314 research outputs found

    Integrating The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model into Entrepreneurship Education

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    Entrepreneurship educators can assess their students by focusing on leadership self-efficacy dimensions that align with desirable entrepreneurship behaviors. To support this claim, we used the Student Leadership Practices Inventory (S-LPI) to survey a group of 46 undergraduate students in Mexico and 49 undergraduate students in Spain that were involved in entrepreneurship education programs. Independent samples t-tests show statistically significant differences between the two groups. We also compared the whole sample in terms of gender and found no differences. We propose that educators integrate Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model into de design and assessment of their curricular and co-curricular entrepreneurship development programs. Specifically, the model serves educators from different countries, in this case Mexico and Spain, by identifying the leadership behaviors that their students enact. By integrating the five practices of exemplary leadership model, educators can account for variables like nation of origin and gender, and identify differences between groups

    On pp-Frobenius of affine semigroups

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    The aim of this paper is to study the pp-Frobenius vector of affine semigroups SNqS\subset \mathbb N^q; that is, the maximum element, with respect to a graded monomial order, with at most pp factorizations in SS. We produce several algorithms to compute these vectors. Finally, we study how the pp-Frobenius vectors behave when considering gluings of SS with Nq\mathbb N^q

    Discovery of optical outflows and inflows in the black hole candidate GRS 1716-249

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    We present optical spectroscopy obtained with the GTC, VLT and SALT telescopes during the decline of the 2016-2017 outburst of the black hole candidate GRS 1716-249 (Nova Oph 1993). Our 18-epoch data set spans 6 months and reveals that the observational properties of the main emission lines are very variable, even on time scales of a few hours. Several epochs are characterised by P-Cyg (as well as flat-top and asymmetric) profiles in the Hα\alpha, Hβ\beta and He II (λ\lambda4686) emission lines, implying the presence of an accretion disc wind, which is likely hot and dense. The wind's terminal velocity (\sim2000 km s1^{-1}) is similar to that observed in other black hole X-ray transients. These lines also show transient and sharp red-shifted absorptions, taking the form of inverted P-Cyg profiles. We argue that these profiles can be explained by the presence of infalling material at \sim1300 km s1^{-1}. We propose a failed wind scenario to explain this inflow and discuss other alternatives, such as obscuration produced by an accretion-related structure (e.g. the gas stream) in a high inclination system.Comment: Published in MNRAS main journa

    Lecturas de política monetaria y financiera

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    1 archivo PDF (487 páginas)Conjunto de trabajos de investigadores especializados en teoría monetaria y financiera, que presentan un análisis teórico y empírico de los cambios de la economía mexicana, propuestas y críticas tanto de los procesos mismos cómo de las políticas con que enfrentan las autoridades monetarias nacionales el reto que implica la mayor integración del sistema mexicano al internacional. Las investigaciones se agrupan en seis secciones temáticas: Política monetaria y cambiaria; Influencia de los flujos internacionales de capital; La política monetaria y sus relaciones con la inflación; Sector financiero, crisis y política económica; Sector bursátil y Marco Legal

    Determinants and Differences in Satisfaction with the Inhaler Among Patients with Asthma or COPD

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    Satisfaction with the inhaler is an important determinant of treatment adherence in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, few studies have compared these 2 groups to identify the factors associated with satisfaction with the inhaler. To assess and compare satisfaction with the inhaler in patients with asthma or COPD and to determine the variables associated with high inhaler satisfaction. A multicenter, cross-sectional study of 816 patients (406 with asthma and 410 with COPD) was conducted. Satisfaction was assessed with the Feeling of Satisfaction with Inhaler (FSI-10) questionnaire. All participants completed the Test of Adherence to Inhalers and either the Asthma Control Test (ACT) or the COPD Assessment Test (CAT). Overall, the asthma group was significantly more satisfied with the inhaler (mean [standard deviation] FSI-10 scores: 44.1 [6.5] vs 42.0 [7.7]; P <.001) and more satisfied on most (7 of 10; 70%) items. Patients with asthma were significantly more satisfied with the inhaler regardless of the adherence level or the type of nonadherence pattern. Younger age, good disease control (ACT ≥20 or CAT ≤10), previous inhaler training, and absence of unwitting nonadherence were all independently and significantly associated with high inhaler satisfaction. Age, disease control, and training in inhalation technique all play a more significant role than the specific diagnosis in explaining satisfaction with the device in patients with asthma and COPD. These findings underscore the need to provide better training and more active monitoring of the inhalation technique to improve patient satisfaction, treatment adherence, and clinical outcomes

    Estudio longitudinal de lesiones deportivas en practicantes de gimnasia aeróbica de competición

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    Introduction: Aerobic gymnastics, since its membership in the International Gymnastics Federation, has undergone changes in its regulations. Objective: To analyze the injuries found in Spanish aerobic gymnastics athletes during different editions of the Code of Points. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal and compara-tive study was carried out on the epidemiology of injuries in aerobic gymnastics published during different editions of the Code of Points. Results: It highlights that the number of injuries decreased from 156 to 38 last year. This decline has been related to the restriction on the number of difficulties in the exercise and the number of elements to be performed on the floor. However, they have increased the number and value of the difficulties. Conclusions: Therefore, it is concluded that the changes made in the regulations are intended to safeguard the health of athletes and ensure that competition develops at its best artistic and technical aspect.Introdução: A ginástica aeróbica, desde sua adesão à Federação Internacional de Ginástica, passou por mudanças em seus regulamentos. Objetivo: Analisar as lesões encontradas nos atletas espanhóis de ginástica aeróbica durante as diferentes edições do Código de Pontos. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo descritivo, longitudinal e comparativo sobre a epidemiologia de lesões na ginástica aeróbica publicado durante as diferentes edições do Código de Pontos. Resultados Salienta-se que o número de lesões diminuiu de 156 para 38 no ano passado. Este declínio tem sido relacionado com a limitação do número de dificuldades no exercício e o número de elementos a serem feitos no solo. No entanto, eles aumentaram o número e valor das dificuldades. Conclusões: Portanto, concluiu-se que as modificações feitas nos regulamentos destinam-se a salvaguardar a saúde dos atletas e garantir que a competição se desenvolva no seu melhor aspecto artístico e técnico.Introducción: La gimnasia aeróbica desde su pertenencia a la Federación Internacional de Gimnasia ha sufrido cam-bios en su reglamentación. Objetivo: Analizar las lesiones que los deportistas españoles de gimnasia aeróbica presentaron durante las diferentes ediciones del Código de Puntuación. Métodos: Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y comparativo sobre la epidemiología de las lesiones en la gimnasia aeróbica publicado durante las diferentes ediciones del Código de Puntuación. Resultados: El estudio destaca la disminución del número de lesiones, de 156 a 38 en el último año. Esta disminución ha tenido relación con la restricción del número de dificultades en el ejercicio y la cantidad de elementos a realizar en el suelo. Sin embargo, han aumentado el número y el valor de las dificultades. Conclusiones: Por tanto, han concluido que las modificaciones que se realizan en la reglamentación tienen como objetivo velar por la salud de los deportistas y garantizar que la competición se desarrolle en su máximo esplendor artístico y técnico

    Hear4All: Herramienta de traducción y generación de lenguaje de signos en tiempo real para el aula mediante tecnologías disruptivas

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    [EN] Traditionally, text-to-speech has helped people overcome decoding difficulties with learning or hearing disabilities. Thanks to technological advances, consuming content in which learners use text and audio is more common. However, sign language allows an improvement in the transfer of knowledge and the integration of students with functional diversity. This tool allows the simultaneous translation into sign language of the teacher or speaker and dynamizes the learning of this by the classmates, improving the possibilities of socialization and exchange. In order to test the functionality of the application, a pilot test was carried out with the students of the Teaching Degree in the Special Educational Needs specialty in five face-to-face sessions. Among the contents that these students must acquire is the knowledge of sign language, valuing the application as very useful for learning and classroom use of this tool. It can also be used to promote communication between professionals in the workplace. In conclusion, we can highlight creating a tool for simultaneous translation into sign language applicable to the educational and socio-labor fields.[ES] Tradicionalmente, la conversión de texto a voz ha ayudado a las personas con problemas de aprendizaje o audición a superar las dificultades de decodificación. Gracias a los avances en la tecnología, consumir contenidos en los que texto y audio sean utilizados por los alumnos es más frecuente. Sin embargo la utilización de lengua de signos permite una mejora en la transferencia de conocimientos y la integración del alumnado con diversidad funcional. Esta herramienta permite la traducción simultánea a lengua de signos del profesor o ponente, así como dinamizar el aprendizaje de este por parte de los compañeros, mejorando las posibilidades de socialización e intercambio. Para probar la funcionalidad de la aplicación, se realizo un pilotaje con los alumnos del Grado de Magisterio en la especialidad de Necesidades Educativas Especiales en cinco sesiones presenciales. Entre los contenidos que estos alumnos deben adquirir esta el conocimiento de la lengua de signos, valorando la aplicación como muy útil para el aprendizaje y el uso en clase de esta herramienta. Además puede utilizarse para fomentar la comunicación entre los profesionales en el ámbito laboral. Como conclusión podemos destacar la creación de una herramienta de traducción simultanea a lengua de signos aplicable al ámbito educativo y socio-laboral.Silva, L.; Alonso Correa, IP.; Sánchez San Blas, H.; Sales Mendes, A.; Bermejo Gil, B.; Pérez Robledo, F.; Lozano Murcielago, A.... (2022). Hear4All: Herramienta de traducción y generación de lenguaje de signos en tiempo real para el aula mediante tecnologías disruptivas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1152-1162. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.159161152116

    The role of conservative versus innovative nesting behavior on 25-year population expansion of an avian predator

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    Species ranges often change in relation to multiple environmental and demographic factors. Innovative behaviors may affect these changes by facilitating the use of novel habitats, although this idea has been little explored. Here, we investigate the importance of behavior during range change, using a 25-year population expansion of Bonelli’s eagle in southern Portugal. This unique population is almost exclusively tree nesting, while all other populations in western Europe are predominantly cliff nesting. During 1991–2014, we surveyed nest sites and estimated the year when each breeding territory was established. We approximated the boundaries of 84 territories using Dirichlet tessellation and mapped topography, land cover, and the density of human infrastructures in buffers (250, 500, and 1,000 m) around nest and random sites. We then compared environmental conditions at matching nest and random sites within territories using conditional logistic regression, and used quantile regression to estimate trends in nesting habitats in relation to the year of territory establishment. Most nests (>85%, n = 197) were in eucalypts, maritime pines, and cork oaks. Nest sites were farther from the nests of neighboring territories than random points, and they were in areas with higher terrain roughness, lower cover by agricultural and built-up areas, and lower road and powerline densities. Nesting habitat selection varied little with year of territory establishment, although nesting in eucalypts increased, while cliff nesting and cork oak nesting, and terrain roughness declined. Our results suggest that the observed expansion of Bonelli’s eagles was facilitated by the tree nesting behavior, which allowed the colonization of areas without cliffs. However, all but a very few breeding pairs settled in habitats comparable to those of the initial population nucleus, suggesting that after an initial trigger possibly facilitated by tree nesting, the habitat selection remained largely conservative. Overall, our study supports recent calls to incorporate information on behavior for understanding and predicting species range shiftsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio