363 research outputs found

    Performance Driven FPGA Design Analysis with ASIC Perspective of Vector Quantization

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    AbstractThe paper presents and analysis two different approaches for the design of modular and optimized Vector Quantisation (VQ) architectural blocks for the generation of the winner Index from a set of Code vectors giving the best match to the input image vector. The two proposed methods are then analysed for area, logical and routing delays and the ease of redesign to suit specific requirements on the FPGA platform. If an FPGA design need be ported to an ASIC at a later stage it is also important to take this into account early in the design cycle so that the ASIC porting will be efficient. The structured and hierarchically design of VQ lead to the consideration of the dedicated parallel architectures in two ways, in the direction of Codebook size ‘N’ and the vector dimension ‘K’, that process with high efficiency. Flexibility in terms of Codebook size expansion and Input vector dimension makes the new design fast to re-configure and meet the specific and challenging needs of a single functioned, tightly constrained and real time VQ encoder. The soft IP core design was targeted on to Xilinx Virtex-5. Simulation result analyses indicate that the design with parallelism only in the direction of the codebook size ‘N’ gives the desirable performance and is cost effective even for an ASIC implementation performed in Cadence tool. The design satisfies the performance requirements of for a real time image processing. Reconfiguring the codebook size and vector dimension makes redesign simpler to suit applications requirements but at the cost of re-synthesis and is capable of even multiplexed image transmission due to reduction in the Bandwidt

    Framework for reversible data hiding using cost-effective encoding system for video steganography

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    Importances of reversible data hiding practices are always higher in contrast to any conventional data hiding schemes owing to its capability to generate distortion free cover media. Review of existing approaches on reversible data hiding approaches shows variable scheme mainly focussing on the embedding mechanism; however, such schemes could be furthermore improved using encoding scheme for optimal embedding performance. Therefore, the proposed manuscript discusses about a cost-effective scheme where a novel encoding scheme has been used with larger block sizes which reduces the dependencies over larger number of blocks. Further a gradient-based image registration technique is applied to ensure higher quality of the reconstructed signal over the decoding end. The study outcome shows that proposed data hiding technique is proven better than existing data hiding scheme with good balance between security and restored signal quality upon extraction of data

    Design and test of a 10kW ORC supersonic turbine generator

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    Manufactures are searching for possibilities to increase the efficiency of combustion engines by using the remaining energy of the exhaust gas. One possibility to recover some of this thermal energy is an organic Rankine cycle (ORC). For such an ORC running with ethanol, the aerothermodynamic design and test of a supersonic axial, single stage impulse turbine generator unit is described. The blade design as well as the regulation by variable partial admission is shown. Additionally the mechanical design of the directly coupled turbine generator unit including the aerodynamic sealing and the test facility is presented. Finally the results of CFD-based computations are compared to the experimental measurements. The comparison shows a remarkably good agreement between the numerical computations and the test data.Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e.V. (FVV)Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V. (FVA)Antriebstechnik und Entwicklungs GmbHSchaeffler, Herzogenaurauch/GermanyBarden Corp, Plymouth/UKSieb & Meyer, Lueneburg/German

    Efficient Computer-Aided Techniques to Detect Glaucoma

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    A survey of the World Health Organization has revealed that retinal eye disease Glaucoma is the second leading cause for blindness worldwide. It is a disease which will steals the vision of the patient without any warning or symptoms. About half of the World Glaucoma Patients are estimated to be in Asia. Hence, for social and economic reasons, Glaucoma detection is necessary in preventing blindness and reducing the cost of surgical treatment of the disease. The objective of the chapter is to predict and detect Glaucoma efficiently using image processing techniques. We have developed an efficient computer-aided Glaucoma detection system to classify a fundus image as either normal or glaucomatous image based on the structural features of the fundus image such as cup-to-disc ratio (CDR), rim-to-disc ratio (RDR), superior and inferior neuroretinal rim thicknesses, vessel structure-based features, and distribution of texture features in the fundus images. An automated clinical support system is developed to assist the ophthalmologists to identify the persons who are at risk in the early stages of the disease, monitor the progression of the disease, and minimize the examination time

    Olfactory dysfunction in patients with primary progressive MS

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    OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that olfactory function is more impaired in patients with primary progressive MS (PPMS) than that in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). METHODS: Standardized olfactory testing was performed in 32 patients with PPMS, 32 patients with RRMS, and 32 healthy controls (HCs). Patients with olfactory dysfunction due to an alternative primary etiology were excluded. The validated olfactory testing method yielded individual scores for olfactory threshold, odor discrimination, and odor identification, along with a composite Threshold Discrimination Identification (TDI) score. RESULTS: Olfactory dysfunction was identified in 27 (84%) patients with PPMS, 10 (31%) patients with RRMS, and 1 (3%) HC. While age and sex were similar between PPMS and HCs, the TDI score and all olfactory subscores were significantly worse in patients with PPMS compared with HCs (all p < 0.001). After adjustment for differences in age, sex, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), and disease duration, odor discrimination, odor identification, and the composite TDI score were worse in patients with PPMS vs RRMS (p = 0.03, 0.04, and 0.02, respectively). Neither age, sex, EDSS, nor disease duration was significantly associated with the composite TDI score. CONCLUSIONS: Olfactory dysfunction was more frequent and severe in PPMS compared with RRMS, independent of disease duration and overall disability status. Further research on cellular level differences in olfactory neural pathways may lead to new insights about disease pathogenesis in MS

    Sex Chromosome Mosaicism and Hybrid Speciation among Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies

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    Hybrid speciation, or the formation of a daughter species due to interbreeding between two parental species, is a potentially important means of diversification, because it generates new forms from existing variation. However, factors responsible for the origin and maintenance of hybrid species are largely unknown. Here we show that the North American butterfly Papilio appalachiensis is a hybrid species, with genomic admixture from Papilio glaucus and Papilio canadensis. Papilio appalachiensis has a mosaic phenotype, which is hypothesized to be the result of combining sex-linked traits from P. glaucus and P. canadensis. We show that P. appalachiensis' Z-linked genes associated with a cooler thermal habitat were inherited from P. canadensis, whereas its W-linked mimicry and mitochondrial DNA were inherited from P. glaucus. Furthermore, genome-wide AFLP markers showed nearly equal contributions from each parental species in the origin of P. appalachiensis, indicating that it formed from a burst of hybridization between the parental species, with little subsequent backcrossing. However, analyses of genetic differentiation, clustering, and polymorphism based on molecular data also showed that P. appalachiensis is genetically distinct from both parental species. Population genetic simulations revealed P. appalachiensis to be much younger than the parental species, with unidirectional gene flow from P. glaucus and P. canadensis into P. appalachiensis. Finally, phylogenetic analyses, combined with ancestral state reconstruction, showed that the two traits that define P. appalachiensis' mosaic phenotype, obligatory pupal diapause and mimicry, evolved uniquely in P. canadensis and P. glaucus, respectively, and were then recombined through hybridization to form P. appalachiensis. These results suggest that natural selection and sex-linked traits may have played an important role in the origin and maintenance of P. appalachiensis as a hybrid species. In particular, ecological barriers associated with a steep thermal cline appear to maintain the distinct, mosaic genome of P. appalachiensis despite contact and occasional hybridization with both parental species

    Recommendations for improving the quality of reporting clinical electrochemotherapy studies based on qualitative systematic review

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    Background: Electrochemotherapy is becoming a well-established treatment for malignancies of skin and non-skin origin and its use is widening across Europe. The technique was developed and optimized from solid experimental and clinical evidence. A consensus document is now warranted to formalize reporting results, which should strengthen evidence-based practice recommendations. This consensus should be derived from high quality clinical data collection, clinical expertise and summarizing patient feedback. The first step, which is addressed in this paper, aims to critically analyze the quality of published studies and to provide the recommendations for reporting clinical trials on electrochemotherapy. Methods: The quality of reporting in published studies on electrochemotherapy was analyzed in order to produce procedure specific reporting recommendations. A comprehensive literature search of studies published from 2006 to 2015 was performed followed by qualitative analysis of manuscripts assessing for 47 quality criteria grouped into four major clusters: (1) trial design, (2) description of patient population, (3) description of treatment delivery and patient outcome, (4) analysis of results and their interpretation. The summary measure during literature assessment was the proportion of studies fulfilling each manuscript quality criteria. Results: A total of 56 studies were screened, from the period 2006 to 2015, of which 33 were included in the qualitative analysis, with a total of 1215 patients. Overall, the quality of reporting was highly variable. Twenty-four reports (73%) were single-center, non-comparative studies, and only 15 (45%) were prospective in nature (only 2 of them were entered into a clinical trials registry). Electrochemotherapy technique was consistently reported, with most studies (31/33) adhering closely to published standard operating procedures. The quality of reporting the patient population was variable among the analyzed studies, with only between 45% and 100% achieving dedicated quality criteria. Reporting of treatment delivery and patient outcome was also highly variable with studies only fulfilling between 3% and 100%. Finally, reporting study results critically varied, fulfilling from 27% to 100% of the quality criteria. Based on the critical issues emerging from this analysis, recommendations and minimal requirements for reporting clinical data on electrochemotherapy were prepared and summarized into a checklist. Conclusions: There is an increasing body of published clinical data on electrochemotherapy, but more high quality clinical data are needed. Published papers often lack accurate description of study population, treatment delivery as well as patient outcome. Our recommendations, provided in the form of a summary checklist, are intended to ameliorate data reporting in future studies on electrochemotherapy and help researchers to provide a solid evidence basis for clinical practice

    Understanding historical coastal spit evolution : a case study from Spurn, East Yorkshire, UK

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    Globally sandy coastlines are threatened by erosion driven by climatic changes and increased storminess. Understanding how they have responded to past storms is key to help manage future coastal changes. Coastal spits around the world are particularly dynamic and therefore potentially vulnerable coastal features. Therefore, how they have evolved over the last few centuries is of great importance. To illustrate this, this study focuses on the historical evolution of a spit at Spurn on the east coast of the UK, which currently provides critical protection to settlements within the Humber estuary. Through the combination of digitized historical mapping and luminescence dating, this study shows that Spurn has been a consistent coastal feature over at least the past 440 years. No significant westward migration was observed for the last 200 years. Results show a long‐term extension of the spit and a decrease in its overall area, particularly in the last 50 years. Breaches of the neck cause temporary sediment pathway changes enabling westward extension of the head. Use of digitized historical maps in GIS combined with OSL dating has allowed a more complete understanding of long‐term spit evolution and sediment transport modes at Spurn. In doing so it helps inform future possible changes linked to pressures, such as increases in storm events and sea‐level rise

    Endocrine remodelling of the adult intestine sustains reproduction in Drosophila.

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    The production of offspring is energetically costly and relies on incompletely understood mechanisms that generate a positive energy balance. In mothers of many species, changes in key energy-associated internal organs are common yet poorly characterised functionally and mechanistically. In this study, we show that, in adult Drosophila females, the midgut is dramatically remodelled to enhance reproductive output. In contrast to extant models, organ remodelling does not occur in response to increased nutrient intake and/or offspring demands, but rather precedes them. With spatially and temporally directed manipulations, we identify juvenile hormone (JH) as an anticipatory endocrine signal released after mating. Acting through intestinal bHLH-PAS domain proteins Methoprene-tolerant (Met) and Germ cell-expressed (Gce), JH signals directly to intestinal progenitors to yield a larger organ, and adjusts gene expression and sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) activity in enterocytes to support increased lipid metabolism. Our findings identify a metabolically significant paradigm of adult somatic organ remodelling linking hormonal signals, epithelial plasticity, and reproductive output. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.06930.00