished and then had their baseline profile determined. They were randomly assigned to 5 groups (n=12/group), according to the type of commercial dentifrice to be tested: GI – Crest Anti-cavity Regular; GII – Crest 3D White; GIII – Colgate Total 12 Clean Mint; GIV – Colgate Optic White; GV – Placebo (negative control, fluoride-free dentifrice). The samples were submitted to daily erosive and abrasive challenges for 3 days. The erosive challenges were performed 3 times a day by immersing the specimens in 0.1% citric acid solution (pH 2.5) for 90 s. Each day after the first and last erosive challenges, the specimens were subjected to the abrasive challenge for 15 s, using a toothbrushing machine (Biopdi, São Carlos, SP, Brazil), soft toothbrushes and slurry (1:3 g/ml) of the tested toothpastes (1.5 N). The specimens were kept in artificial saliva between the challenges. The final profile was obtained and the ETW (µm) was calculated. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s tests (p<0.05). Results: All dentifrices tested significantly reduced the enamel wear in comparison with the Placebo, except GIII. The median (95% CI) ETW was 1.35 (1.25-1.46)bc for GI, 1.17 (1.01-1.34)cd for GII, 1.36 (1.28-1.45)ab for GIII, 1.08 (1.04-1.14)d for GIV and 2.28 (2.18-2.39)a for GV. Conclusion: When dentifrices from the same manufacturer were compared, the whitening dentifrices led to similar or less wear than the regular ones

    Eficiência de Malhas Amostrais na Caracterização da Variabilidade Espacial de Atributos Físicos do Solo

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    O avanço do conhecimento da variabilidade espacial dos atributos do solo, por meio do uso de ferramentas da agricultura de precisão e geoestatística, tem sido considerado como uma estratégia de manejo que visa maximizar a produtividade agrícola. Objetivo foi avaliar a eficiência de malhas amostrais na caracterização da variabilidade espacial dos atributos físicos do solo na cultura do fumo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Capivari, no município de Governador Mangabeira, Bahia. Avaliou-se: resistência do solo à penetração de raízes e condutividade hidráulica em duas malhas regulares, de 15x15 e 25x25 m, georreferenciadas. A resistência à penetração foi avaliada mediante o uso de penetrômetro de impacto. A determinação da condutividade hidráulica foi realizada por meio de ensaios em permeâmetro de carga constante. Os valores de resistência à penetração da malha 1 (15x15m) concentraram-se na faixa de pouca limitação a penetração de raízes, enquanto que na malha 2 (25x25m) no perfil abaixo dos 0,40 m valores superiores a 2,6 MPa, o que já implica em algumas limitações à penetração de raízes. Os dados demonstram que a malha amostral de maior dimensão apresenta grande potencial em detectar diferentes escalas de variabilidade espacial dos atributos físicos avaliados em Latossolos sob cultivo de fumo

    A list of land plants of Parque Nacional do CaparaĂł, Brazil, highlights the presence of sampling gaps within this protected area

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    Brazilian protected areas are essential for plant conservation in the Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots. A major challenge for improving conservation actions is to know the plant richness, protected by these areas. Online databases offer an accessible way to build plant species lists and to provide relevant information about biodiversity. A list of land plants of “Parque Nacional do Caparaó” (PNC) was previously built using online databases and published on the website "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil." Here, we provide and discuss additional information about plant species richness, endemism and conservation in the PNC that could not be included in the List. We documented 1,791 species of land plants as occurring in PNC, of which 63 are cited as threatened (CR, EN or VU) by the Brazilian National Red List, seven as data deficient (DD) and five as priorities for conservation. Fifity-one species were possible new ocurrences for ES and MG states

    Evidence for Reductive Genome Evolution and Lateral Acquisition of Virulence Functions in Two Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Strains

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    Ruiz JC, D'Afonseca V, Silva A, et al. Evidence for Reductive Genome Evolution and Lateral Acquisition of Virulence Functions in Two Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Strains. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(4): e18551.Background: Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular pathogen, is the etiologic agent of the disease known as caseous lymphadenitis (CL). CL mainly affects small ruminants, such as goats and sheep; it also causes infections in humans, though rarely. This species is distributed worldwide, but it has the most serious economic impact in Oceania, Africa and South America. Although C. pseudotuberculosis causes major health and productivity problems for livestock, little is known about the molecular basis of its pathogenicity. Methodology and Findings: We characterized two C. pseudotuberculosis genomes (Cp1002, isolated from goats; and CpC231, isolated from sheep). Analysis of the predicted genomes showed high similarity in genomic architecture, gene content and genetic order. When C. pseudotuberculosis was compared with other Corynebacterium species, it became evident that this pathogenic species has lost numerous genes, resulting in one of the smallest genomes in the genus. Other differences that could be part of the adaptation to pathogenicity include a lower GC content, of about 52%, and a reduced gene repertoire. The C. pseudotuberculosis genome also includes seven putative pathogenicity islands, which contain several classical virulence factors, including genes for fimbrial subunits, adhesion factors, iron uptake and secreted toxins. Additionally, all of the virulence factors in the islands have characteristics that indicate horizontal transfer. Conclusions: These particular genome characteristics of C. pseudotuberculosis, as well as its acquired virulence factors in pathogenicity islands, provide evidence of its lifestyle and of the pathogenicity pathways used by this pathogen in the infection process. All genomes cited in this study are available in the NCBI Genbank database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/) under accession numbers CP001809 and CP001829

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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