144 research outputs found

    Inclusion of fat in the diet of primiparous sows: effect on the reproduction and litter performance

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    Inclusión de grasa en dieta decerdas primíparas: efecto sobre la reproducción y performance de la camada. Rev. Vet. 31:1, 61-65, 2020. La incorporación de grasa en la dieta podría mejorar la performance reproductivade cerdos en producción, principalmente durante las épocas más calurosas. Para comprobaresta hipótesis se evaluó el efecto de la inclusión de grasa a diferentes niveles sobrevariables reproductivas de cerdas primíparas en condiciones de subtrópico. Se utilizaron 3grupos de 6 animales (n=18) a los cuales se les suministraron 3 dietas con diferentes nivelesde inclusión de grasa (0%, 3,5% y 7%) desde el día 90 de gestación y durante la lactación(21 días). Las variables medidas fueron el número de lechones nacidos totales, nacidos vivos,muertos y peso de la camada al nacimiento y al destete, mientras que sobre las hembras seregistró el intervalo de retorno al celo. Se empleó un diseño completamente aleatorizadoy los datos fueron analizados mediante ANOVA con el software estadístico Infostat®. Nose encontraron diferencias al incorporar grasa, en relación al número de lechones nacidosvivos, muertos, totales, peso al nacimiento e intervalo-destete celo (p>0,05) mientras que elnúmero y peso de lechones al destete se vio influenciado de manera significativa (p0.05), whereas number and weight of pigs at weaning were increased by the addition of fat (p<0.05). In conclusion, fat inclusion resulted in an improved number and weight of piglets at weaning; however, weaning-to-estrus and variables at birth, were not affected.Fil: Rivas, F. R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Chaco-Formosa. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Las Breñas; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, M. A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Chaco-Formosa. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Las Breñas; ArgentinaFil: Matiller, Valentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Wiliams S.I.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentin

    Geographic Association of Rickettsia felis-Infected Opossums with Human Murine Typhus, Texas

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    Application of molecular diagnostic technology in the past 10 years has resulted in the discovery of several new species of pathogenic rickettsiae, including Rickettsia felis. As more sequence information for rickettsial genes has become available, the data have been used to reclassify rickettsial species and to develop new diagnostic tools for analysis of mixed rickettsial pathogens. R. felis has been associated with opossums and their fleas in Texas and California. Because R. felis can cause human illness, we investigated the distribution dynamics in the murine typhus–endemic areas of these two states. The geographic distribution of R. felis-infected opossum populations in two well-established endemic foci overlaps with that of the reported human cases of murine typhus. Descriptive epidemiologic analysis of 1998 human cases in Corpus Christi, Texas, identified disease patterns consistent with studies done in the 1980s. A close geographic association of seropositive opossums (22% R. felis; 8% R. typhi) with human murine typhus cases was also observed

    Incidence of epidural haematoma and neurological injury in cardiovascular patients with epidural analgesia/anaesthesia: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Epidural anaesthesia is used extensively for cardiothoracic and vascular surgery in some centres, but not in others, with argument over the safety of the technique in patients who are usually extensively anticoagulated before, during, and after surgery. The principle concern is bleeding in the epidural space, leading to transient or persistent neurological problems. METHODS: We performed an extensive systematic review to find published cohorts of use of epidural catheters during vascular, cardiac, and thoracic surgery, using electronic searching, hand searching, and reference lists of retrieved articles. RESULTS: Twelve studies included 14,105 patients, of whom 5,026 (36%) had vascular surgery, 4,971 (35%) cardiac surgery, and 4,108 (29%) thoracic surgery. There were no cases of epidural haematoma, giving maximum risks following epidural anaesthesia in cardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgery of 1 in 1,700, 1 in 1,400 and 1 in 1,700 respectively. In all these surgery types combined the maximum expected rate would be 1 in 4,700. In all these patients combined there were eight cases of transient neurological injury, a rate of 1 in 1,700 (95% confidence interval 1 in 3,300 to 1 in 850). There were no cases of persistent neurological injury (maximum expected rate 1 in 4,600). CONCLUSION: These estimates for cardiothoracic epidural anaesthesia should be the worst case. Limitations are inadequate denominators for different types of surgery in anticoagulated cardiothoracic or vascular patients more at risk of bleeding

    Anxiety disorders in headache patients in a specialised clinic: prevalence and symptoms in comparison to patients in a general neurological clinic

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    Data from several studies indicate an association of headache with anxiety disorders. In this study, we assessed and differentiated anxiety disorders in 100 headache patients by using the PSWQ (Penn State Worry Questionnaire) screening tool for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and the ACQ (Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire) and BSQ (Body Sensation Questionnaire) for panic disorder (PD). Control groups were constructed: (1) on the basis of epidemiological studies on PD and GAD in the general population and (2) by including neurological patients. 37.0% of headache patients had a GAD. 27% of headache patients met the score for PD in the BSQ, 4.0% in the ACQ. Significant results were obtained in comparison to the general population (p < 0.001) and with regard to GAD in comparison with a sample of neurological patients (p < 0.005). The BSQ significantly correlated with the number of medication days (p < 0.005). The results confirm the increased prevalence of GAD in headache patients. PD seems to increase the risk of medication overuse