24 research outputs found


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    The article examines the specificity of the development of creativity of adolescent students in educational musical activities. Various interpretations of the concept of "creativity" in relation to the peculiarities of adolescence of schoolchildren are analyzed. The creative nature of educational musical activity and its connection with the artistic nature of musical art are traced. The influence of problem learning methods, in particular situations of choice in educational musical activity, on development of creativity of adolescent schoolchildren. A specially designed situation of choice puts adolescents in conditions associated with the need to give preference to one of the options, to make an independent conscious choice.          Key words: creativity, adolescence, educational musical activity, problem learning, situation of choice

    Knowledge Driven Phenotyping

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    Extracting patient phenotypes from routinely collected health data (such as Electronic Health Records) requires translating clinically-sound phenotype definitions into queries/computations executable on the underlying data sources by clinical researchers. This requires significant knowledge and skills to deal with heterogeneous and often imperfect data. Translations are time-consuming, error-prone and, most importantly, hard to share and reproduce across different settings. This paper proposes a knowledge driven framework that (1) decouples the specification of phenotype semantics from underlying data sources; (2) can automatically populate and conduct phenotype computations on heterogeneous data spaces. We report preliminary results of deploying this framework on five Scottish health datasets

    A compendium of genetic regulatory effects across pig tissues

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    The Farm Animal Genotype-Tissue Expression (FarmGTEx) project has been established to develop a public resource of genetic regulatory variants in livestock, which is essential for linking genetic polymorphisms to variation in phenotypes, helping fundamental biological discovery and exploitation in animal breeding and human biomedicine. Here we show results from the pilot phase of PigGTEx by processing 5,457 RNA-sequencing and 1,602 whole-genome sequencing samples passing quality control from pigs. We build a pig genotype imputation panel and associate millions of genetic variants with five types of transcriptomic phenotypes in 34 tissues. We evaluate tissue specificity of regulatory effects and elucidate molecular mechanisms of their action using multi-omics data. Leveraging this resource, we decipher regulatory mechanisms underlying 207 pig complex phenotypes and demonstrate the similarity of pigs to humans in gene expression and the genetic regulation behind complex phenotypes, supporting the importance of pigs as a human biomedical model.</p

    Impact of nonoptimal intakes of saturated, polyunsaturated, and trans fat on global burdens of coronary heart disease

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    Background: Saturated fat (SFA), ω‐6 (n‐6) polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), and trans fat (TFA) influence risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), but attributable CHD mortalities by country, age, sex, and time are unclear. Methods and Results: National intakes of SFA, n‐6 PUFA, and TFA were estimated using a Bayesian hierarchical model based on country‐specific dietary surveys; food availability data; and, for TFA, industry reports on fats/oils and packaged foods. Etiologic effects of dietary fats on CHD mortality were derived from meta‐analyses of prospective cohorts and CHD mortality rates from the 2010 Global Burden of Diseases study. Absolute and proportional attributable CHD mortality were computed using a comparative risk assessment framework. In 2010, nonoptimal intakes of n‐6 PUFA, SFA, and TFA were estimated to result in 711 800 (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 680 700–745 000), 250 900 (95% UI 236 900–265 800), and 537 200 (95% UI 517 600–557 000) CHD deaths per year worldwide, accounting for 10.3% (95% UI 9.9%–10.6%), 3.6%, (95% UI 3.5%–3.6%) and 7.7% (95% UI 7.6%–7.9%) of global CHD mortality. Tropical oil–consuming countries were estimated to have the highest proportional n‐6 PUFA– and SFA‐attributable CHD mortality, whereas Egypt, Pakistan, and Canada were estimated to have the highest proportional TFA‐attributable CHD mortality. From 1990 to 2010 globally, the estimated proportional CHD mortality decreased by 9% for insufficient n‐6 PUFA and by 21% for higher SFA, whereas it increased by 4% for higher TFA, with the latter driven by increases in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Conclusions: Nonoptimal intakes of n‐6 PUFA, TFA, and SFA each contribute to significant estimated CHD mortality, with important heterogeneity across countries that informs nation‐specific clinical, public health, and policy priorities.peer-reviewe

    Развитие творчества подростков в изучении музыкальной деятельности

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    The article examines the specificity of the development of creativity of adolescent students in educational musical activities. Various interpretations of the concept of "creativity" in relation to the peculiarities of adolescence of schoolchildren are analyzed. The creative nature of educational musical activity and its connection with the artistic nature of musical art are traced. The influence of problem learning methods, in particular situations of choice in educational musical activity, on development of creativity of adolescent schoolchildren. A specially designed situation of choice puts adolescents in conditions associated with the need to give preference to one of the options, to make an independent conscious choice.У статті досліджується специфіка розвитку творчості Росії учнів-підлітків у навчальній музичній діяльності. Різні тлумачення поняття «творчість» стосовно особливостей с проаналізовано підлітковий вік школярів. Творчий характер о навчальна музична діяльність та її зв'язок з художньою природою с простежується музичне мистецтво. Вплив проблемних методів навчання, в окремі ситуації вибору в навчальній музичній діяльності, на розвиток творчості школярів-підлітків. А спеціально Сформована ситуація вибору ставить підлітків в умови, пов'язані з необхідність віддати перевагу одному з варіантів, зробити самостійний свідомий вибір.В статье исследуется специфика развития творческих способностей.школьники-подростки в учебно-музыкальной деятельности. Различный трактовки понятия «творчество» применительно к особенностям подростковый возраст школьников. Творческий характер образовательная музыкальная деятельность и ее связь с художественной природой музыкальное искусство. Влияние проблемных методов обучения в конкретные ситуации выбора в учебной музыкальной деятельности, на развитие творческих способностей школьников-подростков. Специально спроектированная ситуация выбора ставит подростков в условия, связанные с необходимость отдать предпочтение одному из вариантов, сделать самостоятельный осознанный выбор

    Vocal ensemble: organization and functioning in the musical and educational environment

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    The article deals with the problem of the organization and functioning of a vocal ensemble as a means of developing the performing skills of students of higher educational institutions of a musical and pedagogical profile. The criteriafor the quality of training a future specialist for the effective implementation of his practical activities as a leader of a children's and youth vocal group are indicated. The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation of the content of workon the organization and functioning of the vocal ensemble of students as a way of developing their performing skills. Organization of a vocal ensemble is leadership and work on the functioning of a vocal ensemble as a creative team, the realization of itsneeds. Being an organized social group, the ensemble has a number of features, which include: creative self-development and the desire for creative interaction; increased self-organization and focusУ статті розглянуто проблему організації та функціонування вокального ансамблю як засобу розвитку виконавської майстерності студентів вищих навчальних закладів музично-педагогічного профілю. Зазначено критерії якості підготовки майбутнього спеціаліста для ефективного здійснення його практичної діяльності як керівника дитячо-юнацького вокального гуртка. Метою статті є теоретичне обґрунтування змісту роботи з організації та функціонування вокального ансамблю студентів як способу розвитку їх виконавської майстерності.Організація вокального ансамблю - це керівництво та робота над функціонуванням вокального ансамблю як творчого колективу, реалізацією його потреб. Будучи організованою соціальною групою, ансамбль має ряд особливостей, серед яких: творчий саморозвиток і прагнення до творчої взаємодії; підвищена самоорганізація і цілеспрямованістьВ статье рассматривается проблема организации и функционирования вокального ансамбля как средства развития исполнительского мастерства студентов высших учебных заведений музыкально-педагогического профиля. Указаны критерии качества подготовки будущего специалиста для эффективной реализации его практической деятельности в качестве руководителя детско-юношеского вокального коллектива. Целью статьи является теоретическое обоснование содержания работы по организации и функционированию вокального ансамбля студентов как способа развития их исполнительского мастерства.Организация вокального ансамбля - это руководство и работа над функционированием вокального ансамбля как творческого коллектива, реализация его потребностей. Ансамбль, как организованная социальная группа, обладает рядом особенностей, среди которых: творческое саморазвитие и стремление к творческому взаимодействию; повышенная самоорганизация и сосредоточенност

    Application of the Cobas 4800 System for the Detection of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus in 5650 Asymptomatic Women

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    High-risk papillomavirus (HR-HPV) testing combined with cytology improves the detection of cervical lesions and increases length of screening intervals. For a population-based HR-HPV survey, testing automation is in great need. The Cobas 4800 HPV Test System is a fully automated assay that can simultaneously detect HPV16, HPV18, and other 12 pooled HR-HPV genotypes. This system has been employed for HR-HPV screening in a number of countries; however, such application in a large population in China has not been documented. In this study, we employed the Cobas 4800 HPV Test System to detect HR-HPV in cervical cytology specimens collected from a total of 5650 asymptomatic women from a region of South China. We reported the following: (1) the prevalence of the 14 genotypes of HR-HPV was 12.96%; (2) for those with HR-HPV infection, 2.25% were positive for HPV16, 0.50% for HPV18, 9.15% for pooled 12 HPV types, and 1.06% for multiple HPV infection; and (3) there was no significant difference in the HR-HPV prevalence among different age groups. HPV16 and HPV18 have been shown to be the predominant HPV types found in cervical cancer patients in some regions in China, indicating that a fully automated assay like the Cobas 4800 HPV Test System is especially valuable for population-based HR-HPV screening in these regions as this assay can concurrently detect HPV16 and HPV18