26,166,356 research outputs found

    GALEX J201337.6+092801: The lowest gravity subdwarf B pulsator

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    We present the recent discovery of a new subdwarf B variable (sdBV), with an exceptionally low surface gravity. Our spectroscopy of J20136+0928 places it at Teff = 32100 +/- 500, log(g) = 5.15 +/- 0.10, and log(He/H) = -2.8 +/- 0.1. With a magnitude of B = 12.0, it is the second brightest V361 Hya star ever found. Photometry from three different observatories reveals a temporal spectrum with eleven clearly detected periods in the range 376 to 566 s, and at least five more close to our detection limit. These periods are unusually long for the V361 Hya class of short-period sdBV pulsators, but not unreasonable for p- and g-modes close to the radial fundamental, given its low surface gravity. Of the ~50 short period sdB pulsators known to date, only a single one has been found to have comparable spectroscopic parameters to J20136+0928. This is the enigmatic high-amplitude pulsator V338 Ser, and we conclude that J20136+0928 is the second example of this rare subclass of sdB pulsators located well above the canonical extreme horizontal branch in the HR diagram.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Region-wide temporal and spatial variation in Caribbean reef architecture: is coral cover the whole story?

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    The architectural complexity of coral reefs is largely generated by reef-building corals, yet the effects of current regional-scale declines in coral cover on reef complexity are poorly understood. In particular, both the extent to which declines in coral cover lead to declines in complexity and the length of time it takes for reefs to collapse following coral mortality are unknown. Here we assess the extent of temporal and spatial covariation between coral cover and reef architectural complexity using a Caribbean-wide dataset of temporally replicated estimates spanning four decades. Both coral cover and architectural complexity have declined rapidly over time, with little evidence of a time-lag. However, annual rates of change in coral cover and complexity do not covary, and levels of complexity vary greatly among reefs with similar coral cover. These findings suggest that the stressors influencing Caribbean reefs are sufficiently severe and widespread to produce similar regional-scale declines in coral cover and reef complexity, even though reef architectural complexity is not a direct function of coral cover at local scales. Given that architectural complexity is not a simple function of coral cover, it is important that conservation monitoring and restoration give due consideration to both architecture and coral cover. This will help ensure that the ecosystem services supported by architectural complexity, such as nutrient recycling, dissipation of wave energy, fish production and diversity, are maintained and enhanced

    BlinkML: Efficient Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Probabilistic Guarantees

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    The rising volume of datasets has made training machine learning (ML) models a major computational cost in the enterprise. Given the iterative nature of model and parameter tuning, many analysts use a small sample of their entire data during their initial stage of analysis to make quick decisions (e.g., what features or hyperparameters to use) and use the entire dataset only in later stages (i.e., when they have converged to a specific model). This sampling, however, is performed in an ad-hoc fashion. Most practitioners cannot precisely capture the effect of sampling on the quality of their model, and eventually on their decision-making process during the tuning phase. Moreover, without systematic support for sampling operators, many optimizations and reuse opportunities are lost. In this paper, we introduce BlinkML, a system for fast, quality-guaranteed ML training. BlinkML allows users to make error-computation tradeoffs: instead of training a model on their full data (i.e., full model), BlinkML can quickly train an approximate model with quality guarantees using a sample. The quality guarantees ensure that, with high probability, the approximate model makes the same predictions as the full model. BlinkML currently supports any ML model that relies on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which includes Generalized Linear Models (e.g., linear regression, logistic regression, max entropy classifier, Poisson regression) as well as PPCA (Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis). Our experiments show that BlinkML can speed up the training of large-scale ML tasks by 6.26x-629x while guaranteeing the same predictions, with 95% probability, as the full model.Comment: 22 pages, SIGMOD 201

    X-ray spectral complexity in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    We present a systematic analysis of the X-ray spectral properties of a sample of 22 ``narrow-line'' Seyfert 1 galaxies for which data are available from the ASCA public archive. Many of these sources, which were selected on the basis of their relatively narrow H-beta line width (FWHM <= 2000 km/s), show significant spectral complexity in the X-ray band. Their measured hard power-law continua have photon indices spanning the range 1.6 - 2.5 with a mean of 2.1, which is only slightly steeper than the norm for ``broad-line'' Seyfert 1s. All but four of the sources exhibit a soft excess, which can be modelled as blackbody emission (T_{bb} ~ 100 - 300 eV) superposed on the underlying power-law. This soft component is often so strong that, even in the relatively hard bandpass of ASCA, it contains a significant fraction, if not the bulk, of the X-ray luminosity, apparently ruling out models in which the soft excess is produced entirely through reprocessing of the hard continuum. Most notably, 6 of the 22 objects show evidence for a broad absorption feature centred in the energy range 1.1 - 1.4 keV, which could be the signature of resonance absorption in highly ionized material. A further 3 sources exhibit ``warm absorption'' edges in the 0.7 - 0.9 keV bandpass. Remarkably, all 9 ``absorbed'' sources have H-beta line widths below 1000 km/s, which is less than the median value for the sample taken as a whole. This tendency for very narrow line widths to correlate with the presence of ionized absorption features in the soft X-ray spectra of NLS1s, if confirmed in larger samples, may provide a further clue in the puzzle of active galactic nuclei.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Bi-Large Neutrino Mixing See-Saw Mass Matrix with Texture Zeros and Leptogenesis

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    We study constraints on neutrino properties from texture zeros in bi-large mixing See-Saw mass matrix and also from leptogenesis. Texture zeros may occur in the light (class a)) or in the heavy (class b)) neutrino mass matrices. Each of these two classes has 5 different forms which can produce non-trivial three generation mixing with at least one texture zero. We find that two types of texture zero mass matrices in both class a) and class b) can be consistent with present data on neutrino masses, mixing and produce the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. None of the neutrinos can have zero masses with the lightest of the light neutrinos having a mass larger than about 0.039 eV for class a) and 0.002 eV for class b). In these models although CKM CP violating phase vanishes, non-zero Majorana phases, however, can exist and play an important role in producing the observed baryon asymmetry in our universe through leptogenesis mechanism. The requirement of producing the observed baryon asymmetry can further distinguish different models and also restrict the See-Saw scale to be in the range 1012101510^{12}\sim 10^{15} GeV.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures revised version, some references added, to be submitted to PR

    On the intersection of free subgroups in free products of groups

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    Let (G_i | i in I) be a family of groups, let F be a free group, and let G = F *(*I G_i), the free product of F and all the G_i. Let FF denote the set of all finitely generated subgroups H of G which have the property that, for each g in G and each i in I, H \cap G_i^{g} = {1}. By the Kurosh Subgroup Theorem, every element of FF is a free group. For each free group H, the reduced rank of H is defined as r(H) = max{rank(H) -1, 0} in \naturals \cup {\infty} \subseteq [0,\infty]. To avoid the vacuous case, we make the additional assumption that FF contains a non-cyclic group, and we define sigma := sup{r(H\cap K)/(r(H)r(K)) : H, K in FF and r(H)r(K) \ne 0}, sigma in [1,\infty]. We are interested in precise bounds for sigma. In the special case where I is empty, Hanna Neumann proved that sigma in [1,2], and conjectured that sigma = 1; almost fifty years later, this interval has not been reduced. With the understanding that \infty/(\infty -2) = 1, we define theta := max{|L|/(|L|-2) : L is a subgroup of G and |L| > 2}, theta in [1,3]. Generalizing Hanna Neumann's theorem, we prove that sigma in [theta, 2 theta], and, moreover, sigma = 2 theta if G has 2-torsion. Since sigma is finite, FF is closed under finite intersections. Generalizing Hanna Neumann's conjecture, we conjecture that sigma = theta whenever G does not have 2-torsion.Comment: 28 pages, no figure

    Effective Action and Hawking Flux from Covariant Perturbation Theory

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    The computation of the radiation flux related to the Hawking temperature of a Schwarzschild Black Hole or another geometric background is still well-known to be fraught with a number of delicate problems. In spherical reduction, as shown by one of the present authors (W. K.) with D.V. Vassilevich, the correct black body radiation follows when two ``basic components'' (conformal anomaly and a ``dilaton'' anomaly) are used as input in the integrated energy-momentum conservation equation. The main new element in the present work is the use of a quite different method, the covariant perturbation theory of Barvinsky and Vilkovisky, to establish directly the full effective action which determines these basic components. In the derivation of W. K. and D.V. Vassilevich the computation of the dilaton anomaly implied one potentially doubtful intermediate step which can be avoided here. Moreover, the present approach also is sensitive to IR (renormalisation) effects. We realize that the effective action naturally leads to expectation values in the Boulware vacuum which, making use of the conservation equation, suffice for the computation of the Hawking flux in other quantum states, in particular for the relevant Unruh state. Thus, a rather comprehensive discussion of the effects of (UV and IR) renormalisation upon radiation flux and energy density is possible.Comment: 26 page

    Measurement of the multi-TeV neutrino cross section with IceCube using Earth absorption

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    Neutrinos interact only very weakly, so they are extremely penetrating. However, the theoretical neutrino-nucleon interaction cross section rises with energy such that, at energies above 40 TeV, neutrinos are expected to be absorbed as they pass through the Earth. Experimentally, the cross section has been measured only at the relatively low energies (below 400 GeV) available at neutrino beams from accelerators \cite{Agashe:2014kda, Formaggio:2013kya}. Here we report the first measurement of neutrino absorption in the Earth, using a sample of 10,784 energetic upward-going neutrino-induced muons observed with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. The flux of high-energy neutrinos transiting long paths through the Earth is attenuated compared to a reference sample that follows shorter trajectories through the Earth. Using a fit to the two-dimensional distribution of muon energy and zenith angle, we determine the cross section for neutrino energies between 6.3 TeV and 980 TeV, more than an order of magnitude higher in energy than previous measurements. The measured cross section is 1.300.19+0.211.30^{+0.21}_{-0.19} (stat.) 0.43+0.39^{+0.39}_{-0.43} (syst.) times the prediction of the Standard Model \cite{CooperSarkar:2011pa}, consistent with the expectation for charged and neutral current interactions. We do not observe a dramatic increase in the cross section, expected in some speculative models, including those invoking new compact dimensions \cite{AlvarezMuniz:2002ga} or the production of leptoquarks \cite{Romero:2009vu}.Comment: Preprint version of Nature paper 10.1038/nature2445

    Evidence of orbital reconstruction at interfaces in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films

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    Electronic properties of transition metal oxides at interfaces are influenced by strain, electric polarization and oxygen diffusion. Linear dichroism (LD) x-ray absorption, diffraction, transport and magnetization on thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films, allow identification of a peculiar universal interface effect. We report the LD signature of preferential 3d-eg(3z2-r2) occupation at the interface, suppressing the double exchange mechanism. This surface orbital reconstruction is opposite of that favored by residual strain and independent of dipolar fields, chemical nature of the substrate and capping.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Observing the sky at extremely high energies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Status of the GCT project

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array is the main global project of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy for the coming decades. Performance will be significantly improved relative to present instruments, allowing a new insight into the high-energy Universe [1]. The nominal CTA southern array will include a sub-array of seventy 4 m telescopes spread over a few square kilometers to study the sky at extremely high energies, with the opening of a new window in the multi-TeV energy range. The Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) is one of the proposed telescope designs for that sub-array. The GCT prototype recorded its first Cherenkov light on sky in 2015. After an assessment phase in 2016, new observations have been performed successfully in 2017. The GCT collaboration plans to install its first telescopes and cameras on the CTA site in Chile in 2018-2019 and to contribute a number of telescopes to the subsequent CTA production phase.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, ICRC201