406 research outputs found
Hydrogeologic Investigation of a Landfill Site in Washington County, Arkansas
A proposed landfill site near Wheeler, Washington Co., Arkansas, was investigated for its hydrogeologic suitability. The site is located on the highly fractured, cavernous, and cherty Boone Ls. The site is a small upland valley 4500 ft. north of Clear Creek. The valley containing the proposed site is a karst dry valley in which precipitation rapidly infiltrates, recharging the water table and local springs. The water table around the site was mapped to determine the hydraulic gradient and direction of ground-water movement. The water table slopes in a SE direction from the landfill towards Clear Creek with a steep hydraulic gradient of an average 200 ft/mile. Water levels in wells near the site are 17-80 ft. below the surface of the valley. Specific capacity values of 0.54 and 0.94 gpm/ft. and transmissibility values of 257 and 301 gpd/ft were determined from two pumping tests in the unconfined and semi-confined Boone-St. Joe aquifer. These values indicate a relatively high permeability of the aquifer. The cherty soil to be used as a liner is inadequate due to its highly variable permeability. Therefore, the site as designed, is judged unsuitable. One large spring and five wells in the area were monitored for Cl⁻,NO₃⁻¹ and SO⁻² and found uncontaminated according to health standards. Since the Arkansas DPCE has granted permission for the landfill, these same sites will be monitored through time to detect any leachate contamination
Valoración de salud mental en formación de profesores en dos universidades chilenas
This study analyzed the evaluation of professors of pedagogy and directors programs, about the importance of mental health in vocational training, and factors that might influence this valuation. The methodology includes participation of 17 academicians (professors and belonging to the managerial staff) of two universities in southern Chile. A survey with closed and open questions, and in-depth interviews were used to collect information. Data was analyzed using content analysis. The results show that teachers have, mostly, a high personal assessment of the topic ( = 2.8, between 0 and 3). There is, on the other hand, an ambivalent valuation on the part of the institutions; a lack of knowledge and a low conceptual and procedural proficiency of pedagogues, and a low priority as a competence in their training (59% of participants are not aware of the existence of any programs or courses related to this subject). The ambivalence in institutions, its importance as competence in teachers’ training and the consistency with the low priority given to the subject in public policies are discussed.El estudio analizó la valoración de docentes universitarios de pedagogía y directores de carrera respecto a la importancia de la salud mental en la formación profesional analizando, además, los factores que podrían influir en dicha valoración. Dentro de la metodología utilizada se consideró la participación de 17 académicos (docentes y directivos) formadores de profesores de dos instituciones universitarias del sur de Chile. Para la recolección de información se utilizó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas y abiertas y entrevistas en profundidad; se analizó la información mediante análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que los docentes tienen, en su mayoría, una alta valoración personal del tema ( = 2.8, entre 0 y 3), existiendo una valoración ambivalente por parte de las instituciones; bajo conocimiento y dominio conceptual y procedimental, de los pedagogos, y baja prioridad como competencia en su formación (59% desconoce la existencia de asignaturas o programas en la carrera). Se discute acerca de la ambivalencia que presentaría en las instituciones, su importancia como competencia en la formación docente y la consistencia con la escasa importancia dada, en general, al tema a nivel de política pública.El estudio analizó la valoración de docentes universitarios de pedagogía y directores de carrera respecto a la importancia de la salud mental en la formación profesional analizando, además, los factores que podrían influir en dicha valoración. Dentro de la metodología utilizada se consideró la participación de 17 académicos (docentes y directivos) formadores de profesores de dos instituciones universitarias del sur de Chile. Para la recolección de información se utilizó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas y abiertas y entrevistas en profundidad; se analizó la información mediante análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que los docentes tienen, en su mayoría, una alta valoración personal del tema ( = 2.8, entre 0 y 3), existiendo una valoración ambivalente por parte de las instituciones; bajo conocimiento y dominio conceptual y procedimental, de los pedagogos, y baja prioridad como competencia en su formación (59% desconoce la existencia de asignaturas o programas en la carrera). Se discute acerca de la ambivalencia que presentaría en las instituciones, su importancia como competencia en la formación docente y la consistencia con la escasa importancia dada, en general, al tema a nivel de política pública
Efecto del tipo tinta y de las propiedades del papel estucado de alta gama en la calidad de impresión
En los últimos años, el gran desarrollo tecnológico experimentado por el sector de la impresión offset, unido a que cada vez los costes de producción son más ajustados, ha producido un aumento de la exigencia de la calidad del papel. La calidad de impresión de un papel estucado se evalúa mediante la densidad, las coordenadas colorimétricas y el brillo de la impresión. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la influencia de las propiedades del papel estucado y de la tinta sobre las propiedades que definen la calidad de la impresión. Para ello se seleccionaron ocho papeles estucados (5 brillantes y 3 mates) y se determinaron la rugosidad y la energía libre de superficie de los mismos. Posteriormente se imprimieron con cantidades crecientes de tinta en un IGT, con dos tintas de color negro y dos cian. Por último se determinaron la densidad, el brillo y las coordenadas CIELAB de la impresión. La variación de densidad, brillo, L* a* y b* de la impresión con la tinta transferida presenta tendencias similares en todos los papeles, existiendo diferencias en la impresión en función del tipo de tinta. Las propiedades de impresión dependen principalmente de la lisura Bekk y de la componente polar de la energía de superficie
Long-Term Treatment with Citicoline Prevents Cognitive Decline and Predicts a Better Quality of Life after a First Ischemic Stroke
Stroke, as the leading cause of physical disability and cognitive impairment, has a very significant impact on patients' quality of life (QoL). The objective of this study is to know the effect of citicoline treatment in Qol and cognitive performance in the long-term in patients with a first ischemic stroke. This is an open-label, randomized, parallel study of citicoline vs. Usual treatment. All subjects were selected 6 weeks after suffering a first ischemic stroke and randomized into parallel arms. Neuropsychological evaluation was performed at 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years after stroke, and QoL was measured using the EuroQoL-5D questionnaire at 2 years. 163 patients were followed during 2 years. The mean age was 67.5 years-old, and 50.9% were women. Age and absence of citicoline treatment were independent predictors of both utility and poor quality of life. Patients with cognitive impairment had a poorer QoL at 2 years (0.55 vs. 0.66 in utility, p = 0.015). Citicoline treatment improved significantly cognitive status during follow-up (p = 0.005). In conclusion, treatment with long-term citicoline is associated with a better QoL and improves cognitive status 2 years after a first ischemic stroke
First impressions: A survey on vision-based apparent personality trait analysis
© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Personality analysis has been widely studied in psychology, neuropsychology, and signal processing fields, among others. From the past few years, it also became an attractive research area in visual computing. From the computational point of view, by far speech and text have been the most considered cues of information for analyzing personality. However, recently there has been an increasing interest from the computer vision community in analyzing personality from visual data. Recent computer vision approaches are able to accurately analyze human faces, body postures and behaviors, and use these information to infer apparent personality traits. Because of the overwhelming research interest in this topic, and of the potential impact that this sort of methods could have in society, we present in this paper an up-to-date review of existing vision-based approaches for apparent personality trait recognition. We describe seminal and cutting edge works on the subject, discussing and comparing their distinctive features and limitations. Future venues of research in the field are identified and discussed. Furthermore, aspects on the subjectivity in data labeling/evaluation, as well as current datasets and challenges organized to push the research on the field are reviewed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
From the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin: A lithosphere geo-transect across the Iberian Plate
A ~ 1000-km-long lithospheric transect running from the North-Iberian Margin to the Alboran Basin (W-Mediterranean) is investigated. The main goal is to image the changes in the crustal and upper mantle structure occurring in: i) the North-Iberian margin, whose deformation in Alpine times gave rise to the uplift of the Cantabrian Mountains related to Iberia-Eurasia incipient subduction; ii) the Spanish Meseta, characterized by the presence of Cenozoic basins on top of a Variscan basement with weak Alpine deformation in the Central System, and localized Neogene-Quaternary deep volcanism; and iii) the Betic-Alboran system related to Africa-Iberia collision and the roll-back of the Ligurian-Tethyan domain. The modeling approach, combines potential fields, elevation, thermal, seismic, and petrological data under a self-consistent scheme. The crustal structure is mainly constrained by seismic data whereas the upper mantle is constrained by tomographic models. The results highlight the lateral variations in the topography of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB), suggesting a strong lithospheric mantle strain below the Cantabrian and Betic mountain belts. The LAB depth ranges from 180 km beneath the Cantabrian Mountains to 135-110. km beneath Iberia Meseta deepening again to values of 160. km beneath the Betic Cordillera. The Central System, with a mean elevation of 1300. m, has a negligible signature on the LAB depth. We have considered four lithospheric mantle compositions: a predominantly average Phanerozoic in the continental mainland, two more fertile compositions in the Alboran Sea and in the Calatrava Volcanic Province, and a hydrated uppermost mantle in the North-Iberian Margin. These compositional differences allowed us to reproduce the main trends of the geophysical observables as well as the inferred P- and S-wave seismic velocities from tomography models and seismic experiments available in the study transect. The high mean topography of Iberia can be partly consistent with a low-velocity/high-temperature/low-density layer in the sublithospheric mantle.The presented work has been supported by Topo-Iberia Consolider-IngenioCSD2006-0004, GASAM/TopoMed (CGL2008-03474-E/BTE/07-TOPO-EUROPE-FP-006), TECLA (CGL2011-26670) funded by the Spanish Government, and PYRTEC-IP2 (SV-PA-10-03, funded by the Government of Asturias/ESF TOPO-EUROPE Programme) projects. AC benefitted from a JAE-PreCP grant from CSIC. JCA acknowledges the support from ARC GrantDP120102372.Peer Reviewe
Excavaciones en el conjunto megalítico de la Peña Oviedo (Camaleño, Cantabria)
La excavación del conjunto megalítico de la Peña Oviedo, pretende ser el inicio de
un estudio más amplio que aborde de manera global el fenómeno megalítico en las
cue.ncas altas de los ríos Deva y Nansa. El total desconocimiento que se tenía hasta esta
década, no ya del fenómeno megalítico, sino incluso de su existencia en estos valles
montañosos del Occidente de Cantabria hace necesario un estudio que ponga de
manifiesto sus características y las relaciones con las áreas vecinas.The excavation of the megalithic complex of the Peña Oviedo, pretends to be the beginning of a larger study that approaches the megalithic phenomenon in the global
River basins of the Deva and Nansa rivers. The total lack of knowledge of the megalithic phenomenon, but not even of its existence in these mountain valleys of western Cantabria, requires a study that reveals its characteristics and relations with neighboring areas
Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: Analysis of tweets with geolocation
Hate speech against vulnerable groups is acknowledged as a serious problem for integration and respect for the social diversity existing within the territory of the European Union. The growth of this type of discourse has been supported by the expansion of social media, which have been proven to act as a mechanism for the propagation of crimes against targets such as migrants and refugees, one of the main affected groups. That is why we have conducted the first European study of the social acceptance of migrants and refugees by studying the presence of hate speech. The research is based on the perspective of the theories of intergroup contact and mediated intergroup contact. The methodology includes large-scale longitudinal analysis (2015-2020) of online hate speech on Twitter (N=847,978) and its contrast with existing official indicators. The results suggest that personal intergroup contact is positively correlated with the support of the local population towards migrants and refugees but mediated intergroup contact is not correlated with hate speech on Twitter. We found evidence that those regions where the support for foreigners was higher, there was a lower level of hate speech on Twitter. This is an advance in the study of hate speech by territories and can help in the formulation of action strategies
Hate speech and social acceptance of migrants in Europe: analysis of tweets with geolocation // Discurso de odio y aceptación social hacia migrantes en Europa: análisis de tuits con geolocalización
Hate speech against vulnerable groups is acknowledged as a serious problem for integration and respect for the social diversity existing within the territory of the European Union. The growth of this type of discourse has been supported by the expansion of social media, which have been proven to act as a mechanism for the propagation of crimes against targets such as migrants and refugees, one of the main affected groups. That is why we have conducted the first European study of the social acceptance of migrants and refugees by studying the presence of hate speech. The research is based on the perspective of the theories of intergroup contact and mediated intergroup contact. The methodology includes large-scale longitudinal analysis (2015-2020) of online hate speech on Twitter (N=847,978) and its contrast with existing official indicators. The results suggest that personal intergroup contact is positively correlated with the support of the local population towards migrants and refugees but mediated intergroup contact is not correlated with hate speech on Twitter. We found evidence that those regions where the support for foreigners was higher, there was a lower level of hate speech on Twitter. This is an advance in the study of hate speech by territories and can help in the formulation of action strategies
mpMRI-US Fusion-Guided Targeted Cryotherapy in Patients with Primary Localized Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Analysis of Oncological and Functional Outcomes.
Targeted therapy (TT) for prostate cancer (PCa) aims to ablate the malignant lesion with
an adequate margin of safety in order to obtain similar oncological outcomes, but with less toxicity
than radical treatments. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the recurrence rate (RR) in
patients with primary localized PCa undergoing mpMRI/US fusion targeted cryotherapy (FTC). A
secondary objective was to evaluate prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as a predictor of recurrences.
We designed a prospective single-center single-cohort study. Patients with primary localized PCa,
mono or multifocal lesions, PSA 15 ng/mL, and a Gleason score (GS) 4 + 3 undergoing FTC
were enrolled. RR was chosen as the primary outcome. Recurrence was defined as the presence of
clinically significant prostate cancer in the treated areas. PSA values measured at different times were
tested as predictors of recurrence. Continuous variables were assessed with the Bayesian t-test and
categorical assessments with the chix-squared test. Univariate and logistic regression assessment
were used for predictions. A total of 75 cases were included in the study. Ten subjects developed a
recurrence (RR: 15.2%), while fifty-six (84.8%) patients showed a recurrence-free status. A %PSA drop
of 31.5% during the first 12 months after treatment predicted a recurrence with a sensitivity of 53.8%
and a specificity of 79.2%. A PSA drop of 55.3% 12 months after treatment predicted a recurrence
with a sensitivity of 91.7% and a specificity of 51.9%. FTC for primary localized PCa seems to be
associated with a low but not negligible percentage of recurrences. Serum PSA levels may have a role
indicating RR.post-print644 K
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