220 research outputs found

    Processing of natural temporal stimuli by macaque retinal ganglion cells

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    This study quantifies the performance of primate retinal ganglion cells in response to natural stimuli. Stimuli were confined to the temporal and chromatic domains and were derived from two contrasting environments, one typically northern European and the other a flower show. The performance of the cells was evaluated by investigating variability of cell responses to repeated stimulus presentations and by comparing measured to model responses. Both analyses yielded a quantity called the coherence rate (in bits per second), which is related to the information rate. Magnocellular (MC) cells yielded coherence rates of up to 100 bits/sec, rates of parvocellular (PC) cells were much lower, and short wavelength (S)-cone-driven ganglion cells yielded intermediate rates. The modeling approach showed that for MC cells, coherence rates were generated almost exclusively by the luminance content of the stimulus. Coherence rates of PC cells were also dominated by achromatic content. This is a consequence of the stimulus structure; luminance varied much more in the natural environment than chromaticity. Only approximately one-sixth of the coherence rate of the PC cells derived from chromatic content, and it was dominated by frequencies below 10 Hz. S-cone-driven ganglion cells also yielded coherence rates dominated by low frequencies. Below 2–3 Hz, PC cell signals contained more power than those of MC cells. Response variation between individual ganglion cells of a particular class was analyzed by constructing generic cells, the properties of which may be relevant for performance higher in the visual system. The approach used here helps define retinal modules useful for studies of higher visual processing of natural stimuli

    Deletion of the Ca2+-activated potassium (BK) alpha-subunit but not the BK-beta-1-subunit leads to progressive hearing loss

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    The large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated potassium (BK) channel has been suggested to play an important role in the signal transduction process of cochlear inner hair cells. BK channels have been shown to be composed of the pore-forming alpha-subunit coexpressed with the auxiliary beta-1-subunit. Analyzing the hearing function and cochlear phenotype of BK channel alpha-(BKalpha–/–) and beta-1-subunit (BKbeta-1–/–) knockout mice, we demonstrate normal hearing function and cochlear structure of BKbeta-1–/– mice. During the first 4 postnatal weeks also, BKalpha–/– mice most surprisingly did not show any obvious hearing deficits. High-frequency hearing loss developed in BKalpha–/– mice only from ca. 8 weeks postnatally onward and was accompanied by a lack of distortion product otoacoustic emissions, suggesting outer hair cell (OHC) dysfunction. Hearing loss was linked to a loss of the KCNQ4 potassium channel in membranes of OHCs in the basal and midbasal cochlear turn, preceding hair cell degeneration and leading to a similar phenotype as elicited by pharmacologic blockade of KCNQ4 channels. Although the actual link between BK gene deletion, loss of KCNQ4 in OHCs, and OHC degeneration requires further investigation, data already suggest human BK-coding slo1 gene mutation as a susceptibility factor for progressive deafness, similar to KCNQ4 potassium channel mutations. © 2004, The National Academy of Sciences. Freely available online through the PNAS open access option

    Fast dynamic color switching in temperature-responsive plasmonic films

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    This research was supported by UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grants EP/G060649/1 and EP/L027151/1 , and ERC grant LINASS 320503 . F.B. thanks the supports from the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Opposing temperature dependence of the stretching response of single PEG and PNiPAM polymers

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    The response of switchable polymer blends and coatings to temperature variation is important for the development of high-performance materials. Although this has been well studied for bulk materials, a proper understanding at the molecular level, in particular for high stretching forces, is still lacking. Here we investigate the molecular details of the temperature-dependent elastic response of two widely used water-soluble polymers, namely, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAM) with a combined approach using atomic force microscopy (AFM) based single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) experiments and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. SMFS became possible by the covalent attachment of long and defined single polymers featuring a functional end group. Most interestingly, varying the temperature produces contrasting effects for PEG and PNiPAM. Surprising as these results might occur at first sight, they can be understood with the help of MD simulations in explicit water. We find that hydration is widely underestimated for the mechanics of macromolecules and that a polymer chain has competing energetic and entropic elastic components. We propose to use the temperature dependence to quantify the energetic behavior for high stretching forces. This fundamental understanding of temperature-dependent single polymer stretching response might lead to innovations like fast switchable polymer blends and coatings with polymer chains that act antagonistically

    Deletion of BDNF in Pax2 Lineage-Derived Interneuron Precursors in the Hindbrain Hampers the Proportion of Excitation/Inhibition, Learning, and Behavior

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    © 2021 Eckert, Marchetta, Manthey, Walter, Jovanovic, Savitska, Singer, Jacob, Rüttiger, Schimmang, Milenkovic, Pilz and Knipper.Numerous studies indicate that deficits in the proper integration or migration of specific GABAergic precursor cells from the subpallium to the cortex can lead to severe cognitive dysfunctions and neurodevelopmental pathogenesis linked to intellectual disabilities. A different set of GABAergic precursors cells that express Pax2 migrate to hindbrain regions, targeting, for example auditory or somatosensory brainstem regions. We demonstrate that the absence of BDNF in Pax2-lineage descendants of BdnfPax2KOs causes severe cognitive disabilities. In BdnfPax2KOs, a normal number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons (PV-INs) was found in the auditory cortex (AC) and hippocampal regions, which went hand in hand with reduced PV-labeling in neuropil domains and elevated activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc/Arg3.1; here: Arc) levels in pyramidal neurons in these same regions. This immaturity in the inhibitory/excitatory balance of the AC and hippocampus was accompanied by elevated LTP, reduced (sound-induced) LTP/LTD adjustment, impaired learning, elevated anxiety, and deficits in social behavior, overall representing an autistic-like phenotype. Reduced tonic inhibitory strength and elevated spontaneous firing rates in dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) brainstem neurons in otherwise nearly normal hearing BdnfPax2KOs suggests that diminished fine-grained auditory-specific brainstem activity has hampered activity-driven integration of inhibitory networks of the AC in functional (hippocampal) circuits. This leads to an inability to scale hippocampal post-synapses during LTP/LTD plasticity. BDNF in Pax2-lineage descendants in lower brain regions should thus be considered as a novel candidate for contributing to the development of brain disorders, including autism.We acknowledge grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeins-chaft FOR 2060 project RU 713/3-2 (WS and LR), GRK 2381 (PM), SPP 1608 RU 316/12-1 (PE and LR), MI 954/3-1 (IM and SJ), KN 316/12-1 (MM and MK), BFU2016-76580-P (TS), and NIH NIMH 1R01MH106623 (MJ)

    Loss of auditory sensitivity from inner hair cell synaptopathy can be centrally compensated in the young but not old brain

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    AbstractA dramatic shift in societal demographics will lead to rapid growth in the number of older people with hearing deficits. Poorer performance in suprathreshold speech understanding and temporal processing with age has been previously linked with progressing inner hair cell (IHC) synaptopathy that precedes age-dependent elevation of auditory thresholds. We compared central sound responsiveness after acoustic trauma in young, middle-aged, and older rats. We demonstrate that IHC synaptopathy progresses from middle age onward and hearing threshold becomes elevated from old age onward. Interestingly, middle-aged animals could centrally compensate for the loss of auditory fiber activity through an increase in late auditory brainstem responses (late auditory brainstem response wave) linked to shortening of central response latencies. In contrast, old animals failed to restore central responsiveness, which correlated with reduced temporal resolution in responding to amplitude changes. These findings may suggest that cochlear IHC synaptopathy with age does not necessarily induce temporal auditory coding deficits, as long as the capacity to generate neuronal gain maintains normal sound-induced central amplitudes

    Loss of the mammal-specific tectorial membrane component CEA cell adhesion molecule 16 (CEACAM16) leads to hearing impairment at low and high frequencies

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    The vertebrate-restricted carcinoembryonic antigen gene family evolves extremely rapidly. Among their widely expressed members, the mammal-specific, secreted CEACAM16 is exceptionally well conserved and specifically expressed in the inner ear. To elucidate a potential auditory function we inactivated murine Ceacam16 by homologous recombination. In young Ceacam16-/- mice the hearing threshold for frequencies below 10 kHz and above 22 kHz was raised. This hearing impairment progressed with age. A similar phenotype is observed in hearing-impaired members of Family 1070 with non-syndromic autosomal dominant hearing loss (DFNA4) who carry a missense mutation in CEACAM16. CEACAM16 was found in interdental and Deiters cells and was deposited in the tectorial membrane of the cochlea between postnatal day 12 and 15, when hearing starts in mice. In cochlear sections of Ceacam16-/- mice tectorial membranes were significantly more often stretched out as compared to wild-type mice where they were mostly contracted and detached from the outer hair cells. Homotypic cell sorting observed after ectopic cell surface expression of the carboxy-terminal immunoglobulin variable-like N2 domain of CEACAM16 indicated that CEACAM16 can interact in trans. Furthermore, Western blot analyses of membrane-bound CEACAM16 under reducing and non-reducing conditions demonstrated oligomerization via unpaired cysteines. Taken together, CEACAM16 probably can form higher order structures with other tectorial membrane proteins such as α-tectorin and β-tectorin and influences the physical properties of the tectorial membrane. Evolution of CEACAM16 might have been an important step for the specialization of the mammalian cochlea allowing hearing over an extended frequency range

    Lower ototoxicity and absence of hidden hearing loss point to gentamicin C1a and apramycin as promising antibiotics for clinical use

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    Trabajo presentado en el 42nd Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Association of Otorhinolaryngology, celebrado en Baltimore (Estados Unidos) del 9 al 13 de febrero de 2019.[Background]: Spread of antimicrobial resistance and shortage of novel antibiotics have led to an urgent need for new antibacterials (Maura et al. 2016, Curr Opin Microbiol 33: 41-46; Tacconelli et al. 2018, Lancet Infect Dis 18: 318-327). Although aminoglycoside antibiotics (AGs) exhibit potent antimicrobial activity, their use has been largely restricted due to serious sideeffects, mainly nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity (Forge and Schacht 2000, Audiol Neurootol 5: 3-22; Huth et al. 2011, Int J Otolaryngol 2011: 937861). It is therefore of great importance to identify AGs of strong antibacterial activity that lack their most harmful side effects.[Methods]: A large number of AGs were tested against a series of multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of the ESKAPE panel; of these, five AGs showing strong antibacterial activity were selected to evaluate their ototoxicity. A stepwise approach was followed, aiming at setting up a protocol that could be used in future high-throughput screenings. In vitro tests were initially conducted by assessing the viability of two established otic cell lines following AG treatment, and subsequently on murine cochlear organotypic cultures, by analysing hair cell survival. In vivo work was then carried out on a guinea pig model, following local round window application of the AGs.[Results]: Commercial gentamicin mixture (GM), the GM congener gentamicin C1a (GM C1a), apramycin (Apra), paromomycin (Paro) and neomycin (Neo) were selected for ototoxicity testing. In vitro analyses confirmed GM and Neo as the most toxic of the tested AGs, and Apra and Paro as those with the lowest toxicity; interestingly, GM C1a appeared to be less toxic than GM. Regarding the in vivo work, a dose-dependent effect of AGs on outer hair cell (OHC) survival and compound action potentials (CAPs) showed that GM C1a and Apra were the least toxic. Strikingly, although no changes were observed in CAP thresholds and OHC survival following treatment with low concentrations of Neo, GM and Paro, the number of inner hair cell (IHC) synaptic ribbons and the CAP amplitudes were reduced. This indication of hidden hearing loss was not observed with GM C1a or Apra at such concentrations.[Conclusion]: These findings have: (a) validated our screening approach, approach that will now be used for high-throughput testing of newly isolated AG congeners, (b) revealed the IHCs as the inner ear’;s most vulnerable element to AG treatment, and (c) identified GM C1a and Apra as promising bases for the development of clinically useful antibiotics

    Gata3 is required for the functional maturation of inner hair cells and their innervation in the mouse cochlea.

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    Key Points: The physiological maturation of auditory hair cells and their innervation requires precise temporal and spatial control of cell differentiation. The transcription factor gata3 is essential for the earliest stages of auditory system development and for survival and synaptogenesis in auditory sensory afferent neurons. We show that during postnatal development in the mouse inner ear gata3 is required for the biophysical maturation, growth and innervation of inner hair cells. In contrast, it is required only for the survival of outer hair cells. Loss of gata3 in inner hair cells causes progressive hearing loss and accounts for at least some of the deafness associated with the human Hypothyroidism, Deafness and Real anomaly (HDR) Syndrome. The results show that gata3 is critical for later stages of mammalian auditory system development where it plays distinct, complementary roles in the coordinated maturation of sensory hair cells and their innervation. Abstract: The zinc finger transcription factor gata3 regulates inner ear development from the formation of the embryonic otic placode. Throughout development, gata3 is expressed dynamically in all the major cochlear cell types. Its role in afferent formation is well established but its possible involvement in hair cell maturation remains unknown. Here, we find that in heterozygous gata3 null mice (gata3+/- ) outer hair cells (OHCs) differentiate normally but their numbers are significantly lower. In contrast, inner hair cells (IHCs) survive normally but they fail to acquire adult basolateral membrane currents, retain pre-hearing current and efferent innervation profiles and have fewer ribbon synapses. Targeted deletion of gata3 driven by otoferlin-cre recombinase (gata3fl/fl otof-cre+/- ) in IHCs does not affect OHCs or the number of IHC afferent synapses but it leads to a failure in IHC maturation comparable to that observed in gata3+/- mice. Auditory brainstem responses in gata3fl/fl otof-cre+/- mice reveal progressive hearing loss that becomes profound by 6-7 months, whilst distortion product otoacoustic emissions are no different to control animals up to this age. Our results, alongside existing data, indicate that gata3 has specific, complementary functions in different cell types during inner ear development and that its continued expression in the sensory epithelium orchestrates critical aspects of physiological development and neural connectivity. Furthermore, our work indicates that hearing loss in human Hypoparathyroidism, Deafness and Renal Anomaly syndrome arises from functional deficits in IHCs as well as to loss of function from OHCs and both afferent and efferent neurons

    Palmitoylation and Membrane Association of the Stress Axis Regulated Insert (STREX) Controls BK Channel Regulation by Protein Kinase C

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    Large-conductance, calcium- and voltage-gated potassium (BK) channels play an important role in cellular excitability by controlling membrane potential and calcium influx. The stress axis regulated exon (STREX) at splice site 2 inverts BK channel regulation by protein kinase A (PKA) from stimulatory to inhibitory. Here we show that palmitoylation of STREX controls BK channel regulation also by protein kinase C (PKC). In contrast to the 50% decrease of maximal channel activity by PKC in the insertless (ZERO) splice variant, STREX channels were completely resistant to PKC. STREX channel mutants in which Ser(700), located between the two regulatory domains of K(+) conductance (RCK) immediately downstream of the STREX insert, was replaced by the phosphomimetic amino acid glutamate (S700E) showed a ∼50% decrease in maximal channel activity, whereas the S700A mutant retained its normal activity. BK channel inhibition by PKC, however, was effectively established when the palmitoylation-mediated membrane-anchor of the STREX insert was removed by either pharmacological inhibition of palmitoyl transferases or site-directed mutagenesis. These findings suggest that STREX confers a conformation on BK channels where PKC fails to phosphorylate and to inhibit channel activity. Importantly, PKA which inhibits channel activity by disassembling the STREX insert from the plasma membrane, allows PKC to further suppress the channel gating independent from voltage and calcium. Our results present an important example for the cross-talk between ion channel palmitoylation and phosphorylation in regulation of cellular excitability
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