8,571 research outputs found

    Effects of forest fragmentation on the vertical stratification of neotropical bats

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    Vertical stratification is a key component of the biological complexity of rainforests. Understanding community- and species-level responses to disturbance across forest strata is paramount for evidence-based conservation and management. However, even for bats, known to extensively explore multiple layers of the complex three-dimensional forest space, studies are biased towards understory-based surveys and only few assessments of vertical stratification were done in fragmented landscapes. Using both ground and canopy mist-nets, we investigated how the vertical structure of bat assemblages is influenced by forest fragmentation in the experimentally fragmented landscape of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, Central Amazon, Brazil. Over a three year-period, we captured 3077 individuals of 46 species in continuous forest (CF) and in 1, 10 and 100 ha forest fragments. In both CF and forest fragments, the upper forest strata sustained more diverse bat assemblages than the equivalent understory layer, and the midstory layers had significantly higher bat abundance in fragments than in CF. Artibeus lituratus and Rhinophylla pumilio exhibited significant shifts in their vertical stratification patterns between CF and fragments (e.g. R. pumilio was more associated with the upper strata in fragments than in CF). Altogether, our study suggests that fragmentation modulates the vertical stratification of bat assemblages

    The silicon stable isotope distribution along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES GA-01) of the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The stable isotope composition of dissolved silicon in seawater (δ30SiDSi) was examined at 10 stations along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES GA-01), spanning the North Atlantic Ocean (40–60∘ N) and Labrador Sea. Variations in δ30SiDSi below 500 m were closely tied to the distribution of water masses. Higher δ30SiDSi values are associated with intermediate and deep water masses of northern Atlantic or Arctic Ocean origin, whilst lower δ30SiDSi values are associated with DSi-rich waters sourced ultimately from the Southern Ocean. Correspondingly, the lowest δ30SiDSi values were observed in the deep and abyssal eastern North Atlantic, where dense southern-sourced waters dominate. The extent to which the spreading of water masses influences the δ30SiDSi distribution is marked clearly by Labrador Sea Water (LSW), whose high δ30SiDSi signature is visible not only within its region of formation within the Labrador and Irminger seas, but also throughout the mid-depth western and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Both δ30SiDSi and hydrographic parameters document the circulation of LSW into the eastern North Atlantic, where it overlies southern-sourced Lower Deep Water. The GEOVIDE δ30SiDSi distribution thus provides a clear view of the direct interaction between subpolar/polar water masses of northern and southern origin, and allow examination of the extent to which these far-field signals influence the local δ30SiDSi distribution

    Cultivo de maceiras e produçâo de sidra com denominaçâo de origen protegida no Principado das Asturias, Espanha

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    A sidra é obtida a partir da fermentação alcoólica do mosto de maçã. Na Espanha, a bebida é elaborada basicamente no norte do país, sendo o Principado das Astúrias a principal comunidade autônoma produtora. A maçã e a sidra, elementos marcantes da socioeconomia regional, sustentam o preparo do fermentado reconhecido pela qualidade da matéria-prima que emprega. Todavia, longe de um modelo de cultivo extensivo de macieiras, o meio rural asturiano está pautado na presença de pequenas propriedades policultoras familiares. Além disso, até meados da década de 1990, devido à expansão da pecuária bovina, as atividades de cultivo de maçã e produção de sidra presenciaram acentuado descenso. Diante deste panorama desfavorável, a Denominação de Origem Protegida (DOP) "Sidra das Astúrias", obtida em 2003, objetivou promover a bebida e revigorar a fruticultura da maçã. Os resultados alcançados com o selo DOP tem sido promissores considerando o retorno dos produtores ao cultivo da fruta e a expansão do mercado consumidor da sidra asturianaCider is a beverage obtained from the alcoholic fermentation of apple juice. In Spain the drink is produced above all in the north of the country, and the Principality of Asturias is the main producing region. Apples are one of the most important products of the region's agriculture and are responsible for the high quality of the cider made in Asturias. However, far from being modelled on apple-growing monoculture, the rural economy in Asturias is built around small family farms engaging in polyculture. Also, up to the mid-1990s apple cultivation and cider-making saw a significant decline due to the growth of cattle farming. To deal with this unfavourable outlook the "Asturian Cider" Protected Designations Origin (PDO, a government-conferred quality benchmark), obtained in 2003, aimed to promote the beverage and boost apple farming. The results of the PDO seal have been promising, since producers have returned to farming the fruit and the market for Asturian cider has grownLa sidra es una bebida obtenida a partir de la fermentación alcohólica del mosto de la manzana. En España la bebida es elaborada sobre todo en el norte del país, siendo el Principado de Asturias la comunidad autónoma productora más importante. La manzana y la sidra, base de la socioeconomía regional, en la reconocida calidad de la materia primera y el proceso de fermentación que se emplea. El medio rural asturiano está caracterizado por la presencia de pequeñas propiedades familiares de producción mixta, lejos de un modelo de cultivo extensivo del manzano. Además, hasta mediados de la década de 1990, debido a la expansión de la ganadería las actividades del cultivo del manzano y la producción de la sidra tuvieron descenso importante. Ante este panorama desfavorable la Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP) "Sidra de Asturias", obtenida en el 2003, decidió promover la bebida y fortalecer la fruticultura de manzanas. Los resultados alcanzados con el sello DOP han sido prometedores al conseguir el retorno de los productores al cultivo de la fruta y la expansión del mercado consumidor de la sidra asturian

    Gravastars and Black Holes of Anisotropic Dark Energy

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    Dynamical models of prototype gravastars made of anisotropic dark energy are constructed, in which an infinitely thin spherical shell of a perfect fluid with the equation of state p=(1γ)σp = (1-\gamma)\sigma divides the whole spacetime into two regions, the internal region filled with a dark energy fluid, and the external Schwarzschild region. The models represent "bounded excursion" stable gravastars, where the thin shell is oscillating between two finite radii, while in other cases they collapse until the formation of black holes. Here we show, for the first time in the literature, a model of gravastar and formation of black hole with both interior and thin shell constituted exclusively of dark energy. Besides, the sign of the parameter of anisotropy (ptprp_t - p_r) seems to be relevant to the gravastar formation. The formation is favored when the tangential pressure is greater than the radial pressure, at least in the neighborhood of the isotropic case (ω=1\omega=-1).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Black string corrections in variable tension braneworld scenarios

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    Braneworld models with variable tension are investigated, and the corrections on the black string horizon along the extra dimension are provided. Such corrections are encrypted in additional terms involving the covariant derivatives of the variable tension on the brane, providing profound consequences concerning the black string horizon variation along the extra dimension, near the brane. The black string horizon behavior is shown to be drastically modified by the terms corrected by the brane variable tension. In particular, a model motivated by the phenomenological interesting case regarding Eotvos branes is investigated. It forthwith provides further physical features regarding variable tension braneworld scenarios, heretofore concealed in all previous analysis in the literature. All precedent analysis considered uniquely the expansion of the metric up to the second order along the extra dimension, what is able to evince solely the brane variable tension absolute value. Notwithstanding, the expansion terms aftermath, further accomplished in this paper from the third order on, elicits the successive covariant derivatives of the brane variable tension, and their respective coupling with the extrinsic curvature, the Weyl tensor, and the Riemann and Ricci tensors, as well as the scalar curvature. Such additional terms are shown to provide sudden modifications in the black string horizon in a variable tension braneworld scenarioComment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PR

    Preparing students to apply transversal skills a case study in higher education – 2nd phase

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    A diverse vocational offer, with a stronger emphasis on key competences, including transversal ones, can provide much needed routes for individuals to improve their qualifications and thus access the labour market. One of the main purposes of the current education and learning efforts is to equip students with competences that are transferable across contexts and that lie beyond approaches to content or areas of knowledge. This study goes through two phases, the first one already published, aimed to devise a profile of transversal skills of the education professional, able to guide the training work in the higher education institutions, support the tasks of evaluation and certification of the said competences and promote the personal and professional development of 1st cycle students A focus group was guide structured based on the objective of this exploratory study (Teaching, learning and evaluation strategies that differentiate the teacher of transversal competences), had five questions and was applied to the traversal skills teachers. The Profile was developed around the following key values and areas of competence: Valuing diversity - difference is considered a resource and a value for education; Working with others - collaboration and teamwork are essential methodologies for all teachers; Professional and personal development - teaching is a learning activity and teachers are responsible for a lifelong learning and Participation - means that all students are involved in learning activities that are meaningful to them. Access to higher education alone is not enough. In this second phase, based on the results previously found, we try to know the perception that the students of transversal competences courses have about this question. To do this, and based on the variables previously identified, we inquired a sample of students, to compare the results obtained with those of the 1st phase and also add to the results of the 1st phase perception about this issue. This study improves the identification and characterization of the requirements to teach transversal competences, and contributes to improve the processes of teacher selection and training.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Spatial and temporal variability of suspended sediments concentration in Ria de Aveiro lagoon and fluxes between the lagoon and the ocean

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    The measurements of suspended sediment concentration in different parts of the Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon during four tidal cycles show a significant spatial and temporal variability. Fluxes of water and suspended sediments between the lagoon and the coastal ocean were estimated for each tidal cycle applying a hydrodynamic two- dimensional numerical model and using the values measured at the lagoon mouth. The hydrodynamics of the lagoon are essentially dominated by tidal forcing. Tides are predominantly semidiurnal and are present in the entire lagoon The differences in suspended sediments concentration within the lagoon seem to be largely determined by the magnitude of the currents and by the bottom properties. As in other estuarine systems, the suspended sediments concentration fluctuated with tidal amplitude. In almost all stations, higher mean values occur during spring tides due to the strength of the tidal currents. Anomalous higher mean values observed in stations close to the tidal inlet during winter neap tide suggest that wind-induced resuspension and horizontal advection from the adjacent coastal area is taking place during that period of the year. Semidiurnal variations are explained, especially during the summer, by tidal-current velocity asymmetry (ebb dominance). Seasonal variability, with winter higher suspended sediments concentration, is probably related with wind climate, biological activity and coastal wave regime. In general, the fluxes of water and of suspended sediments between the lagoon and the coastal ocean showed a seaward flux that is consistent with the ebb dominance. Under winter neap tide conditions external factors allowed retention of suspended sediments in the lagoon

    Revisiting Clifford algebras and spinors III: conformal structures and twistors in the paravector model of spacetime

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    This paper is the third of a series of three, and it is the continuation of math-ph/0412074 and math-ph/0412075. After reviewing the conformal spacetime structure, conformal maps are described in Minkowski spacetime as the twisted adjoint representation of the group Spin_+(2,4), acting on paravectors. Twistors are then presented via the paravector model of Clifford algebras and related to conformal maps in the Clifford algebra over the lorentzian R{4,1}$ spacetime. We construct twistors in Minkowski spacetime as algebraic spinors associated with the Dirac-Clifford algebra Cl(1,3)(C) using one lower spacetime dimension than standard Clifford algebra formulations, since for this purpose the Clifford algebra over R{4,1} is also used to describe conformal maps, instead of R{2,4}. Although some papers have already described twistors using the algebra Cl(1,3)(C), isomorphic to Cl(4,1), the present formulation sheds some new light on the use of the paravector model and generalizations.Comment: 17 page

    Influencia de la Laguna de Aveiro en los contenidos de metales pesados en la plataforma continental adyacente (Portugal)

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    A chemical analysis of Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Ni and Cd was carried out in 22 surface sediment samples of the continental shelf and upper slope between Espinho and Aveiro (Portugal). To reduce the disturbing effects of grain size, all samples were size-normalized by wet sieving (<63 µm). The fine fraction was digested with concentrated acids and analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The Al and heavy metal concentrations displayed a similar distribution pattern, decreasing seaward. Exceptions to this general pattern are Ca, Mg and Pb distributions. The Ca contents are related to carbonated biogenic particles that are very abundant in the outer shelf. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to all data to assess the behaviour and sources of each element analyzed. The results from factor analysis showed that terrigenous supply (from Aveiro Lagoon flow, coastal erosion and littoral drift), grain size (clay) sorting and anthropogenic influences from Aveiro Lagoon are the major factors controlling spatial variations of chemical elements in the continental shelf between Espinho and Aveiro. Unusually high contents of Pb were found in the middle shelf off Furadouro, but we could not determine the possible source of this contamination.Se realizaron análisis químicos de Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Ni y Cd en 22 muestras de sedimento superficial de la plataforma y vertiente continental entre Espinho y Aveiro (Portugal). Para reducir el efecto de la granulometría del sedimento, se normalizó el tamaño de las muestras mediante tamizado (<63 µm). Se procedió a la digestión de la fracción fina con ácidos concentrados y se analizó mediante espectrometría de absorción atómica con llama. Las concentraciones de Al y metales pesados muestran un patrón de distribución similar, disminuyendo hacia la vertiente. Las excepciones a este patrón general son las distribuciones de Ca, Mg y Pb. El contenido de Ca está relacionado con las partículas biogénicas carbonatadas que son muy abundantes en la plataforma externa. Con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento y el origen de cada uno de los elementos analizados, se aplicaron técnicas de análisis estadístico multivariante. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los principales factores que controlan las variaciones espaciales de los elementos químicos en la plataforma continental entre Espinho y Aveiro son los sedimentos terrígenos procedentes de la Laguna de Aveiro, de la erosión costera y de la deriva litoral; el tamaño de grano (tamaño arcillas); y la influencia antropogénica en la Laguna de Aveiro. En la plataforma media, a la altura de Furadouro, se encontraron valores elevados de Pb, aunque no hemos podido determinar la posible fuente de esta contaminación

    Chemical inhibition of β-glucocerebrosidase does not affect phagocytosis and early containment of Leishmania by murine macrophages

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    Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disease in which a genetic deficiency in β-glucocerebrosidase leads to the accumulation of glycosphingolipids in lysosomes. Macrophages are amongst the cells most severely affected in Gaucher disease patients. One phenotype associated with Gaucher macrophages is the impaired capacity to fight bacterial infections. Here, we investigate whether inhibition of β-glucocerebrosidase activity affects the capacity of macrophages to phagocytose and act on the early containment of human pathogens of the genus Leishmania. Towards our aim, we performed in vitro infection assays on macrophages derived from the bone marrow of C57BL/6 mice. To mimic Gaucher disease, macrophages were incubated with the β-glucocerebrosidase inhibitor, conduritol B epoxide (CBE), prior to contact with Leishmania. This treatment guaranteed that β-glucocerebrosidase was fully inhibited during the contact of macrophages with Leishmania, its enzymatic activity being progressively recovered along the 48 h that followed removal of the inhibitor. Infections were performed with L. amazonensis, L. infantum, or L. major, so as to explore potential species-specific responses in the context of β-glucocerebrosidase inactivation. Parameters of infection, recorded immediately after phagocytosis, as well as 24 and 48 h later, revealed no noticeable differences in the infection parameters of CBE-treated macrophages relative to non-treated controls. We conclude that blocking β-glucocerebrosidase activity during contact with Leishmania does not interfere with the phagocytic capacity of macrophages and the early onset of leishmanicidal responses.publishe