323 research outputs found

    Following multi-dimensional Type Ia supernova explosion models to homologous expansion

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    The last years have witnessed a rapid development of three-dimensional models of Type Ia supernova explosions. Consequently, the next step is to evaluate these models under variation of the initial parameters and to compare them with observations. To calculate synthetic lightcurves and spectra from numerical models, it is mandatory to follow the evolution up to homologous expansion. We report on methods to achieve this in our current implementation of multi-dimensional Type Ia supernova explosion models. The novel scheme is thoroughly tested in two dimensions and a simple example of a three-dimensional simulation is presented. We discuss to what degree the assumption of homologous expansion is justified in these models.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, resolution of some figures reduced to meet astro-ph file size restriction, submitted to A&

    Double-detonation supernovae of sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs

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    In the "double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar" model for type Ia supernovae, a carbon-oxygen (C + O) white dwarf accumulates sufficient amounts of helium such that a detonation ignites in that layer before the Chandrasekhar mass is reached. This detonation is thought to trigger a secondary detonation in the C + O core. By means of one- and two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we investigate the robustness of this explosion mechanism for generic 1-M_sun models and analyze its observable predictions. Also a resolution dependence in numerical simulations is analyzed. The propagation of thermonuclear detonation fronts, both in helium and in the carbon-oxygen mixture, is computed by means of both a level-set function and a simplified description for nuclear reactions. The decision whether a secondary detonation is triggered in the white dwarf's core or not is made based on criteria given in the literature. In a parameter study involving different initial flame geometries for He-shell masses of 0.2 and 0.1 M_sun, we find that a secondary detonation ignition is a very robust process. Converging shock waves originating from the detonation in the He shell generate the conditions for a detonation near the center of the white dwarf in most of the cases considered. Finally, we follow the complete evolution of three selected models with 0.2 M_sun of He through the C/O-detonation phase and obtain nickel-masses of about 0.40 to 0.45 M_sun. Although we have not done a complete scan of the possible parameter space, our results show that sub-Chandrasekhar models are not good candidates for normal or sub-luminous type Ia supernovae. The chemical composition of the ejecta features significant amounts of nickel in the outer layers at high expansion velocities, which is inconsistent with near-maximum spectra. (abbreviated)Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, PDFLaTeX, accepted for publication in A&

    Towards an understanding of Type Ia supernovae from a synthesis of theory and observations

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    Motivated by the fact that calibrated light curves of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have become a major tool to determine the expansion history of the Universe, considerable attention has been given to, both, observations and models of these events over the past 15 years. Here, we summarize new observational constraints, address recent progress in modeling Type Ia supernovae by means of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, and discuss several of the still open questions. It will be be shown that the new models have considerable predictive power which allows us to study observable properties such as light curves and spectra without adjustable non-physical parameters. This is a necessary requisite to improve our understanding of the explosion mechanism and to settle the question of the applicability of SNe Ia as distance indicators for cosmology. We explore the capabilities of the models by comparing them with observations and we show how such models can be applied to study the origin of the diversity of SNe Ia.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, Frontiers of Physics, in prin

    Full-star Type Ia supernova explosion models

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    We present full-star simulations of Type Ia supernova explosions on the basis of the standard Chandrasekhar-mass deflagration model. Most simulations so far considered only one spatial octant and assumed mirror symmetry to the other octants. Two full-star models are evolved to homologous expansion and compared with previous single-octant simulations. Therefrom we analyze the effect of abolishing the artificial symmetry constraint on the evolution of the flame surface. It turns out that the development of asymmetries depends on the chosen initial flame configuration. Such asymmetries of the explosion process could possibly contribute to the observed polarization of some Type Ia supernova spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, resolution of some figures reduced to meet astro-ph file size restriction, submitted to A&

    Turbulence in a three-dimensional deflagration model for Type Ia supernovae: I. Scaling properties

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    We analyze the statistical properties of the turbulent velocity field in the deflagration model for Type Ia supernovae. In particular, we consider the question of whether turbulence is isotropic and consistent with the Kolmogorov theory at small length scales. Using numerical data from a high-resolution simulation of a thermonuclear supernova explosion, spectra of the turbulence energy and velocity structure functions are computed. We show that the turbulent velocity field is isotropic at small length scales and follows a scaling law that is consistent with the Kolmogorov theory until most of the nuclear fuel is burned. At length scales greater than a certain characteristic scale, turbulence becomes anisotropic. Here, the radial velocity fluctuations follow the scaling law of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, whereas the angular component still obeys Kolmogorov scaling. In the late phase of the explosion, this characteristic scale drops below the numerical resolution of the simulation. The analysis confirms that a subgrid-scale model for the unresolved turbulence energy is required for the consistent calculation of the flame speed in deflagration models of Type Ia supernovae, and that the assumption of isotropy on these scales is appropriate.Comment: 7 pages with 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    Nucleosynthesis in thermonuclear supernovae with tracers: convergence and variable mass particles

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    Nucleosynthetic yield predictions for multi-dimensional simulations of thermonuclear supernovae generally rely on the tracer particle method to obtain isotopic information of the ejected material for a given supernova simulation. We investigate how many tracer particles are required to determine converged integrated total nucleosynthetic yields. For this purpose, we conduct a resolution study in the number of tracer particles for different hydrodynamical explosion models at fixed spatial resolution. We perform hydrodynamic simulations on a co-expanding Eulerian grid in two dimensions assuming rotational symmetry for both pure deflagration and delayed detonation Type Ia supernova explosions. Within a given explosion model, we vary the number of tracer particles to determine the minimum needed for the method to give a robust prediction of the integrated yields of the most abundant nuclides. For the first time, we relax the usual assumption of constant tracer particle mass and introduce a radially vary- ing distribution of tracer particle masses. We find that the nucleosynthetic yields of the most abundant species (mass fraction > 10E-5) are reasonably well predicted for a tracer number as small as 32 per axis and direction - more or less independent of the explosion model. We conclude that the number of tracer particles that were used in extant published works appear to have been sufficient as far as integrated yields are concerned for the most copiously produced nuclides. Additionally we find that a suitably chosen tracer mass distribution can improve convergence for nuclei produced in the outer layer of the supernova where the constant tracer mass prescription suffers from poor spatial resolution.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Surface detonation in type Ia supernova explosions?

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    We explore the evolution of thermonuclear supernova explosions when the progenitor white dwarf star ignites asymmetrically off-center. Several numerical simulations are carried out in two and three dimensions to test the consequences of different initial flame configurations such as spherical bubbles displaced from the center, more complex deformed configurations, and teardrop-shaped ignitions. The burning bubbles float towards the surface while releasing energy due to the nuclear reactions. If the energy release is too small to gravitationally unbind the star, the ash sweeps around it, once the burning bubble approaches the surface. Collisions in the fuel on the opposite side increase its temperature and density and may -- in some cases -- initiate a detonation wave which will then propagate inward burning the core of the star and leading to a strong explosion. However, for initial setups in two dimensions that seem realistic from pre-ignition evolution, as well as for all three-dimensional simulations the collimation of the surface material is found to be too weak to trigger a detonation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, in: Proceedings of the SciDAC 2006 Meeting, Denver June 25-26 2006, also available at http://herald.iop.org/jpcs46/m51/gbr//link/40

    Delayed detonations in full-star models of Type Ia supernova explosions

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    Aims: We present the first full-star three-dimensional explosion simulations of thermonuclear supernovae including parameterized deflagration-to-detonation transitions that occur once the flame enters the distributed burning regime. Methods: Treating the propagation of both the deflagration and the detonation waves in a common front-tracking approach, the detonation is prevented from crossing ash regions. Results: Our criterion triggers the detonation wave at the outer edge of the deflagration flame and consequently it has to sweep around the complex structure and to compete with expansion. Despite the impeded detonation propagation, the obtained explosions show reasonable agreement with global quantities of observed type Ia supernovae. By igniting the flame in different numbers of kernels around the center of the exploding white dwarf, we set up three different models shifting the emphasis from the deflagration phase to the detonation phase. The resulting explosion energies and iron group element productions cover a large part of the diversity of type Ia supernovae. Conclusions: Flame-driven deflagration-to-detonation transitions, if hypothetical, remain a possibility deserving further investigation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Type Ia supernova diversity: white dwarf central density as a secondary parameter in three-dimensional delayed detonation models

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    Delayed detonations of Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs (WDs) have been very successful in explaining the spectra, light curves, and the width-luminosity relation of spectroscopically normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The ignition of the thermonuclear deflagration flame at the end of the convective carbon "simmering" phase in the core of the WD is still not well understood and much about the ignition kernel distribution remains unknown. Furthermore, the central density at the time of ignition depends on the still uncertain screened carbon fusion reaction rates, the accretion history and cooling time of the progenitor, and the composition. We present the results of twelve high-resolution three-dimensional delayed detonation SN Ia explosion simulations that employ a new criterion to trigger the deflagration to detonation transition (DDT). All simulations trigger our DDT criterion and the resulting delayed detonations unbind the star. We find a trend of increasing iron group element (IGE) production with increasing central density for bright, faint, and intermediate SNe. The total 56Ni yield, however, remains more or less constant, even though increased electron captures at high density result in a decreasing 56Ni mass fraction of the IGE material. We attribute this to an approximate balance of 56Ni producing and destroying effects. The deflagrations that were ignited at higher density initially have a faster growth rate of subgrid-scale turbulence. Hence, the effective flame speed increases faster, which triggers the DDT criterion earlier, at a time when the central density of the expanded star is higher. This leads to an overall increase of IGE production, which off-sets the percental reduction of 56Ni due to neutronization.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS. v2 now includes correct Fig. 6, which was missing from v

    Nucleosynthesis in Two-Dimensional Delayed Detonation Models of Type Ia Supernova Explosions

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    The nucleosynthetic characteristics of various explosion mechanisms of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is explored based on three two-dimensional explosion simulations representing extreme cases: a pure turbulent deflagration, a delayed detonation following an approximately spherical ignition of the initial deflagration, and a delayed detonation arising from a highly asymmetric deflagration ignition. Apart from this initial condition, the deflagration stage is treated in a parameter-free approach. The detonation is initiated when the turbulent burning enters the distributed burning regime. This occurs at densities around 10710^{7} g cm3^{-3} -- relatively low as compared to existing nucleosynthesis studies for one-dimensional spherically symmetric models. The burning in these multidimensional models is different from that in one-dimensional simulations as the detonation wave propagates both into unburned material in the high density region near the center of a white dwarf and into the low density region near the surface. Thus, the resulting yield is a mixture of different explosive burning products, from carbon-burning products at low densities to complete silicon-burning products at the highest densities, as well as electron-capture products synthesized at the deflagration stage. In contrast to the deflagration model, the delayed detonations produce a characteristic layered structure and the yields largely satisfy constraints from Galactic chemical evolution. In the asymmetric delayed detonation model, the region filled with electron capture species (e.g., 58^{58}Ni, 54^{54}Fe) is within a shell, showing a large off-set, above the bulk of 56^{56}Ni distribution, while species produced by the detonation are distributed more spherically (abridged).Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. 15 pages, 14 figures, 4 table