742 research outputs found

    The Problem of Determinism - Freedom as Self-Determination

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    There are arguments for determinism. Admittedly, this is opposed by the fact of everyday experience of autonomy. In the following, it is argued for the compatibility of determinism and autonomy. Taking up considerations of Donald MacKay, a fatalistic attitude can be refuted as false. Repeatedly, attempts have been made to defend the possibility of autonomy with reference to quantum physical indeterminacy. But its statistical randomness clearly misses the meaning of autonomy. What is decisive, on the other hand, is the possibility of knowledge, which opens up opportunities for planning, freedom of choice and ultimately 'self-choice'. Results of neurobiological research, especially Benjamin Libet's and more recently John-Dylan Haynes', seem to refute this: Actions are unconsciously initiated before conscious decision. But, as Libet has also shown, consciousness always has the possibility of a veto – and thus also of knowledge-driven action control. Ultimately, the idea of possible self-choice can thus become the determining condition. Only such a form of rational self-determination establishes a spiritual identity and at the same time represents the maximum of autonomy possible for human beings

    Math modeling and computer mechanization for real time simulation of rotary-wing aircraft

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    Mathematical modeling and computer mechanization for real time simulation of rotary wing aircraft is discussed. Error analysis in the digital simulation of dynamic systems, such as rotary wing aircraft is described. The method for digital simulation of nonlinearities with discontinuities, such as exist in typical flight control systems and rotor blade hinges, is discussed

    Child sexual abuse and subsequent offending and victimisation: A 45 year follow-up study

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    This study investigates whether a disproportionate number of CSA victims subsequently perpetrate offences and experience future victimisation compared with people who have not been sexually abused. In a sample of 2,759 CSA victims who were abused between 1964 and 1995, it was found CSA victims were almost five times more likely than the general population to be charged with any offence than their non-abused counterparts, with strongest associations found for sexual and violent offences. CSA victims were also more likely to have been victims of crime, particularly crimes of a sexual or violent nature. This research highlights the need for therapeutic interventions targeted at adolescent male CSA victims, particularly with regard to offender treatment programs, where many programs currently do not allow for exploration of offenders’ own sexual victimisation

    Struggling learners of mathematics: An investigation of their learning through reform-based instruction

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    The purpose of this study was to explore mathematics instruction which implements reform-based problems within a traditionally taught classroom and its effect on struggling learners of mathematics. The reform-based problems implemented during the course of this study dealt with area and perimeter concepts at the fifth grade level. For this study, struggling learners of mathematics were defined as students scoring below the 40th percentile on the mathematics subtests of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. The regular classroom teacher taught all lessons during the unit of instruction, while the researcher collected data from students using multiple methods: pretests and posttests, task-based interviews, standardized test scores, classroom observations, and pre and post attitude surveys. Through the pretest and posttests given during the course of this study, the researcher found evidence which connects reading comprehension to mathematical understanding. Students identified as struggling learners of mathematics were more likely to accurately calculate area and perimeter when the dimensions were given as numerals rather than words. Results from this research study show an increase in the struggling learners\u27 understanding of area and perimeter concepts when applied to problem-solving situations. The researcher conducted 10 observations of the fifth grade mathematics classroom. Through these observations, the researcher found the regular classroom teacher conducted mathematics instruction in a similar structure whether using the reform-based problems or a traditional lesson. The classroom teacher was deliberate in organizing each day\u27s instructional time beginning with a review of basic mathematics skills, whole-class discussion of problems and tasks, and individual work or small group exploration. The structure of instructional time, aligned with clear and consistent student expectations gave struggling learners of mathematics opportunities to be successful in learning the concepts of area and perimeter

    Probing the Cosmic Ray density in the inner Galaxy

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    The galactic diffuse γ\gamma-ray emission, as seen by Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), shows a sharp peak in the region around 4 kpc from the Galactic center, which can be interpreted either as due to an enhanced density of cosmic-ray accelerators or to a modification of the particle diffusion in that region. Observations of γ\gamma-rays originating in molecular clouds are a unique tool to infer the cosmic-ray density point by point, in distant regions of the Galaxy. We report here the analysis of 11 yr Fermi-LAT data, obtained in the direction of nine molecular clouds located in the 1.5--4.5 kpc region. The cosmic-ray density measured at the locations of these clouds is compatible with the locally measured one. We demonstrate that the cosmic-ray density gradient inferred from the diffuse gamma-ray emission is the result of the presence of cosmic-ray accelerators rather than a global change of the sea of Galactic cosmic rays due to their propagation

    The "claim to difference" versus the "claim to universalism" - a marginalia on aesthetic education

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    Der Beitrag gibt eine Antwort auf die Kritik von S. Hellekamps und H. U. Musolff in Heft 2/1993. In der Replik wird vor allem die Frage erörtert, ob moralische und ästhetische Erfahrungen/Diskurse in Kontinuität oder in Differenz zueinander stehen, besonders angesichts der Intersubjektivität, die auch für ästhetische Erfahrungen und Urteile geltend gemacht werden kann. Bereits die Beschreibung der Problemlage bereitet allerdings Schwierigkeiten. Sie lassen sich sowohl in den konventionellen Komponenten ästhetischer Bildung wie in ihrer Einbindung in kulturelle Formationen und schulische Curricula, als auch in ihrer Subjektkomponente finden. Es wird vermutet, daß unsere Vokabularien uns derzeit eine "dichte" Erörterung derartiger Fragen erschweren. (DIPF/Text übernommen)The article is written in answer to the critique by S, Hellekamps and H. U. Musolff, published in issue 2/1993. The author discusses above all the question whether the relation between moral and aesthetic experiences/discourses is one of continuity or of difference, especially in view of the intersubjectivity which can also be claimed for aesthetic experiences and judgements. The description of the problem itself already leads to difficulties, some of which are due to the conventional components of aesthetic education and to its integration into school curricula. It seems that, at present, our vocabularies impede a "dense" discussion of such questions. (DIPF/Orig.

    Schopenhauer and beckett : theatre of asceticism

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    It is the central argument of this thesis that the plays Waiting for Godot, Endgame, and Happy Days are Schopenhauerian-informed, Beckettian theatre of asceticism. By proposing this understanding of Beckettian tragedy, this work presents a challenge to the life-affirming reading of Beckettian art presented by Adorno, Cavell, Deleuze, Critchley, and Badiou, for whom Beckett's work exemplifies art's capacity to provide genuine resistance to nihilism. In contrast to the life-affirming interpretation of Beckett's work, I believe the spectator to the performance of these three Beckettian tragedies witnesses something unique in the history of theatre: deliberately generated, self-inflicted physical and mental suffering undertaken with the intention of attaining a painless, will-less, state. Beckett is the first tragedian to stage ascetic practice where, in Schopenhauerian terms, the human intellect refuses the agreeable and, instead, looks for disagreeable in its attempts to break the will. To understand Beckett's contribution to asceticism, it is vital that we understand Beckett's work in relation to Schopenhauer, Beckett's most important ascetic predecessor. In the process of developing his own ascetic method - that of representational deprivation - Beckett utilizes and develops the central aspects of Schopenhauer's philosophical system. By so doing, Beckett incorporates both ascetic and non-ascetic elements of Schopenhauerian philosophy into his own ascetic thought. These non-ascetic elements include Schopenhauer's understanding of the dynamically sublime, the experience of boredom, and the conception of the self as that comprised of willing and knowing subjects. Only by understanding the foundation upon which Beckettian asceticism is built can one then also appreciate the significant development of asceticism that one finds in Beckettian tragedy. On the Beckettian stage, one witnesses the practice of a variety of ascetic methods which focus on inhibiting the body, methods such as self-mortification, fasting, poverty, and celibacy. With a long history of implementation, these ascetic methods may be referred to as 'traditional' asceticism. It is this version of asceticism that Schopenhauer discusses at length in the Fourth Book of The World as Will and Representation. In addition to the depiction of traditional asceticism, Beckett employs the artistic medium of tragedy to display the effectiveness of radical ascetic methods of his own devising. These 'Beckettian' ascetic methods, which operate in conjunction with traditional methods, focus on depriving the will - that perpetually striving aspect of the self (WWR 1: 164-5) - of the knowledge that it requires to strive. In its attempts to attain the will-quieted state of 'nothingness', Beckettian asceticism starves the mind as much as it starves the body

    Communication and language in Niklas Luhmann's systems theory

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    This article investigates the function and reality of language in Niklas Luhmann's systems theory. How can one interpret the systems-theoretical assumption that language is based on communication? Luhmann describes language as a dynamic media/form relationship, which is able to couple the social and psychological system. This structural coupling, which constructs consciousness and language as two autonomous systems, raises problems if one defines language from a cognitive point of view. This article discusses these problems and aims to develop assumptions and questions within the systems-theoretical approach.O presente artigo investiga a função e realidade da linguagem na teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann. Como se pode interpretar a suposição sistêmico-teórica de que a linguagem é baseada na comunicação? Luhmann descreve a linguagem como uma relação dinâmica entre meio e forma, a qual é capaz de ligar o sistema social e psicológico. Essa conexão estrutural, que constroi a consciência e a linguagem como dois sistemas autônomos, gera problemas quando se define a linguagem do ponto de vista cognitivo. Este artigo discute tais problemas e pretende desenvolver suposições e questões a partir da própria abordagem sistêmico-teórica

    The BG News August 10, 1977

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper August 10, 1977. Volume 61 - Issue 126https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4393/thumbnail.jp
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