1,086 research outputs found

    Automation of Production Planning in the Context of Digitalization in the Aspect of Employees Continuing Education

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    This article is devoted to continuing education and analysis of approaches to the study of the production planning automation process in the context of digitalization. The article contains the results of a survey of 40 employees of various industrial enterprises of one of the single-industry towns in the Urals. Employees combine work in the field of production and training at the university in engineering specialties. Respondents are students of evening and correspondence departments of the Ural Polytechnic Institute of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (a branch in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky). The aim of the research is an attempt to show that automation of operational planning of production at an industrial enterprise and the development of a system of personnel’ continuing education are the requirements of the very near future. The authors consider the initial basis the message that the establishment and development of professionalism of employees is possible when creating a system of continuous and advanced education. Theoretical research methods are the analysis of philosophical, managerial, sociological, pedagogical literature on the problem; systematic factual analysis; generalization; classification; and thought experiment. Empirical methods are the study and generalization of practical experience; questioning; qualitative and quantitative analysis of research results. Issues of researching ways to digitalize operational production planning at industrial enterprises are becoming increasingly relevant. The digital transformation of production is considered as a tool for collecting data that will be used to solve the tasks of operational planning of production using smart systems through built-in models and algorithms. The study has fixed that organizations need staff who are able to work in the context of digitalization and automation of the production process. Industrial enterprises create a system of continuous and advanced education. Such a system can function with the successful interaction of universities and enterprises. Employees of industrial enterprises who combine their professional activities with studying at a university are aware of the need to study during their life. Keywords: continuing education, digitalization, automation, workers, production plannin

    Англійська мова для студентів юридичного університету в епоху глобальної культурної та професійної комунікації

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    The article describes peculiarities of teaching English for specific purposes to the law university students under conditions of globalized English-medium communication. Specificity of legal-related activity, which is mostly connected with communication with people, accentuates importance of communicative professional competence and its component – English communicative professional competence. Communivative approach provides simulation of real activities, the skilled teacher should maintain classroom communication stimulating interlocutors to response, to act in the imposed professional situations promoting solution of the cognitive tasks associated with the law subject-matters. Анализируется влияние современного статуса английского языка как средства глобальной коммуникации на изучение иностранного языка в неязыковых вузах, в частности студентами юридического университета. Подчеркивается значение для современного специалиста правовой сферы владения английским языком. Специфика юридических специальностей предполагает общение, что определяет важность коммуникативной профессиональной компетенции, особенно иноязычной профессиональной компетенции. Будущая специальность студента юридического университета определяет содержание обучения английскому языку для специальных целей в рамках современного компетентностного подхода. Розглянуто вплив сучасного статусу англійської мови на особливості викладання іноземної мови в немовних вищих навчальних закладах, зокрема студентам юридичних університетів. У сучасному світі англійська мова стала глобальним засобом міжкультурної та професійної комунікації, що визначає значущість для сучасного фахівця-юриста володіння англійською мовою. Зазначено, що специфіка роботи спеціалістів юридичного профілю пов’язана зі спілкуванням, що визначає важливість комунікативної професійної компетенції, у тому числі – іншомовної. Роль англійської мови як засобу професійної комунікації нині зростає, що мотивує студентів юридичного університету вивчати англійську мову для продовження навчання за партнерськими програмами обміну, магістерськими програмами, а також щоб відповідати вимогам до сучасного правника та конкурентоспроможності і кар’єрного зростання в професійній сфері. Специфіка отримуваної юридичної спеціальності визначає зміст навчання англійської мови, яке здійснюється в межах сучасного компетентнісного підходу і враховує методологічні та дидактичні рекомендації з викладання англійської мови для спеціальних потреб юридичного профілю. Відзначена важливість навчання на автентичному матеріалі, який враховує специфіку фаху, комунікативну спрямованість на професійне спілкування, застосування інноваційних технологій. Надзвичайно важливим в епоху глобалізації культурної та фахової комунікації є професійний розвиток викладачів англійської мови для спеціальних потреб – компетентність щодо сучасної комунікативної методики викладання професійно орієнтованої іноземної мови, організації навчання та застосування інноваційних технологій

    Influence of the C and Mn concentration on the grains size of the Fe-Mn-C alloy

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    In the study of the material, the detailed study of the structure in the initial state is an important task. In the present study was studied the influence of Mn content on the average grain size in the hardened alloys with different carbon concentrations (1. C ∼ 1 wt. %, 2.C ∼ 0.4 wt. %) in the Fe-Mn-C alloys with the addition of alloying elements Cr and V. The grain structure of alloys was studied. It was revealed that after quenching the alloy has regular grain structure. The average grain sizes are within the ranges of 20-45 microns. It is found that in the alloys of the first group (about 1 wt. % C), the grain size decreases with the increased Mn concentration, there is no such relationship in the alloys of the second group (∼ 0.4 wt. % C)

    Hightech as a platform for economic growth

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    Today, the majority of developed jurisdictions vigorously provide instruments for the focused support of the economic sectors and companies, which are able to give a significant positive effect for the whole economy in the nearest perspective. It is particularly true for the fastest-growing companies, which operate in the tech sectors i.e. technology-based gazelle companies. Such companies manufacture unique products, creates new job places for highly qualified staff and intensively export their tech solutions worldwide. Despite overall reduction of the earnings, some technology-based companies demonstrate outstanding flexibility in searching for the new opportunities and markets in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. However, the majority of technologybased gazelle companies rapidly grow out of the thresholds for the small and medium enterprises. In turn, these companies get into the “death valley” in the absence of the focused instruments of the governmental support. At the same time, complex governmental support in the spheres of tax, financing and procurement is able to promote achievement by the certain technology-based gazelle companies of their potential and make them “unicorn” companies with market value over USD 1 billion and even world leaders in their technology sectors. That, in turn, will give a chance for the growth of the Russian economy even in the context of the fall of the prices on energy resources. This article proposes complex and the most relevant measures of the state support for the technology-based gazelle companies, taking into account the foreign experience and Russian peculiarities

    Improvement of innovative forms as a tool for effective development of small business

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    The article deals with the improvement of innovative forms as a tool for effective development of small business and as integral part of innovation in any enterprise, which strives to become market leader. Thus, the article aims at improving innovative forms of small business development based on the presented methodology. In the framework of set goal, it is necessary to consider the concept of small business innovation activity based on scientific approaches. This requires solving the following tasks: Presenting conceptual studies and publications in the innovation field; Considering the dynamics of small business innovation in the national economy as well as innovative activity of small business entities; Studying the dynamics of the global innovation index as well as the strengths and weaknesses of innovations in small business in Russia for 2016; By giving the recommendations for practical application and further improvement of innovative forms as a tool for effective development of small business, by involving the use of innovative state institutions.peer-reviewe

    Trace Element Content in the Soils of the Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia

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    This research is based on local monitoring in 1994-2018 on reference plots of agricultural lands and materials of a large-scale agrochemical survey. The research examined the soils of the forest-steppe zone of the Omsk Region: ordinary chernozem low-power low-humus heavy loamy soil; meadow-chernozem medium-thick medium-humus heavy loamy soil; and solonetz meadow chernozemic deep low humus clay soil. It was found that almost the entire surveyed area of arable land in the forest-steppe zone of the Omsk Irtysh Land (98.1 %) had low mobile zinc availability with an average level of 0.85 mg/kg. 41.1% of arable land had low mobile manganese availability, 41.3% had medium and 17.6% had high availability; the weighted average was 13.0 mg/kg. Most of the arable land was characterized by a low degree of mobile copper content security (81.2%), while 18.3% of the land had soil with an average content, and only 0.5% of the land had high mobile copper content. The average concentration was 20.0 mg/kg. The soil levels of mobile molybdenum availability wereas follows: 71.6% of land had medium availability, 26.5% had high, and only 1.9% had low; the weighted average concentration was 0.20 mg/kg. All soils had a high degree of mobile forms of boron, while the weighted average was 2.69 mg/kg of soil. 67.8% of the area had low mobile cobalt availability, 31.6% had average availability, and 0.5 % had high availability, with an average concentration of 0.16 mg/kg in the zone. The reference plots did not differ in terms of their content of mobile zinc, copper, and cobalt, ordinary chernozems, meadow chernozem soils, and deep solonetz. Movable connections of molybdenum, manganese, and boron in ordinary chernozem were lower than in meadow chernozem soil, and the maximum ones were observed in solonetz meadow chernozemic deep. Keywords: trace elements, content, soil, survey, dynamics, Omsk regio

    Sequel as A Type of Metatext Practice: Philosophical Perspective

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    The article considers the phenomenon of the sequel as a type of metatext practice and as an integral component in the chain of knowledge transfer. The reproducibility of the original text is thus correlated with "unlimited" semiosis / interpretation. The phenomenon of metatext is closely related to the functioning of secondary texts, since any metatext belongs to the category of secondary texts. By secondary, we mean text created as a result of processing the original, primary text.The sequel acts as a secondary text, and the text that interprets the main text. The relevance of the research, therefore, is related to such philosophical and linguistic problems as reference and interpretation. The popularity of sequels written by modern authors to Jane Austen's novels can be seen as a particular manifestation of the general "fashion" for secondariness. Consciously or not, modern "successors" of her novels tend to repeat her style, even if they simply borrow the characters and plot of the novels. Within the framework of semiotics, the sequel can be considered as a "sign" that displays its referent - the novels of Austen. However (from the point of view of stylistics), the sequel cannot be an exact copy of its original, since it is invariably created in other socio-cultural conditions. A sequel as a sign can display its referent (novel) in three main types: index, icon, symbol, and their combinations. Thus, the article analyzes each of the ways of display and concludes that it is impossible to symbolically reflect the proto-text on the example of the novel "Pride and prejudice" and its sequels written by contemporary authors. One of the results of the work is the assumption that the ontological status of the new "possible world" in the sequel and therefore its communicative success, are in direct correlation with the way of referential representation of the original

    Research of diesel fuels dewaxing process via mathematical model

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    The aim of the work is to carry out the research of diesel fuels dewaxing process. The study is based on fundamental mathematical model of the process, which takes into account poisoning of the metal centers and acid sites due to coking. Formed mathematical model was implemented for monitoring calculation with the aim of improving the efficiency of dewaxing catalyst loaded to the industrial reactor. Three operational modes were recorded for dewaxing unit. Optimization calculation of temperature at summer mode revealed that temperature in the dewaxing reactor could be decreased to 325°C without fuel quality loss

    Digital fears experienced by young people in the age of technoscience

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    With the advance of technoscience, digital technologies have started to reshape the traditional array of social fears experienced by younger generations by triggering the appearance of new, digital fears. In this article, we undertake a sociological analysis to investigate the concept of digital fears both theoretically and empirically. Our survey conducted among Russian young people aged 18-30 in 2020 (N = 1050, Sverdlovsk region, Russian Federation) showed that fear is a distinctive characteristic of the social well-being of this generation. Moreover, fear tends to become more pronounced both quantitatively (i.e., the frequency of emergence) and qualitatively (i.e. the emergence of new types). The identified digital fears of young people allowed us to draw their typology. Depending on the specifics of digital threat, the following types were distinguished: those associated with impact and control, crime and security, communication and activity, technology and innovation, and social inequality. We show that the expanding range of social fears leads to the formation of catastrophic thinking in young people, thereby affecting the level of social well-being and distorting the image of the future