90 research outputs found

    An Overview of Analytical Methods to Determine Pharmaceutical Active Compounds in Aquatic Organisms

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    There is increasing scientific evidence that some pharmaceuticals are present in the marine ecosystems at concentrations that may cause adverse effects on the organisms that inhabit them. At present, there is still very little scientific literature on the (bio)accumulation of these compounds in different species, let alone on the relationship between the presence of these compounds and the adverse effects they produce. However, attempts have been made to optimize and validate analytical methods for the determination of residues of pharmaceuticals in marine biota by studying the stages of sample treatment, sample clean-up and subsequent analysis. The proposed bibliographic review includes a summary of the most commonly techniques, and its analytical features, proposed to determine pharmaceutical compounds in aquatic organisms at different levels of the trophic chain in the last 10 years.MCIN/AEI PID2020-117641RB-I00FEDER/Regional Government of Andalusia-Ministry of Economy and KnowledgeERDF 2014-2020 program B.RNM.362.UGR20 P20_0055

    Propuesta de rediseño de procesos del área de recaudación de impuestos de una municipalidad de Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente tesis se encarga de plantear un rediseño de un proceso de recaudación de impuestos de una Municipalidad de Lima Metropolitana con el objetivo de proponer un proceso eficiente y eficaz. Además, se hace énfasis en la creación de una cultura tributaria hacia los contribuyentes para que cumplan con el pago de sus impuestos voluntariamente con la finalidad de que comprendan que es su obligación como ciudadanos. Por lo tanto, es necesario contar con la participación de las autoridades competentes que conjuntamente con las regulaciones estipuladas puedan crear mecanismos para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones tributarias. Por ende, la Ley Orgánica de Municipalidades es una norma que tiene la finalidad de brindar herramientas para que los municipios interactúen con los ciudadanos y, a la vez, con entidades públicas y privadas para cumplir con la recaudación tributaria. Finalmente, es importante comprender que la recaudación de impuestos es un medio de financiamiento que va a contribuir en el desarrollo, social, económico y ambiental satisfaciendo las necesidades comunes dentro de una sociedad. Por ello, se espera que las autoridades se comprometan en buscar mejores alternativas de solución para mejorar los procesos de recaudación de impuestos aplicando la reingeniería y, también, logrando crear una cultura tributaria en los ciudadanos para beneficio de toda la sociedadThis thesis is responsible for proposing a redesign of a tax collection process of a metropolitan municipality of Lima with the aim of proposing an efficient and effective process. In addition, emphasis is placed on the creation of a tax culture towards taxpayers so that they comply with the payment of their voluntary taxes so that they understand that it is their obligation as citizens. Therefore, it is necessary to have the participation of the competent authorities that together with the stipulated regulations can create mechanisms for compliance with tax obligations. Therefore, the organic law of municipalities is a rule aims to provide tools for municipalities to interact with citizens and, at the same time, with public and private entities to comply with tax collection. Finally, it is important to understand that tax collection is a means of financing that will contribute to development, social, economic and environmental, satisfying the common needs within a society. For this reason, it is expected that the authorities will commit themselves to seek better alternative solutions to improve the tax collection processes by applying reengineering and, also, managing to create a tax culture among citizens for the benefit of the whole society.Trabajo de investigació

    Primary Educational Strategies in Times of Digital Curriculum

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    Our contribution is based on the most noteworthy results of a research project focusing on teaching strategies at a time when the contents of the primary education curriculum are becoming digital. The expansion of the digital content industry is forcing a paradigm shift. In this paper we analyse the strategies implemented by teachers of the fifth and sixth year of primary school in relation with the digitisation of curricular content. With this aim, we planned our research following ethnographic methodology, analysing a period of two years of a case study. The main data collection tools we used are the analysis of the centre’s documents and website, semi-structured interviews with different participants, and direct observation of fifth and sixth year primary education classrooms.  We can infer from the analysis that technology facilitates processes of inclusion in the centre, enhancing collaborative and cooperative work. Furthermore, the use of digital devices promotes attention to diversity. The implementation of digital technologies in schools implies redefining teaching practices and teaching-learning processes.The results show that the addition of digital materials is a step forward in the centre’s attention to diversity, improving accessibility and overcoming the digital gap thanks to schools’ access to technological resources

    Primary educational strategies in times of digital curriculum content

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    Our contribution is based on the most noteworthy results of a research project focusing on teaching strategies at a time when the contents of the primary education curriculum are becoming digital. The expansion of the digital content industry is forcing a paradigm shift. In this paper we analyse the strategies implemented by teachers of the fifth and sixth year of primary school in relation with the digitisation of curricular content. With this aim, we planned our research following ethnographic methodology, analysing a period of two years of a case study. The main data collection tools we used are the analysis of the centre's documents and website, semi-structured interviews with different participants, and direct observation of fifth and sixth year primary education classrooms. We can infer from the analysis that technology facilitates processes of inclusion in the centre, enhancing collaborative and cooperative work. Furthermore, the use of digital devices promotes attention to diversity. The implementation of digital technologies in schools implies redefining teaching practices and teaching-learning processes. The results show that the addition of digital materials is a step forward in the centre's attention to diversity, improving accessibility and overcoming the digital gap thanks to schools' access to technological resource

    Nuevas ecologías del aprendizaje en el currículo: la era digital en la escuela

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    La expansión y crecimiento de los ambientes de aprendizaje como resultado de la integración de las TIC han facilitado el surgimiento de distintas formas de interrelación educativa, provocando un interés en el estudio de las ecologías del aprendizaje y de los ecosistemas educativos digitales. Cada vez es más necesario un cambio profundo en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje ya que el alumnado actualmente dentro del aula demandaun tipo de aprendizaje activo, vivencial y digital. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar losnuevos modelos o paradigmas del aprendizaje basados en los intereses de las nuevas generaciones que aprenden en un contexto rodeado de las TIC. La metodología empleadafue cualitativa. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica con base en la adaptación de la metodología PRISMA. Los resultados nos muestran que la revolucióntecnológica ha cambiado nuestra forma de hacer, de pensar y también de enseñar y aprender. Las TIC cobran una relevancia especial en todo este proceso. Con la entrada de la tecnología en las aulas nos situamos frente a nuevas ecologías del aprendizaje por lo que el modelo de escuela y de currículo actual evoluciona para dar respuesta a las necesidades de la socieda

    In vitro evaluation of five antimicrobial peptides against the plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora

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    Fire blight is a major pome fruit trees disease that is caused by the quarantine phytopathogenic Erwinia amylovora, leading to major losses, namely, in pear and apple productions. Nevertheless, no effective sustainable control treatments and measures have yet been disclosed. In that regard, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been proposed as an alternative biomolecule against pathogens but some of those AMPs have yet to be tested against E. amylovora. In this study, the potential of five AMPs (RW-BP100, CA-M, 3.1, D4E1, and Dhvar-5) together with BP100, were assessed to control E. amylovora. Antibiograms, minimal inhibitory, and bactericidal concentrations (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC), growth and IC50 were determined and membrane permeabilization capacity was evaluated by flow cytometry analysis and colony-forming units (CFUs) plate counting. For the tested AMPs, the higher inhibitory and bactericidal capacity was observed for RW-BP100 and CA-M (5 and 5–8 M, respectively for both MIC and MBC), whilst for IC50 RW-BP100 presented higher efficiency (2.8 to 3.5 M). Growth curves for the first concentrations bellow MIC showed that these AMPs delayed E. amylovora growth. Flow cytometry disclosed faster membrane permeabilization for CA-M. These results highlight the potential of RW-BP100 and CA-M AMPs as sustainable control measures against E. amylovora.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La docencia, la investigación y la extensión universitaria como articulación de prácticas

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    La universidad latinoamericana, históricamente, desarrolla tres funciones: la docencia, la investigación y la extensión, cuyos vínculos adoptan diversos formatos. Sin embargo, se reconoce que su mutua articulación genera una mayor legitimidad a la universidad. En este artículo presentamos los primeros resultados de una investigación en curso cuya temática gira en torno a los vínculos entre las funciones mencionadas. Los objetivos de este trabajo son presentar uno de los casos en el que se articulan las prácticas de docencia, investigación y extensión, que se desarrolla en una universidad argentina. En segundo lugar, exponer dos de los rasgos que caracterizan esta articulación: las transformaciones que la demanda social produce y las formas de institucionalización que se establecen

    An Overview of Analytical Methods to Determine Pharmaceutical Active Compounds in Aquatic Organisms

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    There is increasing scientific evidence that some pharmaceuticals are present in the marine ecosystems at concentrations that may cause adverse effects on the organisms that inhabit them. At present, there is still very little scientific literature on the (bio)accumulation of these compounds in different species, let alone on the relationship between the presence of these compounds and the adverse effects they produce. However, attempts have been made to optimize and validate analytical methods for the determination of residues of pharmaceuticals in marine biota by studying the stages of sample treatment, sample clean-up and subsequent analysis. The proposed bibliographic review includes a summary of the most commonly techniques, and its analytical features, proposed to determine pharmaceutical compounds in aquatic organisms at different levels of the trophic chain in the last 10 years.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-117641RB-I00Junta de Andalucía B.RNM.362.UGR20, P20_0055

    Schnurri-3 drives tumor growth and invasion in cancer cells expressing interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2

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    Interleukin 13 receptor alpha 2 (IL13Rα2) is a relevant therapeutic target in glioblastoma (GBM) and other tumors associated with tumor growth and invasion. In a previous study, we demonstrated that protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is a key mediator of the IL-13/IL13Rα2 signaling pathway. PTP1B regulates cancer cell invasion through Src activation. However, PTP1B/Src downstream signaling mechanisms that modulate the invasion process remain unclear. In the present research, we have characterized the PTP1B interactome and the PTP1B-associated phosphoproteome after IL-13 treatment, in different cellular contexts, using proteomic strategies. PTP1B was associated with proteins involved in signal transduction, vesicle transport, and with multiple proteins from the NF-κB signaling pathway, including Tenascin-C (TNC). PTP1B participated with NF-κB in TNC-mediated proliferation and invasion. Analysis of the phosphorylation patterns obtained after PTP1B activation with IL-13 showed increased phosphorylation of the transcription factor Schnurri-3 (SHN3), a reported competitor of NF-κB. SHN3 silencing caused a potent inhibition in cell invasion and proliferation, associated with a down-regulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, an extensive decline of MMP9 expression and the subsequent inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis in mouse models. Regarding clinical value, high expression of SHN3 was associated with poor survival in GBM, showing a significant correlation with the classical and mesenchymal subtypes. In CRC, SHN3 expression showed a preferential association with the mesenchymal subtypes CMS4 and CRIS-B. Moreover, SHN3 expression strongly correlated with IL13Rα2 and MMP9-associated poor prognosis in different cancers. In conclusion, we have uncovered the participation of SNH3 in the IL-13/IL13Rα2/PTP1B pathway to promote tumor growth and invasion. These findings support a potential therapeutic value for SHN3.Angela Martín-Regalado was supported by an FPU fellowship (FPU18/05766-MEFP). Laura Pintado-Berninches was supported by a Margarita Salas contract (CA1/RSUE/2021-00208) from the Ministry of Universities (Spain). Javier Robles and Issam Boukich were supported by IND2019/BMD-17153 and IND2022/BMD-23554 fellow ships of the Comunidad de Madrid. This project was supported by grants RTI2018-095055-B-I00, PID2021-122227OB-I00 and CPP2021-008337 from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 using Next Generation EU/PRTR funds to JIC, and PI21CIII/00002 from the MCIN and FEDER funds to PSG and NINDS R01 NS122395 to IVB.S

    Insuficiencia de Instrumentos Legales para la Aplicación de Sanciones Penales a quienes incurran en los Delitos de Comercialización de Sustancias Peligrosas para el Medio Ambiente

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolla en cuatro capítulos, enfocados en los delitos ambientales, como la comercialización de sustancias peligrosas, glifosato, siendo este el herbicida más utilizado a nivel mundial, en el cual partimos desde la historia que se ha ido desarrollando la necesidad de combatir plagas y maleza que afectan los cultivos, el medio ambiente y la salud humana. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia que tiene la Constitución de la República como norma primaria donde establece los derechos fundamentales como la salud, la integridad física y moral y el derecho a un ambiente sano, El Estado debe velar por la conservación de los mismos, en conjunto con los tratados y convenios Internacionales suscritos por El Salvador, quienes tomaron las medidas encaminadas al desarrollo económico mediante el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales. Hemos constatado que la Ley del Medio Ambiente determina las disposiciones de la constitución, en la cual establece la conservación y recuperación del medio ambiente, el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales que permiten mejorar la calidad de vida; a la ves nuestro Código Penal en su artículo 262-B describe la tipificación de los delitos relativos al comercio de sustancias peligrosas, pero no existe una regulación directa al comercio del glifosato, ya que la Ley del Medio Ambiente no determina la prohibición y en el código penal solo nos enmarca la sanción en general de las sustancias, no específicamente de dicho agroquímico