99 research outputs found

    Can the Solar Wind be Driven by Magnetic Reconnection in the Sun's Magnetic Carpet?

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    The physical processes that heat the solar corona and accelerate the solar wind remain unknown after many years of study. Some have suggested that the wind is driven by waves and turbulence in open magnetic flux tubes, and others have suggested that plasma is injected into the open tubes by magnetic reconnection with closed loops. In order to test the latter idea, we developed Monte Carlo simulations of the photospheric "magnetic carpet" and extrapolated the time-varying coronal field. These models were constructed for a range of different magnetic flux imbalance ratios. Completely balanced models represent quiet regions on the Sun and source regions of slow solar wind streams. Highly imbalanced models represent coronal holes and source regions of fast wind streams. The models agree with observed emergence rates, surface flux densities, and number distributions of magnetic elements. Despite having no imposed supergranular motions, a realistic network of magnetic "funnels" appeared spontaneously. We computed the rate at which closed field lines open up (i.e., recycling times for open flux), and we estimated the energy flux released in reconnection events involving the opening up of closed flux tubes. For quiet regions and mixed-polarity coronal holes, these energy fluxes were found to be much lower than required to accelerate the solar wind. For the most imbalanced coronal holes, the energy fluxes may be large enough to power the solar wind, but the recycling times are far longer than the time it takes the solar wind to accelerate into the low corona. Thus, it is unlikely that either the slow or fast solar wind is driven by reconnection and loop-opening processes in the magnetic carpet.Comment: 25 pages (emulateapj style), 13 figures, ApJ, in pres

    The Fine-Structure of the Net-Circular Polarization in a Sunspot Penumbra

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    We present novel evidence for a fine structure observed in the net-circular polarization (NCP) of a sunspot penumbra based on spectropolarimetric measurements utilizing the Zeeman sensitive FeI 630.2 nm line. For the first time we detect a filamentary organized fine structure of the NCP on spatial scales that are similar to the inhomogeneities found in the penumbral flow field. We also observe an additional property of the visible NCP, a zero-crossing of the NCP in the outer parts of the center-side penumbra, which has not been recognized before. In order to interprete the observations we solve the radiative transfer equations for polarized light in a model penumbra with embedded magnetic flux tubes. We demonstrate that the observed zero-crossing of the NCP can be explained by an increased magnetic field strength inside magnetic flux tubes in the outer penumbra combined with a decreased magnetic field strength in the background field. Our results strongly support the concept of the uncombed penumbra

    Tangled Magnetic Fields in Solar Prominences

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    Solar prominences are an important tool for studying the structure and evolution of the coronal magnetic field. Here we consider so-called "hedgerow" prominences, which consist of thin vertical threads. We explore the possibility that such prominences are supported by tangled magnetic fields. A variety of different approaches are used. First, the dynamics of plasma within a tangled field is considered. We find that the contorted shape of the flux tubes significantly reduces the flow velocity compared to the supersonic free fall that would occur in a straight vertical tube. Second, linear force-free models of tangled fields are developed, and the elastic response of such fields to gravitational forces is considered. We demonstrate that the prominence plasma can be supported by the magnetic pressure of a tangled field that pervades not only the observed dense threads but also their local surroundings. Tangled fields with field strengths of about 10 G are able to support prominence threads with observed hydrogen density of the order of 10^(11) cm^(-3). Finally, we suggest that the observed vertical threads are the result of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Simulations of the density distribution within a prominence thread indicate that the peak density is much larger than the average density. We conclude that tangled fields provide a viable mechanism for magnetic support of hedgerow prominences.Comment: 14 pages (emulateapj style), 10 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Transport of magnetic flux from the canopy to the internetwork

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    Recent observations have revealed that 8% of linear polarization patches in the internetwork quiet Sun are fully embedded in downflows. These are not easily explained with the typical scenarios for the source of internetwork fields which rely on flux emergence from below. We explore using radiative MHD simulations a scenario where magnetic flux is transported from the magnetic canopy overlying the internetwork into the photosphere by means of downward plumes associated with convective overshoot. We find that if a canopy-like magnetic field is present in the simulation, the transport of flux from the canopy is an important process for seeding the photospheric layers of the internetwork with magnetic field. We propose that this mechanism is relevant for the Sun as well, and it could naturally explain the observed internetwork linear polarization patches entirely embedded in downflows.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Emergence of small-scale magnetic loops through the quiet solar atmosphere

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    We investigate the emergence of magnetic flux in the quiet Sun at very small spatial scales, focusing on the magnetic connection between the photosphere and chromosphere. The observational data consist of spectropolarimetric measurements and filtergrams taken with the Hinode satellite and the Dutch Open Telescope. We find that a significant fraction of the magnetic flux present in internetwork regions appears in the form of Omega-shaped loops. The emergence rate is 0.02 loops per hour and arcsec^{-2}, which brings 1.1 x 10^12 Mx s^{-1} arcsec^{-2} of new flux to the solar surface. Initially, the loops are observed as small patches of linear polarization above a granular cell. Shortly afterwards, two footpoints of opposite polarity become visible in circular polarization within or at the edges of the granule and start to move toward the adjacent intergranular space. The orientation of the footpoints does not seem to obey Hale's polarity rules. The loops are continuously buffeted by convective motions, but they always retain a high degree of coherence. Interestingly, 23% of the loops that emerge in the photosphere reach the chromosphere (16 cases out of 69). They are first detected in Fe I 630 nm magnetograms and 5 minutes later in Mg I b 517.3 nm magnetograms. After about 8 minutes, some of them are also observed in Ca II H line-core images, where the footpoints produce small brightness enhancements.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Subdiffusive transport in intergranular lanes on the Sun. The Leighton model revisited

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    In this paper we consider a random motion of magnetic bright points (MBP) associated with magnetic fields at the solar photosphere. The MBP transport in the short time range [0-20 minutes] has a subdiffusive character as the magnetic flux tends to accumulate at sinks of the flow field. Such a behavior can be rigorously described in the framework of a continuous time random walk leading to the fractional Fokker-Planck dynamics. This formalism, applied for the analysis of the solar subdiffusion of magnetic fields, generalizes the Leighton's model.Comment: 7 page

    The frontier between Small-scale bipoles and Ephemeral Regions in the solar photosphere: Emergence and Decay of an Intermediate-scale bipole observed with IMaX/SUNRISE

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    We report on the photospheric evolution of an intermediate-scale (~4 Mm footpoint separation) magnetic bipole, from emergence to decay, observed in the quiet Sun at high spatial 0".3 and temporal (33 s) resolution. The observations were acquired by the IMaX imaging magnetograph during the first science flight of the Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory. The bipole flux content is 6 x 10^17 Mx, representing a structure bridging the gap between granular scale bipoles and the smaller ephemeral regions. Footpoints separate at a speed of 3.5 km s-1 and reach a maximum distance of 4.5 Mm before the field dissolves. The evolution of the bipole is revealed to be very dynamic: we found a proper motion of the bipole axis and detected a change of the azimuth angle of 90{\deg} in 300 seconds. The overall morphology and behaviour are in agreement with previous analyses of bipolar structures emerging at granular scale, but we also found several similarities with emerging flux structures at larger scale. The flux growth rate is 2.6 x 15 Mx s-1, while the mean decay rate is one order of magnitude smaller. We describe in some detail the decay phase of the bipole footpoints which includes break up into smaller structures, interaction with pre-existing fields leading to cancellation but appears to be dominated by an as-yet unidentified diffusive process that removes most of the flux with an exponential flux decay curve. The diffusion constant (8 x 10^2 km^2 s-1) associated with this decay is similar to the values used to describe the large scale diffusion in flux transport models.Comment: in press for Ap

    Analysis of a Fragmenting Sunspot using Hinode Observations

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    We employ high resolution filtergrams and polarimetric measurements from Hinode to follow the evolution of a sunspot for eight days starting on June 28, 2007. The imaging data were corrected for intensity gradients, projection effects, and instrumental stray light prior to the analysis. The observations show the formation of a light bridge at one corner of the sunspot by a slow intrusion of neighbouring penumbral filaments. This divided the umbra into two individual umbral cores. During the light bridge formation, there was a steep increase in its intensity from 0.28 to 0.7 I_QS in nearly 4 hr, followed by a gradual increase to quiet Sun (QS) values in 13 hr. This increase in intensity was accompanied by a large reduction in the field strength from 1800 G to 300 G. The smaller umbral core gradually broke away from the parent sunspot nearly 2 days after the formation of the light bridge rendering the parent spot without a penumbra at the location of fragmentation. The penumbra in the fragment disappeared first within 34 hr, followed by the fragment whose area decayed exponentially with a time constant of 22 hr. The depleted penumbra in the parent sunspot regenerated when the inclination of the magnetic field at the penumbra-QS boundary became within 40 deg. from being completely horizontal and this occurred near the end of the fragment's lifetime. After the disappearance of the fragment, another light bridge formed in the parent which had similar properties as the fragmenting one, but did not divide the sunspot. The significant weakening in field strength in the light bridge along with the presence of granulation is suggestive of strong convection in the sunspot which might have triggered the expulsion and fragmentation of the smaller spot. Although the presence of QS photospheric conditions in sunspot umbrae could be a necessary condition for fragmentation, it is not a sufficient one.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 15 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Small scale energy release driven by supergranular flows on the quiet Sun

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    In this article we present data and modelling for the quiet Sun that strongly suggest a ubiquitous small-scale atmospheric heating mechanism that is driven solely by converging supergranular flows. A possible energy source for such events is the power transfer to the plasma via the work done on the magnetic field by photospheric convective flows, which exert drag of the footpoints of magnetic structures. In this paper we present evidence of small scale energy release events driven directly by the hydrodynamic forces that act on the magnetic elements in the photosphere, as a result of supergranular scale flows. We show strong spatial and temporal correlation between quiet Sun soft X-ray emission (from <i>Yohkoh</i> and <i>SOHO</i> MDI-derived flux removal events driven by deduced photospheric flows. We also present a simple model of heating generated by flux submergence, based on particle acceleration by converging magnetic mirrors. In the near future, high resolution soft X-ray images from XRT on the <i>Hinode</i> satellite will allow definitive, quantitative verification of our results

    The element abundance FIP effect in the quiet Sun

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    The Mg/Ne abundance ratio in the quiet Sun is measured in both network and supergranule cell centre regions through EUV spectra from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer on SOHO. Twenty four sets of data over the period 1996 March to 1998 June (corresponding to solar minimum) are studied. Emission lines of the sequences Ne IV-VII and Mg V-VIII are simultaneously analysed by comparing with theoretical emissivities from the CHIANTI database to yield the Mg/Ne abundance and emission measure over the temperature region 5.0 < logT < 6.1. The average enhancements over the photospheric Mg/Ne abundance are found to be 1.25 +/- 0.10 (network) and 1.66 +/- 0.23 (cell centres), significantly lower than the typical 4-5 enhancements found in the slow solar wind. This result implies that only a small fraction of the quiet Sun connects into the solar wind. The quiet Sun spectra are also utilised to determine the coronal density and temperature, leading to average values of 2.6^+0.5_-0.4 x 10^8 cm^-3 and log (T/K)=5.95 +/- 0.02. No significant trend with the rise in solar activity during 1996--98 is found for any of the derived quantities, implying that quiet Sun regions show little dependence on the solar cycle.Comment: 12 pages, 6 page
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