1,295 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Emergency Remote Education in Brazilian Educational Systems

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    This article presents the results of an exploratory research, delineated in a documentary way.  The research aimed to investigate how local educational systems were adapting to offer, via distance learning, the continuity of the school year by occasion of the schools' closure by the COVID-19 pandemic.  A critical documentary research is presented, according the legislation implemented by the Ministry of Education and the State Governments of Brazil, with data from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (2018) and the School Census (2019). We conclude that remote education, as it was implemented, aims to fulfill only the annual workload by local schools, ignoring the pedagogical issues pertinent to the theme and benefiting students with greater financial resources

    Identification of patterns for increasing production with decision trees in sugarcane mill data

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    Sugarcane mills in Brazil collect a vast amount of data relating to production on an annual basis. The analysis of this type of database is complex, especially when factors relating to varieties, climate, detailed management techniques, and edaphic conditions are taken into account. The aim of this paper was to perform a decision tree analysis of a detailed database from a production unit and to evaluate the actionable patterns found in terms of their usefulness for increasing production. The decision tree revealed interpretable patterns relating to sugarcane yield (R2 = 0.617), certain of which were actionable and had been previously studied and reported in the literature. Based on two actionable patterns relating to soil chemistry, intervention which will increase production by almost 2 % were suitable for recommendation. The method was successful in reproducing the knowledge of experts of the factors which influence sugarcane yield, and the decision trees can support the decision-making process in the context of production and the formulation of hypotheses for specific experiments

    When in doubt, slave! Imprisonment of free men and women through presumption of slavery. An analysis of the applied dispositive of abandoned slave according to the Free Womb Law

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    A Escravidão como o tema central do século XIX brasileiro apresentou profundos paradoxos no campo do direito: formalmente enfrentada através da promulgação de normas que poderiam ser lidas como construtoras de um caminho de abolição progressiva, na prática, é possível observar mecanismos e atores institucionais que trabalharam para preservá-la. Tais procedimentos deram-se, muitas vezes, através de um agir jurídico que procurava distorcer, desviar o disposto no campo da legalidade formal. Esse conjunto de práticas atingiu mulheres e homens livres, desestabilizando seus direitos, e precarizando suas expectativas de liberdade. Nesse balanço entre o direito e o avesso – entre a positivação de uma legalidade formal e a consecução de seu sentido concreto na realidade social –, o presente artigo busca analisar, sob enfoque do direito como prática linguística, parte dessas discrepâncias pela figura do escravo abandonado. Observando as disposições da Lei do Ventre Livre de 1871 sobre tal instituto, essas breves considerações almejam demonstrar a existência de usos e performances formadores de uma espécie de presunção de escravidão, que agia para preservar o escravismo, e que encontrava respaldo na consolidação de uma prática jurídica pela ilegalidade.Slavery as the main topic of the XIX century in Brazil presented profound paradoxes in the field of Law: faced in form through the promulgation of norms that could be read as pavers of a path of progressive abolition, in practice, it is possible to observe institutional mechanisms that worked to preserve it. Such procedures happened most of the times through legal action that sought to distort and deviate what was laid in the field of formal legality. This set of practices hit free women and men, destabilizing their rights and making more and more precarious their expectations of freedom. In this analysis between law and its reverse – between the positivation of a formal legality and the practice of its concrete meaning in social reality, the following article seeks to analyze, through a focus of law as linguistic practice, part of said discrepancies through the example of the abandoned slave. Looking at the dispositives of the Free Womb Law of 1871 on this institute, these brief remarks seek to show the existence of usages and performances that formed what could be known as presumption of slavery in order to preserve it as an institution, and that was aided by the consolidation of a legal practice through illegality

    A liberdade na ordem escravocrata: interpretações sobre o conto Pai contra mãe, de Machado de Assis

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    As instituições jurídicas da escravidão deixaram um legado profundo na sociedade brasileira. Ao mesmo tempo, a literatura tem cada vez mais fornecido o subsídio para uma análise aprofundada da prática jurídica na sociedade, enxergando o direito como linguagem. O presente artigo busca, a partir dessas premissas, traçar uma análise do conto Pai contra Mãe de Machado de Assis, um raro exemplo da abordagem do escritor sobre o tema da escravidão, extraindo dela a percepção da sociedade da condição de liberto e de escravizado na ordem escravocrata, explorando os aspectos jurídicos, como a realidade pré-Lei do Ventre Livre, por meio dos diálogos das personagens. Assim, apresentando um panorama do conto, espera-se fornecer ao leitor um retrato da percepção e prática de institutos jurídicos quando sob a escravidão no Brasil do século XIX.The legal institutions of slavery have left a deep legacy in Brazilian society. At the same time, literature has increasingly provided the support for an in-depth analysis of legal practice in society, understanding law as a language. This paper seeks, based on these premises, to trace an analysis of Machado de Assis’ short story Pai contra Mãe, a rare example of writer’s approach to the slavery subject, extracting from it society’s perception of the condition of released and enslaved individuals under slave rule, exploring legal aspects, such as the pre-Free Womb Law reality, through the dialogues of the characters. Thus, by presenting an overview of the short story, it is expected to provide the reader with a portrait of the perception and practice of legal institutes when under slavery in Brazil in the 19th century

    Como a história da escravidão pode ajudar a formar uma teoria brasileira do direito? | How can the history of slavery inform a Brazilian theory of law?

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    ResumoO direito brasileiro foi articulado em torno das categorias clássicas do liberalismo europeu. Para além do debate da compatibilidade entre liberalismo e escravidão, esse artigo pretende demonstrar como a necessidade de preservar uma escravidão semilegal constituiu institucionalidades que fizeram com que o direito brasileiro operasse problematicamente sob o registro da tradição liberal, mesmo em relação aos seus cidadãos livres. Isso não foi um “erro” do direito, uma falha, mas foi antes uma ação inteligível dos arquitetos das formas e modos de funcionamento da juridicidade nacional. Nesse sentido, esse artigo pretende apontar para a necessidade de construção de uma teoria brasileira do direito que dê conta de compreender as particularidades de um sistema jurídico profundamente afetado pelo escravismo do século XIX.Palavras-chave: História do Direito. Teoria do Direito Brasileiro. Direito da Escravidão. AbstractBrazilian Law was crafted around the classical categories of European liberalism. Beyond the debate regarding the compatibility between liberalism and slavery, this paper intends to show how the need to preserve a semi-legal slavery system created illegalities that highlighted the contradictions between Brazilian Law and the liberal tradition. The resulting tensions also created consequences for free citizens, which are the focus of this paper. It demonstrates that these consequences were not mere legal defeasibility, but rather an intelligible action shaping the national legal system. The article advocates for the necessity to build a Brazilian theory of Law that takes these aspects into consideration, accounting for the systematic impact of 19th-century slavery on the idea of legality in Brazil.Keywords: Legal History. Brazilian Theory of Law. Slavery Law

    A moldura kelseniana: formulação dos limites da interpretação na Teoria Pura do Direito

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    RESUMOA Teoria Pura do Direito figura como uma das grandes obras do pensamento jurídico do século XX. Entretanto, pouco se explora a visão do autor sobre a interpretação das normas e dos princípios em sua visão totalizante do direito. O presente artigo busca reconstituir a discussão sobre as limitações da visão de Hans Kelsen sobre a interpretação no direito, focando em sua Teoria Pura. Através da delimitação das críticas feitas a Kelsen, nominalmente sobre incoerência e insuficiência da operação de sua teoria, o autor passará à abordagem do próprio Kelsen sobre a interpretação como resposta a tais críticas, para então produzir um balanço desse debate.PALAVRAS-CHAVEKelsen. Interpretação. Teoria Pura do Direito. Filosofia do Direito. ABSTRACTThe “Pure Theory of Law” occupies a place as one of the most relevant works of legal thinking in the 20th Century. However, little is discussed on Hans Kelsen’s vision on interpretation of norms and principles in his systematic vision of Law. This article seeks to explore the discussion regarding the limitations of his vision on interpretation of Law, focusing on his Pure Theory. Through the delimitation of the criticism to his work, specially of incoherence and insufficiency of the operation of his theory, the author will then pursue Kelsen’s own approach on the interpretation as an answer to such criticism, to then display an overall assessment of this debate.KEYWORDSKelsen. Interpretation. Pure Theory of Law. Philosophy of Law

    Kant, Habermas e Arendt: um diálogo sobre os problemas da moral na modernidade

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 340.12 P436

    The SUS ‘owners’

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    This article deals with the dispute between the private health sector and the public unified health system of Brazil (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS), which has been increasingly favouring the former. It addresses the relationships between the fiscal subsidy to the private health sector and the fact that health spending in Brazil is mostly private; the change in the tactics of private providers of health services that unlike the Reforma Sanitária Brasileira (Brazilian Health Reform) has led the SUS to use them to sell services to the public sector; the relations between the municipalization of the system and the guarantee of the purchase of private sector services; and the increasing privatization of the management of public health services through OSS - organizações sociais de saúde (social health organizations). The article tries to show how that dispute has been occurring in an unequal way, to the detriment of the SUS and the public interest

    Accessible options for deaf people in e-Learning platforms: technology solutions for sign language translation

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    AbstractThis paper presents a study on potential technology solutions for enhancing the communication process for deaf people on e-learning platforms through translation of Sign Language (SL). Considering SL in its global scope as a spatial-visual language not limited to gestures or hand/forearm movement, but also to other non-dexterity markers such as facial expressions, it is necessary to ascertain whether the existing technology solutions can be effective options for the SL integration on e-learning platforms. Thus, we aim to present a list of potential technology options for the recognition, translation and presentation of SL (and potential problems) through the analysis of assistive technologies, methods and techniques, and ultimately to contribute for the development of the state of the art and ensure digital inclusion of the deaf people in e-learning platforms. The analysis show that some interesting technology solutions are under research and development to be available for digital platforms in general, but yet some critical challenges must solved and an effective integration of these technologies in e-learning platforms in particular is still missing