595 research outputs found


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    Chemical speciation helps define habitability and bioavailability of elements to microbes in extreme environmental conditions such as Yellowstone and Icelandic geothermal systems. Chemical speciation is critical to understanding the system\u27s behavior, including chemical toxicity, environmental fate, and transport. This research presents the description and comparison of the geochemistry and chemical speciation of sixty-four geothermal waters using the EQ3 chemical equilibrium software and the Water-Organic-Rock-Microbe (WORM) Portal. These use values of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, silica, inorganic carbon, major anions and cations, trace elements and gases (CO2, CH4, and H2). The analyzed acidic (pH ~ 1.9) and alkaline (pH ~ 9) water samples ranged from a temperature of ~50°C to slightly superheated. Yellowstone showed higher major anion and cation content compared to Iceland. SO4-2 and Cl- dominated in Yellowstone waters and only SO4-2 in Icelandic waters. On the other hand, Na+ dominated in Yellowstone hot springs and Mg+2 and Ca+2 in Iceland. Results revealed that the aqueous geochemistry is determined by the chemical composition of the host rock, which is mainly rhyolitic in Yellowstone and predominantly basaltic in Iceland. A classification of hot springs in the two sites studied is also shown. These include (1) steam-heated acid waters, (2) chloride or alkaline waters, and (3) mixed waters. The models presented the calculated chemical speciation of the nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon) and of chosen vital and toxic trace elements (aluminum, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, arsenic, antimony, and selenium). These trace elements are used for rock classification, participate as co-factors for enzymes, tend to form ions with charge +2 or oxyanions, or are known toxins. Similar speciation ocurred in Yellowstone and Iceland with respect to pH. Differences in manganese and iron speciation in waters with pH \u3e ~ 6.00 between Yellowstone and Iceland suggested a different aqueous behavior. Also included is the relationship of oxidation and reduction reactions, plus the sum of the presence of carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen gas with respect to microorganisms present in these extreme environments. Finally, the outcomes together provide a framework for aqueous geochemistry that creates a diverse habitat for microbes

    Mestauspäivän aatto – Thomas Moren viimeinen kirje

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    Vuonna 1527 saksalaisen renessanssin huomattavin taidemaalari Hans Holbein maalaa Lontoossa pian 50- vuotiaasta Sir Thomas Moresta vaikuttavan muotokuvan. Holbeinin, myöhemmin Henrik VIII:n hovimaalarin, maine perustuu ennen kaikkea yksinkertaisiin ja selkeisiin, mallia oivaltavan terävästi luonnehtimiin muotokuviin. Tässä öljytyössä ovat Moren pitkänomaiset kasvot, terävä nenä, suljetut huulet, jäntevä leuka ja rauhallisten silmien äärimmäisen keskittynyt katse suuntautuneet katsojan ohi, johonkin näkymättömään. Raskaat kultakäädyt syvänvioletin samettitakin laajaa turkiskaulusta vasten ovat todistamassa hänen asemaansa kuninkaan palveluksessa. Päässään miehellä on barettilakki, paljaissa käsissä pieni, taitettu, valkea kirje

    Upaya Penanggulangan Cyber Crime oleh Kepolisian (Studi di Direktorat Tindak Pidana Siber Badan Reserse dan Kriminal POLRI)

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    Perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Teknologi digunakan untuk menunjang aktivitas manusia sehari-hari. Perkembangan ini pada praktiknya menimbulkan penyalahgunaan teknologi yang terjadi di dunia maya yang disebut cyber crime. Direktorat Tindak Pidana Siber Badan Reserse dan Kriminal Polri (Dittipidsiber) merupakan direktorat yang baru dibentuk kepolisian untuk fokus menanggulangi cyber crime. Berbagai upaya penanggulangan cyber crime yang dilakukan oleh kepolisian melalui Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri diharapkan mampu menanggulangi cyber crime secara tepat dan komprehensif. Penelitian ini memunculkan permasalahan mengenai upaya penanggulangan cyber crime yang dilakukan oleh Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri dan kendala yang dihadapinya dalam menanggulangi cyber crime. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis empiris. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri melakukan upaya penanggulangan cyber crime secara preventif dan represif sesuai dengan koridor kepolisian dan peraturan yang berlaku. Upaya penanggulangan tersebut merupakan kebijakan kriminal, di mana kebijakan kriminal merupakan satu kestuan dari upaya penanggulangan. Kendala dalam menanggulangi cyber crime antara lain karena karakteristik cyber crime yang sulit dalam pengungkapannya, anggaran, sarana dan prasarana, serta kurangnya partisipasi dari masyarakat

    Tourism and Climate Change: Application of the Holiday Climate Index (HCI:Urban) in Spain in the summer months for the mid and late century

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    En las últimas décadas el turismo ha adquirido una importancia cada vez mayor en la economía española. Con 83,5 millones de turistas en 2019, el 11.7% del PIB nacional proviene del sector turístico. El clima es uno de los principales aspectos a tener en cuenta por las personas para elegir un destino turístico. El índice Holiday Climate Index (HCI) es un indicador bioclimático que tiene en cuenta diferentes variables climáticas (temperatura, precipitación, humedad, viento y nubosidad), con el fin de determinar si las condiciones climáticas son adecuadas para las actividades turísticas de carácter urbano. Utilizando el HCI:Urban, se ha analizado la evolución de los niveles de confortabilidad climática para la Península y Baleares (PB) en verano (junio, julio y agosto) para mediados (2041-2060) y finales de siglo (2081-2100) bajo los escenarios climáticos RCP 4.5 y 8.5. Tomando como referencia el periodo 1986-2005, los resultados indican un aumento considerable del confort climático especialmente a finales de siglo en las comunidades autónomas del norte y noroeste del país, donde los valores, alcanzan la calificación de "excelente" (HCI 80-90). Paralelamente, la progresiva pérdida de confort a consecuencia del cambio climático en comunidades autónomas meridionales como Extremadura, Murcia, Andalucía e Islas Baleares, dará lugar a cambios en la distribución espacio-temporal de los flujos turísticos. Pese a que su formulación es susceptible de mejora, los datos proporcionados por el índice HCI:Urban pueden ser útiles en el desarrollo de instrumentos de planificación urbana, facilitando a las autoridades la toma de decisiones en un nuevo contexto turísticoPrograma FPU del Ministerio de Universidades [número de contrato FPU20-04454]

    The Invisible Child. A Comparative Study of Newborn Removal Judgments from a Child Equality Perspective (CEP)

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    We know little about how children are portrayed in care order cases. Using a Child Equality Perspective (cep), which demands the child’s presence in proceedings even for children who are not capable of partaking fully in the decision-making process, we examine a sample of 216 judgments from 8 countries involving 220 infants. Our study reveals that the children remain largely invisible, but with clear country differences. Children’s invisibility constitutes a fundamental obstacle for children being “equal” in the judgments that will shape the child’s future. This invisibility raises concerns about the quality of the judicial decisions about the child’s best interest.publishedVersio

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa melalui Model Number Head Together Berbantuan Mind Mapping

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik melalui pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT (Numbered Head Together) dengan media Mind Mapping pada materi pokok luas bangun datar. Subjek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VI di SDN Beloh Trowulan Mojokerto. Berdasarkan analisis data, secara klasikal menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar peserta didik pada siklus I sebesar 42,50% dan pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan sebesar 40% menjadi 82,50%. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa ketuntasan hasil belajar didik telah tercapai pada siklus II

    International Perspectives on Child-responsive Courts

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    Child friendly justice and access to justice for children are explicit concerns for the European Union, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Council of Europe and the Child Rights International Network. This study examines court systems as child-responsive by eliciting the views of judicial decision makers on child protection cases (n = 1,479) in four legal systems (England, Finland, Norway and the USA (represented by California)), based on an online survey. In this paper, we asked judicial officials who have the authority to make care order decisions how they view the child-friendliness of the courts. We presented them with six statements representing standard features of child responsive courts. Findings show that there is considerable room for improving both structure and practice of the court proceedings, for example the use of child friendly language and child-sensitive time frames. There were variations across states, and some variation across type of decision maker. Implications for the development of education and training about the opportunities for children’s engagement are considered