681 research outputs found

    Age spreads in clusters and associations: the lithium test

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    We report the evidence that several low-mass stars (<~0.4 Msun) of the Orion and Upper Scorpius clusters have lithium abundances well below the interstellar value. Due to time-dependent depletion, our result implies stellar ages greater than ~5 Myr, suggesting that star formation has been proceeding for a long time in these systems.Comment: to appear in IMF@50: The Initial Mass Function 50 years later, eds. E. Corbelli et al. (Kluwer Acad. Press), 2004, in pres

    Chandra X-ray observation of the HII region Gum 31 in the Carina Nebula complex

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    (abridged) We used the Chandra observatory to perform a deep (70 ksec) X-ray observation of the Gum 31 region and detected 679 X-ray point sources. This extends and complements the X-ray survey of the central Carina nebula regions performed in the Chandra Carina Complex Project. Using deep near-infrared images from our recent VISTA survey of the Carina nebula complex, our Spitzer point-source catalog, and optical archive data, we identify counterparts for 75% of these X-ray sources. Their spatial distribution shows two major concentrations, the central cluster NGC 3324 and a partly embedded cluster in the southern rim of the HII region, but majority of X-ray sources constitute a rather homogeneously distributed population of young stars. Our color-magnitude diagram analysis suggests ages of ~1-2 Myr for the two clusters, whereas the distributed population shows a wider age range up to ~10 Myr. We also identify previously unknown companions to two of the three O-type members of NGC 3324 and detect diffuse X-ray emission in the region. Our results suggests that the observed region contains about 4000 young stars in total. The distributed population is probably part of the widely distributed population of ~ 1-10 Myr old stars, that was identified in the CCCP area. This implies that the global stellar configuration of the Carina nebula complex is a very extended stellar association, in which the (optically prominent) clusters contain only a minority of the stellar population.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. A high quality preprint is available at http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/people/preibisch/publications.htm

    Chandra X-ray observation of the young stellar cluster NGC 3293 in the Carina Nebula Complex

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    We characterize the stellar population of the poorly explored young stellar cluster NGC 3293 at the northwestern periphery of the Carina Nebula Complex, in order to evaluate the cluster age and the mass function, and to test claims of an abnormal IMF and a deficit of M <= 2.5 M_sun stars. We performed a deep (70 ksec) X-ray observation of NGC 3293 with Chandra and detected 1026 individual X-ray point sources. We identify counterparts for 74% of the X-ray sources in deep near-infrared images. Our data clearly show that NGC 3293 hosts a large population of solar-mass stars, refuting claims of a lack of M <= 2.5 M_sun stars. The analysis of the color magnitude diagram suggests an age of ~8-10 Myr for the low-mass population of the cluster. There are at least 511 X-ray detected stars with color magnitude positions that are consistent with young stellar members within 7 arcmin of the cluster center. The number ratio of X-ray detected stars in the 1-2 M_sun range versus the M >= 5 M_sun stars (known from optical spectroscopy) is consistent with the expectation from a normal field initial mass function. Most of the early B-type stars and 20% of the later B-type stars are detected as X-ray sources. Our data shows that NGC 3293 is one of the most populous stellar clusters in the entire Carina Nebula Complex. The cluster probably harbored several O-type stars, whose supernova explosions may have had an important impact on the early evolution of the Carina Nebula Complex.Comment: accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysic

    X-ray view of IC348 in the light of an updated cluster census

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    We study the properties of the coronae of the low-mass stars in the young (~2-3Myr), nearby (~310pc) open cluster IC348 combining X-ray and optical/infrared data. The four existing Chandra observations of IC348 are merged, thus providing a deeper and spatially more complete X-ray view than previous X-ray studies of the cluster. We have compiled a comprehensive catalog of IC348 members taking into account recent updates to the cluster census. Our data collection comprises fundamental stellar parameters, infrared excess indicating the presence of disks, Halpha emission as a tracer of chromospheric emission or accretion and mass accretion rates. We have detected 290 X-ray sources in four merged Chandra exposures, of which 187 are associated with known cluster members. Only four of the X-ray sources are brown dwarfs (spectral type M6 and later). The detection rate is highest for diskless Class III stars and increases with stellar mass. This may be explained with higher X-ray luminosities for higher mass and later evolutionary stage that is evident in the X-ray luminosity functions. In particular, we find that for the lowest examined masses (0.1-0.25 Msun) there is a difference between the X-ray luminosity functions of accreting and non-accreting stars (classified on the basis of their Halpha emission strength) as well as those of disk-bearing and diskless stars (classified on the basis of the slope of the spectral energy distribution). These differences disappear for higher masses. This is related to our finding that the L_x/L_bol ratio is non-constant across the mass/luminosity sequence of IC348 with a decrease towards lower luminosity stars. Our analysis of an analogous stellar sample in the Orion Nebula Cluster suggests that the decline of L_x/L_ bol for young stars at the low-mass end of the stellar sequence is likely universal.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Using Narrow Band Photometry to Detect Young Brown Dwarfs in IC348

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    We report the discovery of a population of young brown dwarf candidates in the open star cluster IC348 and the development of a new spectroscopic classification technique using narrow band photometry. Observations were made using FLITECAM, the First Light Camera for SOFIA, at the 3-m Shane Telescope at Lick Observatory. FLITECAM is a new 1-5 micron camera with an 8 arcmin field of view. Custom narrow band filters were developed to detect absorption features of water vapor (at 1.495 microns) and methane (at 1.66 microns) characteristic of brown dwarfs. These filters enable spectral classification of stars and brown dwarfs without spectroscopy. FLITECAM's narrow and broadband photometry was verified by examining the color-color and color-magnitude characteristics of stars whose spectral type and reddening was known from previous surveys. Using our narrow band filter photometry method, it was possible to identify an object measured with a signal-to-noise ratio of 20 or better to within +/-3 spectral class subtypes for late-type stars. With this technique, very deep images of the central region of IC348 (H ~ 20.0) have identified 18 sources as possible L or T dwarf candidates. Out of these 18, we expect that between 3 - 6 of these objects are statistically likely to be background stars, with the remainder being true low-mass members of the cluster. If confirmed as cluster members then these are very low-mass objects (~5 Mjupiter). We also describe how two additional narrow band filters can improve the contrast between M, L, and T dwarfs as well as provide a means to determine the reddening of an individual object.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal 27 June 200

    ROTSE observations of the young cluster IC 348

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    CCD observations of stars in the young cluster IC 348 were obtained from 2004 August to 2005 January with a 0.45 m ROTSEIIId robotic reflecting telescope at the Turkish National Observatory site, Bakirlitepe, Turkey. The timing analysis of selected stars whose X-Ray counterpart were detected by Chandra X-Ray Observatory were studied. The time series of stars were searched for rotational periodicity by using different period search methods. 35 stars were found to be periodic with periods ranging from 0.74 to 32.3 days. Eighteen of the 35 periodic stars were new detections. Four of the new detections were CTTSs and the others were WTTSs and G type (or unknown spectral class) stars. In this study, we confirmed the stability of rotation periods of TTauri stars. The periods obtained by Cohen et al. and us were different by 1%. We also confirmed the 3.24 h pulsation period of H254 which is a delta Scuti type star as noted by Ripepi et al. but the other periods detected by them were not found. We examined correlation between X-ray luminosity and rotational period of our sample of TTSs. There is a decline in the rotational period with X-ray luminosity for late type TTSs.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Detection of an Inner Gaseous Component in a Herbig Be Star Accretion Disk: Near- and Mid-Infrared Spectrointerferometry and Radiative Transfer modeling of MWC 147

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Astronomical Society via the DOI in this record.We study the geometry and the physical conditions in the inner (AU-scale) circumstellar region around the young Herbig Be star MWC 147 using long-baseline spectrointerferometry in the near-infrared (NIR) K-band, VLTI/AMBER observations, and PTI archive data, as well as the mid-infrared (MIR) N-band, VLTI/MIDI observations. The emission from MWC 147 is clearly resolved and has a characteristic physical size of ~1.3 and ~9 AU at 2.2 and 11 ÎĽm, respectively (Gaussian diameter). The MIR emission reveals asymmetry consistent with a disk structure seen under intermediate inclination. The spectrally dispersed AMBER and MIDI interferograms both show a strong increase in the characteristic size toward longer wavelengths, much steeper than predicted by analytic disk models assuming power-law radial temperature distributions. We model the interferometric data and the spectral energy distribution of MWC 147 with two-dimensional, frequency-dependent radiation transfer simulations. This analysis shows that models of spherical envelopes or passive irradiated Keplerian disks (with vertical or curved puffed-up inner rim) can easily fit the SED, but predict much lower visibilities than observed; the angular size predicted by such models is 2-4 times larger than the size derived from the interferometric data, so these models can clearly be ruled out. Models of a Keplerian disk with optically thick gas emission from an active gaseous disk (inside the dust sublimation zone), however, yield a good fit of the SED and simultaneously reproduce the absolute level and the spectral dependence of the NIR and MIR visibilities. We conclude that the NIR continuum emission from MWC 147 is dominated by accretion luminosity emerging from an optically thick inner gaseous disk, while the MIR emission also contains contributions from the outer, irradiated dust disk.S. K. was supported for this research through a fellowship from the International Max Planck Research School ( IMPRS) for Radio and Infrared Astronomy at the University of Bonn

    Bispectrum speckle interferometry of the massive protostellar outflow source IRAS 23151+5912

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    We present bispectrum speckle interferometry of the massive protostellar object IRAS 23151+5912 in the near-infrared K' band. The reconstructed image shows the diffuse nebulosity north-east of two point-like sources in unprecedented detail. The comparison of our near-infrared image with mm continuum and CO molecular line maps shows that the brighter of the two point sources lies near the center of the mm peak, indicating that it is a high-mass protostar. The nebulosity coincides with the blue-shifted molecular outflow component. The most prominent feature in the nebulosity is a bow-shock-like arc. We assume that this feature is associated with a precessing jet which has created an inward-pointed cone in the swept-up material. We present numerical jet simulations that reproduce this and several other features observed in our speckle image of the nebulosity. Our data also reveal a linear structure connecting the central point source to the extended diffuse nebulosity. This feature may represent the innermost part of a jet that drives the strong molecular outflow (PA ~80 degr) from IRAS 23151+5912. With the aid of radiative transfer calculations, we demonstrate that, in general, the observed inner structures of the circumstellar material surrounding high-mass stars are strongly influenced by the orientation and symmetry of the bipolar cavity.Comment: accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics; preprints with high-resolution images can be obtained from http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/staff/tpreibis/iras23151.htm

    Coronae in the Coronet: A very deep X-ray look into a stellar nursery

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    In order to study the X-ray properties of young stellar objects (YSOs), we analyze an exceptionally sensitive Chandra dataset of the Coronet cluster in the CrA star-forming region, achieving a limiting luminosity of LXmin=5E26 erg/sec for lightly absorbed sources. This dataset represents one of the most sensitive X-ray observations ever obtained of a star-forming region. The X-ray data are used to investigate the membership status of tentative members of the region, to derive plasma temperatures and X-ray luminosities of the YSOs, and to investigate variability on the timescale of several years. 46 of the 92 X-ray sources in the merged Chandra image can be identified with optical or near/mid-infrared counterparts. X-ray emission is detected from all of the previously known optically visible late-type (spectral types G to M) stellar cluster members, from five of the eight brown dwarf candidates, and from nine embedded objects ("protostars") with class 0, class I, or flat-spectrum SEDs in the field of view. While the Herbig Ae/Be stars TY CrA and R CrA, a close companion of the B9e star HD 176386, and the F0e star T CrA are detected, no X-ray emission is found from any of the Herbig-Haro (HH) objects or the protostellar cores without infrared source. We find indications for diffuse X-ray emission near R CrA / IRS 7. The observed X-ray properties of the Coronet YSOs are consistent with coronal activity; no soft spectral components hinting towards X-ray emission from accretion shocks were found. The X-ray emission of the AeBe stars TY CrA and HD 176386 originates probably from close late-type companions. The Ae star R Cra shows a peculiar X-ray spectrum and an extremely hot plasma temperature. Finally, we discuss the differences of the X-ray properties of YSOs in different evolutionary stages.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    ImgLib2-generic image processing in Java

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    Summary: ImgLib2 is an open-source Java library for n-dimensional data representation and manipulation with focus on image processing. It aims at minimizing code duplication by cleanly separating pixel-algebra, data access and data representation in memory. Algorithms can be implemented for classes of pixel types and generic access patterns by which they become independent of the specific dimensionality, pixel type and data representation. ImgLib2 illustrates that an elegant high-level programming interface can be achieved without sacrificing performance. It provides efficient implementations of common data types, storage layouts and algorithms. It is the data model underlying ImageJ2, the KNIME Image Processing toolbox and an increasing number of Fiji-Plugins
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