771 research outputs found

    Telling the truth, uniting behind the science - climate coalitions and science's place in society

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    In recent years, a new wave of climate activist groups, such as Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future and the Sunrise Movement have reshaped public debates on climate action. In so doing they refer to scientific evidence. But, how exactly do they understand science’s relationship to society? Drawing on documentary evidence, Simone Rödder argues that the use of evidence by these groups, especially the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), reflects an effective form of science communication, albeit one that leaves hierarchies of scientific knowledge largely intact

    How to predict the future? On niches and potential distributions of amphibians and reptiles in a changing climate

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    The present Ph.D. thesis investigates relationships between variations in large scale climate, niches of amphibians and reptiles and their corresponding geographic distribution patterns. As suggested by several authors, anthropogenic climate change may threaten a large part of the world’s biota. However, our knowledge on processes leading to those threats and our ability to make robust predictions of possible impacts is still limited but pivotal to develop successful management strategies. The aim of the thesis at hand is to narrow some of those knowledge gaps. The results are presented in four sections, each with several complementary chapters focussing on several aspects of the link between macro-climate, species’ environmental niches and their distribution patterns. Each chapter is distinct in the question elucidated and the material and methods used to answere these questions. Section 1 The first section provides a general overview over the current knowledge concerning impacts of climate change on biota, niche concepts, availability of both climate and species occurrence data and the methods used herein. Additionally, potential ‘pitfalls’ when applying environmental niche models or climate envelope models are highlighted, illustrated and discussed using numerous examples. Section 2 This section focuses on the structure of climate niches. Climatic variability within species ranges and habitat choice are analysed and dicussed in the context of natural history properties of the respective species. Chapter 2.1. Climate is suggested to be one major driver shaping species range patterns. Especially species with temperature-dependent sex determination may depend on certain climatic conditions, such as the Slider, Trachemys scripta, from North America. In this chapter, we hypothesise that climatic requirements allowing successful egg incubation and balanced sex ratios in T. scripta are the major driver for the species’ geographic distribution. We tested if the observed variation in monthly mean temperatures at 377 records throughout the native distribution of T. scripta can be used as a predictor for its geographic range. Our study showed that apparently climatic requirements during egg-incubation are the major driver for the species’ geographic distribution. Freezing events during winter may regionally limit the species’ distribution only. Adaptive strategies such as nest site choice by females, plasticity in nesting phenology or regional variation in embryonic temperature sensitivity exist. However, they may account only for partial compensation of negative effects caused by regional differences in temperature related parameters or a changing climate. Chapter 2.2. Recently, several authors observed a climatic mismatch between native and invasive ranges predicted by Climate Envelope Models (CEMs). In chapter 2.2, we address the issue of niche shift in alien invasive species versus variable choice by deriving CEMs based on multiple variable sets. The first selection of predictors aims at representing the physiological limits of a well studied alien invasive Slider. This model was compared to numerous other models based on various subsets of environmental variables or aiming at comprehensiveness. The CEMs aiming to represent the species physiology depicts its worldwide potential distribution better than any of the other approaches. The results indicate that a natural history driven understanding is crucial in developing statistical models of niches while ‘comprehensive’ or ‘standard’ sets of explanatory variables may be of limited use. Chapter 2.3. The use of Climate Envelope Models (CEMs) to predict potential distributions of species is steadily increasing. A necessary assumption is that climatic niches are rather conservative, but recent findings of niche shifts during biological invasion indicate that this assumption is not valid in every case. Selection of predictor variables may be one reason for observed shifts. In chaper 2.3, we assess differences in climatic niches in the native and invaded ranges of the Mediterranean Housegecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) in terms of commonly applied climate variables in CEMs. We analyzed which variables are more conserved versus relaxed (i.e. subject to niche shift). Furthermore, we study the predictive power of different sets of climate variables. We developed models for the Mediterranean region and the conterminous United States (US) using MaxEnt and various subsets of variables out of 19 environmental layers. Occurrence data from the native range in the Mediterranean region were used to predict the introduced range in the US and vice versa. Niche similarity and conservatism per predictor and per set of predictor as assessed using both Hellinger distances and Schoener’s index. Significance of results was tested using null models. My results indicate that the degree of niche similarity and conservatism varied greatly among predictors and variable sets applied. Shifts observed in some variables can be attributed to active habitat selection whereby others apparently reflect background effects. The study was based on comprehensive occurrence data from all regions where Hemidactylus turcicus is present in Europe and North and Central America providing a robust fundament. My results indicate that the degree of niche similarity and conservatism varied greatly among predictors and variable sets applied. These results have important implications for studies of biological invasion, impacts of climate change, and niche evolution. Section 3 This part of the thesis at hand focus on the relative importance of dispersal abilities, accessibility and biotic interactions shaping a species’ realized distribution. Chapter 3.1. Globalization has led to a heightened spread of alien invasive species, which can alter mutualistic relationships, community dynamics, ecosystem function, and resource distributions. They can cause extinctions affecting thereby local and global diversity. Among reptiles two gecko species, Hemidactylus frenatus and Hemidactylus mabouia, have considerably increased their range during the last century. Both have caused already local decimations and extinctions of native species. Records of invasive populations of H. frenatus are known from tropical Asia through Central America and Florida and invasive populations of H. mabouia can be found in Central and Southern Africa as well as in large parts of Central and South America. Only few sympatric populations are known. Herein, we aim to identify areas potentially suitable for the geckos using a climate envelope approach, predict their potential distribution under current conditions and a future climate change scenario, and try to assess why sympatric populations of both geckos are apparently rare. The results presented in chapter 3.1 suggest that climatic suitable areas for both species can be found in nearly all tropical regions. Future projections revealed that the amount of climatic suitable areas will increase for H. frenatus on a global scale, but decrease for H. mabouia. Greatest changes are suggested for South America where further spreading of H. frenatus will be enhanced due to better climatic conditions. In contrast, climatic conditions for H. mabouia will be aggravated here. We conclude that both competitive exclusion and a non equilibrium in the ranges of the species explain the virtual absence of sympatric populations, although the impact of climate on competition success is pending further testing in the field. Chapter 3.2. It was suggested that Climate Envelope Models may be only of limited use if the target species’ range is not predominately limited by unsuitable climate. In chapter 3.2, I test this assumption using the alien invasive anuran Eleutherodactylus coqui as model species. This species is presently distributed in many Caribbean islands and Hawaiian Islands where it causes major ecological and socioeconomic problems, especially evident in the later. I use a maximum entropy ecological niche modeling approach to model the native geographic distribution of this species and to project that model into other potentially threatened areas. The projection results under current climatic conditions suggested high probabilities of occurrence in tropical regions including the Caribbean, Florida, major parts of the Amazon basin and adjacent Andes, the Pantepui region, the Congo basin, and most Asian islands. Using only native records within Puerto Rico for model training my results indicate that the invasive range in the Hawaiian Islands can be predicted with high acurrancy. Projections of potential distributions under future anthropogenic global warming scenarios within the Hawaiian Islands suggest an overall stable potential distribution, but fine scale patterns suggest a possible range allocation towards higher elevations which may affect natural reserves. If the predictive maps are interpreted as depicting invasiveness potential of E. coqui, strategies to prevent further invasion should focus on biosafety measurements within the areas highlighted. Chapter 3.3. In this chapter, the invasive alien Cuban treefrog Osteopilus sepentrionalis native to Cuba, the Bahamas and some adjacent islands was used as an second example for the case that climate is not the predominantly driver of the range. It was accidentally introduced to Florida, Puerto Rico and some Hawaiian islands; it has become predator and competes with native wildlife. In chapter 3.3, we have used a maximum entropy ecological niche modelling approach to model its potential spread derived from present climate conditions as present in its native geographic distribution and we project that model into future climate change scenarios in order to detect new areas that are potentially threatened. Our model applying current climatic conditions suggested high probabilities of occurrence in countries around the Gulf of Mexico. As in chapter 3.2, the results indicate that the invasive range in Florida can be predicted with high acurrancy using only native records within Cuba and the Bahamas for model training if the predictor variables are carefully chosen. Chapter 3.4. Biotic interactions such as competitive exclusion or predation may limit the realized distribution of species in some areas although climatic conditions are well suitable. In chapter 3.4 we assess such a pattern as observed in the Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis). The snake is native to South-East Asia and Australia and has been introduced to Guam. Here it causes major ecological and socioeconomic problems and is considered to belong to the 100 worldwide worst alien invasive species. We use a maximum entropy-based Climate Envelope Model to identify areas outside the species’ known range which worldwide are potentially suitable under current climate. Projections revealed that this invasive alien species potentially occurs in tropical and in part subtropical regions. In the larger vicinity of the snake’s known distribution, highest suitability was found for the Northern Mariana and Hawaiian Islands, Madagascar, New Caledonia and Fiji Islands. However, although most East Asian mainlands and islands are climatically suitable the invasive populations of this species do virtually not exist. The predicted potential distribution is highly coincident with the general distribution of the genus Boiga. Since B. irregularis does not coexist with other members of the genus or other potential competitors in its native range, competitive exclusion may be the best explaination for the observed pattern. Chapter 3.5. Anthropogenic habitat alteration has a strong impact on native biota and can significantly shape distribution patterns. Eleutherodactylus johnstonei, native to the northern lesser Antilles, has established numerous invasive populations at Caribbean islands and the adjacent Central and South American mainland. The species is a highly successful colonizer, but only able to invade anthropogenic disturbed habitats. Here, I use a maximum entropy climate envelope modelling approach to model the geographic distribution of this species and to project that model into other potentially threatened areas. Results obtained from the model are compared with a measure of anthropogenic habitat disturbance (Human Footprint). My results suggest a high probability of occurrence in large parts of southern Central America, at the northern and north-eastern coast of South America, and in the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. The Andean region harbouring a diverse amphibian fauna, which is highly threatened due to anthropogenic habitat alteration, appears to be at highest risk for further spread. If the predictive maps are interpreted as depicting invasiveness potential of E. johnstonei, strategies to prevent further invasion should focus on biosafety measurements within the areas highlighted. Section 4 The focus of the last section are the breadths of climate niches, their evolution and dynamics in space and time. Chapter 4.1. If climate changes a species’ range may shift as a respond. If disprersal limitations exist hampering range shifts, the species’ range may (1) shrink, (2) the species’ niche breadth may be large enough to buffer changing environmental conditions, or (3) the species may adapt to them. In chapter 4.1 we use a gecko endemic to a small island as a case study. Phelsuma parkeri is an endemic gecko species native to the relatively flat island of Pemba (elevational range 0 to Chapter 4.2. The disturbance vicariance hypothesis (DV) has been proposed to explain speciation in Amazonia, especially its edge regions, e.g. in Guianan harlequin frogs (Atelopus) having derived from a cool-adapted Andean/western Amazonian ancestor. In this chapter, in concordance with DV predictions, we expected that: (i) these amphibians display a natural distribution gap in central Amazonia; (ii) east of this gap they constitute a monophyletic lineage which is nested within in a pre-Andean/western clade; (iii) climate envelopes of Atelopus west and east of the distribution gap show some macroclimatic divergence due to regional climate envelope shift; (iv) geographic distributions of climate envelopes of western and eastern Atelopus range into central Amazonia but with limited spatial overlap. We tested if presence and apparent absence data points of Atelopus were homogenously distributed applying Ripley’s K function. A molecular phylogeny (mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene), by application of Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference, was reconstructed to study if Guianan Atelopus constitute a nested clade within a larger genus phylogeny. We focussed on climate envelope divergence and geographic distribution by computing climatic envelope models with MaxEnt based on macroscale bioclimatic parameters and testing them with using Schoener’s index and modified Hellinger distance. All four expectations were corroborated leading us to conclude that DV predictions are well applicable to Amazonian harlequin frogs. We here for the first time draw attention to species’ climate envelope change and assessment in the ongoing debate on diversification and distributions in the Amazon basin and adjacent areas. General conclusions The results of this Ph.D. thesis, while updating our status of knowledge on the link between climate change and corresponding responses of species in terms of changes in their phenology and / or their distribution patterns, hopefully will enhance our ability to understand and probably manage some of the problems arising due to anthropogenic climate change. However, although our qualitative understanding of processes and mechanims causing patterns of species phenology and distribution has been largely extended during the last decades, it is still far from being comprehensive and our ability to make robust quantitative predictions is still very limited

    Information technology investments and impact on the productivity of firms : an empirical analysis in light of the productivity paradox

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    Este trabalho objetivou testar a ocorrĂȘncia do Paradoxo da Produtividade em uma amostra de empresas brasileiras; este Paradoxo estabelece que os acrĂ©scimos nos investimentos em tecnologia da informação nĂŁo sĂŁo acompanhados por acrĂ©scimos na produtividade das empresas. A partir de uma amostra de 429 observaçÔes de 98 empresas brasileiras que, no perĂ­odo de 2000 a 2006, faturaram cerca de US856bilho~eseoperaraminvestimentosemtecnologiadainformac\ca~odeUS 856 bilhĂ”es e operaram investimentos em tecnologia da informação de US 12,9 bilhĂ”es, foi testado um modelo baseado na função de produção de Cobb-Douglas, que apresentou indĂ­cios de que o acrĂ©scimo neste tipo de investimento foi acompanhado de um acrĂ©scimo positivo nas receitas. O trabalho mostrou, ainda, indĂ­cios de que houve eficiĂȘncia marginal nos investimentos em tecnologia da informação e de que a relação entre as receitas e o nĂșmero de funcionĂĄrios empregados em TI alcançou um aparente ponto de saturação. Na anĂĄlise dos resultados foram identificados comportamentos distintos entre os setores analisados e nas conclusĂ”es foram apresentados exemplos de como os resultados poderiam ser aplicados no suporte ao processo decisĂłrio do planejamento de investimentos e de estratĂ©gias de negĂłcios em tecnologia da informação. Este trabalho objetivou testar a ocorrĂȘncia do Paradoxo da Produtividade em uma amostra de empresas brasileiras; este Paradoxo estabelece que os acrĂ©scimos nos investimentos em tecnologia da informação nĂŁo sĂŁo acompanhados por acrĂ©scimos na produtividade das empresas. A partir de uma amostra de 429 observaçÔes de 98 empresas brasileiras que, no perĂ­odo de 2000 a 2006, faturaram cerca de US856bilho~eseoperaraminvestimentosemtecnologiadainformac\ca~odeUS 856 bilhĂ”es e operaram investimentos em tecnologia da informação de US 12,9 bilhĂ”es, foi testado um modelo baseado na função de produção de Cobb-Douglas, que apresentou indĂ­cios de que o acrĂ©scimo neste tipo de investimento foi acompanhado de um acrĂ©scimo positivo nas receitas. O trabalho mostrou, ainda, indĂ­cios de que houve eficiĂȘncia marginal nos investimentos em tecnologia da informação e de que a relação entre as receitas e o nĂșmero de funcionĂĄrios empregados em TI alcançou um aparente ponto de saturação. Na anĂĄlise dos resultados foram identificados comportamentos distintos entre os setores analisados e nas conclusĂ”es foram apresentados exemplos de como os resultados poderiam ser aplicados no suporte ao processo decisĂłrio do planejamento de investimentos e de estratĂ©gias de negĂłcios em tecnologia da informação. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study aimed to investigate the occurrence of the Productivity Paradox of information technology investments in a sample of Brazilian firms. This Paradox establishes that the increase in information technology investments is not accompanied by the increase of firms' productivity. The estimated model was based on the Cobb-Douglas production function and considered a sample of 429 observations of 98 Brazilian firms that had aggregated sales of over US856billionandhadoperatedinformationtechnologyinvestmentsaroundofUS 856 billion and had operated information technology investments around of US 12.9 billion during the period of 2000 to 2006. The estimated model showed evidence that changes in the information technology investments were statistically correlated with changes in productivity gains. In addition, the model showed that there was marginal efficiency in the information technology investments and that the functional relationship between production and the number of employees in information technology reached an apparent saturation point. The empirical results showed different behaviors among analyzed sectors and the findings were presented with examples of how the results could be applied to support information technology investments and business strategy processes

    Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur metaphylaktischen Wirksamkeit von Toltrazuril (5% Suspension) und Diclazuril (2,5% Suspension) gegen die natĂŒrliche Stallkokzidiose des Kalbes

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    Franca Rödder Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur metaphylaktischen Wirksamkeit von Toltrazuril (5% Sus-pension) und Diclazuril (2,5% Suspension) gegen die natĂŒrliche Stallkokzidiose des Kalbes Institut fĂŒr Parasitologie der VeterinĂ€rmedizinischen FakultĂ€t der UniversitĂ€t Leipzig Eingereicht im August 2017 95 Seiten, 4 Abbildungen, 26 Tabellen, 15 Diagramme, 269 Literaturangaben, 4 AnhĂ€nge SchlĂŒsselwörter: Behandlung, Diclazuril, E. bovis, E. zuernii, Kokzidiose, Rind, Toltrazuril, Zeitpunkt Einleitung Die Stallkokzidiose des Rindes, hervorgerufen durch Eimeria bovis und/oder Eimeria zuernii, ist eine global auftretende Jungtiererkrankung,gekennzeichnet durch wĂ€ssrigen bis blutigen Durchfall.Die Krankheit fĂŒhrt zu hohen Verlusten bzw. kann zu irreversiblen Darmschleim-hautschĂ€den fĂŒhren, so dass eine metaphylaktische Behandlung empfohlen wird. Bei KĂ€lbern mit Infektionsexposition wird Tag 14 nach Ein- bzw. Umstallung als optimaler Behand-lungszeitpunkt empfohlen. Unter Praxisbedingungen können davon abweichende Behand-lungszeitpunkte sinnvoll sein. Ziel der Untersuchungen Ziel dieser Dissertation ist die Bewertung der Wirksamkeit einer metaphylaktischen Be-handlung mit Toltrazuril zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten nach dem Umstallen im Vergleich zu einer gleichartigen Behandlung mit Diclazuril und einer scheinbehandelten KontrollÂŹgruppe (Plazebo) in randomisierten, multizentrischen Feldstudien unter Beachtung der Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Tiere, Material und Methoden In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden in zwei Feldstudien insgesamt 342 KĂ€lber in fĂŒnf Betrieben in Deutschland auf natĂŒrliche Stallkokzidiose untersucht und der Infektionsverlauf ĂŒber 56 Tage verfolgt. In allen Studienbetrieben war eine bestehende Kokzidioseproblematik bekannt. Die IntensitĂ€t der Erkrankung und die jeweiligen Hauptpathogene differierten dabei erheblich. In der ersten Studie wurden die Tiere 14 Tage nach dem Einstallen behandelt. In der zweiten Studie fand die Behandlung an ST (Studientag) 1, 7 oder 14 statt. Der Beobachtungszeitraum nach der Behandlung wurde zur Ermittlung der KontinuitĂ€t des Behandlungserfolges in zwei gleich lange Zyklen aufgeteilt. Nach Behandlung an ST 14 waren diese Auswertungszyklen 21 Tage lang und entsprachen damit in etwa jeweils einer PrĂ€patenzzeit von E. bovis und E. zuernii. Nach Behandlung an ST 1 bzw. 7 waren die Auswertungszyklen dementsprechend 24 bzw. 28 Tage lang. Dreimal pro Woche wurden den KĂ€lbern rektal Kotproben entnommen und die Oozysten pro Gramm Kot (OpG) von E. bovis und E. zuernii bestimmt. ZusĂ€tzlichzur Anzahl der Tage mit Oozystenausscheidung (ExtensitĂ€t) wurden die IntensitĂ€t der Oozystenausscheidung, die VerĂ€nderung der Kotkonsistenz, die Gewichtsentwicklung und andere Krankheitssymptome bewertet. Ergebnisse In allen Betrieben traten Kokzidiosen auf. Schwere und Verlauf der Infektion wie auch die jeweils vorherrschende Eimerienspezies waren betriebsspezifisch. In Betrieben ohne KĂ€lber-zuÂŹkauf begann die Oozystenausscheidung etwa drei Wochen nach Umstallung, der Infekti-onsÂŹverlauf war eingipflig. In Mast-Betriebenschieden einigeZukaufkĂ€lber bereits bei Einstal-lung Oozysten aus, andere erst nach etwa drei Wochen. Die Infektion verlief also zweigipflig. Die Behandlung mit Toltrazuril oder Diclazuril nach dem Einstallen reduzierte sowohl Dauer als auch IntensitĂ€t der Oozystenausscheidung, abhĂ€ngig vom Behandlungstag und vom be-triebsspezifischen Infektionsverlauf. In Studie 1 ließ sich nach der empfohlenen Behandlung an ST 14 fĂŒr Toltrazuril eine Überlegenheit in Bezug auf Reduzierung der Oozystenaus-scheidung sowohl gegen Plazebo als auch gegen Diclazuril in beiden Auswertungszyklen signifikant nachweisen (P=0,05). In der zweiten Studie war diese Überlegenheit nicht fĂŒr alle Auswertungshypothesen statistisch nachweisbar, auch nicht fĂŒr Diclazuril vs. Plazebo. Die Behandlung mit Toltrazuril an ST 1 reduzierte die Ausscheidung von E. bovis- und E. zuernii-Oozysten im Vergleich mit der Plazebo- und Diclazurilbehandlung statistisch nicht beweisbar (0,05<P<0,075), bis auf den Vergleich von Toltrazuril vs. Diclazuril im ersten Auswertungs-zyklus fĂŒr E.bovis (P<0,05). Bei Behandlung an ST 7 reduzierte Toltrazuril ĂŒberlegen die Anzahl der Tage mit Oozystenausscheidung im Vergleich zu Plazebo und Diclazuril, bis auf den Vergleich Toltrazuril vs. Plazebo im 2. Zyklus fĂŒr E. bovis. Diese Überlegenheit war fĂŒr 11 von 18 Auswertungshypothesen im Mann-Whitney-U-Test signifikant (P<0,05). Bei dem Vergleich Diclazuril vs. Plazebo zeigte sich Diclazuril sowohl bei Behandlung an ST 1 als auch ST 7 im ersten Auswertungszyklus ĂŒberlegen, nicht jedoch im zweiten ZyÂŹklus. Demzufolge war die Behandlung mit Toltrazuril effektiver und dauerhafter als die Behandlung mit Diclazuril. Es zeigten sich insbesondere im zweiten Auswertungszyklus entsprechende Un-terschiede, vor allem bei Behandlung an ST 1 bzw. ST 7. BezĂŒglich des Durchfallgeschehens konnten zwischen behandelten und scheinbehandelten Gruppen Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Die Behandlung mit Toltrazuril reduzierte zwar die Anzahl der Durchfalltage, meist jedoch nicht signifikant (0,05<P<0,075). Eine Korrelation von Oozystenausscheidung und Durchfall war nicht immer gegeben. Auf die Gewichtsentwicklung der KĂ€lber hatte die Behandlung in diesen Untersuchungen keinen nachweisbaren Einfluss. Schlußfolgerungen In KĂ€lberaufzucht- wie auch Mast-Betrieben ist die durch E.bovis und E.zuernii hervorgeru-fene Stallkokzidiose weit verbreitet, mit betriebsspezifischen Unterschieden hinsichtlich Schwere und zeitlichem Verlauf. Dies spielt eine wichtige Rolle fĂŒr die Behandlung. Sowohl Toltrazuril als auch Diclazuril sind effektive Wirkstoffe gegen die KĂ€lberkokzidiose. Die Be-handlung mit Toltrazuril zeigt jedoch einen Langzeiteffekt, den Diclazuril nicht aufweist. Tolt-razuril ist zurzeit nur fĂŒr die Behandlung von Milchvieh-AufzuchtkĂ€lbern bis 80 kg Körperge-wicht zugelassen, Diclazuril ist ohne EinschrĂ€nkung fĂŒr alle KĂ€lber zugelassen. Da insbe-sondere in Mastbetrieben oft zweigipflige InfekÂŹtionsverlĂ€ufe auftreten, sollte das Behand-lungs-Management den Betriebsbedingungen angepasst werden, was eine ausfĂŒhrliche Anamnese und mehrfache Kotuntersuchungen erfordert und gegebenenfalls eine zweimalige Behandlung verlangt.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS: 1. Einleitung 1 2. LiteraturĂŒbersicht 3 2.1. Taxonomie 3 2.2. Arten, Verbreitung und Bedeutung 3 2.2.1. Arten 3 2.2.2. Verbreitung 4 2.2.3. Bedeutung 5 2.3. Entwicklungszyklus 5 2.3.1. Exzystierung 6 2.3.2. Merogonie 7 2.3.3. Gamogonie 7 2.3.4. Sporogonie 7 2.4. Morphologie der Oozysten 8 2.5. Epidemiologie 9 2.6. Pathogenese und Pathologie 10 2.7. Klinik 12 2.7.1. Formen der Stallkokzidiose 14 2.7.2. ImmunitĂ€t 14 2.8. Diagnostik 16 2.8.1. Kokzidiennachweis im Kot 16 2.8.2. Postmortaler Nachweis 18 2.9. BekĂ€mpfung 18 2.9.1. Medikamente 19 2.9.2. Wirkstoffe und Wirkstoffgruppen 19 Antidiarrhoika 20 Sulfonamide 20 Ionophore 20 Nitrofurane 21 Chinolone 21 Chinazolinonderivate 21 Pyrimidin- und Pyridinderivate 21 Triaiazinderivate 22 Toltrazuril 23 Diclazuril 24 2.9.3. Vakzinierung 25 2.9.4. Hygiene und Desinfektion 25 3. Tiere, Material und Methoden 27 3.1. Studiendesign 27 3.2. Versuchstiere, Haltung und FĂŒtterung 30 3.2.1. Versuchstiere 30 3.2.2. Tiermanagement und -haltung 31 Betriebe 31 Einstallung 31 Haltung 31 FĂŒtterung 32 3.3. Behandlung 33 3.3.1. PrĂŒfprĂ€parat (Investigational Veterinary Product (IVP)) 33 3.3.2. KontrollprĂ€parat (Control Product (CP)) 33 3.3.3. Scheinbehandlung (sham dosing) 33 3.3.4. Begleitmedikation 34 3.3.5. Randomisierung 34 3.3.6. Behandlung 34 3.4. Untersuchungen 35 3.4.1. Kotuntersuchungen 35 Probennahme 35 Bestimmung der Oozystenanzahl (OpG) 35 Kotkonsistenz (faecal score) 36 3.4.2. Lebendmassekontrolle 36 3.4.3. Klinische Untersuchungen 36 AusfĂŒhrliche klinische Untersuchung 36 Kurze klinische Untersuchung 36 Allgemeine GesundheitsĂŒberwachung 37 3.5. Versuchsanzeige 37 3.6. Verbleib der Versuchstiere 37 3.7. Statistik / Auswertung der Wirksamkeit 37 3.7.1. Konfirmative Auswertung 37 3.7.2. Explorative Auswertung 40 Auswertung der Wirksamkeit 40 Auswertung der VertrĂ€glichkeit 40 3.7.3. QualitĂ€tssicherung 40 4. Ergebnisse 41 4.1. Oozystenausscheidung 41 4.1.1. Studie 1, Behandlung an ST 14 41 Anzahl Tage mit Oozystenausscheidung 41 IntensitĂ€t der Oozystenausscheidung 43 E. bovis 43 E. zuernii 44 E. bovis + E. zuernii 45 4.1.2. Studie 2, Behandlung an ST 1, 7 oder 14 46 Anzahl der Tage mit Oozystenausscheidung 46 Behandlung an ST 1 46 Behandlung an ST 7 47 Behandlung an ST 14 48 Maximale Anzahl an Tagen mit Oozystenausscheidung 49 IntensitĂ€t der Oozystenausscheidung 50 4.1.3. Ergebnisse beider Studien 56 4.2. Bewertung der Kotkonsistenz 56 4.2.1. Studie 1 57 Anzahl der Tage mit Durchfall (faecal score >1) 57 4.2.2. Studie 2 59 Anzahl der Durchfalltage (faecal score > 1) 62 4.3. Bewertung des Körpergewichts 66 4.3.1. Studie 1 66 4.4. Körpertemperatur 69 4.5. Allgemeinverhalten 70 4.6. Hautturgor 70 4.7. Allgemeiner Gesundheitsstatus 71 4.8. Sonstige behandlungswĂŒrdige Erkrankungen und Symptome 71 4.9. Krankheitsbedingte AusschlĂŒsse aus der Studie und TodesfĂ€lle wĂ€hrend des Studienverlaufs 72 5. Diskussion 73 6. Zusammenfassung 92 7. Summary 94 8. Literaturverzeichnis 96 9. Anhang 11


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    Wie definieren sich wissenschaftliche Disziplinen und welche Rolle spielen sie in der heutigen Wissenschaft? Dieser Artikel untersucht die verschiedenen AnsÀtze zur Bestimmung und Abgrenzung von Disziplinen und diskutiert ihre Bedeutung in der Wissenschaftsforschung. Dabei werden auch die Wechselwirkungen zwischen WissensbestÀnden und der sozialen Organisation der mit ihnen assoziierten Wissenschaftlergruppen betrachtet. Der Artikel zeigt auf, dass Disziplinen eine relevante Ordnungsstruktur der Wissenschaft sind, jedoch auch als der Erkenntnisproduktion im Weg stehende Grenzen zu werten sind. Hochschulleitungen sollten dazu beitragen, ZeitrÀume zu schaffen, in denen interdisziplinÀre Lehrprojekte stattfinden können. (Herausgeber)How do scientific disciplines define themselves and what role do they play in science today? This article examines the various approaches to defining and delimiting disciplines and discusses their importance in science studies. It also considers the interactions between bodies of knowledge and the social organization of the groups of scientists associated with them. The article shows that disciplines are a relevant organizing structure of science, but they can also be seen as boundaries that stand in the way of knowledge production. University administrators should help to create periods in which interdisciplinary teaching projects can take place. (Editor

    Potential worldwide impacts of sea level rise on coastal-lowland anurans

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Amphibians are the most severely threatened terrestrial vertebrates and we are witnessing a global decline phenomenon, which is even suggested to be of the same level as the historical mass extinctions. Albeit the myriad of causative stressors identified in the last decades, future sea level rise (SLR) and its impact on coastal terrestrial fauna remains essentially unreported. Even if there is no consensus on the magnitude of the future SLR, several studies suggest that it is likely to be greater than previously reported by the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect severe impacts on the coastal terrestrial fauna at a worldwide scale. Here, we assembled a worldwide data set of coastal-lowland anuran species in an attempt to quantify the potential habitat loss caused by flooding according to different SLR scenarios. We also assessed potential habitat suitability under climate change (CC) in order to evaluate its expected effects on species' climatic niches, by building species distribution models for three future scenarios (A2a, A1b and B2a). Our results revealed that SLR has the potential to produce negative impacts on similar to 86% of the selected coastal-lowland species in different magnitudes, whereas CC is expected to produce a greater impact on the same taxa. Thus, species predicted to persist under the new climatic conditions may be exposed to effects associated with SLR. Breaking our results down to biogeographic realms, we found that Australasia harboured most amphibian species suffering the dual impacts of SLR and CC. Based on our results, we advocate for the inclusion of potential future impacts of SLR in conservation action plans, anticipating and preventing biodiversity loss.Amphibians are the most severely threatened terrestrial vertebrates and we are witnessing a global decline phenomenon, which is even suggested to be of the same level as the historical mass extinctions. Albeit the myriad of causative stressors identified12191101CNQP - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)161812/2011-23855/2013- 92011/51694-7405285/2013-2302589/2013-9We thank Rafael Loyola, Jean Vitule, Faraham Ahmadzadeh, Adriele Oliveira, and Guilherme Becker for their suggestions and contributions. ISO is grateful to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq: 161812/2011-2) and Coordenaçã

    A subset of metzincins and related genes constitutes a marker of human solid organ fibrosis

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    Metzincins and functionally related genes play important roles in extracellular matrix remodeling both in healthy and fibrotic conditions. We recently presented a transcriptomic classifier consisting of 19 metzincins and related genes (MARGS) discriminating biopsies from renal transplant patients with or without interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy (IF/TA) by virtue of gene expression measurement (Roedder et al., Am J Transplant 9:517-526, 2009). Here we demonstrate that the same algorithm has diagnostic value in non-transplant solid organ fibrosis. We used publically available microarray datasets of 325 human heart, liver, lung, kidney cortex, and pancreas microarray samples (265 with fibrosis, 60 healthy controls). Expression of nine commonly differentially expressed genes was confirmed by TaqMan low-density arrays (Applied Biosystems, USA) in 50 independent archival tissue specimens with matched histological diagnoses to microarray patients. In separate and in combined, integrated microarray data analyses of five datasets with 325 samples, the previously published MARGS classifier for renal post-transplant IF/TA had a mean AUC of 87% and 82%, respectively. These data demonstrate that the MARGS gene panel classifier not only discriminates IF/TA from normal renal transplant tissue, but also classifies solid organ fibrotic conditions of human pancreas, liver, heart, kidney, and lung tissue samples with high specificity and accuracy, suggesting that the MARGS classifier is a cross-platform, cross-organ classifier of fibrotic conditions of different etiologies when compared to normal tissu

    Zwischen Lernort und Disputationsprobe. Eine empirische Untersuchung von Advisory Panel Meetings in einem strukturierten Promotionsprogramm in der Klimaforschung

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    Seit etwa 25 Jahren werden in Deutschland strukturierte Promotionsprogramme etabliert. Typische Strukturen sind ein Studienprogramm, ein Kursangebot fĂŒr soft skills und die Betreuung durch mehrere Ansprechpartner/-innen in Form von Advisory Panels, die die formale und fachliche QualitĂ€t des Promotionsverlaufs sicherstellen sollen. Besonders in der interdisziplinĂ€ren Ausbildung junger Wissenschaftler/-innen sind solche Modelle beliebt, da sie unterschiedliche disziplinĂ€re Perspektiven in die Betreuung integrieren können. Dieser Text möchte zur Debatte um die strukturierte Promotionsausbildung beitragen, indem erste empirische Ergebnisse einer Langzeitbeobachtung von Promotionspanels in der Klimaforschung prĂ€sentiert werden. Konkret wurden fĂŒnf Doktorand/-innen ĂŒber die Dauer ihrer Promotion begleitet und insbesondere die Treffen ihrer Advisory Panel beobachtet und analysiert. Diese gestalten sich trotz der Vorgabe einer Grundstruktur seitens der Graduiertenschule in der Praxis sehr heterogen, stellen zwischen Lernort und Disputationsprobe relativ undefinierte Formate dar und werden von den Beteiligten mit unterschiedlichen Erwartungen belegt, darunter strategische und Forschungsinteressen der Betreuer/-innen. Die HeterogenitĂ€t der Paneltreffen wird in zwei Dimensionen systematisiert: Einerseits dem GesprĂ€chsverlauf, der sich zwischen beratender Reflexion und prĂŒfender Kontrolle und Krisenintervention aufspannt. Andererseits der Beziehung zwischen Erstbetreuer/-in und Doktorand/-in, die zwischen einer engen, durch eine hohe Betreuungsfrequenz und langjĂ€hrige wissenschaftliche Beziehung gekennzeichneten und einer distanzierten, durch geringe Betreuungsfrequenz charakterisierten Betreuung changiert. Durch Kreuztabellieren der zentralen Dimensionen können vier Typen von Panels identifiziert werden: Das Paneltreffen als Koalition von Betreuer/-in und Doktorand/-in gegenĂŒber dem Panel, als GesprĂ€chsforum eines quasi-individuell Promovierenden, als Investition in zukĂŒnftige Forschung und als erweitertes BetreuungsgesprĂ€ch durch die formale Erstbetreuerin
