28 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPrarancangan pabrik asam laktat ini menggunakan bahan baku tetes tebu (molasses). Kapasitas produksi pabrik asam laktat ini adalah 4.500 ton/tahun dan kapasitas bahan baku adalah 3.549 ton/tahun dengan hari kerja 330 hari/tahun. Bentuk perusahaan yang direncanakan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan menggunakan metode struktur garis dan staf. Kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk menjalankan perusahaan ini berjumlah 165 orang. Lokasi pabrik ini direncakan didirikan di Desa Kaliboto, Kecamatan Jatiroto, Kabupaten Lumajang, Provinsi Jawa Timur denganluas tanah 160.000 m2. Sumber air pabrik asam laktat ini berasal dari Sungai Jatiroto, Kabupaten Lumajang, Provinsi JawaTimur dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik diperoleh dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) dan Generator dengan daya 8.322 kW. Hasil analisa ekonomi yang diperoleh adalah :a. Fixed Capital Investment= Rp. 1.008.309.144.933b. Working Capital Investment= Rp. 117.936.907.940c. Total Capital Investment= Rp. d. Total Biaya Produksi = Rp. 1.680.265.694.561e. Hasil Penjualan= Rp. 2.314.528.189.316 f. Pay Out Time (POT)= 3 tahun 2 bulang. Break even Point (BEP)= 34,37

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Infusa Biji Buah Langsat (Lansium Domesticum Cor.)terhadap Streptococcus Pneumoniae

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    Latar Belakang: Delapan puluh persen dari populasi di dunia bergantungpada obat yang didapat dari tumbuhan untuk lini pertama pengobatanprimer. Data empiris menunjukan pemanfaatan tanaman langsat salahsatunya sebagai obat antibakteri, terutama disentri. Penelitianmembuktikan ekstrak biji langsat memiliki aktivitas antibakteri melawanbeberapa bakteri patogen saluran cerna seperti Bacillus cereus,Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhii, Escericia coli, dan Vibriocholera namun eksplorasi belum pernah dilakukan terhadap bakteripatogen pada sistem lainnya. Contohnya, Streptococcus pneumoniaeyang menjadi masalah utama kesehatan global karena resistensi danbeban penyakit yang ditimbulkannya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri infusa biji buah langsat (Lansiumdomesticum Cor.) terhadap Streptococcus pneumoniae denganmenentukan nilai konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) dan konsentrasibunuh minimum (KBM) serta mengetahui kandungan metabolit sekunderdidalamnya. Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimentalmurni dengan rancangan postest only control group design. Uji aktivitasantibakteri dilakukan dengan metode dilusi kaldu (makrodilusi) untukmendapatkan KHM yang dilanjutkan dengan subkultur untukmendapatkan KBM. Skrining fitokimia dilakukan dengan uji tabung dengantiga kali pengulangan untuk setiap pemeriksaan. Hasil: KHM dan KBMinfusa biji buah langsat terhadap Streptococcus pneumoniae tidak dapatditentukan potensinya pada penelitian ini. Kandungan metabolit sekunderinfusa biji buah langsat yaitu saponin. Kesimpulan: Infusa biji buahlangsat tidak memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Streptococcuspneumoniae


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    Kemampuan berpikir kritis menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Penggunaan strategi pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dirasa belum tepat dan maksimal hal tersebut mengakibatkan lemahnya kemampuan berpikir kritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji strategi literasi visual dalam pembelajaran seni tari untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Adapun rumusan masalah yang terdapat pada penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa sebelum menggunakan strategi literasi visual dalam pembelajaran seni tari di SMK Sangkuriang 1 Cimahi (2) Bagaimana proses pembelajaran seni tari melalui strategi literasi visual dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa di SMK Sangkuriang 1 Cimahi (3) Bagaimana hasil penerapan strategi literasi visual terhadap peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam pembelajaran seni tari di SMK Sangkuriang 1 Cimahi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimental design dengan one-group pretest–posttest design. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X RPL 2 di SMK Sangkuriang 1 Cimahi dengan jumlah 36 orang. Hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data menggunakan uji t dap diperoleh nilai rata-rata pre-test hanya mndapatkan nilai 71, sedangkan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh pada saat post-test yaitu 87,7. Dengan hasil uji t diperoleh nilai thitung secara keseluruhan yaitu 40,6. Jika thitung > ttabel (40,6 > 1,689), maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran seni tari menggunakan strategi literasi visual cukup signifikan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. ...... Critical thinking ability is a problem in this research. The use of learning strategies carried out by the teacher in improving critical thinking skills is felt to be inappropriate and maximally it results in weak critical thinking skills. This research aims to examine visual literacy strategies in learning dance to improve students critical thinking skills. The formulation of the problems contained in this study are: (1) How students critical thinking skills before using visual literacy strategies in dance art learning in Sangkuriang Vocational High School 1 Cimahi (2) How is the learning process of dance art through visual literacy strategies in improving students' critical thinking skills in Sangkuriang Vocational High School 1 Cimahi (3) How are the results of the application of visual literacy strategies to improve students' critical thinking skills in learning dance art in Sangkuriang Vocational High School 1 Cimahil. The research method used was pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest design. The population and sample of this study were students of class X RPL 2 at Sangkuriang Vocational High School 1 Cimahi with a total of 36 people. The results of the research and data processing using the t test can be obtained by the average value of the pre-test only obtained a value of 71, while the average value obtained at the post-test was 87.7. With the results of the t test, the overall tcount is 40.6. If t count> t table (40,6> 1,689), then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This shows that the learning of dance using visual literacy strategies is quite significant in improving students' critical thinking skills


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of resistance of female characters in the drama script Senandung Dayang Derma by Rina Nazaruddin. The script tells the struggle of Dayang Derma's character to get freedom of speech over the slander that befell her lover Awang Mahmuda. Awang Mahmuda has been slandered to steal his stepfather's money so that his name is bad, and finally left the house. The slander was carried out by Awang Mahbungsu to get Dayang Derma as a prospective wife. Finally, the truth was revealed and Dayang Derma kept promising to hum the truth. Qualitative descriptive literature is the research method used, while literature study and content analysis are data analysis techniques. Borrowing the existentialist feminism theory of Simone de Beauvoir, the resistance of female characters is examined. Existentialist feminism is a study that reveals the efforts and efforts of women's movements in demanding gender equality with men. This movement removes the negative stigma of women who are weak, fragile, and only focus on household matters. The findings show that there are forms of resistance, such as freedom of ideology, courage to demand rights, and fighting negative stigma


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of resistance of female characters in the drama script Senandung Dayang Derma by Rina Nazaruddin. The script tells the struggle of Dayang Derma's character to get freedom of speech over the slander that befell her lover Awang Mahmuda. Awang Mahmuda has been slandered to steal his stepfather's money so that his name is bad, and finally left the house. The slander was carried out by Awang Mahbungsu to get Dayang Derma as a prospective wife. Finally, the truth was revealed and Dayang Derma kept promising to hum the truth. Qualitative descriptive literature is the research method used, while literature study and content analysis are data analysis techniques. Borrowing the existentialist feminism theory of Simone de Beauvoir, the resistance of female characters is examined. Existentialist feminism is a study that reveals the efforts and efforts of women's movements in demanding gender equality with men. This movement removes the negative stigma of women who are weak, fragile, and only focus on household matters. The findings show that there are forms of resistance, such as freedom of ideology, courage to demand rights, and fighting negative stigma


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    This studied aimed developed of Webtoon-Based Comic Taught Materials on Theme 8 Sub-theme 3 I Liked adventure Class III. This studied used Researched and Development (R&D) researched at Batutulis Stated Elementary School 01. The research subjects was students of class III C Batutulis State Elementary School 01 consisted of 28 students, the research conducted in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The instruments used in this study consisted of expert validation sheets and student response questionnaires to webtoon-based comics. Data analysis techniques consisted of qualitative data analysis techniques regarding interview results and quantitative data analysis techniques regarding expert validation results and student responses. The results show that the comics developed were suitable as teaching materials in class III-C SDN Batutulis in learning based on the average value of media expert validation 80.0%, the average validation value of linguists 87.5% and the average validation value. material expert with 92.5% criteria, with very feasible criteria to use. Based on the student response questionnaire of 87.0%, the teaching materials developed can make students understand the material described, feel motivated and happy so that the teaching materials are very suitable to be used in learning theme 8 sub-theme 3 I like adventure


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    This studied aimed developed of Webtoon-Based Comic Taught Materials on Theme 8 Sub-theme 3 I Liked adventure Class III. This studied used Researched and Development (R&D) researched at Batutulis Stated Elementary School 01. The research subjects was students of class III C Batutulis State Elementary School 01 consisted of 28 students, the research conducted in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The instruments used in this study consisted of expert validation sheets and student response questionnaires to webtoon-based comics. Data analysis techniques consisted of qualitative data analysis techniques regarding interview results and quantitative data analysis techniques regarding expert validation results and student responses. The results show that the comics developed were suitable as teaching materials in class III-C SDN Batutulis in learning based on the average value of media expert validation 80.0%, the average validation value of linguists 87.5% and the average validation value. material expert with 92.5% criteria, with very feasible criteria to use. Based on the student response questionnaire of 87.0%, the teaching materials developed can make students understand the material described, feel motivated and happy so that the teaching materials are very suitable to be used in learning theme 8 sub-theme 3 I like adventure

    Upaya Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue dalam Bentuk Peta Tematik di Kecamatan Rappocini

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    Abstract. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue virus infection. One symptom of dengue virus infection is high fever and headache. Dengue virus is a virus from the genus Flavivirus, family of Flaviviridae. This dengue fever is a dangerous viral disease because it can cause sufferers to die in a very short time / several days. The existence and population density are often associated with transmission, endemicity and Extraordinary Events (EE) of DHF. Disease mapping by utilizing digital technology to support epidemiological investigations and also as a tool to monitor regional conditions for dengue disease. The purpose of this study was to determine efforts to prevent and control dengue disease by mapping. The results of the study show that mapping can be seen as increasing and decreasing the number of cases of dengue disease so that it can assist in data management and reporting of information to monitor areas at risk of contracting dengue disease. Suggestions given need to do further research using other variables that are the cause of the high rate of dengue cases, so that it can be utilized by related agencies as the basis of the information system supporting the decision on preventive measures to combat dengue. Keywords: prevention and control, DHF, mapping

    Strategi Keuangan Matriks Sebagai Alat Bantu Keputusan Investasi Dan Pembiayaan

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    This study aims to determine the financial strategy matrix on Myoh Technology Tbk. which consists of Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), Cost of Capital (WACC), and Economic Value Added (EVA). And provide suggestions for aligning corporate strategy in the company's growth with investment and financing decisions, and to determine the appropriate strategies to quadrants where companies are grouped in the context of investment and financing decisions. Determination is the subject of research in 2006 to 2011 Myoh Technology Tbk. Ranking frequent bottom of the five companies went public in the same field in terms of total assets, shareholders' equity, total liabilities and net profit. The results of this study are derived after calculating EVA and cash surplus or defist then grouped into four quadrants according to the financial strategy matrix. In Table quadrant matrix known that. Myoh Technology Tbk. the period 2007-2011, in the year 2007 until the year 2009 entered the fourth quadrant, due to the cash deficit and EVA 0. As well as in 2011 entered the quadrant two, because of a cash surplus and EVA>


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    Beras merupakan bahan pangan utama masyarakat Indonesia. Ketergantungan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap beras masih sangat tinggi. Beras menjadi komoditas pangan yang paling pokok bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beras dalam negeri, Indonesia masih melakukan impor. Berdasarkan data dari BPS 2014 Indonesia tercatat mengimpor sebanyak 60,79 ribu ton beras dari sejumlah negara sepanjang kuartal 2014. Nilai impor beras yang dilakukan Indonesia dalam 3 bulan pertama 2014 mencapai US$26,87 juta. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya upaya diversifikasi pangan lokal untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pangan luar. Salah satunya melalui pembuatan beras analog dari mocaf, Menurut Ratnaningsih (2011), kandungan protein pada mocaf sebesar 1,2% hal ini masih jauh dari kandungan protein beras sebesar 7,13%. Oleh karenanya perlu penambahan tepung koro pedang untuk menambah nilai gizi kandungan protein dan terdapat senyawa antioksidan . Selain itu dalam memperbaiki tekstur, warna dan aroma perlu penambahan tepung jagung, agar produk memiliki sifat fisik dan kimia seperti beras pada umumnya. Pada pembuatan beras analog ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi dan mengkarakterisasi kandungan gizi beras analog campuran dari tepung mocaf, tepung jagung dan tepung koro pedang. Beras analog ini dibuat dalam 5 formulasi dengan perbandingan tepung mocaf : tepung jagung :tepung koro pedang sebesar 50%:40%:10% (F1); 40%:40%:20% (F2); 30%:40%:30% (F3); 20%:40%:40% (F4); 10%:50%:40% (F5) Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu variasi konsentrasi tepung mocaf dan tepung koro pedang . data hasil analisis sensori dilakukan uji statistic analisis variasi (ANOVA). Apabila ada perbedaan yang signifikan antar perlakuan , dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s Multiple Test (DMRT) pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 Kata Kunci : import beras, beras analog, tepung koro pedang, tepung jagung , tepung moca