43 research outputs found

    Lameness in cattle: recent research to inform clinical practice

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    Lameness in cattle has significant consequences for welfare, health and productivity. More research is now being done on lameness and this article, the first in a two-part series, provides an update on research-based advances in the field published from around the world over the past five years. These developments have improved our understanding of lameness in cattle and can inform clinical practice and the control of lameness on-farm. The second article, to be published in a subsequent issue of In Practice, will cover the understanding and management of claw health and claw horn lesions

    An inter-subunit protein-peptide interface that stabilizes the specific activity and oligomerization of the AAA+ chaperone Reptin

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    The work was supported by: the Czech Science Foundation 16-20860S (PM, LH) and 16-07321S (BV, TH), the project MEYS – NPS I – LO1413, and MH CZ - DRO (MMCI, 00209805); the BBSRC RASOR consortium (BB/C511599/1; United Kingdom); Cancer Research UK (C21383/A6950); The International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science project carried out within the International Research Agendas programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund; A*STAR, Singapore and NSCC, Singapore.Reptin is a member of the AAA+ superfamily whose members can exist in equilibrium between monomeric apo forms and ligand bound hexamers. Inter-subunit protein-protein interfaces that stabilize Reptin in its oligomeric state are not well-defined. A self-peptide binding assay identified a protein-peptide interface mapping to an inter-subunit “rim” of the hexamer bridged by Tyrosine-340. A Y340A mutation reduced ADP-dependent oligomer formation using a gel filtration assay, suggesting that Y340 forms a dominant oligomer stabilizing side chain. The monomeric ReptinY340A mutant protein exhibited increased activity to its partner protein AGR2 in an ELISA assay, further suggesting that hexamer formation can preclude certain protein interactions. Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) demonstrated that the Y340A mutation attenuated deuterium suppression of Reptin in this motif in the presence of ligand. By contrast, the tyrosine motif of Reptin interacts with a shallower pocket in the hetero-oligomeric structure containing Pontin and HDX-MS revealed no obvious role of the Y340 side chain in stabilizing the Reptin-Pontin oligomer. Molecular dynamic simulations (MDS) rationalized how the Y340A mutation impacts upon a normally stabilizing inter-subunit amino acid contact. MDS also revealed how the D299N mutation can, by contrast, remove oligomer de-stabilizing contacts. These data suggest that the Reptin interactome can be regulated by a ligand dependent equilibrium between monomeric and hexameric forms through a hydrophobic inter-subunit protein-protein interaction motif bridged by Tyrosine-340. Significance Discovering dynamic protein-protein interactions is a fundamental aim of research in the life sciences. An emerging view of protein-protein interactions in higher eukaryotes is that they are driven by small linear polypeptide sequences; the linear motif. We report on the use of linear-peptide motif screens to discover a relatively high affinity peptide-protein interaction for the AAA+ and pro-oncogenic protein Reptin. This peptide interaction site was shown to form a ‘hot-spot’ protein-protein interaction site, and validated to be important for ligand-induced oligomerization of the Reptin protein. These biochemical data provide a foundation to understand how single point mutations in Reptin can impact on its oligomerization and protein-protein interaction landscape.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Candidate-gene based GWAS identifies reproducible DNA markers for metabolic pyrethroid resistance from standing genetic variation in East African Anopheles gambiae.

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    Metabolic resistance to pyrethroid insecticides is widespread in Anopheles mosquitoes and is a major threat to malaria control. DNA markers would aid predictive monitoring of resistance, but few mutations have been discovered outside of insecticide-targeted genes. Isofemale family pools from a wild Ugandan Anopheles gambiae population, from an area where operational pyrethroid failure is suspected, were genotyped using a candidate-gene enriched SNP array. Resistance-associated SNPs were detected in three genes from detoxification superfamilies, in addition to the insecticide target site (the Voltage Gated Sodium Channel gene, Vgsc). The putative associations were confirmed for two of the marker SNPs, in the P450 Cyp4j5 and the esterase Coeae1d by reproducible association with pyrethroid resistance in multiple field collections from Uganda and Kenya, and together with the Vgsc-1014S (kdr) mutation these SNPs explained around 20% of variation in resistance. Moreover, the >20 Mb 2La inversion also showed evidence of association with resistance as did environmental humidity. Sequencing of Cyp4j5 and Coeae1d detected no resistance-linked loss of diversity, suggesting selection from standing variation. Our study provides novel, regionally-validated DNA assays for resistance to the most important insecticide class, and establishes both 2La karyotype variation and humidity as common factors impacting the resistance phenotype

    Local selection in the presence of high levels of gene flow: Evidence of heterogeneous insecticide selection pressure across Ugandan Culex quinquefasciatus populations

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    Background: Culex quinquefasciatus collected in Uganda, where no vector control interventions directly targeting this species have been conducted, was used as a model to determine if it is possible to detect heterogeneities in selection pressure driven by insecticide application targeting other insect species. Methodology/Principal findings: Population genetic structure was assessed through microsatellite analysis, and the impact of insecticide pressure by genotyping two target-site mutations, Vgsc-1014F of the voltage-gated sodium channel target of pyrethroid and DDT insecticides, and Ace1-119S of the acetylcholinesterase gene, target of carbamate and organophosphate insecticides. No significant differences in genetic diversity were observed among populations by microsatellite markers with HE ranging from 0.597 to 0.612 and low, but significant, genetic differentiation among populations (FST = 0.019, P = 0.001). By contrast, the insecticide-resistance markers display heterogeneous allelic distributions with significant differences detected between Central Ugandan (urban) populations relative to Eastern and Southwestern (rural) populations. In the central region, a frequency of 62% for Vgsc-1014F, and 32% for the Ace1-119S resistant allele were observed. Conversely, in both Eastern and Southwestern regions the Vgsc-1014F alleles were close to fixation, whilst Ace1-119S allele frequency was 12% (although frequencies may be underestimated due to copy number variation at both loci). Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, the microsatellite and both insecticide resistance target-site markers provide evidence that in the face of intense gene flow among populations, disjunction in resistance frequencies arise due to intense local selection pressures despite an absence of insecticidal control interventions targeting Culex

    Cold case : the disappearance of Egypt bee virus, a fourth distinct master strain of deformed wing virus linked to honeybee mortality in 1970’s Egypt

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    In 1977, a sample of diseased adult honeybees (Apis mellifera) from Egypt was found to contain large amounts of a previously unknown virus, Egypt bee virus, which was subsequently shown to be serologically related to deformed wing virus (DWV). By sequencing the original isolate, we demonstrate that Egypt bee virus is in fact a fourth unique, major variant of DWV (DWV-D): more closely related to DWV-C than to either DWV-A or DWV-B. DWV-A and DWV-B are the most common DWV variants worldwide due to their close relationship and transmission by Varroa destructor. However, we could not find any trace of DWV-D in several hundred RNA sequencing libraries from a worldwide selection of honeybee, varroa and bumblebee samples. This means that DWV-D has either become extinct, been replaced by other DWV variants better adapted to varroa-mediated transmission, or persists only in a narrow geographic or host range, isolated from common bee and beekeeping trade routes

    Risks to pollinators and pollination from invasive alien species

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    Invasive alien species modify pollinator biodiversity and the services they provide that underpin ecosystem function and human well-being. Building on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) global assessment of pollinators and pollination, we synthesize current understanding of invasive alien impacts on pollinators and pollination. Invasive alien species create risks and opportunities for pollinator nutrition, re-organize species interactions to affect native pollination and community stability, and spread and select for virulent diseases. Risks are complex but substantial, and depend greatly on the ecological function and evolutionary history of both the invader and the recipient ecosystem. We highlight evolutionary implications for pollination from invasive alien species, and identify future research directions, key messages and options for decision-making