442 research outputs found

    Asymptotic and measured large frequency separations

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    With the space-borne missions CoRoT and Kepler, a large amount of asteroseismic data is now available. So-called global oscillation parameters are inferred to characterize the large sets of stars, to perform ensemble asteroseismology, and to derive scaling relations. The mean large separation is such a key parameter. It is therefore crucial to measure it with the highest accuracy. As the conditions of measurement of the large separation do not coincide with its theoretical definition, we revisit the asymptotic expressions used for analysing the observed oscillation spectra. Then, we examine the consequence of the difference between the observed and asymptotic values of the mean large separation. The analysis is focused on radial modes. We use series of radial-mode frequencies to compare the asymptotic and observational values of the large separation. We propose a simple formulation to correct the observed value of the large separation and then derive its asymptotic counterpart. We prove that, apart from glitches due to stellar structure discontinuities, the asymptotic expansion is valid from main-sequence stars to red giants. Our model shows that the asymptotic offset is close to 1/4, as in the theoretical development. High-quality solar-like oscillation spectra derived from precise photometric measurements are definitely better described with the second-order asymptotic expansion. The second-order term is responsible for the curvature observed in the \'echelle diagrams used for analysing the oscillation spectra and this curvature is responsible for the difference between the observed and asymptotic values of the large separation. Taking it into account yields a revision of the scaling relations providing more accurate asteroseismic estimates of the stellar mass and radius.Comment: accepted in A&

    TRUFAS, a wavelet based algorithm for the rapid detection of planetary transits

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    Aims: We describe a fast, robust and automatic detection algorithm, TRUFAS, and apply it to data that are being expected from the CoRoT mission. Methods: The procedure proposed for the detection of planetary transits in light curves works in two steps: 1) a continuous wavelet transformation of the detrended light curve with posterior selection of the optimum scale for transit detection, and 2) a period search in that selected wavelet transformation. The detrending of the light curves are based on Fourier filtering or a discrete wavelet transformation. TRUFAS requires the presence of at least 3 transit events in the data. Results: The proposed algorithm is shown to identify reliably and quickly the transits that had been included in a standard set of 999 light curves that simulate CoRoT data. Variations in the pre-processing of the light curves and in the selection of the scale of the wavelet transform have only little effect on TRUFAS' results. Conclusions: TRUFAS is a robust and quick transit detection algorithm, especially well suited for the analysis of very large volumes of data from space or ground-based experiments, with long enough durations for the target-planets to produce multiple transit events.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&

    An asteroseismic study of the O9V star HD 46202 from CoRoT space-based photometry

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    The O9V star HD 46202, which is a member of the young open cluster NGC 2244, was observed by the CoRoT satellite in October/November 2008 during a short run of 34 days. From the very high-precision light curve, we clearly detect beta Cep-like pulsation frequencies with amplitudes of ~0.1 mmag and below. A comparison with stellar models was performed using a chi^2 as a measure for the goodness-of-fit between the observed and theoretically computed frequencies. The physical parameters of our best-fitting models are compatible with the ones deduced spectroscopically. A core overshooting parameter alpha_ov = 0.10 +- 0.05 pressure scale height is required. None of the observed frequencies are theoretically excited with the input physics used in our study. More theoretical work is thus needed to overcome this shortcoming in how we understand the excitation mechanism of pulsation modes in such a massive star. A similar excitation problem has also been encountered for certain pulsation modes in beta Cep stars recently modelled asteroseismically.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 17/12/2010, 9 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    The CoRoT target HD175726: an active star with weak solar-like oscillations

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    Context. The CoRoT short runs give us the opportunity to observe a large variety of late-type stars through their solar-like oscillations. We report observations of the star HD175726 that lasted for 27 days during the first short run of the mission. The time series reveals a high-activity signal and the power spectrum presents an excess due to solar-like oscillations with a low signal-to-noise ratio. Aims. Our aim is to identify the most efficient tools to extract as much information as possible from the power density spectrum. Methods. The most productive method appears to be the autocorrelation of the time series, calculated as the spectrum of the filtered spectrum. This method is efficient, very rapid computationally, and will be useful for the analysis of other targets, observed with CoRoT or with forthcoming missions such as Kepler and Plato. Results. The mean large separation has been measured to be 97.2+-0.5 microHz, slightly below the expected value determined from solar scaling laws.We also show strong evidence for variation of the large separation with frequency. The bolometric mode amplitude is only 1.7+-0.25 ppm for radial modes, which is 1.7 times less than expected. Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, mode identification is not possible for the available data set of HD175726. Conclusions. This study shows the possibility of extracting a seismic signal despite a signal-to-noise ratio of only 0.37. The observation of such a target shows the efficiency of the CoRoT data, and the potential benefit of longer observing runs.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted in A&

    HD 51106 and HD 50747: an ellipsoidal binary and a triple system observed with CoRoT

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    We present an analysis of the observations of HD 51106 and HD 50747 by the satellite CoRoT, obtained during its initial run, and of the spectroscopic preparatory observations. AIMS: We complete an analysis of the light curve, extract the main frequencies observed, and discuss some preliminary interpretations about the stars. Methods: We used standard Fourier transform and pre-whitening methods to extract information about the periodicities of the stars. Results: HD 51106 is an ellipsoidal binary, the light curve of which can be completely explained by the tidal deformation of the star and smaller secondary effects. HD 50747 is a triple system containing a variable star, which exhibits many modes of oscillation with periods in the range of a few hours. On the basis of this period range and the analysis of the physical parameters of the star, we conclude that HD 50747 is a Gamma-Doradus star.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, use (Astronomy-Astrophysics format/macro LAtex

    Looking for pulsations in HgMn stars through CoRoT lightcurves

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    HgMn Chemically Peculiar stars are among the quietest stars of the main-sequence. However, according to theoretical predictions, these stars could have pulsations related to the very strong overabundances of iron peak elements, which are produced by atomic diffusion in upper layers. Such pulsations have never been detected from ground based observations. Our aim is to search for signatures of pulsations in HgMn stars using the high quality lightcurves provided by the CoRoT satellite. We identified three faint stars (V>12), from VLT-GIRAFFE multiobject spectrograph survey in a field which was planned for observation by CoRoT. They present the typical characteristics of HgMn stars. They were observed by the CoRoT satellite during the long run (131 days) which started from the 24th of October 2007, with the exoplanets CCD's (Additional Programme). In the present work, we present the analysis of the ground based spectra of these three stars and the analysis of the corresponding CoRoT lightcurves. Two of these three HgMn candidates show low amplitude (less than 1.6 mmag) periodic variations (4.3 and 2.53 days respectively, with harmonics) which are compatible with periods predicted by theoretical models.Comment: Accepted paper in A&A (7 May 2009

    Periodic mass loss episodes due to an oscillation mode with variable amplitude in the hot supergiant HD50064

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    We aim to interpret the photometric and spectroscopic variability of the luminous blue variable supergiant HD\,50064 (V=8.21V=8.21).CoRoT space photometry and follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy, with a time base of 137\,d and 169\,d, respectively, was gathered, analysed and interpreted using standard time series analysis and light curve modelling methods as well as spectral line diagnostics.The space photometry reveals one period of 37\,d, which undergoes a sudden amplitude change with a factor 1.6. The pulsation period is confirmed in the spectroscopy, which additionally reveals metal line radial velocity values differing by 30\sim 30\,km\,s1^{-1} depending on the spectral line and on the epoch. We estimate \teff\sim13\,500\,K, \logg\sim1.5 from the equivalent width of Si lines. The Balmer lines reveal that the star undergoes episodes of changing mass loss on a time scale similar to the changes in the photometric and spectroscopic variability, with an average value of logM˙5\log\dot{\rm M}\simeq-5 (in M_\odot\,yr1^{-1}). We tentatively interpret the 37\,d period as due to a strange mode oscillation.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    The CoRoT B-type binary HD50230: a prototypical hybrid pulsator with g-mode period and p-mode frequency spacings

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    B-type stars are promising targets for asteroseismic modelling, since their frequency spectrum is relatively simple. We deduce and summarise observational constraints for the hybrid pulsator, HD50230, earlier reported to have deviations from a uniform period spacing of its gravity modes. The combination of spectra and a high-quality light curve measured by the CoRoT satellite allow a combined approach to fix the position of HD50230 in the HR diagram. To describe the observed pulsations, classical Fourier analysis was combined with short-time Fourier transformations and frequency spacing analysis techniques. Visual spectra were used to constrain the projected rotation rate of the star and the fundamental parameters of the target. In a first approximation, the combined information was used to interpret multiplets and spacings to infer the true surface rotation rate and a rough estimate of the inclination angle. We identify HD50230 as a spectroscopic binary and characterise the two components. We detect the simultaneous presence of high-order g modes and low-order p and g-modes in the CoRoT light curve, but were unable to link them to line profile variations in the spectroscopic time series. We extract the relevant information from the frequency spectrum, which can be used for seismic modelling, and explore possible interpretations of the pressure mode spectrum.Comment: 26 pages, 12+6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Plaskett's Star: Analysis of the CoRoT photometric data

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    The SRa02 of the CoRoT space mission for Asteroseismology was partly devoted to stars belonging to the Mon OB2 association. An intense monitoring was performed on Plaskett's Star (HD47129) and the unprecedented quality of the light curve allows us to shed new light on this very massive, non-eclipsing binary system. We particularly aimed at detecting periodic variability which might be associated with pulsations or interactions between both components. We also searched for variations related to the orbital cycle which could help to constrain the inclination and the morphology of the binary system. A Fourier-based prewhitening and a multiperiodic fitting procedure were applied to analyse the time series and extract the frequencies of variations. We describe the noise properties to tentatively define an appropriate significance criterion, to only point out the peaks at a certain significance level. We also detect the variations related to the orbital motion and study them by using the NIGHTFALL program. The periodogram exhibits a majority of peaks at low frequencies. Among these peaks, we highlight a list of about 43 values, including notably two different sets of harmonic frequencies whose fundamental peaks are located at about 0.07 and 0.82d-1. The former represents the orbital frequency of the binary system whilst the latter could probably be associated with non-radial pulsations. The study of the 0.07d-1 variations reveals the presence of a hot spot most probably situated on the primary star and facing the secondary. The investigation of this unique dataset constitutes a further step in the understanding of Plaskett's Star. These results provide a first basis for future seismic modelling. The existence of a hot region between both components renders the determination of the inclination ambiguous.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 table