Hydrogeologic Investigation of a Landfill Site in Washington County, Arkansas


A proposed landfill site near Wheeler, Washington Co., Arkansas, was investigated for its hydrogeologic suitability. The site is located on the highly fractured, cavernous, and cherty Boone Ls. The site is a small upland valley 4500 ft. north of Clear Creek. The valley containing the proposed site is a karst dry valley in which precipitation rapidly infiltrates, recharging the water table and local springs. The water table around the site was mapped to determine the hydraulic gradient and direction of ground-water movement. The water table slopes in a SE direction from the landfill towards Clear Creek with a steep hydraulic gradient of an average 200 ft/mile. Water levels in wells near the site are 17-80 ft. below the surface of the valley. Specific capacity values of 0.54 and 0.94 gpm/ft. and transmissibility values of 257 and 301 gpd/ft were determined from two pumping tests in the unconfined and semi-confined Boone-St. Joe aquifer. These values indicate a relatively high permeability of the aquifer. The cherty soil to be used as a liner is inadequate due to its highly variable permeability. Therefore, the site as designed, is judged unsuitable. One large spring and five wells in the area were monitored for Cl⁻,NO₃⁻¹ and SO⁻² and found uncontaminated according to health standards. Since the Arkansas DPCE has granted permission for the landfill, these same sites will be monitored through time to detect any leachate contamination

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