188 research outputs found

    May Measurement Month 2017: an analysis of blood pressure screening in the Philippines-South-East Asia and Australasia

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    Cardiovascular diseases remain the Philippines' leading cause of mortality, with hypertension as a prevalent contributory risk factor. We took part in May Measurement Month 2017 (MMM17), a global initiative to raise awareness of high blood pressure (BP) and to serve as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programs worldwide. Following the standard MMM protocol, data for 271 604 screened individuals were submitted from the Philippines. After multiple imputation, 91 994 (34.3%) were hypertensive; 28 662 out of 205 158 participants (14.0%) not receiving treatment had hypertension; and of the 60 370 receiving treatment, 25 144 (41.6%) had uncontrolled BP. Blood pressures were significantly higher in the overweight and obese, current smokers, in participants receiving antihypertensive medication, those with previous myocardial infarction or stroke. The BP measurements were relatively lower when taken on the left arm, and in pregnant women. A slightly higher systolic BP was noted in participants who reported no alcohol intake. Blood pressures recorded during the weekends were highest, and the lowest readings were obtained on Tuesdays. MMM17 was the largest BP screening campaign conducted in the Philippines. Opportunistic BP screening, harnessing volunteers, are a cost-effective public health measure to improve awareness and treatment rates of raised BP. These may help provide additional information that can guide medical practitioners and health officials in drafting preventive and therapeutic measures to improve control rates and long-term outcomes of hypertensive individuals in the population

    Testing of the CHEMTAX program in contrasting Neotropical lakes, lagoons, and swamps

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    ABSTRACT: The problem using the CHEMTAX program in freshwater environments is that the few matrices of pigment ratios available have not been tested in a wide range of environments. Sixteen Amazonian, Andean, and Caribbean lakes, lagoons, and swamps were sampled over a year. The aim was to determine if it was possible to obtain a reliable matrix of input pigment ratios that may be used in freshwater habitats with different environmental conditions. There were no clear differences among regions for most of the ratios of marker pigments to Chlorophyll a (Chl a) in most of the phytoplankton groups. Only the zeaxanthin/Chl a ratio showed clear variations among areas. The estimates for the mean relative contribution of each phytoplankton group calculated for the pigment ratios obtained in each separate habitat and season were very similar to the estimates calculated using the average pigment ratio obtained for all habitats and seasons. Our study suggests that the matrix of the average pigment ratio obtained in this study can be used to estimate phytoplankton class abundances with the CHEMTAX program in freshwater habitats with different limnological conditions

    Staphylococcus aureus Survives with a Minimal Peptidoglycan Synthesis Machine but Sacrifices Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance

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    Many important cellular processes are performed by molecular machines, composed of multiple proteins that physically interact to execute biological functions. An example is the bacterial peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis machine, responsible for the synthesis of the main component of the cell wall and the target of many contemporary antibiotics. One approach for the identification of essential components of a cellular machine involves the determination of its minimal protein composition. Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive pathogen, renowned for its resistance to many commonly used antibiotics and prevalence in hospitals. Its genome encodes a low number of proteins with PG synthesis activity (9 proteins), when compared to other model organisms, and is therefore a good model for the study of a minimal PG synthesis machine. We deleted seven of the nine genes encoding PG synthesis enzymes from the S. aureus genome without affecting normal growth or cell morphology, generating a strain capable of PG biosynthesis catalyzed only by two penicillin-binding proteins, PBP1 and the bi-functional PBP2. However, multiple PBPs are important in clinically relevant environments, as bacteria with a minimal PG synthesis machinery became highly susceptible to cell wall-targeting antibiotics, host lytic enzymes and displayed impaired virulence in a Drosophila infection model which is dependent on the presence of specific peptidoglycan receptor proteins, namely PGRP-SA. The fact that S. aureus can grow and divide with only two active PG synthesizing enzymes shows that most of these enzymes are redundant in vitro and identifies the minimal PG synthesis machinery of S. aureus. However a complex molecular machine is important in environments other than in vitro growth as the expendable PG synthesis enzymes play an important role in the pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance of S. aureus

    Comparative evaluation of some limnological characteristics of six lentic environments of Colombia

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    RESUMEN: Este estudio propuso evaluar algunas características limnológicas de seis ambientes leníticos de Colombia ubicados en un gradiente altitudinal de las regiones Caribe, Andina y Amazónica. Estos ambientes presentan diferente origen, tipo y variabilidad climática, física y química, esto es una evidencia de que en los ambientes ecuatoriales, como los de Colombia, varían entre sí y requieren un enfoque local enlazado con patrones regionales y geográficos que influencian la limnología del sistema. Los ambientes estudiados corresponden a ciénagas y lagos de inundación de tierras bajas y lagos de alta montaña, los cuales fueron monitoreados en diferentes estaciones y momentos hidrológicos; los resultados fueron analizados en torno a sus diferencias ambientales y tróficas. La ubicación altitudinal y en consecuencia el tipo, origen, morfometría y condición hidroclimática que afecta los seis sistemas promueven cambios significativos en el régimen de precipitación, la temperatura, nivel y transparencia del agua, la concentración de nutrientes, el oxígeno disuelto, el pH, la conductividad eléctrica y la clorofila a.ABSTRACT: This study proposed to evaluate some limnological characteristics of six lentic environments in Colombia located at the altitudinal gradient in Caribbean, Andean and Amazon regions. These environments have different origin, type and physic, chemic and climatic variability. This is clear evidence that equatorial environments, like the ones found in Colombia presents variation among them and requires a local approach linked with regional and geographical patterns which influences the limnology of system. The studied environments correspond to high mountain lakes and lowland floodplain, which were monitored in different hydrological seasons and times and the results were reviewed with respect to their environmental and trophic differences. Altitudinal location and therefore the type, origin, morphometry and hydroclimatic conditions which affects the six systems, promotes significant changes in the precipitation regime, temperature, level and water transparency, nutrients concentrations, dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical conductivity and chlorophyll a

    Introgressive hybridization in a Spiny-Tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura pectinata, and its implications for taxonomy and conservation

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    Introgression, the transmission of genetic material of one taxon into another through hybridization, can have various evolutionary outcomes. Previous studies have detected signs of introgression between western populations of the Mexican endemic and threatened spiny-tailed iguana, Ctenosaura pectinata. However, the extent of this phenomenon along the geographic distribution of the species is unknown. Here, we use multilocus data together with detailed geographic sampling to (1) define genotypic clusters within C. pectinata; (2) evaluate geographic concordance between maternally and biparentally inherited markers; (3) examine levels of introgression between genotypic clusters, and (4) suggest taxonomic modifications in light of this information. Applying clustering methods to genotypes of 341 individuals from 49 localities of C. pectinata and the closely related C. acanthura, we inferred the existence of five genotypic clusters. Contact zones between genotypic clusters with signatures of interbreeding were detected, showing different levels of geographic discordance with mtDNA lineages. In northern localities, mtDNA and microsatellites exhibit concordant distributions, supporting the resurrection of C. brachylopha. Similar concordance is observed along the distribution of C. acanthura, confirming its unique taxonomic identity. Genetic and geographic concordance is also observed for populations within southwestern Mexico, where the recognition of a new species awaits in depth taxonomic revision. In contrast, in western localities a striking pattern of discordance was detected where up to six mtDNA lineages co-occur with only two genotypic clusters. Given that the type specimen originated from this area, we suggest that individuals from western Mexico keep the name C. pectinata. Our results have profound implications for conservation, management, and forensics of Mexican iguanas