127 research outputs found

    An analysis of patient-reported outcomes in ixora-s : Comparing ixekizumab and ustekinumab over 52 weeks in moderate-to-severe psoriasis

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    Patient-reported outcomes are valuable for assessing new psoriasis therapies. This study investigated patient-reported outcomes in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis treated with ixekizumab or ustekinumab, dosed according to their respective labels, for 52 weeks (IXORA-S-NCT02561806). Patient-reported outcomes investigated included patient global assessment, pruritus, skin pain, health-related quality of life, and work productivity. Ixekizumab-treated patients reported greater improvements in patient-reported outcomes sooner after treatment compared with ustekinumab-treated patients, and maintained greater improvements in patient global assessment scores (ixekizumab 0.72, ustekinumab 1.19; p < 0.001), rates of Dermatology Life Quality Index (0, 1) (ixekizumab 71.3%, ustekinumab 56.6%, p < 0.01), and 36-item Short-form Health survey physical component summary score change from baseline (ixekizumab 5.53, ustekinumab 3.28; p <0.05) at week 52. While clinically meaningful improvements in patient-reported outcomes resulted with either treatment, ixekizumab provided more rapid improvements in patient-reported outcomes and superior outcomes for some assess-ments through one year of treatment, while maintaining statistically superior improvements in skin severity, as assessed by either physicians or patients

    Revalorisation of chito-oligosaccharides obtained from fishery by-products as natural antimicrobials

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    La quitina es el polímero más común en la Tierra después de la celulosa y se encuentra principalmente en los caparazones de los crustáceos, entre otros. A partir de la quitina se puede obtener como derivado desacetilado el quitosano, con propiedades específicas como su capacidad biocida, que le ha proporcionado múltiples aplicaciones potenciales. No obstante, debido a su baja so-lubilidad, estas aplicaciones están limitadas y cobran especial importancia los quito-oligosacáridos (COS), productos obtenidos a partir del quitosano. Por ello y ante el aumento significativo de los subproductos de la industria pesquera en los últimos años, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la capacidad biocida de diferentes formulaciones desarrolladas a partir de COS extraídos de subproductos de la industria pesquera frente a los principales microorganismos alimentarios, para su revalorización como antimicrobianos naturales. Con dicho fin, se evaluó la capacidad biocida de siete formulaciones siguiendo la norma UNE-EN 1276, frente a distintas especies de hongos y bacterias, mediante el recuento en placa. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que todos los formulados presentaron capacidad biocida frente a los microorganismos estudiados y, en base a ellos, se pudo concluir que el formulado basado en COS3 es el candidato que mayor proyección presenta para el desarrollo de un futuro producto biocida sostenible.Chitin is the most common polymer on Earth after cellulose and it is found mainly in the shells of crustaceans, among others. Chitosan can be obtained from chitin, it is a deacetylated deriva-tive with specific properties such as biocide capacity, which has provided it with many potential applications. However, due to its low solubility these applications are limited and chito-oligosaccharides (COS), products obtained from chitosan, take on special interest. For this reason and before the significant increase in by-products of the fishing industry in recent years, the objective of this project was to evaluate the biocide capacity of different formulations developed from COS extracted from by-products of the fishing industry against the main food microorga-nisms, for their revaluation as natural antimicrobials. For that purpose, the biocide capacity of seven formulations was evaluated by plate count following the UNE-EN 1276 standard, against different species of fungi and bacteria. The results obtained showed that all the formulations pre-sented biocide capacity against the studied microorganisms and, based on them, it was possible to conclude that the formula based on COS3 is the candidate with the greatest projection for the development of a future sustainable biocide product.Ciencias Experimentale

    The prognostic value of multiparameter flow cytometry minimal residual disease assessment in relapsed multiple myeloma

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    Letter to the editor.-- et al.This study was supported by the Cooperative Research Thematic Network grants RD12/0036/0058 of the Red de Cancer (Cancer Network of Excellence); Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS: PI060339; 06/1354; 02/0905; 01/0089/01-02; PS09/01897/01370; G03/136; Sara Borrell: CD13/00340); and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (GCB120981SAN), Spain. The study was also supported internationally by the International Myeloma Foundation Junior Grant Proposal and the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation research fellow award.Peer Reviewe

    Dupilumab improves patient-reported symptoms of atopic dermatitis, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and health-related quality of life in moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis : analysis of pooled data from the randomized trials SOLO 1 and SOLO 2

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) profoundly affects quality of life (QoL). Dupilumab significantly improves clinical outcomes, is well tolerated, and approved to treat inadequately controlled moderate-to-severe AD in adults; however, its effect on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) is not fully characterized. Objective: To evaluate the impact of dupilumab on patient-reported AD symptoms and QoL. Methods: Pooled data were analyzed from two identically designed phase 3 studies, LIBERTY AD SOLO 1 (NCT02277743) and SOLO 2 (NCT02277769), assessing the following PROs: Peak Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Pruritus Categorical Scale, SCORing AD (SCORAD), Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), five-dimension EuroQoL questionnaire (EQ-5D), and patient-assessed disease status and treatment effectiveness. Results: Dupilumab rapidly improved (vs. placebo) Peak Pruritus NRS scores by day 2 (p <.05), anxiety and depression (HADS), and QoL (DLQI) by week 2, and maintained through week 16 (p <.0001). At week 16, more dupilumab-treated than placebo-treated patients reported improvement in SCORAD itch and sleep, and no pain/discomfort (EQ-5D) (p <.0001). Limitations: Cultural differences of translated PROs. Conclusion: Dupilumab had a significant, positive impact on AD symptoms, including itch, sleep, pain, anxiety and depression, and QoL in adults with moderate-to-severe AD.Peer reviewe

    Effect of kaolin silver complex on the control of populations of Brettanomyces and acetic acid bacteria in wine

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    In this work, the effects of kaolin silver complex (KAgC) have been evaluated to replace the use of SO2 for the control of spoilage microorganisms in the winemaking process. The results showed that KAgC at a dose of 1 g/L provided effective control against the development of B. bruxellensis and acetic acid bacteria. In wines artificially contaminated with an initial population of B. bruxellensis at 104 CFU/mL, a concentration proven to produce off flavors in wine, only residual populations of the contaminating yeast remained after 24 days of contact with the additive. Populations of acetic bacteria inoculated into wine at concentrations of 102 and 104 CFU/mL were reduced to negligible levels after 72 h of treatment with KAgC. The antimicrobial effect of KAgC against B. bruxellensis and acetic bacteria was also demonstrated in a wine naturally contaminated by these microorganisms, decreasing their population in a similar way to a chitosan treatment. Related to this effect, wines with KAgC showed lower concentrations of acetic acid and 4-ethyl phenol than wines without KAgC. The silver concentration from KAgC that remained in the finished wines was below the legal limits. These results demonstrated the effectiveness of KAgC to reduce spoilage microorganisms in winemaking.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    T-type calcium channels drive migration/invasion in BRAFV600E melanoma cells through Snail1

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    Melanoma is a malignant tumor derived from melanocytes. Once disseminated, it is usually highly resistant to chemotherapy and is associated with poor prognosis. We have recently reported that T-type calcium channels (TTCCs) are overexpressed in melanoma cells and play an important role in melanoma progression. Importantly, TTCC pharmacological blockers reduce proliferation and deregulate autophagy leading to apoptosis. Here, we analyze the role of autophagy during migration/invasion of melanoma cells. TTCC Cav3.1 and LC3-II proteins are highly expressed in BRAFV600E compared with NRAS mutant melanomas, both in cell lines and biopsies. Chloroquine, pharmacological blockade, or gene silencing of TTCCs inhibit the autophagic flux and impair the migration and invasion capabilities, specifically in BRAFV600E melanoma cells. Snail1 plays an important role in motility and invasion of melanoma cells. We show that Snail1 is strongly expressed in BRAFV600E melanoma cells and patient biopsies, and its expression decreases when autophagy is blocked. These results demonstrate a role of Snail1 during BRAFV600E melanoma progression and strongly suggest that targeting macroautophagy and, particularly TTCCs, might be a good therapeutic strategy to inhibit metastasis of the most common melanoma type (BRAFV600E)

    Long-term benefits of nevirapine-containing regimens: multicenter study with 506 patients, followed-up a median of 9 years

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    [Abstract] OBJECTIVE: To evaluate long-term outcomes in patients maintaining a nevirapine (NVP)-based regimen. METHODS: Retrospective, multicenter, cohort study including patients currently receiving an NVP regimen that had been started at least 5 years previously. Demographic, clinical, and analytical variables were recorded. RESULTS: Median follow-up was 8.9 (5.7-11.3) years. Baseline characteristics: 74% men, 47 years old, 36% drug users, 40% AIDS, 40% HCV+, 51.4% detectable HIV-1 viral load, CD4 count 395 (4-1,421)/μL, 19% CD4 3.37 mmol/L significantly decreased in a subsample with available values. A significant decrease in transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, and Fib4 score was observed, mainly in HCV+ and ARV-naive patients. CONCLUSIONS: In patients who tolerate NVP therapy, (even those with HCV coinfection), long term benefits may be significant in terms of a progressive improvement in general health status markers and CD4 response, a favorable lipid profile, and good liver tolerability

    Signal integration and transcriptional regulation of the inflammatory response mediated by the GM-/MCSF signaling axis in human monocytes

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    In recent years, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) cytokines have been identified as opposing regulators of the inflammatory program. However, the two cytokines are simultaneously present in the inflammatory milieu, and it is not clear how cells integrate these signals. In order to understand the regulatory networks associated with the GM/M-CSF signaling axis, we analyzed DNA methylation in human monocytes. Our results indicate that GM-CSF induces activation of the inflammatory program and extensive DNA methylation changes, while M-CSF-polarized cells are in a less differentiated state. This inflammatory program is mediated via JAK2 associated with the GM-CSF receptor and the downstream extracellular signal-regulated (ERK) signaling. However, PI3K signaling is associated with a negative regulatory loop of the inflammatory program and M-CSF autocrine signaling in GM-CSF-polarized monocytes. Our findings describe the regulatory networks associated with the GM/M-CSF signaling axis and how they contribute to the establishment of the inflammatory program associated with monocyte activation.This work was supported by grants from the Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2013– 2016 ISCIII (Institute of Health Carlos III; PI16/01318, PI17/01244, PI17/ 0119, PI16/1900, and PI19/00184); the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias; the PCTI-Plan de Ciencia, Tecnologı´a e Innovacio´ n 2013-2017 (grant IDI/ 2018/144); FEDER ‘‘Funding Program of the European Union’’; the Red Española de Investigación Renal (REDinREN) (RD16/0009/0020, RD016/0009/002, and RD016/0009/001); the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (ayuda Juan de la Cierva-Incorporaciόn; IJCI-2017-33347 to R.M.R.); and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Contratos Sara Borrell; CD16/00033 to C.H.). CIC bioGUNE support was provided by the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek and Elkartek programs), the Innovation Technology Department of Bizkaia County, the CIBERehd Network, and Spanish MINECO, the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644