97 research outputs found

    Yield and Economic Viability of Coriander under Frontline Demonstration in Bundi District of Rajasthan

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    A study was conducted in Bundi district of Rajasthan to analyze yield and economics of coriander under frontline demonstration. Results of the study revealed that yields in coriander were substantially higher over the Local Check (Control), fetching the participating farmers a higher price for their produce. A majority of the respondent farmers expressed high (44.32%) to very high (37.50%) level of satisfaction with extension services and performance of the technology under the demonstration

    Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on different attributes of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorous L.) cv. American Beauty

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on growth, flowering and vase life of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorous L.) cv. American Beauty at the farm of the Department of Horticulture, C.C.R (P.G.) College, Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh). The treatments comprised of four levels of nitrogen (0, 40, 60, 80 kg/acre) in a randomized complete block design with factorial concept and replicated four times. The results revealed that minimum days taken for spike initiation (86.89 days), days taken for first flowering (99.37 days) were observed under control treatment N0 whereas, maximum plant height (49.21cm), spike length (127.17 cm), rachis length (61.31 cm), number of florets per spike (18.00) and vase life (11.73 days) was found with N2 (60 kg/acre Nitrogen). The result shows that using 60 kg/acre nitrogen can improve the growth and yield of gladiolus cv. American Beauty like vegetative, flowering and vase life attributes. Hence, this optimum nitrogen level can be recommended for the commercial cultivation of gladiolus

    Interleukin-17 Expression in the Barrett’s Metaplasia-Dysplasia-Adenocarcinoma Sequence

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    Original Research ArticleIntroduction. This pilot study evaluated the expression of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 along the Barrett’s metaplasia-dysplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence by establishing the expression levels of IL-17 in columnar epithelium, intestinal metaplastic cells, and dysplastic/glandular neoplastic cells. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to examine the accumulation of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 in forty () formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded oesophageal archived specimens across a range of endoscopic diagnostic categories, and a highly significant difference was found, where , in IL-17 expression (Kruskall Wallis and Mann-Whitney ) between all the cell types examined. There was also a strong positive correlation (Spearman's rank correlation) between disease progression and IL-17 expression (, , ), IL-17 expression was absent or absent/weak in columnar epithelium, weak to moderate in columnar metaplastic cells, and moderate to strong in dysplastic/neoplastic cells, which demonstrated that the elevation of IL-17 expression occurs in the progression of the disease. Understanding the differential expression of IL-17 between benign and malignant tissue potentially has a significant diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic value. Ultimately, this selective biomarker may be employed in routine clinical practice for the screening of oesophageal adenocarcinoma.The authors thankfully acknowledge the University of Chester for their financial support

    Global wealth disparities drive adherence to COVID-safe pathways in head and neck cancer surgery

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    Macrophage signaling in HIV-1 infection

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    The human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) is a member of the lentivirus genus. The virus does not rely exclusively on the host cell machinery, but also on viral proteins that act as molecular switches during the viral life cycle which play significant functions in viral pathogenesis, notably by modulating cell signaling. The role of HIV-1 proteins (Nef, Tat, Vpr, and gp120) in modulating macrophage signaling has been recently unveiled. Accessory, regulatory, and structural HIV-1 proteins interact with signaling pathways in infected macrophages. In addition, exogenous Nef, Tat, Vpr, and gp120 proteins have been detected in the serum of HIV-1 infected patients. Possibly, these proteins are released by infected/apoptotic cells. Exogenous accessory regulatory HIV-1 proteins are able to enter macrophages and modulate cellular machineries including those that affect viral transcription. Furthermore HIV-1 proteins, e.g., gp120, may exert their effects by interacting with cell surface membrane receptors, especially chemokine co-receptors. By activating the signaling pathways such as NF-kappaB, MAP kinase (MAPK) and JAK/STAT, HIV-1 proteins promote viral replication by stimulating transcription from the long terminal repeat (LTR) in infected macrophages; they are also involved in macrophage-mediated bystander T cell apoptosis. The role of HIV-1 proteins in the modulation of macrophage signaling will be discussed in regard to the formation of viral reservoirs and macrophage-mediated T cell apoptosis during HIV-1 infection

    Differentiation of Indian Isolates of Equine Herpes Virus (EH V-1) by Restriction Endonuclease Digestion

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    397-400The genome of five local isolates of EHV -1 (Hisar-90-7, Jind-96, Tohana-96-2, Delhi-98 and Raj-98) and one reference strain 592 was digested with different restriction endonucleases (RE). On electrophoresis of digested DNA in 0.8% agarose gel, Raj-98 could be differentiated from other viral isolates using BamHI and KpnI. Reference strain (592) differed from other viruses in RE profile of HindIII (one band of ~3500 bp lacking) and Xbal (2 bands of ~4800 and ~2900 bp missing). This study indicates that at least two genetically variant isolates of EHV-1 are circulating amongst the equines of northern India.</span
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